10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of AUGUST 2019

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Gaming is a weird world it's just that simple and every month we deal with it hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks the weird gaming stories of August 2019 starting off at number 10 hey have you ever wanted to race a hovering toilet against other hovering toilets in a race that's this there's a new toilet racing game called running wild toilet seat race toilet shooting star it is a long title but it's definitely one that you know what you're getting because it's that there's five different racers from a Japanese one to an American one to a French one to a Germany one the Germany one is the only one with a steering wheel but it's not hooked in anything he's just holding a steering wheel now Gran Turismo this is not so I hope you're not expecting anything particularly realistic about it but the instant you see it I think the fact that it's kind of a Mario Kart style weird game becomes pretty obvious it's silly it's actually more than it's ridiculous there's no reason that should exist and that's probably the reason it exists it's beautiful it's amazing it's a toilet Kart game moving on to number 9 cosplay often involves an extremely weird amount of dedication and this is no exception a full-blown Final Fantasy 10 cosplay group published a bunch of photos that flat-out look like they're from a video game now we're highlighting this is weird because it's not just a weird level of dedication we've certainly seen weirder but they just have this otherworldly quality to them and I'm gonna go ahead and say they're weirdly awesome weirdly pretty weirdly just a gorgeous thing to look at it's weird that they managed to pull this off and let's just go ahead and say like the surrealist approach that they took it just really looks like Final Fantasy 10 even though technically Final Fantasy tends graphics were significantly less detailed than that it reeks of Final Fantasy 10 really well done guys moving on to number 8 a $13,000 NES cartridge that was not sold to the public was found in the bottom of a Safeway sack that a collector brought into a store called pink gorilla jams in Seattle now to explain exactly why it was worth so much it was something of a major collector's item in that it is a Nintendo World Championship 1990 cartridge with a slew of chips on it all holding timed versions of very popular Nintendo games now the seller that brought in the games to sell at the pink gorilla game store had no idea how much it was worth when they verified the authenticity of this cartridge and made him an offer for $13,000 he was taken aback they could have easily offered him $20 and he probably wouldn't have noticed the difference after doing their due-diligence pink gorilla then announced the find and ended up selling the cartridge at a profit to a wealthy collector and they did it within 24 hours which is insane Cody Spencer of pink gorilla game said I was surprised how many people were willing to throw that much money at a game I haven't met that many super wealthy collectors who could drop that much that's big so keep in mind they bought that thing at 13,000 and probably sold it at a pretty decent markup nuts absolutely nuts moving on to number 7 a DMCA troll on YouTube by the name of Christopher Brady issuing false copyright strikes primarily targeting Minecraft channels got his ass sued by YouTube that would mean he'd have to be going pretty far on account YouTube is pretty hard to get to do anything and if you assumed that you would be right pretty wasn't just issuing false copyright strikes he was using them to extort money out of people what Brady would do is issue two strikes to a channel and then send an email to the channel threatening that if they didn't pay him a certain amount of money 150 via PayPal 75 a Bitcoin in some cases $300 some here some there that he would issue a third copyright strike which would then take the full channel down and basically screw them over entirely at least until the issue could get straightened out by YouTube according to YouTube his case was pretty wild on account he used at least 15 different online identities in order to serve these copyright infringement claims and pretty much every respect this is fraudulent behavior on some level it's probably identity theft but most importantly at least in YouTube's eyes this ended up taking a bunch of money out of their pocket so old Christopher Brady's probably pretty screwed over this and just on that note don't do anything like this it's the ultimate dick move and I hope that it causes YouTube to decide that hey it's time to maybe take copyright trolling seriously and fix this on our platform because this is something a lot of people deal with and moving on to number six a Super Mario maker to level absolutely push the limits of the platform in that it took a game that is intended to make Super Mario levels specifically 2d side-scrolling platformer levels and made a first-person adventure game with it yeah it's wild if you've ever played an older game like wizardry or old Might & Magic games on the Apple 2 you know exactly what kind of game we're talking about but a Japanese creators 3d maze house and Tom hall of doom anak Ranaut's and quite a few other games found this level and shared it on Twitter which just basically kind of made it go quote-unquote viral it's amazing it uses this bizarre system of pipes and other items to do the transversal and it even has a mini map the level is not like super hard or anything you'll be able to figure it out if you want to but if you're aching for something that reminds you of old fantasy star for instance or any number of many different 80s games it's exactly what you want if you're looking in Mario maker 2 coming in at number 5 a fallout 76 player used glitches to build a base underneath the world that is to say kind of underground except it's actually in the glitched area of the world where there is nothing you might call it the nether and because of its position it isn't attacked by any mobs except for one or two stray ones from time to time and when player characters come they're usually there to marvel to look and if they're a griefer they're easy to get rid of the player mrs. P one two three just deletes the ground from underneath them and they fall to their doom it's actually a really clever use of a glitch and hopefully Bethesda doesn't stop stuff like this from happening on account it's some of the only actually cool stuff in Fallout 76 moving on to number four Kile gears Dorf also known as Booga was recently crowned the 16 year old World Cup solo champion of fortnight as in in his bracket in that mode he's the world champ in fortnight and he was recently swatted live on stream this has actually resulted in people dying before so it's not to be taken lightly you may remember the high-profile court case in 2017 in which a Call of Duty game dispute led to a man being swatted and he was actually killed by the police this is weird not only because he's the world champ but because this is still a thing that's apparently fairly easy to do on account it's a 16 year old kid some random decided needed to have a visit from armed police moving on to number three you know how you're not supposed to play Pokemon go in your car well you know among the people who still play pokemon go you know you're not supposed to do it in your car right well in Washington State the police noticed a car pulled over and went up to see if he needed assistance they noticed that he had a foam block that he carved a bunch of rectangles into where he'd filled with smartphones and was playing Pokemon go on each of the smartphones yeah you know how they say don't text and drive this is so much worse than texting and driving it's eight games eight video games they didn't actually catch him driving with all of these but it's reasonable to assume he did however they weren't able to issue him a ticket he simply agreed that he would put the phones in the backseat and not have them up there while driving don't do this this is dangerous and you just shouldn't even consider it it's wild don't play eight video games while you're driving coming in at number two there's so many people playing Wow classic the new version of the old game and I'll just go ahead and say like it's awesome that there's this many people playing it but it's difficult to get quest items so in the spirit of WoW classic which is a game of a different time where people treated each other a little bit better for the most part in that spirit people are lining up to quest items to make sure everybody has the chance to pick them up which is awesome like it's one of those nice little heartwarming things you don't really get to see a lot of when you really only see players for about five seconds before you kill them or they kill you in fortnight for instance you go while classic you bring that positivity back thank you and finally coming in at number one to kick games released a trailer for all of the microtransactions in NBA 2k 20 and let me just go ahead and say it's downright bizarre it's like detailing packs of cards but let's just be honest its loot boxes and also various gambling minigames like just flat-out gambling minigames and puts these really weird fake reactions in the bottom corner of people like really enjoying these loot boxes and gambling and the world is ending that's the only conclusion I can come up with it's the apocalypse it's bad and I'm not just talking about the acne but the acting is pretty bad I just mean overall it's horrific this should not exist Wow and moving on to our final story apparently Minecraft and cuphead will be on the Tesla car screen in the near future I don't know why like I talked about that Pokemon go guy playing too many games while driving I don't know that I trust the self-driving mechanism enough to play cuphead while I'm in the driver's seat also I can't afford to test so there's that what was some weird stuff you saw in the gaming world leave us a comment let us know what you think about what you saw here click like if you liked this video and if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always we thank you very much for watching this I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 806,924
Rating: 4.8948631 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming stories, crazy video game stories, weird gaming news, weird games from japan, crazy japan games, bizarre racing games, pokemon go, fallout 76, nba 2k20, video game culture, tesla gaming, gameranx, falcon
Id: sVFFOcIcAlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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