10 Signs You’re More Attractive Than You Realize

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Hey everyone, and welcome to TopThink. Today, we are going to learn about 10 signs you’re more attractive than you realize. Now, let’s begin. 1. Attractive Assumptions Has anyone ever assumed you’re smarter than you are? Has anyone assumed you’re successful, even if you aren’t flush with cash? Why would someone think you’re smarter or more successful than you are? It’s because you’re attractive. People assume that attractive individual are brimming with positive characteristics, like intelligence and success. We project an idealized vision of attraction onto physically good-looking people. In other words, we assume every good-looking person has “the whole package.” If people make these assumptions about you, they’re making a cognitive error. Their brains are fundamentally biased…because you are better looking than you think. 2. The Attention Magnet Do people naturally gravitate toward you? Attractive people are like magnets. Wherever they go, they attract more attention than the average person. If you’re in a crowded room, for example, you may notice other people staring at you. When you’re at a coffee shop or a bookstore, complete strangers go out of their way to get to know you. In each of these scenarios, your physical appearance has captured someone’s attention. Think about what that means. Talking to a stranger is a difficult and intimidating experience. Many people struggle to take social risks because they’re afraid of rejection or failure. But when you entered the room, this person overcame their fears, just to hear your voice. If you think about it that way, your good looks have a profound impact on the people you meet. Your beautiful face convinced a complete stranger to put themselves out there. And that’s anything but a coincidence. So, think about how often you draw attention from others. If it happens frequently, you’re more attractive than you realize. 3. The Double Take Have you ever caught someone staring at you? Whenever you catch someone staring, they always do the same thing. They quickly turn their head, trying to hide their mistake, but after a few moments, they sneak another peak. As hard as they try, they just can’t look away. This double take is a dead giveaway that somebody finds you attractive. They stare at you because they’re spellbound by the way you look. It’s possible their mouth is hanging open. In that moment, you’ve stolen their undivided attention. In other words, you’ve swept them off their feet. But as soon as you catch them staring, they panic. They snap back to reality. They quickly turn their head, and they try to cover up their mistake. They’re likely feeling embarrassed or nervous, but you are the only thing on their mind. They pretend to be doing something else, but all they want to do… is look at you again. Inevitably, they will look again. They’ll sneak another peak as soon as they can. They’ll wait for you to look another direction, because they need to see you at least one more time. So why do we stare at attractive people? The answer is simple. We like to look at beautiful things, especially beautiful people. Your brain rewards you for staring at incredible landscapes and pieces of art, but it has a particularly strong reaction to attractive faces. If you ever catch someone doing a double-take—looking and then looking away—you know one thing for sure. There’s nothing they’d rather look at than you. 4. Temperamental Behavior How do strangers act around you? Are they warm and friendly? Or cold and rude? Attractive people may experience odd, polarizing behavior. The people they meet vary between two emotional extremes. Some people are very excited to meet you. They try hard to make a connection with you. They seem nervous and jittery, and they laugh at everything you say. But other people are cold, unfriendly, and unnecessarily rude. They tease you about every mistake you make. They may even laugh at your expense. If you are an attractive person, you may feel like you only meet two kinds of people. Either they are the pinnacle of kindness… or a complete jerk. Why do attractive people experience so much extreme behavior? All these people—the warm ones and the cold ones—are attracted to you. One moment they’re complimenting your appearance. The next, they’re teasing you for doing something stupid. In either case, this person finds you very attractive, and they’re doing everything they can to let you know. 5. Radiating Happiness Are you a happy and confident person? Are you satisfied with the life you’re living? Many people don’t think happiness affects beauty or attraction. It’s an emotion, not a physical characteristic, but happiness does change your appearance. When you’re happy, it’s written all over your face. You smile and laugh more often. You display more confident body language. You have the courage to take social risks, and you’re not afraid to be vulnerable with the people you like. If you are a happy person, other people feel happier around you, and that makes you more attractive—physically and emotionally. People feel happier when you’re around. They associate you with the brightest moments of their day, and they go out of their way to spend more time with you. This kind of emotional connection creates a halo effect around you. People see you and everything you do through a happy and positive lens. If that doesn’t make you more attractive, I don’t know what will. Even though your emotions aren’t the first thing people see when you enter a room, they’re often your most attractive features. If you are happy, confident, and fulfilled person, you may be much more attractive than you could ever know. 6. Honest Expression Mental and intellectual stimulation is another aspect of attraction. Some people are drawn to intelligence or experience—people with good stories to tell and something interesting to say. While intelligence is a common and attractive feature, more people are looking for someone else, something much more difficult. Expressing yourself is a challenging thing to do. You need to be honest about your weaknesses. You need to understand your emotions. You need to reflect on your wants, desires, and dreams. When you’ve done all these things, you still need the confidence to express yourself to others, and that confidence is very difficult to find. If you’re already an expressive person, you have a confidence and emotional intelligence that other people find attractive. You are in-touch with yourself in a way that many people aren’t. And whether you realize it or not, you express your rare and attractive confidence everywhere you go. 7. Unwanted Attention Sometimes, being attractive is a burden. For example, let’s say you want to have a quiet night with your friends. You go out to a public place, but you don’t want to attract any attention. You’re not interested in meeting someone new, but strangers approach you anyway. This is especially common with attractive women. As soon as they stop looking for attention, that’s exactly what they get. But this doesn’t apply exclusively to romance. Attractive people have the same problem in the workplace. Maybe you want to be alone to concentrate on a project, but people keep asking for your help or your opinion. When someone needs something, you are the first person that pops into their mind. If someone wants feedback or constructive criticism, they turn to you, because they respect and value you as a person This is a different kind of attraction, but it’s still attraction. People are drawn to you, not because you’re physically good-looking, but because you’re mentally and emotionally mature. In other words, you’re honest and reliable. People respect you because you are someone they can trust. 8. Opening Your Mind Are you an open-minded person? Do you enjoy listening to people whose opinions differ from your own? Most people in the world are stubborn and close-minded. They’re only interested in hearing their own opinions, and their close-mindedness pushes many people away, no matter how physically good looking they are. Everyone wants to feel heard. We desire someone who takes our opinions seriously, even if they don’t agree with us on all the same things. If you’re an open-minded person, you make others feel heard. You’re open to perspectives that are different from your own, and you validate the feelings of the people around you. This quality makes you intellectually and emotionally attractive, as both a partner and a friend. You may not realize you’re doing anything special. But you are. If you are open-minded, you have one of the most attractive qualities a person can have. 9. A Contagious Smile Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice smile? Let’s say you’re talking to someone you just met. The two of you have great chemistry. The conversation has been lively and interesting. You’ve made each other laugh, and you’ve learned personal details about each other’s lives. Now you’re starting to wonder if this person is interested in you. All the sudden, they give you a compliment. They say, “I really like your smile.” What does this mean? Are they flirting with you, or are they just being nice? Complimenting your smile is not as overt as acknowledge your shape or your clothes, but it carries the same message. If someone likes the way you smile, they are attracted to you, and your smile is just one of the reasons why. 10. Positive Passion Are you a passionate person? Passionate people have confident, adventurous, and attractive personalities that enrich the lives of others. If you are a passionate person, your excitement is contagious, and your positivity attracts the attention of everyone you meet. But passionate people like you are respected most for their dedication. You have found something you care about, and you’re dedicating your life to the pursuit of your goals. Often, people are attracted to personality traits they wish they had. By embodying both passion and dedication, you give others a window into the kind of person they want to be. Not only are you a joy to be around, but your passion is attractive and inspiring. Thank you for watching TopThink, and be sure to subscribe, because more incredible content is on the way.
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Keywords: signs you are more attractive than you realize, signs of attraction, signs you are better looking than you think
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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