Avengers: What If The Other 50% Were Dusted?

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[Music] ever wondered how avengers end game would have looked if the other 50 of the universe got dusted instead how things would have played out with all of these other characters would the heroes still go back in time to collect the infinity stones which hero would be sacrificed for the soul stone who would have snapped their fingers to bring back the dusted well let's take a look at how end game could have been if the other 50 were dusted so imagine this thanos snaps his fingers and captain america thor black widow bruce banner war machine rocket raccoon and okoye all get dusted in wakanda and after that 50 of all life in the universe vanishes into dust including tony stark nebula captain marvel and hawkeye and now we can have fun and talk about how avengers end game would have played out if the other 50 got dusted instead a few ground rules before we start first thing thanos didn't get dusted he had all six stones so they protected him from getting decimated the second rule is ant-man during the snap scott lang was inside the quantum realm which is a separate dimension in the multiverse thanos wiped out only half of all life in the universe so in theory scott lang was exempted from the snap since the quantum realm is its own dimension but to keep it fair and interesting in this version ant-man will also be one of the dusted the last rule is that i'm going to stay as close as possible to the original structure of end game and try to see how things would have played out with the other 50 okay so let's look at all of our characters in this what if movie we've got black panther spider-man doctor strange bucky scarlet witch falcon the wasp star-lord drax mantis groot and shuri these characters will be the main players of this version of the movie there are many others like nick fury and hank pym but i can't include everyone otherwise things will get very confusing and overcrowded and so let's start with the what if possibilities so after the snap everyone is in shock of what just happened the heroes who fought on titan join the others with doctor strange simply opening a magical portal that they can just walk through i guess someone can use their magical powers to just drag the benatar through the portal as well okay we gotta talk about strange and his look into the future it's way too complicated and confusing to understand how his vision will change based on this what-if version so i'm gonna simplify it by saying that strange will keep his cards close and won't reveal to anyone what exactly he saw out of fear that he might cause a change in the timeline and ruin the possible perfect future he's seen so while strange can offer some hints there's a limit to what he can say if i tell you what happens it won't happen that means he needs to allow some bad things to happen since it's the price that must be paid to save the universe this way there can still be some suspense in the story with strange having spoilers for the future it can get pretty boring so you gotta keep things interesting like in the original movie the heroes will travel to the garden to confront thanos clearly without nebula it'll be harder to find the planet but from what we saw in endgame when all six stones are used they send powerful cosmic energy through the universe which can be located between all the geniuses that weren't dusted and the magical powers of strange they could figure out thanos's location on thanos retirement planet the heroes will learn that the mad titan had destroyed the stones i'm pretty sure that after what thanos did to vision wanda will simply tear the mad titan apart and she won't be gentle about it at all although imagine if thanos didn't die and they would have taken him prisoner could have been pretty interesting after this i don't think that we'll have a five-year time jump and since ant-man got dusted the heroes won't discover time travel with his help but the heroes could still figure out time travel with some help from doctor strange while the perfect timeline that he saw is obsolete he knows that the quantum realm could be used to time travel and brilliant minds like shuri hank pym and janet van dyne could figure it out so like in the original movie the heroes will go back to the past for the time heist to collect the infinity stones in this version the heroes will need to travel to only two timelines instead of three at least at first we will have two teams one who will travel to 2012 and the other to 2014. let's start with a 2012 mission where we'll see doctor strange black panther bucky and the wasp go back to the battle of new york doctor strange will collect the time stone from the ancient one without any issues maybe the ancient one could offer some useful advice and guidance for strange the rest of the team will go on a stealth mission to steal both the space and mind stones t'challa will team up with hope van dyne to take the space stone meanwhile bucky will go after the mine stone it'd be nice to see bucky use his winter soldier skills to steal the scepter and we'll also get an epic fight between bucky and 2012 captain america which i'm pretty sure will be very confusing for steve also maybe bucky could use the shield for a bit which will be nice considering the fact that he won't be getting that shield later on but as we all know loki ends up stealing the space stone which will force the 2012 team to travel to another timeline there's the 2013 timeline where the heroes could try and steal the space stone from odin's vault yeah thor was way too drunk to remember that the tesseract was on asgard but it was common knowledge that thor took the stone so i'm sure the heroes could figure out that it was on asgard just imagine black panther and doctor strange traveling to the 2013 timeline to steal the space stone from odin's vault how awesome would it have been if the two of them ended up clashing with thor uru vs vibranium and magic yes please also considering fury didn't get dusted in this version he could have just told the heroes that shield had the space stone for decades meaning we could see the heroes go on a stealth mission in the past to steal the space stone from shield so that's three stones down three to go which brings us to the 2014 team and it will include spider-man star-lord wanda maximoff the falcon shuri drax mantis and groot spider-man and star-lord will travel to morag for the power stone it'll be fun to see the banter between the two peters but let's not forget that quill will still mourn gamora at this point without the 5-year time jump her death will still be very recent and painful so star-lord will prove that he is an emotional idiot by putting the whole mission at risk quill will realize that gamora is still alive in 2014. while it's a totally different gamora that won't matter to quill he lost the woman he loves so he's gonna save her even if she doesn't know who he is at this point star-lord's plan will be to find gamora and take her with him to the present so he's an idiot yeah and so after the two peters collect the power stone spider-man will go back to the present but star-lord will stay behind quill could steal the milano from his younger self to achieve his mission but his attempt will of course go terribly wrong one thing will lead to another and star-lord will be captured and delivered to thanos we'll get back to what happened to star-lord later in the original film thor and rocket travel to the 2013 timeline to collect the reality stone but i don't think it'll be needed in this version instead wanda sam and shuri will travel to nowhere why would he go to nowhere because for years the reality stone's been safely stored there with a man called the collector the guardians knew that the collector had the reality stone they themselves tried to steal it from him in infinity war as for how he'll get there they could use the benatar or maybe shuri will build some wakandan spacecraft it'll be nice to see these characters go to space especially shuri who could get some inspiration from what you'll see on the mission and then there's the soul stone back in infinity war just before star-lord started wailing on thanos nebula mentioned that the stone was on vormir so that's how the heroes will know about the location of the soul stone you took her to warm here he came back with the soul still the team that will travel there will be drax mantis and groot and we all know what's gonna happen on vormir someone will need to be sacrificed and i think it'll be most fitting if it'll be drax who takes the dive off the vormir cliff out of all of the other heroes in this version i think that drax is the only one whose death will have meaning most of these heroes don't even know each other and many of them still have so much story to tell drax needs a powerful death let's be honest drax didn't really do much since the first guardians of the galaxy movie they kind of became this joke of a character so at least it'll be nice if his death will have some powerful meaning the guardians are a family and trax's death will be devastating but also very meaningful drax's sacrifice will have a real impact on the story and will also give him something interesting to do and in the end [Music] see my wife and daughter again and so that is six stones collected but let's not forget about thanos who will need to travel from the 2014 timeline to the present well i guess it's a good thing that star-lord got captured in 2014 thanos will torture quell and learn about his own future like in the original movie thanos and his army will use the pym particles tech to travel to the future only this time with star-lord but before thanos attacks we need someone to snap their fingers and bring back all the dusted back to life without hulk thor or captain marvel we don't have many heroes who could survive the devastating energy of the stones doctor strange is a possible candidate but he isn't as durable as thanos and hulk and both almost died after using all six stones i think it'll make the most sense if wanda will be the one that snaps her fingers her powers come from the mind stone so there's some cosmic connection there while wanda is far from being invulnerable she is extremely powerful wanda was able to destroy the mind stone so maybe she can also use her powers to endure the energy of the stones also the gauntlet will be made from vibranium and maybe shuri can add extra layers of protection from the extreme cosmic radiation of the stones plus maybe strange can add his magic for extra protection or who knows maybe they'll use pym particles to make the gauntlet really tiny would that minimize its radiation regardless wanda will be the one that brings back all of the dusted she will survive the snap but the energy of the stones will have everlasting effects on her after this thanos will attack and the final battle will begin the heroes will clash with thanos as we will get ready for the dusted to show up during the battle star-lord will be able to convince gamora to turn on thanos and help save the day and it will all lead to the portals scene and this was how things could have played out if the other 50 were dusted [Applause] anyway what do you think about all this would you want to see this version of the movie let me know down in the comments and if you liked this video i would really appreciate it if you hit that like button and make sure to subscribe to cbr for more cool videos see you next time and thanks for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 725,456
Rating: 4.9191999 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers Endgame, Infinity War, What If, What if the other 50% were dusted, Thanos, the snap, Black Panther, Decimation, Spider-Man, Avengers 5, Doctor Strange 2, Black Widow, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Captain America, CBR, time travel, Quantum Realm, Wanda Maximoff, scarlet Witch, Drax the Destroyer
Id: 5rKkv9xWZ0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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