10 WEIRD GAMING Stories of October 2018

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gaming is a weird weird place and october is always a weird month hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 weird gaming stories that happened in october number 10 soul calibur 6 came out on the 19th and the developers of soul calibur basically said our aim is to give community tools that encourage creativity we gave you the ability to make characters and you oh you did exactly what we all expected somebody from the internet would do with a character creator that gives you a lot of creativity like what do we even what do we would say here how do we how do we put this dong into the vid how do we even do this so um the developers decided that they were going to ban people who created inappropriate characters which i'll bet probably isn't actually stopping people from doing it in fact i'd be really really interested in finding out how effective that is number nine a fallout 76 bug um deletes fallout 76 entirely literally all of the beta data which is fun to say beta data but it's 56 gigabytes of fallout 76 it just goes poof gone oops if you click any of the buttons in that version of the client and not like use the buttons in like a normal sense but specifically click the buttons if you have a download start just let it go bethesda had to say hey don't click any buttons which is not something you hear a game developer say too often or really any corporate anything everybody's usually like taking action taking action they're like don't take an action number eight the us government deemed it legal to circumvent drm or in other words bypass digital rights management or anti-piracy stuff specifically the u.s copyright office outlined a new set of exemptions for the digital millennium copyright act a if you run a repair shop you are now allowed to hack firmware on devices like tvs tablets smartphones and other things the internet of things has put this type of stuff in so many different devices at this point it's silly but if a device is broken and somebody who is illegally repairing it does something that technically totally avoids the digital rights management it's not illegal anymore it was a bit of a gray area before to be fair but now it's pretty explicitly okay to do which is great but also really weird because frankly like if you know how to repair something but you hack the firmware you could void warranties or even get into further legal trouble for privacy which is dumb number seven a japanese gamer rigged up a device to use a hot dog to continually tap a phone in order to open loot boxes and because in basically every single way there's no way to stop this from happening it's a freaking hot dog i mean it might eventually rot but i don't know what's in hot dogs any more than you do and the amount of preservatives is usually pretty high to my knowledge so probably lasts a while the hot dog is actually on an electric whisker which you would normally use to whisk up sugar in stuff i guess i don't really do a lot of baking so i don't know but it's actually really really funny to watch because it makes a weird sound and it's held together by tape and the speed at which it is tapping the screen is it's just hilarious number six a cs go team got caught cheating with an aimbot now that's not strange but the tournament that they were doing a referee came over to one of the player's computers and attempted to check it and as he put his hands towards the computer the player actually physically stopped him from doing it as in pushed him away like you might with a cat it's actually a fairly short clip but an interesting one in that the guy basically acts like the referee is annoying him and it's like no dude you're cheating and this makes it look like you're cheating way more and as it turns out you are so yeah the player actually got banned from cs go for five years which i'd go ahead and say probably not like that weird it's just the batting and pushing away is weird number five who way or however you say it is launching a gaming phone they claim rivals the nintendo switch it's got a bigger screen and it's got a goofy thing that clips onto the screen which would then depend on the other side of the screen for buttons so it limits the screen's effective visibility i don't know it's weird also costs 740 dollars more than the switch which makes me not care at all about the screen we make a comparison with them we have a larger screen 7.2 inch instead of okay more higher resolution but more importantly we have doubled the gaming battery life so may 20x the best portable mobile gaming machine number four epic games sued golden mods for something that he calls magical powers now magical powers are let's just say it cheats their cheats he was selling for fortnite you know on an online game so not cool golden mods but the thing that's weird about it is that they're suing him for copyright infringement which i don't know about that the thing is that cheat software isn't really copying of any kind of code it's usually an injection of some kind of code now i am not going to claim to be an expert on how golden mods works i don't really know but i do know they were making a lot of money their aimbots for fortnite were like 54.99 all the way up to 299.99 and this isn't like some guy randomly doing stuff on youtube the guy had 1.7 million subscribers so i'm willing to bet golden mods has made some money off this number three a game called chinese parents became number two on steam's best-selling list which uh chinese parents is pretty good description of what chinese parent seems to be it's kind of a chinese parent simulator the game centers mainly around educating your children because today's society is ultra competitive and your children need an edge which i mean isn't a lie it's a weird looking game though number two data miners found in the eve online code for the chinese version of the game that they may start punishing cheaters in the game with virtual hard labor which considering china isn't so good about hard labor in real life is kind of an ironic one to add to just the chinese version of the game i mean i think that that might be an all right way of dealing with it but we do have to consider the fact that it doesn't actually really change the behavior people in real life so when you can shut it off i'll bet it really isn't going to and finally number one nuclear experts warned that fallout 76 might make nukes appear just a little bit too fun which no like no you wanna know why because a game player somebody playing a game doesn't have access to icbms not in real life and if they do and they're thinking about using them it's not because they have fallout 76 it's probably because they're one of the world's superpowers maybe those people's opinions on nuclear weapons matter just a little bit more than people playing a video game that isn't real or close to real or influences the real world in any way or takes place in a world that has anything to do with the real world or you know a slew of dopey things that you would have to not think about at all to actually care what people playing fallout 76 think of nukes did anything super weird happen to you in video games this month or let's meet in the comments and do it if you like this video please click like and if you want to see more of our videos that we upload every single day click the subscribe button and do not forget to click the alarm bell as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,062,976
Rating: 4.884738 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming, weird stories, weird october 2018, weird news, bizarre gaming, bizarre gamers, weird gamers, news gamers, funny gaming news, funny gaming videos, gameranx, falcon
Id: PpXfpu_yFUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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