5 Tips and Tricks to Make Palworld Better

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[Music] hey most people know that if you grapple and switch weapons and glide you can go a little bit farther like this and what I'm going to show you is with a hangu glider I'm pretty sure this works with the regular hu but I'm going to use a Hu Cris this one when you do it it does it a little bit differently and you can go pretty far with this and a lot faster than what I did I'm just doing that for the show but the reason is this is like a balloon kind of so it will raise you up as you Glide so you can go like as long as you have stamina like if I had enough stamina I could get all the way over there so you could change the world settings and get higher stamina if you want or just raise your stamina with the uh the skill points when you level up like even with my regular stamina this is like regular World settings I can almost get all the way over here basically [Music] can well if you do grapple and you do it at the right time you can land yourself with the grapple but usually you want to just wait and then do your glider at the end and right before you hit the ground yeah so another tip is if you click on your pals a lot of people don't know this but you can click these skills and then switch them for the skills that pal knows so if I go and feed my pal at one of the skill fruit from those skill fruit trees or random drops you can uh just switch their skills out any time and if you right click you can remove that skill and just have it um as nothing and you can always add them back for free so it's no big deal we for this tip I'm going to show you how I got so many keys and just house holes and everything all over the map there's chest like pretty evenly distributed like they're everywhere but in this desert it's pretty flat and it's pretty like monochromatic so everything looks the same but what that means is you can find these chests really easy so like here's a chest get a medium Palo you'll get so many of those and there I think I just got another but if you just run around I didn't even plan this like route or anything I'm just literally running around this desert and again I'm like right here and you'll get used to like seeing what's a chest and what's not and those red ones I'm not sure if this is real but it seems like the red ones give you more schematics than the other ones but yeah you can just fly around this desert for as long as you want and you'll usually find chests until you run out of keys or um you get bored tell them to bring out the lobster yes sir tell them to bring out the lobster look at these baby tell them to bring out the lobster there are Pals that do farming so here if they have this farming stat that means you can put them in a ranch on your base and then they'll give you some ingredient all of these have partner skills so when you have a pal and then you merge them with other ones the star goes up and the star increases the level of the partner skill so they'll Farm actually more efficiently if you level them up and just to go through each one the Chickapee Farms eggs the Vixie Farms arrows and P speres and just random garbage but it's really nice if you're early on you can get a bunch of P here the cow gives you milk the woollip gives you cotton candy this one gives you berries this one gives you wool Lambo also gives you wool and a few others um the cibilic is the most important one it's like a white pal with hat thingy here this one gives you high quality cloth for its Ranch drop you can see high quality clo is probably the most expensive thing you can farm and then I think uh flam Bell wherever they are they can give you flame organs so that's useful if you ever need that and really quick I'll show you the prices of each one of [Music] those so again Willy Pop makes this bees make honey flame organs from flamb Bell the berries are from that green goat paler and arrows are from Vixie milk is from the cow chicken from the egg high quality cloth is from siix and you can see high quality cloths worth a lot more than everything else and you can get a lot of high quality cloth from one cix that's like fourar star even just regular syth if you have a lot of them you can get a lot of quoth and then get a lot of gold to explain why money is important in Dune shelter which is at 355 350 in the top right desert there's I think three Merchants here so there's this guy and he sells the regular stuff but he has the skill for so these are nice because seed mine is actually a really good skill and then the sand tornadoes too and you can every time you buy this you can just give it to your pal teach it to them and then they can um you can s out the skill whenever you want they also sell high pality qual palum and Bone and Horn and leather these are annoying to farm sometimes when you need a lot so you just buy it for gold and then you can get tomato and lettuce seeds if you ever need that to make a farm for this guy he just sells the uh undershirts these are really nice early if you don't have the schematics or you don't want to use the technology points the musket is the same you can get this really early if you focus on making gold one other thing I forgot to mention is there is a pal called ma it's just a cat you probably seen it in the dungeon but that one it will Farm gold just gold coins but uh in my opinion there's other ones that are worth more like the siix and [Music] there but buying ammo is usually cheaper than going to farm it time wise so I just usually buy ammo because you could sell that's like three pieces of high quality cloth for that that's a pretty good deal and then outside the city there's going to be a black marketeer these guys just sell you Pals random every time come here sometimes I'll have gold stats I recommend you buy it if they ever have like Swift or some of those hard to find stats cuz you can breed them into other things later also when you're selling to them there is a bug right now so just be careful all these stats you see how it says work speed is 70 for all these also the attack and defense isn't the right values either but they'll probably fix that in a little bit so the next Merchant is at - 40745 about and I believe there's only three Merchants here this guy sells fire crossbow and fire arrows he also has the makeshift handgun and assault rifle ammo so he's really nice to go to whenever you get a chance to come out here and it's pretty cheap there's a pal Merchant down here and and they just sell like the regular Pals whenever they are and then on the east side over here there should be a guy and then this guy is like the Dune shelter guy he'll sell a skill fruit ignis breast and flare storm these are all actually all three are really good and then he has the regular items that you can get he also has Mega speres they're a little too expensive for me but you can get them if you want so there's two more Merchants here from the marsh Islands Church runs right there over to the right on this island it's at 430 -270 about and the reason I wanted to show these guys is cuz they're unmarked and they're a little bit out of the way and they also just sell what everybody else kind of sells so if you wanted and you haven't seen a Wandering Merchant you can just catch one of these guys to have them at your base and here's what he sells just regular Pals but I always try to keep at least one of these guys in my base just so I could take them out and sell whenever I want to with like a lot of stuff if I want to sell 10,000 wood I'm not going to run out to the city and do all that and then here in the small settlement this is probably the earliest Merchant you'll get they're right here at the beginning near this it's at 70-480 believe the guy is right here but he just sells Pals and then there's another Merchant back here that sells normal stuff to again you can get all that same stuff as the last two on that island one other thing to mention is he sells wheat seeds so you can do that if you need to get your Wheat Farm started and you haven't found wheat yet for some reason [Music] another tip is at night you can see lift monk effigies in the dark a little bit easier so you can see they're glowing and it's pretty easy to see them also if they're obstructed by something that's not terrain so like uh some of the lift monk fges are like inside storage containers or shipping crates you'll be able to see through that shipping crate at least right now if you're really far away at night and you'll see it glowing and then as you get closer the storage crate will like spawn in and block it you'll know where is by then also you can see those teleport points the Fast Travel points pretty easy at night so you can just grab all those if you see them orange somewhere on your [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cluosion
Views: 249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld desert, Palworld coordinates, Coordinates, palworld skill fruit tree, palworld, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld tip, palworld guide, palworld guides, palworld tips and tricks, palworld secrets, palworld secret location, palworld skills, palworld chests, chests, chest, palworld chest, palworld gold, palworld making gold, gold, palworld gold guide, pal skill change, pal skill fruit, hangyu, hangyu glider, hangyu gloves, hangyu grapple, palworld movement
Id: 77wzgBlxwvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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