Thor's Father Was Responsible For Thanos' Rise To Power

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[Music] thanos forever changed the MCU but was he really as inevitable as he claimed maybe not a new theory puts the blame of the Mad Titans rise to power right at Odin's feet is it true let's discuss went down a store through the Avengers like tissue paper on his quest to get the Infinity stones in Avengers infinity war an endgame the mad Titan made one thing clear he was inevitable the big purple mr. clean kept saying as much an end game and at the time I totally believed it sure thinness mostly just sat in a chair for like I don't know six years but when he showed up to finally make his move he seemed like an unstoppable force but is that truly the case was Thanos always destined to thus half the universe or can you blame this total domination on the actions of one person well as you study the entire history of the MCU as well as examine comments made by Kevin Feige and the Russo brothers it's clear that Dennis's victory at the end of Avengers infinity war can be traced back to one man and no it's not Falcon actually if you believe this theory the person responsible for Thanos winning is actually Odin that's right Thor's father might very well be the man who will out dannis to go through with his crazy snapping plan how you ask well it's not a simple answer so sit back relax and let's take a walk through this as I mentioned an important part of this is listening the what head honcho Kevin Feige and his MCU super directors the Russo brothers have said in the past they've all made this statement that Thanos would have never been able to collect all the stones if civil war didn't happen which makes a lot of sense if you think about it the avengers would have been tougher and they would have found a way to destroy the mine stone within visions head or even had a better way to protect the time stone but alas our favorite heroes were divided after the events of Civil War and they just weren't ready to defend the universe against the bad Titan so how does this relate to Odin hold on I'm getting there Civil War happened because of Zemo yeah remember zero right like sure the highlights of Captain America Civil War is obviously the airport fight sequence so it's sometimes hard to forget that an ordinary man with understandable motivations successfully fractured the entire Avengers team Zima was mad because he had lost his family in sokovia and vowed vengeance by enacting a super complicated plan that used Bucky Barnes to drift a rift between Captain America and Iron Man but Zemo didn't just wake up one morning and decide to hurt Earth's Mightiest Heroes on a whim his actions were driven by the events of Avengers age of Ultron which saw the crazed artificial titular robot Ultron turns to Kobe as capital and Nobby grad into a giant meteor the end result included the deaths of Z Mo's family if the climactic battle never took place then Seema would have lived a long happy life and never would have started civil war so where's Odin is he involved yet no calm down Internet he's still coming so now we get to look at who's responsible for Ultron who attacked a novigrad and wiped out zimos family and then caused mo to break up the Avengers which led to Thanos accomplishing his quest for the Infinity stones see all these ripples matter folks but anyway no matter which way is spinning Tony Stark is responsible for Ultron Tony has a knack for creating things that either turn evil or very quickly fall into evil hands heck even after Avengers endgame when his epic sacrifice seemed to say that Tony wouldn't be able to build any more dangerous tech we got spider-man far from home which focused entirely on Tony's dangerous tech but out of all the things Tony built over the years that threatened to destroy the world Ultron was by far the deadliest Tony you're just full of pop-culture references how can you not suspect that your artificial intelligence was gonna turn evil two seconds after turning on like it was just a bad idea from the start but Tony's always been paranoid about defending Earth from a bigger threat but that fear was amplified in age of Ultron which pushed him to create the robot but what amplified this fear for that you have to look at the beginning of the second Avengers movie which I'll want to infect Tony's mind with her vaguely defined powers and give him visions of mass destruction first of all Tony why did you leave your suit you're in the middle of a bad guy base stay inside your protective armor geez didn't think we had to spell it out for the guy this event was the straw that broke the camel's back Tony went home and immediately went about finishing Ultron so Wanda was responsible for driving Tony into a paranoid enough state to create Ultron which in turn led to Civil War but Wanda only exists because of a scepter and the mine stone because you know this was back in a time when no one in the MCU would dare whisper the word mutant so they wreak on Scarlet Witch and quicksilver's backstory to make them special instead with power stemming from Loki's scepter so does the blame of all fall on the scepter for creating Wanda who would drive Tony crazy with her powers which would cause him to create Ultron and directly affects the most family in a way that led to the Avengers breaking up still no the scepter was only on earth because of Loki and all of his mischievious scheming and while it may be easy to say Loki is to blame for everything I actually think the ultimate blame for it all stops at Odin who thanks to some poor dad skills made Loki rebellious in the first place like if Odin had just been upfront and honest with Loki about his heritage from the start would things have been different in the early days Odin seemed like a really good dad to Thor but left Loki out in the cold which set off a series of events that would eventually lead the Thanos taking over okay are you ready for it all in order so the all-powerful Odin neglected Loki enough to cause the trickster to rebel which led to the sceptre with the mine Stone arriving on earth which would be used to give Wanda her powers who would then use her powers to infect Tony's mind and push his already paranoid personality into overdrive mode which would cause him to create Ultron who would go on to wreak havoc in segovia which would end the lives of zimos family who would be so consumed with grief he would hatch a plan to destroy the Avengers with a civil war which would leave earth defenseless for Thanos to swoop in and decimate half the universe Wow thanks a lot Odin all right that whole breakdown was a very direct through line of why Odin was ultimately the cause of Thanos snapping away half the universe but that's not the only reason he should bear the bulk of the blame throughout the entire MCU franchise Odin is seem to make questionable decision after questionable decision he zigs when he should sag you know perhaps more than any character he has had the most influence on where the Infinity stones have ended up we all know that Odin has a throne room where he keeps a range of special and fake items that hold immense power but Odin decided long ago that instead of keeping the all-powerful tesseract under his watchful eye he hid it on earth in a small remote village look Odin I'm not telling you how to do your job here I'm sure you were an excellent King but maybe just just maybe don't hide one of the most powerful weapons in the galaxy in a place that's easily accessible by crazy Nazis or at least check up on it now and then like you hid it away from the world for a reason just don't forget about it after a thousand years maybe when you exiled Thor to earth you could have had to make sure it was still in the wall in that village in Norway just saying the fact that by the end of the Avengers store returns the tesseract to Asgard and no one seems to have a problem with it proves that the cube should have been kept close by to begin with it's indirect decisions and choices like that which made it easy for Thanos to enact his plan but that's not the only infinity stone that Odin is handled at the end of Thor the dark world earth and Jane are saved by the plan to malachite and his evil plan to spread darkness everywhere thanks to the ether aka the reality stone in the mid credit sequence Volstagg and SIF give the reality stone to the collector for safekeeping presumably under Odin's order but wait yes I know who most likely gave this order was Loki masquerading as Odin so you can't really blame Odin for making this stupid decision but here's why I disagree Volstagg insists seem to have no qualms leaving the stone with the creepy collector which means that they agreed with the order and it was probably what the real Odin would have done anyway plus if Loki just took over as Odin you would want to act like the real deal as much as possible at the beginning to avoid suspicion right which is why I think the real Odin would have made the exact same call but anyways this was an extremely unwise decision no matter which way you look at it Volstead gives the reasoning that because the tesseract is already on a scar the reality stone must be somewhere else since it's unwise to keep two Infinity stones in the same place and while that logic makes sense they couldn't think of anywhere else to put it and rather with the collector why not bury it in some unknown planet or have Heimdall transported to the furthest reaches of the universe don't leave it with the guy who keeps people in cages like an Avengers infinity war Peter quill says only an idiot would give that man a stone and when Peter quill is calling something idiotic then you know you have a serious problem because if the reality stone was kept in the a star D in vault there would have been good chance it would have been destroyed when Asgard was destroyed or just left floating in Asgard debris for eternity so overall Odin's handling of all the Infinity stones was another reason danos was able to snap his fingers and finally there's actually one more key point I need to mention that helps prove Odin was responsible for Thanos his rise to power and that of course is everything surrounding the Infinity Gauntlet people tend to overlook the fact that danos needed each reed to forge the Infinity Gauntlet for him in order to hold the stone successfully without this Thanos his whole plan wouldn't have worked can you imagine Bannos trying to hold the stones in a potato sack or shaking them together to make them do something cool sounds disastrous right when Thor finds etry he learns that the whole race has been wiped out the star shut down and eat Rees hands wrapped in stone all thanks to the mad Titan the giant dwarf mentions how Asgard was supposed to protect them from Thanos but they never showed up this was most likely because Asgard was dealing with hella who was another direct result of Odin's negligence and dark past if they weren't so busy dealing with Odin's mistake maybe the Asgardians could have stopped anos before each remade the gauntlet form so overall Odin was not only directly and indirectly involved in actions that would make it easy for Thanos to win meaning helping the Avengers break up and miss handling the Infinity stones but he was also responsible for helping Thanos get the one special item he needed in order to successfully wield the stones no matter which way you look at it the paths always lead back to Odin so although he may look like a great leader all the evidence seems to suggest isn't maybe of Odin was alive and operating at peak efficiency danos would have had a tougher time winning but looking over his history yeah that seems doubtful Danis called himself inevitable but it's clear his rise to power was the result of a complicated web of smaller events all tracing back to Odin what do you think was Odin responsible for the mad Titan let us know in the comments as always like and subscribe to CBR for more awesome MCU content thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,084,269
Rating: 4.7545266 out of 5
Keywords: Odin, Thanos, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Thor, Aim for the head, Peter Quill, Odin vs Thanos, Odin caused Thanos, Civil War, Captain America, Loki, Tesseract, Infinity Stones, Infinity Gauntlet, MCU, Thanos snap, CBR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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