OP MCU Attacks Only Used ONCE

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we all love the avengers but sometimes the earth's mightiest heroes seem to forget just how mighty they are in fact several of the most op moves in the mcu seem to get lost when they're needed most possibly the biggest flex in the entire mcu happened when dr strange a relative newbie to the sorcery world took down an all-powerful extra-dimensional monster using the eye of agamotto this would be like harry potter utterly owning a full powered voldemort within a year of him visiting hogwarts doctor strange battled dormammu for what could have been thousands of years losing every time still he managed to reset the timeline each time proving that you truly can weaponize groundhog day this was doctor strange's defining hero moment and the one that proved that he was a force to be reckoned with in the mcu the only problem he only used it once when he joined the avengers to fight thanos it might have been useful for him to mention that he could rewind time as many times as they wanted that way they could have had a few tries of the mad titan to let star-lord work out his angst so that they could actually remove the glove it's hard to believe that in all 14 million futures strange saw that he never thought of this trick in any of them now in strange's defense it's entirely possible that thanos powers would have negated the time stone's effects thanos possessed the reality gem which possibly would have freed him from the reboots it's also possible that doing that many time loops would create a ton of alternate timelines which would be irresponsible as a sorcerer supreme dormammu's dimension didn't have a timeline to screw up i might be willing to admit that doctor strange could know more about the science of time manipulation than i do was there a single cheering your seat moment in infinity war bigger than when thor made his grand entrance with stormbreaker that is a trick question because we all know the answer is no four arrived in wakanda with a weapon that was specially forged to be able to overpower thanos in the infinity gauntlet then against all odds it actually managed to do so when thor noticed that thanos had arrived he threw the weapon at thanos so hard that a blast that used every stone from the gauntlet wasn't enough to overpower him if he had gone for the head he would have been the single greatest hero in the mcu i was so close to winning that coveted strongest avenger title to be fair he did eventually succeed in taking thanos's big purple head from his shoulders he just needs to work on his timing afterwards thor took a bit of a downward turn even gods of thunder aren't immune to sadness and regret but you'd think magic axes would be in the final battle with thanos stormbreaker utterly failed to take thanos down even with the help of mjolnir steve and tony this is a huge downgrade in power considering the fact that thanos didn't even possess one infinity stone stormbreaker shoulda ripped through thanos like he was a big purple plush doll the only thing that i can think of that might explain this is how thor's powers are described in ragnarok it might be inconsistent with the other movies but odin tells thor that mjolnir only helped thor channel his power it wasn't the source so perhaps stormbreaker was only able to channel as much power as thor had at the time either that or him using mjolnir 2 just halved his power look someone else is gonna have to do the math here are there any comic book physicists who can help us with these calculations it's important work so vision never really makes sense in the mcu he's an android designed by ultron who has the personalities of both jarvis and ultron combined with the complex workings of the mind stone this would make sense if he had psychic abilities like professor x but that's not at all what he can do instead he can turn himself intangible fly shoot power beams of light and alter his appearance to look like paul bettany if he was the world's hottest english professor it's a comic book movie so i could roll with it if it were consistent vision is portrayed as an avenger on par with the likes of thor and captain marvel he's one of the god tier avengers which seems to terrify him more than it does excite him it kinda makes sense that he would hold back against the likes of team cap in civil war but not so much in infinity war his showdown with corvus glaive is not the greatest showing for vish sure glaive got a good hit in first but this should have been an easy win for a god tier avenger i mean glaive and proxima midnight were overpowered by black widow cap and falcon but this one i'm gonna blame the date with scarlet witch dates are hard enough even without a random superhero fight in the middle [Music] tom holland has done a fantastic job with spider-man he fully embodies the contradictory traits of peter parker as both a self-serious do-gooder with the world on his shoulders mixed with a snarky attitude of someone who thinks superheroing should be fun that being said peter's powers in the mcu have never really been all that consistent his spider sense is the most inconsistent of the bunch what is uh what does that may call it his peter power peter's signal it'll come to me there are moments where peter seems supernaturally attuned to the dangers around him he defeats mysterio in the end not by the merits of his super suit but by trusting his powers see tony he wasn't nothing without the suit after all so things like cap dropping a crate over him or any of the fights where he gets kicked around should be much easier for him to deal with ah let's just blame this one on puberty is there a single teenager out there who can focus on any peter tingle that's what it was she called it as peter tingle uh what were we talking about okay thor is unbelievably powerful even by asgardian standards he can summon tornadoes unleash huge bursts of lightning and his hair looks like he just walked out of a l'oreal commercial even in the eat of battle that being said none of these powers may be as impressive as the magic spell odin placed upon his hammer whosoever holds this hammer if they be at the end of their character arc of that particular movie shall possess the powers of thor that's how it goes right well that's a cool way to ensure that no one steals your lightning powers it also gives you a pretty op finisher that he never really takes full advantage of in thor he briefly immobilizes loki by putting the hammer on his chest loki is then unable to lift it essentially trapping him there for all eternity unless thor calls it this trick could have been used to take down basically any enemy from the series but thor doesn't ever use it that way the reason why seems obvious thor just likes beating people up too much gently taking them down with a loophole is just nowhere near as satisfying as smashing their face with a thunderhammer okay i want to see if you can guess this one you see there's one very special move that is used in one of the marvel movies it can effectively take out even the strongest of avengers in mere seconds what is the move no i'm not talking about hulk's breath but rather the weird taser thing that valkyrie uses in ragnarok seriously she takes down the literal god of thunder with a little taser that's somehow more powerful than anything malakith can throw at him and i know that he lost his hammer but this was the film that tried to prove that he never needed the hammer in the first place i don't know if these things connect right into the pain receptors of your brain or if they're just insanely powerful tech that makes even wakanda look bad all i know is that they kept thor and the hulk in line honestly if it were me i wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of forging stormbreaker out of a dying star he should have just grabbed a handful of those tasers and it would have taken thanos down oh doctor strange what are we gonna do with you why do you have all kinds of nifty magical abilities but you seem to randomly forget them i'm gonna go ahead and coin this as the strange effect the most glaring example of this is the fact that strange totally forgets that he can create magical portals that can instantly warp him anywhere in the universe heck he manages to open like 20 of them in order to combine the full force of the mcu within seconds of being brought back from oblivion so why did he totally forget how to do that in infinity war the man makes iron man crash a spaceship into titan even though he could have safely delivered them anywhere in the universe they wanted to go why give thanos the home court advantage not only that but infinity war showed strange slicing call obsidian's hand off during the big nyc showdown hmm now what battle would it have been extremely convenient for strange to utilize the ability to supernaturally de-hand an enemy yeah that's right the one where they were trying to take the all-powerful magic glove off of thanos freaking hand so why didn't strange do this honestly i think he just has to live up to his title if you presented yourself as someone who had a phd in strangeness you'd probably have some weird quirks too iron man 3 is one of the more divisive marvel movies but we can all agree that the last 10 minutes are freaking awesome watching a full battalion of iron man taking on extremist soldiers was a true festival of everything that makes iron man cool so why did neither of these powers come up again you'd think that hydra would have gotten an extremist soldier or two to protect loki's scepter from the avengers for that matter why would tony even need the avengers if you could summon 30 iron men to help him out could he not have at least given one suit to hawkeye honestly i think ultron probably made tony a bit weary of using advanced ai like that ever again no idea why the bad guys didn't capitalize on extremists though see this level of disorganization and stupidity is why the avengers always win get it together bad guys one of the coolest moments in the avengers came when thor threw down his hammerhead cap but his shield managed to block it sending ripples of power everywhere thor and cap then used this as a special move several times across the series the only problem here is that thor did something even more valuable to tony it was discovered that thor's lightning not only fails to damage tony's armor but it actually supercharges it more than even the arc reactor is capable of this insane power boost would have come in handy in literally every battle that the avengers fought from that point on seriously how many times do we have to hear about tony's power going out like it's an iphone he failed to charge in time especially when thor could basically do the shazam thing and charge it instantly frankly the reason for this is that tony and thor just don't have the kind of friendship the cap and thor do maybe stark should have stopped calling him point break [Music] do you guys remember the magical mr freeze mcguffin loki used to nearly wipe out all of the frost giants at the end of thor the casket of ancient winters it's okay if you don't because clearly loki forgot all about it too at the end of ragnarok loki gets sent to odin's private vault to get certain crowns so that they can destroy asgard and stop hella this is a pretty insane plan especially considering the fact that they could have just used the casket to freeze hella and her entire army why did loki forget about this well it's simple thor told him to burn asgard to the ground and he got more excited than alexander hamilton when he got invited to the constitutional convention really i get to burn asgard to the ground i i'm just so happy right now so that about does it for all the op moves the mcu kind of forgot about which one do you think the avengers should have utilized were there any we missed let us know in the comments and don't forget to like and subscribe to cbr for more avengers action
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,582,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Avengers, Avengers Endgame, Avengers Infinity War, Thanos, Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Loki, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Doctor Strange, Black Widow, Hela
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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