10 Things I WISH I Knew Before Playing BALDUR'S GATE 3...

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salutations everybody it is Maddie here today I hope all of you are doing fantastic and playing a lot of Baldur's Gate 3. now many of you are making the leap into this extremely difficult hardcore RPG for the first time and maybe you've never dipped your toes into the Larry and pool before with the likes of divinity original sin 1 and 2 where those games will be merciless to you and crush your soul and Baldur's Gate 3 while much more popular is no stranger to high difficulty curves so I thought it'd be a great time to drop 10 things that I wish I knew when starting this game up so we got a bunch of tips for you today for beginners for veterans things that you may or may not know about the game and overall we can start helping each other out between this video and the comments so hopefully you find it helpful ladies and gentlemen if you are new here and you're into the occasional Baldur's Gate 3 video you're in the right place consider subscribing let me know if you want more of this type of content for this game because certainly there are many more tips to deliver but before those 10 tips I gotta give you a little bit of a diet tip from today's sponsor this video is brought to you by Factor ladies and gentlemen I've recently had to dramatically change my diet to eliminate migraines and let me tell you what I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy things can get very plain this way however one thing I haven't had to eliminate from my diet is factor which I'm here to tell you about today you see factor it's not only a testament to the clean ingredients they use that I can still have this in my diet but it's also a testament to the fact that it is saving me time as well because if you're too busy with your summer goals you don't want to really cook but you want to make sure you're eating well Factor lets you skip the trip to the grocery store skip all the chopping prepping cleaning up all the stuff I've had to do and boom two minutes fresh never frozen meals ready to 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where there's not much of that surprise factor which will then get you killed pretty easily like you don't want your Ranger in my case as the main character getting caught on the front lines too often maybe let someone else like a barbarian or a fighter carry on the rest of the conversation while you leave and someone else handles the rest for you and you put yourself in a higher position this will keep you from dying dying far too often it's already gonna happen a lot this lets it happen less number two is the ability to select multiple objects in your inventory and add them to your wares basically this will make life a lot easier one of my critiques for Divinity original same one and two was the inventory management and while balder's Gate 3 isn't perfect it's still a little archaic it works a lot more and there's better quality life Updates this is one of them so when you add to your wares it makes it where you can sell all your wares at a vendor much easier and this basically allows you to organize things better A lot of these tips are going to be organizational tips because sometimes you'll get that great Loot and it's digging and digging and digging through your inventory of notes books potions weapon armor to find what you just picked up there is also a filter you can use to sort by the latest you picked up in case you need to find something a little bit more urgently but when it comes to adding to wears this makes getting ready to sell stuff a lot easier and yes you can select those multiple objects sticking with this organization we just want to do them back-to-back number three is sending this type of stuff that you may not want in your inventory to your Camp to lower your inventory size and to not only shrink down your inventory size but also to lower your weight so that you can take on more loot basically so this is not something that you need to fast travel for you simply go into your inventory bring up the options menu for the respective items and send them to your camp and then they'll be in a chest at your camp where you can dig them out much later to then add to your wares like I showed you earlier to sell at maybe a nearby vendor this allows you to just keep going through all these dungeons maintain momentum with your quest and not really worry too much about the loot number four you want to save gold right start making your own potions how do you start doing all that well by discovering certain ingredients in the world you're going to learn new recipes but also when you find these ingredients loot them and extract all the ingredients again this is just a bit of a Time Saver but it also allows you to learn a plethora of new recipes so then you can continue to make potions and don't think just heal healing potions there are so many more useful ones in this game I know we've been trained for years to hoard items and RPGs but I'm telling you when it comes to the potions in this game like I had one I made potion of flying absolute Game Changer as a ranger to be able to go all over the place for 10 turns in a massive battle against a bunch of goblins so don't sleep on these potions keep extracting those ingredients and making as many as you can number five and I promise this is the last organizational focused one pick up backpacks you see in the game you're going to start off with things like your camp supply backpack and naturally you'll be able to drag camp supplies into that but it's not just specific backpacks that do this you can find backpacks in the Overworld throw them into your inventory and then start putting things within them this just makes life a lot easier for you right so you can throw weapons into one backpack armor into another and now you'll have a million to One backpacks in your inventory but the overall inventory space itself will be much more well organized and again this just allows you to find endings easier with those filters I mentioned earlier just having all these things in one area it's a process at first but it's all worthwhile when you've got it all set up and then it's a well-oiled machine that runs itself as promised we're getting out of the organization let's talk settings while Baldur's Gate 3 is going to hit you with a million and one tutorials and I think rightfully so because many people haven't played D before they're actually hidden settings that the game really doesn't tell you about at all which I found cool so don't sleep on these hidden settings would be my sixth tip because within there are some things that'll make your game a lot more difficult and also a lot more fun for example there's the karmic dice now when it's activated it prevents a failure streak because the dice roll is effectively random you can get kind of annoyed if you've played d d before you know what it's like to hit a couple of missed rolls again and again and again and you just have a bad session the karmic dice being on effectively allows you to you know not fall into that losing streak so to say however if you turn it off you get the more traditional true Dungeons and dragon experience of every dice roll completely random and the game isn't giving you that little edge of like all right you failed twice in a row we're gonna let you have this one if you don't want that gift from Larry you don't have to take it you can turn it right off not only that but there are other settings like for example exploration highlights when you're running around the overall do you want circles around things do you want highlights around them that outline objects characters and even you can change the system measurement in the game if that's something that tickles your fancy so there's a lot of little secrets packed away in these settings that can have your experience tailor-made to the way you want it to be but they never really bring any attention to it at all number seven do not do not sleep on pushing do not sleep on shoving start bullying your enemies a little bit more okay because they're gonna bully you I promise you so what I mean by this is trying to get yourself into position in where you can shove enemies to lower areas the reason this is so key is actually not damage dealt but because in the early goings of Baldur's Gate 3 your percentage chance to hit enemies is quite low and you need every Advantage you can get and so lowering your enemy and being above them for your ranged attack users which you should at least have one of in your party in my opinion is going to be all the difference because it gives you that increased chance at hitting them because you gain Advantage so it's not just about dealing damage to your enemies and it's good to gain space from them so they have to use movement to get back to you but what you want to do is remember that they play by the same rules that you have to play by it's not like they get secret turns secret abilities they have a limited amount of movement so if you shove them off a hill and they gotta run all the way around to get to you and they only have a melee weapon they may just waste a turn that gives you one more turn to attack them and you need every Advantage you can get so it's not just shelving for damage it's shelving for positional Advantage number eight this one is really easy to overlook because it's tucked into a journal menu do not forget to pay attention to how you can gain inspiration for example my character Rufus is a charlatan so the way I gain a lot of inspiration is by trickery by deception by manipulation and that's how I play the game what you want to pay attention to is that consistency for example Lazelle gains inspiration through being a soldier so particular kills the game's not going to tell you how to get it but you'll notice a trend on what activates it for me as a charlatan it's having the silver tongue the reason this is important to pay attention to is when you pause the game you'll see on the top right of the screen is how many inspiration points that you currently have and the reason the inspiration is useful is because there will be moments in the game that you roll the dice and you lost out karmic dice or no karmic Dice and you want a second go you can then spend an Inspiration Point to get another dice roll now what you want to do is be conservative with when you use the inspiration that's the tug of war of this is that you're not going to get it automatically but you can notice a trend and start to gain some of it during significant moments in the game however you want to spend it wisely but in those big story moments or those moments where your party's weak maybe you didn't rest maybe you got caught flat-footed and you need to get out of this situation no matter what speech check or die this is your time to make use of that inspiration that you spend so much time gaining so don't sleep on it make sure you pay attention to how characters gain it because you will need that for future dice rolls no doubt about it this one is also for PlayStation players but also PC players who use a bit of a controller make sure you customize that radio wheel you can not only remove radio Wheels which I found very helpful because as the game adds more and more based on items filling up your inventory I had six wheels at one point and I was like this is getting messy and again I guess this falls into the organization one again so I apologize but this allows you to trim the fat off things put things in the right area so I'm a ranger for example and so I have a wheel that's being dedicated just to the arrows I have it just makes finding things in combat easier it lets you find your abilities healing revive Scrolls and so on and so forth much easier so you're fighting an uphill battle less because there have been turns where I thought I didn't have an item and it's just because my radio wheel was disorganized so I know it may sound tedious to some of you as I'm hitting you over the head constantly with organizational tips but these are the things when they're right in front of you and you know where they are that are going to save your butt in combat because this game is tough and so make sure you customize that radio wheel not just abilities but items especially and for our final tip when you're starting up this game ladies and gentlemen if you haven't played Baldur's Gate one or two then it's probably in your best interest to not do the dark urge on the first first playthrough now some people will hand wave this and say well I'm having a great time with this it kind of takes its own alternate story path and leans a bit into expecting you to know about the core story of Baldur's Gate 3. this is the ideal second playthrough character now this doesn't mean you can't customize your own character and this doesn't mean you can't do any of the origin stories but it's highly recommended it's not a rule that you have to enforce but it's highly recommended that the dark urge is one you Circle back to maybe a second time around and now if you're a Baldur's Gate vet this actually may be the ideal first starting place and those who are watching this video already probably know that but for those of you who don't I can imagine when you're going through all the origin characters and you see one with a dark backstory that you can also customize it's very tantalizing to hop in there and pick this character especially when you play the introduction you hear the backstory it's some riveting stuff man I get it but I would recommend just holding off on this this game is highly replayable you'll see tons of different outcomes no doubt about it but this is a character that should be I feel played in a second run through and I'm pretty sure larion suggested the same so I'm just carrying that tip from them to all of you so ladies and gentlemen those are 10 things that I wish I knew before I started Baldur's Gate three do you have any other tips that maybe I didn't put out there let me know and of course if you want more tips let me know down below maybe we'll do another one of these that'd be a lot of fun based off your feedback we'll give some shout outs other than that take excellent care of yourselves and I will see you in the next video be sure to follow me on Twitter follow me on Instagram those links are in the description down below and a big thank you to all the patrons all the members who support the heck out of the content here stay sexy stay active I love you all
Channel: MrMattyPlays
Views: 78,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 impressions, baldurs gate 3 preview, baldurs gate 3 breakdown, baldurs gate review, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 bear, mrmattyplays, mrmattyplays baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tutorial, baldurs gate 3 tricks
Id: 8fdHgip5j20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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