10 Ways to Make Traps in Minecraft!

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another redstone video and in this one we against we getting our evil hat and boots on because we're going to take a look at ten redstone traps that you can use to capture all your mates now before we begin I just want to mention that I'm doing this video in collaboration with magma mutant it was a fantastic youtuber that all of you should check out and they are going to be covering ten traps as well so that means after watching my video you should check out their video I mean you'll have twenty traps in total making you probably one of the deadliest minecraft players in existence anyway that's enough talking let's crack on and I'll show you what I've got for you now we're going to start things off today with a relatively simple one I like to call this one the grief a bomb because it targets anyone who's coming into your base specifically to try and steal your items so here we have a chest on top of that chest we've got ourselves a block and of course that means that the chest cannot be opened now agree free is going to think well hey I'm gonna take out the block I'm gonna gain access the items but as you can see that's not going to end particularly well we heard the TNT everything's exploded now we've fallen down into the void not particularly brilliant is it now I do just quickly want to mention that you don't have to hook this up to TNT you can hook it up to lava or an opening floor or something like that I just like to use TNT because let's face it that's definitely the most exciting now I'm not going to be doing the tutorial in this video however I will put a link to the tutorial down in the description the reason I'm doing that is to make this video flow a little bit better so if you do want to see how to build this thing click on those links but now let's move on to the second design trap number two is known as potions through the roof as you can see right here we've got ourselves a little room and if we walk over these tripwires potions are fired and they cause the player a ton of damage now obviously if you were going to build this for yourself you'd probably do a better job at hiding away the tripwire and things because that's really quite obvious you're not gonna be catching many people out with that one but this is just a demonstration now if we just head up to the top you can see all the Redstone behind this thing and it's actually really quite simple consisting mainly of two regular Pistons and a bunch of dispensers now the way that this thing works is actually really quite cool if we hit this button right here you can see that I've looks move back and forth and all of the potions are fired through the blocks when the blocks are in between positions now this is due to pistol behaviour and things like that and when blocks are between positions they sort of count as entities and things can pass through them all a little bit complicated but it works wonders for this design and it means this design functions really nicely now in terms the redstone you can probably get a rough idea of what's going on but for those of you out there who wants a little bit extra clarification do not worry there's a link to the tutorial down in the description and also on the screen so in front of us we have got ourselves a rather big redstone circuit this is my ultimate hidden spiral staircase as you can see there's quite a few circuits going on at loads of different bits and pieces happening and all in all it's quite a complex little thing but above it we have got ourselves of some floating water now if your friends are into redstone and they like building big redstone contraptions place one of these down and watch them pull their hair out to try to work out how to get rid of it if they get too close and trigger any other stringer yeah that happens and you're gonna have a very frustrated friend indeed now the way that you build this one is really quite simple first off find one of your friends or it's stone contraptions then it place a few bits of string down like this place an ice block on top of that string then it's surrounded the ice block with string just like that then surround the entire thing with glowstone or or torches just make sure that you don't update any of the string once the ice melts so there we go the ice is now surrounded in string and glowstone then what I'm going to do is be a little bit cheesy here and force the ice to melt really quite quickly so there we go that's that then we can take out all the glowstone and just sit and wait wait until you see your very angry messages in the chat when your friend tries to remove it and ends up covering the entire redstone contraption in a bunch of water so far a lot of the designs featured in today's video have been really quite simple so I thought I'd throw in a slightly more tricky one just to get your brains working this is known as the diamond dropper trap and I'm sure all of you can guess what's about to happen here we take out the diamond and suddenly at the floor is removed from underneath our feet we can drop down into lava or perhaps it's just a falling player trap but essentially it means that you going to kill your friends now one of the cool things about this design is the fact that if you want to reset it all you have to do is chuck down another set of diamonds you can see that our trapdoor has now returned if we take out the diamonds again of course that's reset the entire mechanism and it works over and over again so if you've got lots of friends you can kill lots of friends which is definitely the best situation to be in now there is a weld download for this one down in the description if you do want to check it out for yourselves perhaps take a closer look at the Redstone but anyway let's crack with a tutorial links in the description and also on the screen let's face it the potion through the ceiling trap was pretty cool but it could do with being just a tiny bit more explosive so I've created this thing the TNT through the ceiling when we hit this button right here you can see that TNT is dropped right the way through the roof and makes its way down to the bottom blowing up anything underneath hopefully that'll be your friends base now as you can see here the roof is completely flushed there are no visible dispensers or anything like that and it uses a similar principle to the potion design in which we retract a block while the TNT is dispensed I mean the TNT falls through that block now of course if you are building this thing for yourself you wouldn't be using a button you'd use some form of pressure plates or tripwire or other activation device if you really wanted to but that was just for a demonstration but in terms of the Redstone behind this thing as you can see it's actually really quite simple we've got a few circuits going around here and a few circuits going down there a dispenser and a sticky piston but that's pretty much it so I'm really really happy with this one and as always links for the tutorial can be found down in the description and also on the screen now this one not I'm really quite proud of already you can see it's got quite a big mess of redstone behind it but if we walk over this tripwire here as you can see we gradually get pushed off the edge I like to call this one at the player sweeper and as you can see it mainly consists of a triple piston extender now it will reset this thing we have to do is hit this button right here as you can see all of the blocks are attracted back into the wall ready for use once again pretty sweet now I'm sure there's going to be a bunch of people with a ton of questions about this design Nobby happies wants you guys down in the comment section but there's one thing that I'm sure will come up unless I address it and that is the fact that I haven't used slime blocks in this one now the simple answer for that is because slime blocks are a massive pain in the bum first off we've got the slime block push limit which just really does cause problems with these sorts of things but also slime blocks aren't particularly hidden if we add slime blocks in the wall then the player would definitely know something was up so if you had slime blocks hidden behind these blocks then there'd be plenty of logistical things to work out first off the slime blocks would drag these blocks with them and these blocks as well which would cause issues so we could replace those with the movable objects but then of course that would give something away so if he didn't use a movable objects to return these back to their original positions after being dragged about the slime blocks would have involved a ton of redstone mechanics and I can promise you that this triple piston extender here is far simpler than it would have been if I'd use the green stuff now of course because this design is a tiny bit on the complicated side I'm not going to be doing a tutorial on this one however I will put a world download down in the description if anyone wants to check it out download it chuck it into your weld saves folder and take a closer look but anyway moving on to one extra trap number seven is a little bit of a strange one it uses a concept that I've featured many times on my channel before I like to call this one the piston string trap and it uses a piston and a string but as it there's no funny business going on we don't have any tripwire hooks around here but if we stand on this string you can see that the piston retract and we immediately fall through the floor now like all good redstone contraption this one uses buds but it's a slightly different kind of bud that you might not have seen before it's a little bit on the strange side now I will cover this in a little bit more detail during the tutorial but I thought I'd quickly explain it here as you can see this redstone right here is powering this piston and this redstone right here is powering this piston but if we place down this lever the redstone is no longer powering the piston buts the Pistons still think it's powered and it's the same thing on this side as well so that means that if we cause any of these Pistons here an update they're going to retract which means that if we cause this piston update using that string it will retract causing this piston an update which will cause this piston refer a track moving the piston out the way so that we fall through the floor tutorial down in the description and also on the screen let's move on now I do apologize for the disgusting wool textures right here unfortunately my texture pack has an updated to Minecraft 1.9 just yet and this trap requires Minecraft 1.9 because it requires the player to have frost Walker as you can see right here if we walk across like this without to our frost Walker boots on nothing is going to happen at but if we chuck our boots on then walk through like this as you can see we floors right away through the floor now the reason that this is an interesting one is because of course frost Walker is a really difficult enchantment again you have to find it you can't get it in an enchanted table which means that if you can kill players with frost Walker you're going to be doing pretty well now in terms of the Redstone behind this thing it's actually relatively simple what we have here is a water source block when a player walks past Fross Walker that of course will be turned into frost that causes an update through this piston which triggers all of this redstone opening up our trapdoor down at the bottom it's a really simple concept but it seems to work wonderfully well so I'll be a tutorial for that one down in the description and also on the screen trap number 9 it is probably one of the slightly more evil ones this one's called the no update bomb and it basically means that the player can't updates any of these blocks if they tried to take out some of this redstone as you can see all of the TNT updates and we get ourselves a rather large explosion it's extremely difficult to handle and if your friend comes along to try and take out any of the blocks they're really going to struggle probably blowing themselves up in the process now this design actually uses a similar concept to the piston string design with the redirecting of redstone currents and things I'm sure most of you can work out how it works or once again there'll be a link to the tutorial down in the description and also on the screen so click through if you want to see that but anyway let's move on to the final designer of today's video so this one is one of the oldest tricks in the book it's known as the redstone or trapdoor and as you can see when we walk through the corridor and step on the redstone or we go right the way through the bottom now of course this could drop us down into some form of falling trap or love or or something like that but all in all it works extremely nicely and of course it uses buds to work again now the way that this one works is do two redstone Awards behavior so as you can see right here when we place this down it's just a regular block but if we jump on it it causes a redstone update we've got ourselves particles going everywhere and that causes a block update I mean there any piston attached to it that is being bud powered will detect that update and retract or extend or whatever it's going to do now in this case we've got the redstone all on the end of a budded piston which means that when it receives an update that piston is going to retract making us fall through the floor there'll be a tutorial for this one down in the description if you do want to check it out it will also be on the screen so there we go so there we go that rounds up all of the traps I personally have for you that being said though you've still got ten more traps to watch because once again I'm doing this video in collaboration with magma mutant who is an absolutely fantastic YouTube if you haven't watched any of their videos before they're informational they're tutorial based about details in Minecraft and they also have informative videos about various different features of Minecraft and they're seriously brilliant one of my favourite youtubers if not my favorite youtuber at the minute and when they asked me if I wanted to do a collaboration with them I jumped at the opportunity because they're just awesome this seriously so very awesome so after you finished watching their tracks video you should watch all of their other videos because you're definitely going to be interested but unfortunately that is all I've got time for today I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did please hit that like button and if you really loved it there make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm a horsey later [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,360,169
Rating: 4.9209652 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, survival, island, song, mods, hunger, games, parody, herobrine, houses, redstone, multiplayer, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, piston, lamp, swapper, combo lock, tnt, player launcher
Id: qEfv1LJ_i90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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