10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of June 2019

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Gaming is a weird world and every month we put together all the weirdest stories we find hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks weird gaming stories of June 2019 coming in at number 10 according to a Russian official the Metal Gear video game series developed in Japan by Konami and up until Metal Gear survived by visionary director Hideo Kojima is actually secretly a weapon used by Hugh s intelligence agencies to manipulate the public into protesting against the authorities this is according to Deputy Defense Minister Andre Carter pilaf now I'm making the assumption he's talking about Metal Gear Solid 2 which came out in 2002 in which some people were Russian in the first part of the game and it really didn't matter a lot in fact it was the United States that was the bad guy yet generally Metal Gear Solid is just against basically everything but most specifically the fact that it is probably most specifically against the US government and the war machine makes this not a very credible idea by this person now of course Metal Gear is fictional so things are a bit exaggerated anyway the defense minister told the Moscow Times that Metal Gear is part of a weapons program to discredit Russia's civilized state cultural ideology and religious identity okay alright like not even a single Metal Gear addresses Russia as it is now and moving on to number 9 Miller Lite came up with something they're calling the Kant roller the first controller you can drink news articles that are most likely taking information from Miller Lite like a press release or something are touting it as a way to play your favorite games via bluetooth as well as drink a beer cuz oftentimes you're doing both at the same time why not combine the two well I'm gonna go ahead and say you're not going to play your favorite games with this if your favorite games require an analog stick or two as many games do nowadays in fact you could play a Super Nintendo game as long as it doesn't use the LNR buttons on top of the controller because it does not have L&R buttons it just has a d-pad ABXY selected start no does that mean it is bad no it is not bad it's actually pretty cool technologically speaking however here's a direct quote that I feel is a bit disingenuous as Miller Lite evolves our place in the world of gaming and eSports we're continue to focus on what it means to be a fan of gaming and building activations that elevate the gaming experience for players and fans ah no this is a collector's item it's cool it's neat that it actually works but they're only making 200 of them and if you drank out of it and then played it you'd probably crush the can playing a game especially if you get frustrated I can you imagine the people that throw controllers being able to just crumple the controller into a ball oops limited run 200 guess I'm never seeing that again no it's a collector's item and I wish they would call it that and coming in at number 8 NHL 20 you know the 2020 NHL game you know hockey the competitive sports game where two teams play against each other maneuvering a puck across the ice with the intent of getting it into the opponent's goal players use hockey sticks in an attempt to score points in this way NHL 20 being the video game version of that coming out soon and also explained in a suspiciously detailed way by myself right here all I'm doing that for a fact as you may have guessed why well there is going to be a battle royale in NHL 20 it's gonna be called eliminator representative from EA had this to say inspired by the winner-take-all competition in battle royale eliminator is a new way to compete in NHL ones and NHL 3's it pits up to 81 players against each other in a survival tournament bracket to be crowned the ultimate winner okay alright I don't know what to say other than the hockey game has a battle royale mode in it I mean if it were any other industry this would be where I would say that's it that's no or battle real no more that there'll be more however will they beat how weird this one is probably not and coming in at number seven the Israeli Power Company has asked the creators of fortnight to no longer allow players to scale poles in the camp now the thing that you're probably gonna think of is it lewd no that's not what they mean at all what the Israeli Power Company is worried about is dangerous copycat behavior among children that is to say they're worried about kids climbing power poles because of fortnight and it hasn't even happened either they've asked epic to change it because it's risking encouraging this dangerous copycat behavior of all the things you could just like fortnight for of all of them really and coming in at number six Oh My lordy when I said June was a weird month for gaming you may have thought I meant June like every other month is weird no this particular June is the weirdest we've had by far I don't have to mention III for the most part because we've had stuff like EA saying in court that they don't have loot boxes in their games they have surprise mechanics and they're quite ethical oh I don't even know what to say it's so ridiculous it's surprise mechanics know you've broken my brain EA it's done my brains done I've literally spent weeks thinking about this and there's no there's just no way to everybody hated loot boxes in battlefront and also in FIFA because there's been plenty of complaints about both in battlefront they just removed the loot boxes and rebalance the game making the game quite a bit better in FIFA they decided eh no we'll just call them surprise mechanics and you know what that's the logical conclusion that's the thing I've come up with there's no other way for this to have gone that's the thing they want to do business wise they want to turn everything into these ongoing live service machines and figure out ways to get money out of people and the easiest way to get money out of people is to trick them into gambling without realizing they're gambling but the name loot boxes has become heavily stigmatized thanks to the media talking about it we're gonna call it surprise mechanics it was inevitable not necessarily the name surprise mechanics we're just trying another name there's no criticism for this because a they changed the name of loot boxes and they want people to accept loot boxes again what no you absolute filthy freakazoids number five appropriately so a dad promised a son he would buy him a Playstation five if he could hit the crossbar on a soccer / football goal he had to do it three times in a row now I'm sure this took a lot of attempts this is not an easy thing to do by any means and also we don't really have a lot of information about the PlayStation 5 at this point I know a lot of people were really hoping to hear some at e3 but Sony wasn't even there they were just kind of like men well deal with that later we have a bunch of games coming out over the next year before the PlayStation 5 so let's just concentrate on that not deal with the big flash which is cool it's fine whatever I mean it did it didn't really help the momentum of v3 at all but whatever anyway this kid did it they posted a video of it to our ps4 and like it's amazing I could never do that I don't know that I can even do it once honestly but unfortunately this kid is going to be waiting a while number four there's Xbox bodywash now produced in partnership with ax Microsoft is making lifestyle products now Xbox bodywash I just I when I see this I'm just my brain was already broken from the surprise mechanics thing I guess this anywhere nearly as bad as that no of course not but it did warp my brain I'm not going to use Xbox body watch I'm actually kind of hoping I don't even see it because I want to just be able to play my xbox not thinking about that in fact I'm gonna just try to unseat like all of the articles about this altogether hey number three is also not good like all this stuff is so weird like it was enough that EA was like actually they're not loot boxes there's surprise mechanics but 2k was like you know what we think that 60-second unskipable ads belong in $60 games like the game went on sale I think for three dollars across various platforms and for a game that new that's weird sure but the amount of people that played this game buying it for $60 that's just it's ridiculous if you'd have told me five years ago let me tell you why you're here that they'd be putting unskipable ads in games I paid $60 for I don't know if I would have believed you number two like I said we'd mentioned a little bit of III but let's just let's cleanse the palate with this one a bit two words Kumi Nakamura somebody who just has a genuine enthusiasm for video games came out and gave up the presentation that everybody noticed other than the one with Keanu Reeves in it and for good reason it's really nice to have something positive in the gaming world this month is wild I mean her energy or dancing around stage and showing that she's so clearly incredibly excited for what she's doing that and the fact that the game actually looks good ghost wire whoo both o kumi Nakamura and Shinji Mikami the father of survival horror or working on I can't wait to see where this game goes it just the presentation was just electric the footage was really cool concept seems very interesting and honestly it's just nice to see that kind of unbridled enthusiasm at least sometimes although it's telling that we're calling this weird also let's just be honest there were some fairly weird memes and fan art about her afterwards there are some fairly decent ones too though at least let's try to salvage that positivity here and finally number one I already mentioned it the Keanu Reeves reveal that's actually not exactly what I'm talking about but his presentation was again just like the other we talked about electric however the guy who yelled you're breathtaking at Keanu Reeves and they offered him a free copy of cyberpunk 2077 and not just any copy but the collectors edition next year but his response was amazing to the point that it was weird and I don't use that term derisive lis because he said that would be awesome but how about donating a go-kart through gamers outreach to a Children's Hospital instead that would be breathtaking I mean could this person be any better couple of quick bonus points for you somebody was actually really happy to be paying for their repair for their Nintendo switch because Nintendo Japan listed labor as the primary expense on the invoice now that sounds really boring but it's actually great because when the same guy got a playstation thing repaired Sony didn't include labor on the invoice they just charged him a set amount of money and that obscures the human cost of a repair and let's be frank everybody deserves their fair share for putting the work end Nintendo wants you to understand that they aren't against that which could on Nintendo moving on there was a controversy about the size of in Final Fantasy 7 tifa's breasts people were angry about it and Square Enix had to roll out the words ethics department and constricting her chest and intense action scenes that this is it's not stuff that I would think anybody would have to talk about I'm not gonna try to argue for or against any change in character but they have gone for a decidedly more realistic look with all of the characters and let's just be honest for a real person you're still pretty big if that's what really matters to you moving on backers demanded Kickstarter refunds when Shenmue 3 had announced their epic exclusivity because of course of course a big title like that would just get zapped up by those folks and in some ways it almost feels like they're seeking deals that will exclusively bother people I don't know what to make of that and finally on America's Got Talent yes I understand that sounds like it has nothing to gain on America's Got Talent this Mortal Kombat Dance Crew just did some stuff that defies all logic I don't even know what to call it but it was really good and at least we're ending on something positive because like I said there's a lot of negative weird stuff this month well weird stuff did you think about did you see did you deal with in the gaming world this month leave us a comment let us know what you think and if you're not subscribed now it's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero and we will see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 719,379
Rating: 4.9072695 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming stories, weird gaming stories june 2019, tifa, tifa ff7, tifa ff7 remake, metal gear solid russia, fortnite, fortnite news, shenmue 3 epic games, battle royale nhl, keanu reeves, keanu e3, surprise mechanics, ea surprise mechanics, top 10 gaming, gameranx, gaming news, weird news, weird gaming news, weird ps4 news, weird xbox one news, weird pc gaming news, falcon
Id: 5Hcf5m3v1Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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