Marvel Superpowers Ranked From Worst To Best

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[Music] we've seen some pretty incredible powers displayed some of which that seem unstoppable but on the other hand we've also seen some powers which failed to impress and that's putting it mildly today we're going to be talking about some of the most impressive super powers in the MCU from the ones that are impressively bad to the ones that blew us away and you might be surprised which powerful characters are burdened with seemingly useless abilities [Music] if there's one thing we know about tracks it's that he's a true warrior well not that it's hard to figure out since his title has the hole the destroyer in it but the weird thing about Drax his power is that it's so inconsistent he talks about being super strong and we've seen him dispatch enemies with ease but other times he seems incredibly weak such as when he tried to stand against Ronan the accuser on his own he may be able to jump pretty high or so he claims but his strength is definitely nothing to write home about even compared to human characters it seems as though Drax is frequently underpowered in the comic books mantis is an incredibly accomplished martial artist do you definitely don't want to mess with in the Marvel Cinematic Universe well she's really good at feeling feelings new we definitely appreciate powers that have an aspect of subtlety and we know not everyone can shoot out blasts of energy or perform grandiose feats of strength but most of mantises powers are pretty underwhelming including her ability to read people's feelings be a physical contact plenty of mere mortals can read others and it's not like the guardians of the galaxy are known for their subtlety being able to manipulate these emotions is marginally more useful but again it's still fall short of being truly impressive speaking of characters who aren't very outwardly impressive we have grouped although he might look like a big friendly tree don't let that fool you Groot has displayed some truly tremendous powers over his time in the MCU he managed to save all of his fellow Guardians he's handy in a fight and he has incredible regenerative abilities oh and he can grow flowers we love flowers as much as the next person but when you're talking about superpowers that one really fails to rank among the top still we have to admit it's kind of cute Peter Parker spidey-sense is something that we actually hate having to put down so far on the list of impressive superpowers it's not that spidey-sense is a bad superpower it's actually pretty awesome it's just that it's been criminally underutilized in the MCU so far in the comic books spider-man is practically clairvoyant in his ability to detect danger it seems like his spidey sense is almost always tingling but this hasn't been the case in the MCU so far it wasn't really until Avengers infinity war that he seemed to be ready to utilize this incredible power up until that point he had pretty much been good at detecting when things were flying at him which is less than impressive if naming things was a superpower Odin would definitely rank lower on our list than he already is he's able to draw energy from something called the odinforce and when he's tuckered himself out he turns in to get some nice relaxing Odin sleep sure there's a serious upside to this particular kind of snooze and that's why we consider it a power it allows Odin to recharge his powers but it also makes him completely and utterly vulnerable he even has no idea how long he's going to end up being unconscious when he falls asleep unpredictable naps during which time you're intensely vulnerable is not a great power even if you do wake up feeling beyond a refreshed there's no doubt that Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful characters in the MCU in fact her major downfall isn't really her powers at all but the fact that she often struggles to control them although it might surprise you to know that Wanda Maximoff in the MCU is much less volatile than in the comic books she still has her moments earlier we mentioned that mantis is able to feel and then manipulate the emotions of others to some extent but this is something Wanda is even better at is she's able to give others terrible nightmarish hallucinations even people as powerful as Thor however it's kind of strange that she doesn't use this power more often there's no shortage of brilliant characters in the MCU if we include those who disappeared during the decimation we have Tony Stark Bruce Banner Sheree and Hank Pym who definitely qualify as actual geniuses then there are many other characters who are well above average in terms of intelligence like Captain America but not only as rocket racoon brilliant he's also incredibly resourceful he's managed to put together some truly incredible gadgets with minimal parts and while under a ton of pressure sure Tony Stark managed to put together a suit while he was trapped in a cave once but that kind of thing is something rocket does on the regular he doesn't need a high-tech lab or unlimited resources to get the job done and he definitely doesn't need any prosthetic appendages despite what he might try to tell you we know that father of the Year Thanos forced his two daughters Gamora and nebula to fight against each other as a form of training nebula never managed to win which meant her body parts were gradually replaced with cybernetics in an effort to make her stronger but don't assume this means nebula is a bad fighter it's just like Gamora happens to be exceptional although being the favorite daughter of Thanos is a dubious honor at best you don't get there by not being a master fighter as an assassin she never failed a mission and was considered one of the most dangerous people in the galaxy in fact she's a warrior of such renown that it's strange that she didn't put up more of a fight against Thanos during infinity war it's surprisingly easy for characters who don't talk much to steal the show and that was definitely the case with goofs of Captain Marvel although he might look like an ordinary house cat he's actually an alien known as florican those terrifying tentacles that you saw coming out of this mouth that's because gooses body is actually filled with tons of pocket dimensions in which he can store terrifying things without being harmed he was even able to swallow and later COFF up the tesseract without any adverse effects we think it's safe to say the Infinity stones are probably harmful if swallowed making this all the more impressive sure it's not the ideal storage space but you can't say it's not effective [Music] just because natasha romanoff doesn't tactically have any superpowers doesn't mean under estimating her is a good idea she's a master spy and even low-key admitted to being impressed with how sneaky she can be many Marvel movies feature lots of bottles and explosions but don't let that distract you from the value of espionage Black Widow is able to disguise herself and infiltrate just about any group even Nick Fury was impressed by her skills and used her as a benchmark for a lie-detector test trying to make one so powerful that even she couldn't fooled it it's more subtle than some of the other powers on our list but there are indeed some situations you simply can't punch your way out of when you stack it up against other abilities in the MCU it's hard to get super excited about being really really good at aiming but Clint Barton takes marksmanship to the next level he's so proficient that he was selected to join the Avengers because of his master marksmanship and he's not just limited to bows and arrows we've seen him use pretty much everything and aim with devastating accuracy Clint could even throw Captain America's shield shockingly well he's able to pinpoint small targets at great distances which is a great way to destroy large things while remaining safe this talent is definitely in the works smarter but not harder category and we approve Clint Barton must have trained long and hard to hone his marksmanship abilities to such an impressive level but Tony Stark was able to create a precise targeting system for his Iron Man suit with probably a lot less time and effort it turns out that there are some benefits to being a genius billionaire after all who would have ever guessed Iron Man is able to aim his weapons with incredible precision instantly and he also removes the possibility of human error by making the whole thing an automated process not only that but Tony is able to rapidly utilize all of the different projectiles within his suit to an extent even Clint Barton couldn't keep up with when you think of a Black Panther speed might not be his first skill that comes to mind but if you think about it he's able to run a truly impressive speeds especially compared to the other characters in the MCU it's estimated that he can run up to 40 miles per hour which is much faster than the average person he can zip up staircases like nobody's business and even keep pace with fleeing vehicles we've even seen him outrun characters like Captain America and the Winter Soldier Kappa may be the pinnacle of physical fitness but he's still not as fast as T'Challa this power also coincides well with others that he possesses including his incredible acrobatics and agility everyone knows that as far as his physiology is concerned Captain America is perfect the Super Soldier Serum that he received means every last muscle and every last pearly white tooth is absolutely ideal but while this is impressive cap also has another incredible skill and that's his ability to strategize he can quickly and carefully formulate complex battle strategies even in the heat of the moment being able to fight enemies one-on-one is great but Captain America knows the importance of delegating he might not be as brilliant as Tony Stark or Bruce Banner but he excels when it comes to strategizing Captain America is definitely an incredibly useful ally on the battlefield many people consider clint barton to be the MCU master of arrows but we think yondu udonta was even more impressive sure hawkeye can fire off arrow after arrow in quick succession but yondu can do an exceptional amount of damage with just a single arrow and a song in his art one long arrow doesn't seem like much of a weapon but yondu's Yaka arrow is something else entirely this weapon is incredibly lethal and yondu has masterful control of it he's able to wipe out vast amounts of enemies almost instantly with it generally the sort of attacks that cover a lot of ground locked precision but not this one not only can it take down humanoid enemies but we've seen yondu use it to rip apart a necrocraft [Music] obviously we're not here to talk about Scott Lang's incredible ability to perform close-up magic tricks using sleight of hand while that's pretty cool we're more impressed by the whole shrinking and growing thing sure he utilizes technology designed by hank pym but scott had to go through a lot of training in order to master utilizing it there was even a training montage about it in ant-man in the comic books Scott is eventually able to shrink and grow without the suit and only time will tell if this aspect of his character ever manages to make it into the MCU also as Scott mentions growing to epic proportions isn't easy on the body it takes a lot to be able to pull off this move effectively and even an expert like Scott needs a nap afterwards in the very first guardians of the galaxy movie we knew that there was something very special about Peter quill no it wasn't just as impeccable taste in music or his knowledge of some of the greatest cinematic achievements of all time we saw him survive in space for far longer than he should have an hold on to the Power Stone without it destroying him at least for a period of time so when it turned out that his father was ego a celestial it wasn't that surprising it turns out star-lord has some even more incredible powers that we've never seen the only downside is that they've never manifested before or since during guardians of the galaxy volume 2 we saw him utilizing molecular manipulation in order to create something out of nothing if only he could find a way to incorporate this into his everyday arsenal sure she may be completely and utterly evil but Halle has always been a person with a plan she's got people to see and then destroy as well as places to conquer why bother spending time forming friendships and alliances when you can simply reanimate corpses and force them to do your evil bidding that's just good time management and an incredibly impressive superpower Halla makes new allies whenever she needs them quite literally by utilizing necromancy when the situation calls for it in addition to bringing back vast swathes of the undead she can also bring back powerful beings like her pet wolf Fenris and her Berserker apparently being an ally of Halle means never having to say goodbye for too long despite being called the god of thunder its electricity that Thor controls he's able to conjure and then control massive blasts of energy for a period of time he relied on the owner to help him focus his power but he later learned the true power was inside himself all along hahaha isn't that sweet Thor's powers are some of the most incredible in the MCU and his command of electricity is his most impressive not only can he call upon philosoph lightning to smite his foes but he can also use them to enhance his own attacks by using this power and channeling it into Stormbreaker he very nearly defeated Thanos and he could have it be just aim for the head hey listen we didn't say being smart was one of his powers Peter Parker's spidey sense is pretty cool but it pales in comparison to Heimdall's Omni sense being the gatekeeper to Asgard is a serious task and there's a reason Heimdall was chosen to fulfill this role he can use his powers to see and hear anything going on anywhere within the nine realms he's able to intercept plots and respond to people calling for him from other worlds although this power isn't completely infallible it's still incredibly impressive and also incredible is that Heimdall has managed to master his power in order to avoid being constantly overwhelmed by taking in far too much stimuli Pineville's power is so amazing that Loki even wondered if there was a time Oh Dan may have feared him earlier we said Groot has way more impressive powers than being able to grow flowers and now we're going to talk about them despite being a giant tree he is surprisingly resilient and he's able to shield himself with twigs if he's injured he has the incredible ability to regenerate parts of his body within just a few hours of having an arm chopped off Groot can regrow a new one this makes Groot almost impossible to defeat since he can rapidly heal any injuries he sustains over the course of battle and even if you do manage to destroy group he can reproduce by planting a piece of himself so in a way he'll still live on we saw this happen at the end of guardians of the galaxy which is how we wound up with the adorable baby Groot and the angst-filled teenage group we know Bruce Banner hasn't always been appreciative of his ability to transform into be Incredible Hulk but there's no denying that it's an incredibly potent power for a long time the major downside to banner hulking out was the unpredictable nature of the Hulk historically he hasn't been great at smashing just what needs to be smashed and not going on a major rampage but during thor ragnarok we learned Hulk is capable of speaking thinking and even expressing feelings of friendship later in infinity war we learned Hulk is also getting tired of feeling out Bruce Banner all the time despite his often unpredictable nature Hulk is still one of the mightiest heroes in the MCU for Loki he's like the Jobe Bluth of the MCU he spent years Jasper Lee seeking the approval of his parents and nobody ever seems to be truly impressed with his illusions but don't worry Loki we see you and we have to admit you've got some serious skills Heimdall may have the Omni sense but this amazing power has been fooled by Loki's of wily ways before at first it seems like Loki was pretty much only good at fooling Thor which isn't that impressive of a feat but soon he was fooling all of Asgard with his masterful impersonation of Odin in fact he was able to rule Asgard for a long time with his subjects being none the wiser many of Loki's powers may be subtle but that doesn't mean they're not incredible although the insidious yawn wrong tried to convince her not to rely on her powers we all know how powerful the photon blasts of Captain Marvel can be thanks to the space stone she has access to an immense source of cosmic energy which she can channel into mighty photon blasts she can punch her way through concrete and spaceships so you can just imagine what she could do to a weak squishy human being and if she doesn't use a direct blast this force can send out a shockwave strong enough to bring down large numbers of enemies by channeling her powers effectively she's able to outright destroy her enemies or who simply incapacitate them so they can't fight back even though dr. strange broke the rules by entering the restricted section of the library he ended up gaining mastery over one of if not the single most impressive power in the entire MCU Thanos made it seem like anyone can just pick up the time stone and use it and perhaps that's true to a certain extent but we've seen dr. strange do some shocking things using this particular infinity stone that's simply unparalleled he managed to trap to a mom who and a time loop and quickly glanced over 14 million 605 futures during infinity war time-travel is a hard talent to beat and we haven't seen anyone better at it than dr. strange 25 sounds like a lot but when you're talking about Marvel characters and their powers it's barely a dent we've talked about some options but make sure to give us your best picks for the most impressive power and least impressive in the comments section now before you go make sure to click subscribe for more from CBR bye for now [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 6,575,186
Rating: 4.2180576 out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Marvel, superpowers, worst, best, ranked, Groot, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Loki, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Star-Lord, Gamora, Captain America
Id: ovNJpzbAXK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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