7 Signs You’re Dealing With an Evil Person

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hey everyone and welcome to top think  today we're going to learn about   seven signs you're dealing with an evil person  now let's begin number one enjoying your pain   do you know someone who enjoys other people's  pain i mean do you know someone who laughs at your   misfortune they may take advantage of your pain  or get some kind of pleasure out of your suffering   this is a sign you're dealing with an evil person  because this behavior demonstrates a complete lack   of empathy empathy is your ability to walk in  another person's shoes if someone experiences   pain or hardship you can imagine how hard their  life must be and you sympathize with their pain   but someone without empathy makes no effort to  understand others in fact they actively enhance   or increase others pain through criticism cruelty  or even physical aggression if you know someone   who lacks sympathy they may be a bad person but  they may also be something else a lack of empathy   is one of the most commonly cited elements of  psychopathy psychopathy is a personality disorder   characterized by egotistical thoughts anti-social  behavior and of course a lack of empathy   not all psychopaths are bad or evil people no many  learn to live normal lives but when a psychopath   enjoys the pain of others well they can become  evil and dangerous a dangerous lack of empathy   takes many different shapes maybe they stab you  in the back by betraying your trust maybe they   leave you out to dry when you're counting on them  the most or maybe they use your secrets to tear   you down and control your life in all of these  situations an evil person is happily throwing salt   into your womb ouch so don't spend your time  with people who enjoy hurting you or other people   because that lack of empathy means  you're dealing with an evil person   number two avoiding all responsibility does  your friend avoid responsibility do they pass   the blame when anything goes wrong this avoidant  and irresponsible behavior is a common sign of   a selfish evil personality just think about the  last time you messed up maybe you made a careless   mistake at work how did you feel afterwards  guilty embarrassed apologetic after messing   up good people take responsibility for their  mistakes and they take steps to redeem themselves   but evil people do exactly the opposite if  an evil person makes a mistake they avoid   responsibility altogether in their minds they  can't do anything wrong they can't be the one   at fault so they freely blame and attack others  for their own mistakes they don't feel guilty   they don't feel embarrassed or apologetic they  make no effort to redeem themselves and they   don't apologize to the people who were affected  by their mistake instead they play the victim   they act like someone else did this to them  and they avoid responsibility all together   number three cruelty to animals do you know  someone who's mean to animals maybe they   mistreat their own pets or they push away your  pets every time they try to say hello some people   like animals more than others some adore pets  cuddling and talking to them like they're people   others acknowledge their animals but largely give  them space but only a select few people ignore or   senselessly bully animals this behavior is  a common sign of something evil inside them   so why does bullying animals make you evil well  because animals are living things just like we are   we connect with them in the same way we connect  with other human beings just imagine playing with   your dog after a long day at work or listening to  your cat purr on your lap both of these encounters   relieve our stress release feel-good hormones  in the brain and they make you feel loved when   someone is cruel to animals they show a disregard  for the living that cruelty demonstrates a   non-existent connection to other living organisms  in other words this person lacks the empathy to   identify with another living breathing creature  or maybe they're just too egotistical to care   either way pay attention when someone you know is  cruel to animals whether this person is hurting   their dog or throwing rocks at squirrels animal  cruelty is a telltale sign of something evil   number 4 profitable deception everyone has told  a couple of white lies in their lives sometimes   you lie to spare someone's feelings or save them  from pain other times you do it to get yourself   out of trouble or avoid unnecessary conflict but  evil people don't lie for the benefit of others   instead they lie actively and often to benefit  themselves deception and manipulation are common   signs of a psychopathic personality in fact  deception and manipulation are common in every   corner of the dark triad the dark triad describes  three major personality disorders narcissism   machiavellianism and psychopathy each disorder  is often associated with violent or evil people   in different ways all three disorders in the dark  triad struggle to consider the suffering of others   psychopaths rarely develop the emotional  skills to understand another person's hardships   narcissists think so highly of themselves they may  believe they have the right to manipulate others   and machiavellian selfishness motivates people  to manipulate deceive and lie on a regular basis   someone who lies consistently for their  own personal gain may fall somewhere on   this dangerous spectrum they may struggle  with empathy they may think far too highly   of themselves they may be too self-absorbed  to understand the pitfalls of manipulation   but either way someone who shamelessly takes  advantage of others may be an evil person   number five malicious criticism does your  friend make you feel stupid there's a big   difference between being told you're stupid and  feeling stupid by comparison all right let's say   you're friends with a hyper-intelligent person  you may sometimes feel stupid by comparison   some of their jokes may fly over your head maybe  you just don't understand a lot of the concepts   they discuss this comparison doesn't make this  person evil there's nothing evil about being smart   but what if someone makes you feel  stupid because they tell you directly   all right let's try another scenario you're  talking to the same hyper-intelligent friend   telling them about something that scares  you and instead of listening to your fears   they make you feel stupid for being scared they  belittle your fears and they make you feel small   now this is a sign of an evil person a good  person would try to spare your feelings   if they had differing ideas or opinions they would  present those opinions in a way that doesn't hurt   or attack you but this friend tried to make you  feel bad this toxic and possibly evil person   may be taking out their own frustrations on you  they may use you like a punching bag because   they think you're weaker or less intelligent  than they are this can cause major problems in   any relationship friendship or partnership if you  know someone who criticizes you or makes you feel   stupid it's best to keep your distance because  you may be dealing with an evil person number six   universal self-interest an evil individual  looks out for one and only one person   and that's themselves to an evil person their own  pleasure comfort and success are the only things   that matter in their life so they're willing  to do anything to make their own life better   well let's call this universal self-interest  because no matter what this person is always   looking to help themselves universal self-interest  is another important sign of the dark triad   it's associated with high self-esteem delusions of  grandeur and victim syndrome which we talked about   before so don't expect these people to do you any  favors just think about it if you concentrate 100   of your attention on yourself how much  time do you spend thinking about others   well zero that's why evil people spend so  little time thinking about their friends or   family that's why evil people manipulate and  step on others to satisfy their own desires   as long as they have something to gain an evil  person will go to any lengths to make it happen   number seven external warnings have you ever been  warned that a partner or friend is a bad person   has anyone ever told you to keep your distance  even though this person seems great on the outside   here's the biggest problem with many  of these vindictive personality types   they're great at covering their tracks  they can pretend for long periods of time   to be your best friend or perfect match  they pretend to care listen and guard   your trust but when it benefits them the most  these same people will stab you in the back   in many cases we become infatuated with this  person's best qualities so we ignore the red   flags we let their lies go unpunished we allow  them to manipulate or control us we swallow their   criticisms and let it affect us internally evil  people are easy to recognize on the outside when   you're unattached and uninvested but on the  inside it's difficult to tell the difference   so listen to what other people are trying to tell  you if this person is doing something evil to you   they've likely done evil things before pay  attention to the input of friends family   and even their past partners if everybody raves  about how great and considerate this person is   then you probably have nothing to worry about but  if other people warn you about getting too close   then you may be dealing with someone who's  worse than you realize hey thank you for   watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 1,614,823
Rating: 4.8632503 out of 5
Keywords: signs of an evil person, signs of evil, signs you’re dealing with an evil person, warning signs
Id: 6OCE4j5zuhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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