10 MCU Characters Who Will Never Die

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hey no one ever said being a superhero was easy it's often quite hazardous just ask tony stark oh wait you can't do that anymore sorry how about captain america oh he's too busy playing bingo at the nursing home quicksilver ah right but let's say these heroes weren't constantly facing life-threatening catastrophes how long do you think they'd live for in a way we want all of the mcu characters to stay the same age and live forever mainly for selfish reasons because then they can continue to make movies for our viewing pleasure but realistically are there mcu characters that could live forever i certainly think so check out today's video to learn the secret of eternal life here's a hint you might need to be a robot or magic [Music] if deadpool was actually here he'd take one look at this first entry and make a snarky comment i know the list says mcu characters and deadpool isn't exactly part of the mcu quite yet but i think that's only a minor inconvenience because come on we all know he's on his way even if he stays in his own separate universe for a while disney owning fox means deadpool is just part of the multiverse and therefore part of the mcu so it counts anyways deadpool has probably one of the best abilities of any superhero on top of his increased speed strength agility and the fact that he looks like ryan reynolds he also has one of the best healing factors around you could do practically anything you want to the merc with the mouth blow him up freeze him in carbonite have the hulk sit on him he'll always come back it also means he'll never actually die and that's great news right i don't know what the future holds but i want deadpool to always be there making outrageous comments and looking straight into the camera don't you not all death means an ending it's true in terms of scarlet witch who's another character who will never actually die let me explain scarlet witch has had a unique journey in the mcu so far with her powers being incredibly vaguely defined i mean when your first major appearance you're just described as weird and then leaving at that for like four movies then it kind of gives the impression that you don't want to fully explain how wanda's powers work or their limitations but if you actually trace her journey it's been clear she's getting stronger and stronger with each passing movie does that mean she'll never die not necessarily but thanks to one division we know she's able to create alternate realities with her powers what this means is that perhaps her consciousness will never truly die if she was ever in real danger i would like to think her consciousness can escape into a world of her own creation and live there forever is that a radical thought totally but i wouldn't put it past scarlet witch who's shaping up to be one of the most powerful heroes in the entire mcu doctor strange is the best magician in the world he's the sorcerer supreme if that title tells us anything it's that death isn't really a factor anymore look at the previous sorcerer supreme the ancient one whose age was not known and the only thing we found out about her is that she looked vaguely tilda swintony but it certainly looked like she was on the path to live forever until she was mortally wounded if that wasn't the case it looked like the magical energy that flowed through her would continue to keep her alive and now all that power resides in doctor strange and i think doctor strange is even stronger than the ancient one which says a lot about his lifespan he seems so powerful that unless baron mordo shows up and attacks doctor strange while he's taking his evening bath then doctor strange doesn't have to worry about death and that's even without the time stone which would have definitely prolonged his life indefinitely if he chose to use it as such of course [Music] all right do i think thor will never die well it depends will fat thor stick around eating leftover cheese puffs from underneath the couch cushion or are we gonna get the greek statue come to life thor that we've seen in previous movies well if chris hemsworth's workout photos are to be believed thor is back in fighting shape but with thor getting back to his impressive physique it also might come with some handy perks mainly immortality yes it's been said that the average lifespan of an asgardian is like 5 000 years or so years but we know even that can be prolonged look at odin it's tricky to nail down his birth certificate so i can't tell you his exact age but if we base it off comics as well as some comments in the movies then odin could be millions of years old when thor faces sirter he tells the fire demon that he thought odin killed him a half a million years ago now this could just be thor having some fun but if it's true then odin was seriously old and because thor's odin's son and looks to be even more powerful it would only be natural for thor to live just as long as odin and hey if this means more taiko waititi thor movies every few years for a million years i wouldn't be opposed to it you ever wish you were a robot robots have it easy a lot of the time man being a robot is the life oh the other big thing is that you could potentially never die let's look at vision for example vision is a hero who never got enough respect in the mcu movies he was made to be one of the most powerful heroes ever thanks to his vibranium body coupled with his jarvis and ultron intellect his biggest strength and weakness was that stone in his head it gave him life and vision looked to be on his way to the scrap yard when thanos sauntered up and ripped the mind stone out of his forehead and that seemed like it was going to be the end of it of course then one division was announced promising visions return and no matter if this is the real vision or just some construct that wanda's powers created it does make one thing clear vision never has to die he basically just needs a proper power source and he can be brought back and if that's not enough then wanda can just construct a reality where vision is alive and well easy right groot's proven that no matter how many sticks he explodes into he can just start over sure if one group dies and that's technically the end of that groot and a new group grows and takes its place meaning groot can actually die but until we see a new adult group to see if he acts any different than the og groot then i'll still count it all as one character and if you don't agree with me i have a letter from groot himself explaining the whole situation it says incredible writing group thank you for that i like how he said i am groot that part really stuck with me [Music] this list includes deadpool which means we're contractually obligated to include wolverine too trust me i tried to leave wolverine off but he just started calling me bub a bunch of times and i got too scared to say no again wolverine is a special case he's not quite in the official mcu yet but it's only a matter of time for years we've gotten used to hugh jackman's performance as logan but now it's time for someone else to take over the role and inherit the adamantium claws plus i expect his healing factor is going to work a lot differently in the fox universe hugh jackman had been playing the role for over 15 years and it was time to retire the character permanently this led to the explanation of his healing factor wearing off in his old age and a few other important factors that led to his demise but really wolverine should never be able to die his healing factor is incredibly strong and just like deadpool it keeps him coming back every time he's injured plus in top of the healing factor he has that adamantium skeleton which already boosts his chances to never actually die the cosmic side of the mcu taught us all one thing that earth doesn't know anything about anything we've had these mystical items on earth for so long but i don't think we ever fully understood their abilities it's why it's so hard to pinpoint whether captain marvel will ever die now or not thanks to the exposure from the tesseract carol danvers became the strongest hero in the universe and it also had the side effect of slowing down her aging to a snail's pace but i think it's also not too crazy to assume captain marvel will never die for one i don't see any force in the universe strong enough to beat her in battle so with that worry out of the way i would imagine the tesseract powers are going to keep her alive and relatively looking the same for thousands and thousands of years can you believe that dormammu was a powerful villain that i think got the short end of the stick in terms of one-off big bads like come on in other solo movies our heroes had to face people like obadiah stain whiplash and malekith the dark elf but no doctor strange didn't have it that easy in the first doctor strange movie dormammu was the ruler of the dark dimension and worked tirelessly to absorb all other universes this kind of evildoer isn't one that can be beaten with a single punch or a powerful blast in fact he really can't be straight up beaten and he certainly will never die old dormie will certainly be trying to spread his dark dimension everywhere for as long as there's a universe in general seriously keep an eye out for him while gamora was the golden child nebula was like a fast food meal that you left sitting out on the counter for a few days no matter how hard nebula tried gamora always outperformed her with every loss making thanos upgrade nebula's body to make it stronger well there's one thing nebula will win at and that's a long life i'm sure gamora will live a long life if she doesn't make a habit of being sacrificed for the soul stone but it has nothing on nebula just like vision if there's a part broken you fix it and that sort of thing will ensure that nebula has a very long life ahead of her you know which heroes aren't going to live forever the ones who go up against thanos in a recent video we talked about every hero thanos could crush even without the infinity stones my favorite comment came from skyler vanderbisch who told us let's be honest we all knew hawkeye was going to be on that list truer words have never been spoken
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,563,877
Rating: 4.8974628 out of 5
Keywords: MCU, Characters who won’t die, Iron Man death, Quicksilver death, Deadpool in MCU, Wolverine MCU, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Thor age, Vision death, Nebula, Groot, Phase 4, CBR, Captain Marvel Age
Id: mfHVAIdtvlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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