How To Get A Job As A Teen | Applying & Interview Tips

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and make sure you use the bathroom before anything because I like my sty be tossing and turning when I'm nervous so I want to use the matter in my before I do my interview cuz I'm gonna be like a furnace that was some reason I don't care though hey little babies welcome back to my channel so but let's make a video for you guys that was like how to get a job at City newsroom cuz in my body 101 class guys go join and roll graduate you know when you have the chance but one of my rules to be nobody was having a job okay so first step to becoming a patty could you add on a job like do be like Wendy's McDonald's chick-fil-a but how you gonna get a job if you don't know how to good job that's where I come in okay I'm a step into your life real quick and just explain how to get you a job go fast as you can see your girl works at Staples yes sir I surely do I've been working there for like half a year now 6 months or so so look to its era because I'm hot so I'm gonna just tell you how to get a job how to do an interview and how to keep it up okay first thing download snag it up on your phone I actually ex to this video on downloads negative and come right back okay come right back so that was negative what you want do is make a little count put your name your number stuff like that and then what you're gonna do is put your zip code and stuff and I'll just bring up all these jobs in your area okay so you see like CVS for me target Popeye stuff like that apply to all of them apply to all of them it's gonna make it so it's like you're putting your information on the app so you don't all you have to do it exit application so you just apply right away like press the button apply and it'll go right in okay so I apply to all of the jobs in your area don't apply to a job too far cuz if you have a car you don't wanna be wasting a lot of gas and also you don't want to walk too taking a bunch of busses you wanted me if you don't have a car so do that I applied to all the jobs in area cuz it's not guarantee you won't get all of them so you might as well just like apply to all of them so you get at least two or three okay so after you with the job I'm going to ask myself after you apply wait a couple hours and then call call them LaHaye I applied yesterday um yes you need to be on it don't apply and just be like sitting there all unemployed you know what I mean like that's that's not it that's not what I condone that's not what you're gonna condone that's not what I can do for you so what you're gonna do after you apply wait like an hour look up the number and be like hello hi did you get my application okay because I need to know your name need to know you want this job they need to know that you're going that you're you know going out your way to be like hey did you come out they like that guy stuff like I do whatever so you want to do that okay okay oh hi the completo yeah not application let me look and then okay yeah see application and use it it like oh well Q come in tomorrow for interview cuz when they know that you're you're assertive I'm the best away worried but you know you you motivate it or you're you really want the job they're gonna they're gonna give you like a long hands so every time that I caught a type I always good interview okay so call don't wait around for a week a day give them a couple hours alright so if you go into their view I'm getting ready for interview don't be nervous they're regular people but not like it's not you're applying to like Vanguard or like some playing Broadway no this is just a simple job okay so you wanna you know you wanna you don't wanna be nervous but you don't want to be like to relax you just kind of still be like you know think about what to say or whatever but not too much because they gonna start acting a little weird wear something presentable you don't have to wear a suit and you don't have to wear it I don't have to wear um you know the way something that's nice nothing a lot of stuff showing don't have your boobs I don't have your butt hanging out don't have nothing like that we covered up in professional but you're not super se make sure your aunty interview on time get there like 10 minutes you don't want to ride late and they like Dean she's not the one cuz you already how you lady mu and and you think they gonna especially like early to work you can do that so make it known that you're punctual for the interview so that they know you're punctual and your life if that make sense so look presentable get there 10 minutes before okay so we meet the person you're gonna shake you take the hair hi nice to meet you my name is Gabby y'all know that hi I'm Gabby oh are you today this is gonna be really nice to like know hi I'm getting okay you want this job right you're on the job right okay hi I'm Gabby how are you I some job you don't you know how you react a little fake sometimes that's okay cuz I do that doing my interviews you sit down you talked to them I dare your friend not your friend like oh girl you lookin cute now right yeah how was your day like yeah I really want this job to the DA you don't yes I realize each other like be relaxed so we ask you questions such as let's see why when are you available guys this question is so important when are you available tell them every day chocolate every day even if you're not available every day tell them you can start then the next day in that you're available almost every day cuz I'm gonna get the job they're gonna be like okay so what these are you available again and you just blow me I don't know like maybe it's kind of good a good advice but like I feel like if you tell them you're available a lot more likely to get the job I try and try to make yourself available but if you're not still see you every day or whatever unless you haven't already in your company what your job cuz hangouts which your friends can wait okay this money can't so you're going to make your friends week you're not gonna you know you need to sacrifice some things that you really want a job so here you're available every day says you're available every day um she was enough sloppy what was I talking about oh and when they asked you win what Dave can you start tomorrow you can start tomorrow yes you can they like that they wants you to be okay when they ask you a question a question like oh who are you well I'm this age I go to this school my GPA is this or if you don't go to school I had this job or bring a resume so they can kind of look at it while you're talking I had this job in the future this job in the future or this is my first job I'm really excited you know I've been looking around for jobs and I feel like this one's the right one for me this is not like stuff like that like get in when they ask you who you are make sure you give like real exciting stuff like oh I'm left-handed I play tennis I'm really hard-working I'm rotation with customers I'm a really nice person I try to make yourself seem like a goddess okay because that's the thing you're looking for good I'm sort of think of any other tip I'll kinda all over the place I'm feeling good I'm trying think of any other tips [Music] if they ask you why Western qualities about you hard-working patient and punctual or just any three things that are like positive kind funny [Music] cooperative like stuff like that like they don't want you to be like oh I'm loud and I'm ignorant and I'm annoying cousin of like think of any three things that are good even if that's not you per se did they ask for the truth nothing but the truth no so give them all the positivity um what else like I said this don't oh okay bring you a bottle of water because I know when I'm like nervous or something although I suppose not to be nervous sometimes I would get nervous bring about a water cuz my mouth's how does it get dry from like talking alot or like I'm really nervous so bringing bottled water is going through the interview and make sure you use the bathroom before anything because I like must I be tossing and turning when I'm nervous so I want to use the bathroom I before I do my interview cuz I'm gonna be like a furnace that was some reason and I'm gonna care though what's another - okay well you're doing your interview you did a good job whatever you take the hand again nice it was nice talking to you dude I hope to see you in the future you leave wait for the core don't give it more than a week seriously because they must have forgotten about to you so if you give them more than a week if it's more than a week looking bring hi it's Gabby I had an interview um other week I just wanted to know what my status would but my status is of employment that's what you say my status of employment that's what the key words are they'll say Ohio actually yeah well you got through yeah actually I just buttercup perfect it's not be like oh good I may ask why they but oh this is ah blah whatever and keep there ever makes it for your next interview so you don't like mess up or like you can kind of like think about what you say longer stuff like that so I thought this video was an informative what's it we say it was I really really really want to help you guys but anyway it's always good to have a job as a teenager because you know your parents aren't gonna be always giving you money they're gonna eventually stop buying you clothes like stuff that you went so you're gonna have to go get it on there and what's the better way to do it than getting a job does you mean money it's also a good learning experience in the future so you learn how to be responsible job so that you can live in Sea has bigger jobs in the future and kind of know how jobs go myself how to be professional and also um it's just like unless unless unless unless unless necessary and this has to be as a business necessity that's it um make sure if you get the job you shall both time to work you makes the customers you don't bring a little attitude you have beforehand to the to the workplace because you will get no tip for that make sure you just are always positive even though if you having a bad day trying to mean positive because those customers didn't do anything to you seriously so you don't want to like give off negative energy to them just because you had it like a bad day or whatever trying to stay positive keep that job as long as you can until you like you're bored of it or you just like don't like what's going on my friend I just want a new job I just make sure if you're always professional professionalism is like the minke and that's it so thank you guys for watching I really hope like y'all learned a lot from this make sure you check out my Betty 101 video and follow me and Superman logo black cow and snapchat Gabriela 30 I have all the the little things so this does in the bottom so and I'm put this negative linking about them - okay thanks out Lulu good luck make sure you like subscribe comment everything thank you guys [Music]
Channel: Localblackchild
Views: 715,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get a job as a teen, how to do a job interview, teenage job, how to get a job, interview tips, how to get a job in high school, how to get a job in college, high school job, college job, teenage interview tips, how to be employed as a teenager, job experience, how to make money fast, job interview tips for teens, how to make money for teens, my first job, top jobs for teenagers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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