12 Superheroes Spider-Man Has Defeated

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spider-man has fought some amazing rogues over the years but what happens when spidey trades blows with some of your other favorite superheroes chaos ensues that's what [Music] inside due to the nature of comics and other media marvel heroes are fighting each other almost as much as they fight bad guys and something that shouldn't be surprising is that spider-man has nearly beaten them all that's right join me today as i talk about all the superheroes that spider-man has defeated over the years how did spider-man outwit iron man and did spidey really punch hulk into space well let's find out all that and more right now i want to start off with a recent live-action example yes that of course refers to spider-man no way home that featured a lengthy sequence that pitted the former sorcerer supreme against spider-man this fight is just awesome to look at but i think it highlights a key component of spider-man's fighting style that makes him one of the most formidable foes around the kid is smart yes he can pack one heck of a punch but he also uses reasoning and logic to solve problems and defeat his enemies so yes let's talk about spidey versus strange i know we've all seen the movie about 40 times now so we all know what happens but there's a few little moments i want to break down at first doctor strange just seems way too overpowered he can limit spider-man's movements using portals and his cape and he has a whole range of spells that should be able to end the fight instantly like his whole i'm gonna punch you into the astral plane power but something surprising happens when peter is separated from his body strange is baffled about how peter's body is still able to evade and dodge him peter doesn't know what's happening either and while this is a funny moment it has a much bigger implication we can infer that it's his spidey sense that's able to keep peter's body moving even when his soul thing isn't and that gives him a major advantage over strange the next phase of the fight takes place in the mirror dimension which dr strange says he has complete mastery of and yet he still can't steal one box from one teenager and then peter is able to turn the tables again on strange using math to figure out where exactly to place his webbing where it would trap doctor strange and keep him subdued until the end of the movie needs him again and yes you could argue that doctor strange didn't seem to be really trying in this situation i mean after he's webbed up he just kind of looks a little frustrated but i think that also speaks to why spider-man can win a lot of fights against heroes it's because he's so likable even though peter made a mistake after mistake in no way home there's just an inherent factor within tom holland's puppy dog performance that makes you want to help the kid out so if you combine all these factors meaning his smarts his spider sense his likability and his natural agility and you got yourself a hero who defeated probably the most powerful sorcerer in the universe not too shabby i don't think anyone would want to fight the hulk how much money would it take someone to offer you in order to step into the ring with the hulk for 15 seconds i mean it's a trick question because no matter what amount you're offered no way you're walking away unless you try to sneakily remember black widow's lullaby or something anyway the point is the hulk is almost unbeatable and on a normal day i think he'd crush spider-man into spider goo but there's one specific instance in the comics where spider-man has the upper hand so during this time hulk was mostly gray hulk meaning he'd turn into grey hulk at night and then during the day revert back to bruce banner very werewolfy and someone hires hulk to go after spider-man easy so far right well actually no spider-man had recently underwent a major power boost that allows him to do things like control his web lines through sheer willpower meaning he can whip and move them around with just his mind he could alter the molecular structure of anything he touches meaning he could change his webbing into adamantium it also saw a major uptick in spidey strength with hulk even asking spidey at one point if he's been working out well the whole fight basically ends when spider-man literally punches grey hulk into space and then he sort of feels bad about the whole thing because hulk would probably not survive staying up there too long especially with the sun coming out and about to turn him back to bruce banner so spidey tests his ability by jumping up into space and bringing hulk back down hulk is actually a little grateful for spidey saving him and decides to leave the fight so remember kids the best way to solve your problems is to become strong enough to punch them into outer space it's pretty unfortunate that we'll never get to see spider-man fight iron man in the mcu yes the two are the bestest of buds but it's always interesting to see mentor mentee fights on the big screen and unless tony stark returns as an evil version of himself from a different universe which please make it happen mcu then the two won't be trading blows in live action anytime soon which is a shame because i find their comic fights always so interesting like take their civil war fight for instance it's iron man vs the iron spider and although it first seems like iron man has the advantage because he literally designed the iron spider suit and put in a fail safe that would allow him to shut down the suit by voice command tony is actually caught by surprise when peter turns the tables and reveals that he found tony's fail-safes and implemented a voice command that allowed him to override tony's commands so peter could control the suit himself it was an instance of peter outwitting one of the smartest people in the marvel universe so that was cool then there was another time when a street clothes peter fought a fully armored iron man and actually won basically peter jumps on iron man when he's flying and they crash to the ground and while iron man is basically blasting peter with his most powerful repulsor beam and blinds him peter wildly unleashes all of his webbing in iron man's direction without looking when he opens his eyes to see what happened he finds himself standing in front of a completely cocooned iron man all he can really say in this situation is wow which seems pretty accurate although they operate in different universes it doesn't mean that marvel and dc won't cross over from time to time usually these are fun one-off adventures that team up earth's mightiest heroes with the justice league for quirky results and i mention this because one time in particular spider-man ended up beating wonder woman here's the setup wonder woman and spider-man were both searching for doctor doom when they cross paths doom tries to manipulate wonder woman by announcing over the loudspeaker basically how spider-man is working for doom and has been sent to eliminate her although peter tries to explain himself wonder woman is in a fight first ask questions later type of move and the fighting begins wonder woman exclaims that she'll use the lasso of truth to see if spider-man is being honest about being a good guy but spidey is all like uh no way i'm gonna let you ensnare me with a magic rope and then proceeds to cut the lights and make it pitch black in the room he then just taps wonder woman on the shoulder and explains how if he wanted to he could have just clobbered her when the lights were off but didn't and that technically proves he's a good guy wonder woman's convinced and overall i'd definitely count this as a win for spider-man he controlled the situation weakened wonder woman's position by controlling the lights and then had the prime opportunity to attack but didn't have you ever wanted to try out for a team of some sort and you decide the best way to stand out is to beat them all up no oh okay then yeah peter parker's plan to join the fantastic four was insane in one of the first actual spider-man-centric stories we see peter parker in desperate need of some cash the superhero vigilante business isn't paying the bills and he needs an income so his first thought is to join the fantastic four and start getting paid for his hero work peter thinks this is an absolute foolproof plan you know even though the group already has four members don't worry he gets smarter as the comics go on but in this issue boy i think the thing was right when he said spider-man must have rocks in his head peter is absolutely convinced that once he shows up to the fantastic four's tower and shows off what he can do the group will immediately accept him and shower him with cash though when he gets to their tower obviously a fight breaks out and to his credit spider-man does end up besting all four of the fantastic four he webs up mr fantastic to neutralize the stretching ability invisible girl can't stop him because her one advantage doesn't have an effect because of the spidey sense and he's able to dance around and dodge any attack by the human torch and the thing if peter was an actual assassin and not just a teenager looking for cash then this could have been a huge problem for the fantastic four of course it ends when peter learns that the fantastic four is a non-profit organization and then he just sort of leaves what an awkward first encounter but it shows how strong spider-man can be against a team okay this one isn't about peter parker but rather it's the miles morales version of spider-man but hey they're both spider-man right it counts so although civil war ii isn't as beloved as the original civil war storyline there's still a lot of interesting stuff within it regarding stopping future crimes before they happen one of the big events was it was prophesied that miles morales would end up eliminating captain america for good this of course made everyone a bit nervous and on edge and the events leading up to this were brutal the gist of what happens is this is a version of captain america that's evil and has been remade by hydra using the cosmic cube he ends up viciously eliminating natasha by bashing her neck in with his shield and this enrages miles who had developed a strong bond with natasha miles ends up beating captain america to a bloody pulp and is about to give into his worst impulses when he's talked down by nadia van dyne in the end miles decides that natasha wouldn't want him to eliminate captain america like this and shows mercy but from a fight perspective it wasn't even close spider-man won this fight so be sure to never make him mad okay whenever the x-men make it to the mcu they better hope they don't cross paths with spider-man why you may ask well it's because spidey was able to beat all of them all at once that's right crazy isn't it this happened in marvel's superheroes secret wars number three and the setup is that while the avengers and the x-men are working together in the same facility the x-men don't feel very welcomed spider-man just happens to eavesdrop on a conversation where he hears how the x-men are about to leave the avengers to go join magneto spidey is discovered instead of having any chill whatsoever he claims he's going to rat out the x-men to the other avengers naturally a fight breaks out and surprisingly spidey completely dominates in a fight against a whole team of x-men that includes wolverine colossus storm rogue nightcrawler and professor x thanks to equal parts agility and tactics spider-man wipes the floor with the x-men team with wolverine even claiming that they were lucky spider-man was just trying to escape and not hurt them because he made them look like amateurs so wolverine vs spider-man in the mcu when another hero spider-man has beaten is spider-man yep that's what happens when you have so many spider-man running around the first time peter parker meets miles morales of course the two fight both are confused about what's happening miles is thrilled to be meeting peter parker while peter thinks this might be another clone situation and while the two are on equal footing in terms of agility and web shooting miles is able to bust out one of his signature moves and paralyze peter for a bit of course peter does wake up and strike back but it's followed by miles unleashing his whole range of different abilities like his shocking skills and his invisibility all this adds up to miles technically winning their first encounter now yes it is great to watch these two team up in the comics and fight together but it's arguably more fascinating to watch them fight each other to see their different styles and overall techniques but yes again for the purposes of this list spider-man beat spider-man sometimes you have to bluff to win that's what happened when black widow first crossed paths with spider-man now normally i would say natasha has no chance against spider-man i mean although she's agile and has a ton of tricks up her sleeve she's still a regular human whereas spider-man has the spider sense and super strength but luckily natasha caught spider-man on a bad day during a time where peter was really sick and couldn't move like normal black widows showed up wanting to fight in order to test her skills since she heard spider-man was a worthy opponent peter is so disoriented that he can't block or anticipate her attacks leading to black widow nearly taking him out and tying him up spider-man makes a last-ditch effort to show strength by breaking out of the constraints and webbing her wrist weapons natasha thinks that spider-man has just been toying with her this whole time and flees when in reality peter was seconds away from collapsing see it's not always about being the strongest but rather pretending you're the strongest to get your opponent to fold although black cat tows the line between hiro and villain i think it's fun to include her on this list especially because her and spidey have such a steamy history black cat in the comics is a romantic interest for spider-man but you know how it goes one's a superhero vigilante the other is a world-renowned cat burglar it's a star-crossed love that can just never be just ask batman anyways there's a lot of black cat stories i can go into where the two tussle and spidey emerges of the victor but for variety sake let's talk about video games marvel's spider-man series is a whole lot of fun and almost is on the same level of ps2s spider-man 2 almost anyway black cat plays a supporting role in the games and proves why the character should be introduced in live action or i guessed reintroduced as she was technically in amazing spider-man 2 but that movie had like 50 villains to keep track of so the video game we learned that black cat started off stealing from rich people but after falling in love with spider-man she quit the robbery business and became his partner and overall good guy yes it's a little vague given the parameters of this list and topic but i would say it still counts since he defeated her with the power of love and turned her to the good side at least temporarily the airport fight in captain america civil war still stands as one of the greatest set pieces in the mcu just a bunch of our favorite heroes fighting each other but also sort of having a good time like yes both sides are fighting for what they want but everyone still has time for quips which is important it also served as spider-man's big introduction in the mcu and the kid from queens really showed up he suggested how to topple giant man he impressed captain america and he really just completely destroyed a falcon in the winter soldier that last fight is one of my favorites the way he just completely stops bucky's arm and then acts impressed by it is hilarious followed by him completely clipping falcon's wings while simultaneously asking about how they work falcon was right there usually isn't that much talking in a fight and yes it technically ends with falcon using red wing to shoot spidey away from them but really falcon and winter soldier and the fight tied up next to each other on the floor so all in all it's clear that spidey won that fight is deadpool a superhero uh maybe if you squint hard enough he does the right thing most of the time you know if someone doesn't offer him a truckload of chimichangas or something to do something evil anyways spidey and deadpool's relationship is one of the best things in marvel comics and seeing the two quipsters just dig into each other is always such a treat they've clashed a lot in the comics so it's hard to pick just one instance where spider-man outright won so for the final entry on this list i'm picking the time that spidey and deadpool got into a yo mama contest and spidey basically destroyed wade by saying yo mama's so ugly she made this and then ripped off deadpool's mask for the world to see his disfigured face brutal deadpool was about to counter with the mother of all yo mama jokes but then his timer went off and his job to try to hurt spiderman was over so in my book that ends with a spidey victory okay now here's a tough question who would win in a fight between the three live-action spider-man holland maguire or garfield which hero would be the best spider-man and outwit out-punch and outmaneuver the others they're all so similar and yet so different okay this is the next question i want answered
Channel: CBR
Views: 2,676,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spiderman no way home, superheroes spiderman can beat, superheroes spiderman defeated, superheroes spiderman has beaten, cbr, how strong is spider-man
Id: Z0l5QM1ouj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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