10 Times Thanos Actually Got Scared

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probably the greatest strength of the mad Titan Thanos is well his strength this is the guy strong enough to punch the Incredible Hulk back into Bruce Banner we're talking about here the point is there are very few things in the universe or about 14 million others that are capable of giving Thanos pause even without the Infinity stones he's a force to be reckoned with but that doesn't mean he never gets scared have you ever wondered what it takes to frighten the mad Titan well let's find out endgame we could go on about how powerful Thanos is but if you're a Marvel fan you probably already got that memo but you know what's way more powerful than the mad Titan here's a hint there's six of them yes of course we're talking about the Infinity stones with drove a large portion of the action in the MCU up until phase four just one of these ultra powerful magical MacGuffins is enough to do some serious damage even to someone like daños himself but with all of them you become pretty much unstoppable just as Stannis how good all that power felt at the end of Avengers infinity war the fact that Dana's got to experience his most triumphant moment made it all the more terrifying for him when things got turned upside down in endgame we could go on and on about the similarities between danos and Tony Stark that make them the perfect rivals but we'll do that a little later on right now we just want to relive the sweet moment of shock and Darren Thanos his big dumb purple face when he realized Tony had all the Infinity stones and he didn't Stormbreaker Thanos may have lived a life filled with horrible things but at least it was an interesting one he traveled all over the galaxy encountered tons of different sentient beings and then decimated their populations and raised their children as his own sure he's not a typical tourist but that's what makes him so interesting so it definitely takes a lot to surprise the mad Titan but that's exactly what the god of thunder did during Avengers infinity war Thor recently had some exciting and arable experiences of his own including having his beloved a meal near crushed losing his brother and watching his home go up in flames it's safe to say he had a little bit of pent-up rage at this point as well as a shiny new weapon called storm breaker no matter how many times we watch Thor strike Danis in this scene we can't help but Hobie goes for the head this time although this blow didn't end a nose it definitely gave him a fright despite all his cleverness this does tend to underestimate his opponents which is pretty much a trademark trait of being a villain self-doubt as we mentioned earlier theros has traveled all over the galaxy these meant tons of people and it's safe to say most of the March fans of his but the black order notwithstanding so it's crazy to think that at the end of the day Thanos his worst enemy is kind of himself yes Thanos has limits and while most characters can't see past his massive strength and seemingly limitless resources they're definitely there after the events of infinity war the mad Dayton is left alone and in complete control of the most powerful items in the universe he should have everything he ever wanted and felt on top of the world but instead he decided to go real-life stardew valley all by his lonesome as far as those ultra powerful items he spent years and countless resources trying to obtain well he destroyed them after all that effort not because they didn't match the decor in his Shack but because Thanos was afraid of what he might do if he kept them he knew the temptation to use them for more than causing the decimation would be too strong for him to resist and clearly feared what he might do so although it does almost cost him his life Thanos use the stones to destroy them which seems weird they can even do that shouldn't they have some kind of failsafe they can choose to banish the Red Skull the form here but they don't have an anti self-destruct protocol come on overpopulation wiping out half of all life in the universe is generally considered to be a pretty serious crime but the MCU version of Thanos has a pretty different motivation than his comic book counterpart in the comics Thanos collects the Infinity stones and wipes out half of all life in the universe because he's trying to impress a woman and by a woman we mean the personification of death but in the MCU thanasis on the hunt for the Infinity stones because he fears what will happen if he doesn't find them his justification for his heinous crimes is that he wants to prevent suffering particularly the suffering that will resort when overpopulation causes creatures to run through their limited resources he claims to have seen it play out on his home planet Titan and worries it can happen again on a much larger scale sure they a nose is a bad guy but he did sacrifice a lot for this goal including his favorite child Gomorrah with Danis really have done that if he didn't fear what would happen if he failed in his task self-reflection as you've probably figured out by now that OSA is a really really bad guy but don't do you think it's curious how few heroes he managed to personally take out when he boarded the Asgardian ship during infinity war he defeated Loki Heimdall and even The Incredible Hulk ultimately the Asgardians were at his total and complete mercy until he totally lost his temper and endgame they dose at least tries to not take lives at willy-nilly yet on Titan he was definitely going to take out Tony Stark before Doctor Strange saved him by giving him the time stone was he really that furious about the little paper cut to our heroes managed to give him or was it because Tony was a threat even back then they anis even acknowledged that he and don't have some similarities before he tried to end his life and considering how full of himself Danis was that's a pretty big compliment coming from him if he had truly not been at least a little worried about Tony managing to stop him we don't think he would have been bothered trying to take him out getting the time stone helped us wage that fear by giving Thanos an ultra powerful weapon and it's the only reason he left Tony alive [Music] all-father vanos is one of the most powerful characters in the MCU even without the help of the Infinity stones but there's one character who if not outright scares at least intimidated Thanos for quite some time yes we're talking about Odin the all-father former ruler of Asgard even though he eventually weakened after being banished from Asgard there was a time when Odin was one of the toughest guys around despite the fact that he had the space stone and the reality stone at different points in time danos never went to Asgard to try and take either of them in the comic books Thanos has faced off against Odin before and was immediately and ridiculously overpowered so it's not hard to imagine that the same approximate power levels also existed in their MCU counterparts Thanos his involvement with Loki might even point to the fact that he didn't want to get on Odin's bad side Loki was pretty tight-lipped about who he was working for when he tried to obtain his father's former infinity stone during the Avengers it's possible Thanos didn't want to be seen going after the stone and incurring the wrath of Odin so we used Loki you was already on the all father's bad side soul Gamora is a fierce warrior who has that dubious honor of being Thanos his favorite child that's almost as much honor as having a disease named after you now we're not saying tano's was a good father by any stretch of the imagination he's an even worse death than Odin but we're saying that as a horrible person he loved her in his own horrible way in fact he seemed afraid that she would turn away from him one day and of course the more he gave in to this fear and tried to control her the more it motivated her to defy him even the mighty mad Titan can't defeat a self-fulfilling prophecy it turns out and as we all know they know sacrificed Gamora in order to obtain the soul stone in the MCU but in the comic books Denis was actually afraid of acquiring this whole stone he feared the soul he might be called upon to sacrifice would be his own and he definitely didn't want to live out eternity in the soul world [Music] the cave there's no denying that Thanos has been one of the most powerful and successful villains in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but as far as making audiences feel empathy for him some fans feel the character falls a bit flat we don't really get much backstory on Thanos in the movies but in the comic books he does actually have a pretty sad story let's just say it starts out with his mom thinking he's so 80s she tries to destroy him and it really doesn't get any happier one crucial moment in Thanos his origin story involved him getting trapped in a cave and separated from his friends understandably Thanos was afraid and miserable yet he refused to prey on the animals which dwelled within the caves of course later on he tracked down his pals he discovered they've been attacked by the same animals he let live yeah Thanos is a villain but considering his comic book backstory it's not on all surprising how he ended up as he can probably imagine things didn't get any better for Thanos after he escaped from the cave and they definitely didn't get any better for those who had the misfortune of getting in his way worthiness one of the best things about endgame was all the hidden easter eggs and the comic book references and we're not just talking about hail Hydra no we're talking about the moment Clinton Barton handed over the Infinity Gauntlet to evil nebula in the comic book Stannis gets the gauntlet and wipes out half of all life in the universe but due to his negligence nebula ends up with the gauntlet this is such a disaster that even Thanos joins the fight to stop nebula and figure out a way to store the Infinity stones but it turns out that Thanos was more than just careless by leaving the Infinity Gauntlet lying around this was the ultimate act of self-sabotage motivated by Thanos his own feelings of unworthiness that's right the god of thunder isn't the only one who worries about feeling worthy deep down Tanis no he didn't deserve the power of the Infinity stones so he sabotage his own grand plan for a giant purple monster Thanos is a pretty complex guy deep down galactus it's safe to say that Thanos doesn't have a lot of fans either in the MCU or in the comic books he's made some powerful enemies including one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe Galactus yes the obscenely powerful planets eater Galactus usually he's just worried about his next meal but he genuinely hates Thanos mostly because Thanos ruined one of his aforementioned meals for him in the comic books honestly we don't think Danice is afraid enough of the ultra powerful Galactus Galactus is way stronger than he is and he has a vendetta against them at the very least Danis is definitely intimidated by khalaqtu s-- it's no wonder that this is a villain many fans are hoping to see in the MCU in the near future danos might be a mighty warrior but he definitely isn't cosmic entity strong at least not without the Infinity stones unless he has a weapon like the Cosmic Cube or the heart of the universe he'd be well to give Galactus a wide berth personally we wouldn't mind seeing Thanos versus Galactus on the big screen although realistically it probably won't ever happen what would Dano is being defeated on all which fearful Thanos moment was your favorite share it with us in the comment section and then click on the subscribe button for more videos from CBR bye for now
Channel: CBR
Views: 3,287,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Mad Titan Thanos, Avengers Endgame, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tony Stark, Iron Man, Infinity Gauntlet, could beat, actually got scared, Thor’s weapon Stormbreaker, Infinity War, Odin’s vault, Galactus, daughter Nebula, Battle of New York, Space Stone, comic books, manipulated Loki
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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