10 Things Women Do Only If They Love You

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hey everyone and welcome to top think today  we're going to learn about 10 things women do   only if they love you now let's begin number one  the royal we do you and your partner talk about   the future if a woman's in love with you she plans  to love now and in the future so when she imagines   her life say 10 years from now you're going to  be a part of it but how do you know when a woman   sees you in her future when you're talking about  the future the word me changes to the word we   okay let's say you're talking about  where you want to live in the future   you ask her so where do you want to live  in five years and she says we should live   overseas or i see us living in a big city  in both scenarios she's including you in her   future she's not just planning for herself she's  imagining a life with you and that's a big deal   so listen for the royal we if she changes  from me to we it's not just a careless mistake   she sees you in her future because she's falling  in love with you number two extended interest   there's a big difference between love and  infatuation infatuation comes quickly burns   brightly and then just fizzles away during that  brief passionate period it may seem like she loves   you but it's not love it's infatuation so how can  you tell the difference time think about how long   the two of you have known each other maybe you've  been dating for a year maybe you've been friends   for decades because you've known each other  for so long you've gotten to see the best and   the worst of each other you've gotten to know  who your partner really is and you've built a   sturdy foundation of trust if you've made it  this far there's a good chance she's in love   just think about it if she didn't like you she  would have left already and if she was simply   infatuated with you that infatuation would have  worn off a long time ago but she stuck around she   knows you through and through and because she  knows you she's fallen deeply in love with you   just take a moment to think about the length of  your friendship or relationship if you're picking   up romantic signals and you've done your time  it's not just infatuation it's love number three   lovable quirks everyone has weird quirks some  people snort when they laugh others have an odd   sense of humor our quirks make us different and  unique but to most people they make us really   weird strangers aren't going to like your quirks  even your friends and family may find your quirks   a little strange but if a woman loves you she'll  find your quirks irresistible because your quirks   are what she loves most about you those quirks  make you different from everyone else your quirks   make you who you are and she loves who you are  if she doesn't mind your quirks then she probably   likes you if she actively enjoys your quirks  there's a good chance she's in love number four   compatibility testing has she introduced you to  her friends and family when a woman's in love   she wants to blend her social circles together  she wants you to meet the people she cares about   most and she wants them to meet you many women  want second opinions from the people they trust   what does her mom think of you what do her closest  friends think of you their opinions are extremely   important to her she wants them to see exactly why  she loves you and she wants them to love you too   but it's not just about your relationship she  also wants to test your compatibility with the   people she cares about do you have the same sense  of humor as her family do you enjoy talking to   her friends these are important questions for  her to answer because you're going to see a   lot of these people if you don't get along with  her friends that's going to be a problem if her   family doesn't like you she's going to hear about  it 24 7. yeah it's a lot of pressure but meeting   loved ones is a critical step that many women  take when they're falling in love so take it as   seriously as she does if she's introducing you to  her family then you're not just some guy anymore   you're getting to know the people she loves most  and that's a big step in the right direction   number five sticking around if she doesn't like  you she won't waste her time on you she'll spend   her time elsewhere on work on hobbies or friends  but if she loves you she'll find any reason to see   you she'll squeeze in as much quality time as she  can even if it's not the most sensible option love   makes everybody a little irresponsible she's  so happy spending time with someone she loves   aka you that she's willing to put her other  interests on the back burner so how do you know   if a woman wants to spend time with you here's a  common situation let's say you're on a date with a   girl you like you went to dinner walked through  the park and had a really nice time together   but the end of the night is drawing near it's  time to say good night in part ways but she   keeps finding reasons to stick around she's still  there because she loves spending time with you   being around you makes her happy so she doesn't  want to let go of that feeling quite yet   girls only do this with guys they love so pay  attention each time she makes an excuse to stick   around she's trying to send you a message  don't let that message fall on deaf ears   number six sprucing herself up when a woman's  in love with you she'll try to look her best   she isn't satisfied with looking okay she  wants to blow you away the moment you see her   so she'll invest time and effort into her  appearance if she loves you she wants to look   perfect for you but that's not all because she  has such strong feelings for you she gets extra   self-conscious she worries way too much about what  you think of her you're more than just a stranger   to her you're the person she's in love with she  cares about your opinion more than anyone else's   so when she walks into the room and blows you  away don't let all her hard work go unrecognized   number seven total knowledge does she want to know  everything about you women only do this with the   people they love when she's in love a woman  wants to know everything about their partner   she wants to know where you're going she wants  to know who you're spending your time with   and what you ate that day it's  not because she's nosy or needy   it's because she cares about you she wants  to know everything because she's interested   in every tiny bit of information you have to  offer no one else in the world may care she does   sometimes her interest is just infatuation  but there's an easy way to tell the difference   if she's infatuated with you she'll ask about  everything and then try to change you but if   she loves you she'll ask about everything and  leave you exactly the way you are because you're   the person she's fallen in love with and  she wouldn't want to have you any other way   number eight romantic discomfort how  does she act when you spend time together   is she calm and comfortable or awkward and  giggly spending time with someone you love   makes you happy but it also makes you embarrassed  uncomfortable and a little bit clumsy you start   tripping over yourself because you don't know what  to do with this overwhelming feeling of closeness   when a woman's in love she starts doing and saying  things she'd never normally do or say she'll spend   most of her time laughing she'll make stupid jokes  and her walls will come tumbling down love throws   anyone off their game if a woman gets smiley and  weird the moment you enter the room it's because   she's in love number nine top priority when a  woman loves someone she'll go out of her way   to help them she'll do favors for them even if  she's inconveniencing herself she'll make them   a priority in her life even if her partner didn't  ask for it love has that effect on so many people   love drives us to do stupid over-the-top things  for the people we care about we want to be useful   to them we want to treasure and spoil them we want  to take care of them when they're feeling down   if she's in love with you you'll be her number  one priority you may not need anything you may   not ask her for help but she wants you to be happy  so she'll make sacrifices for you anyway number   10 true vulnerability most women keep themselves  closed off they don't like to be vulnerable around   the people they like they'll carry this calm  distant attitude and they'll hide anything that   might seem needy or emotional but if a woman loves  you she isn't afraid to show her vulnerable side   she won't try to play it cool or hide her feelings  because you two have connected on a deeper level   she's comfortable showing her real self around you  that may mean sharing a difficult story or crying   over a frustrating experience but the key here  is vulnerability if a woman lets herself break   down in front of you she doesn't just trust  you she may be in love with you hey thank you   for watching top thinking be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 259,658
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Keywords: things women do only if they love you, things women do only with the men they love, things women only do with the men they love
Id: jlejPtDVxSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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