$10 SEAFOOD Challenge!! World's CHEAPEST Seafood in Phu Quoc, Vietnam!!

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this raw herring first time oh my god i don't know [Music] this is 10 dining where we go to a random city and try to do a whole day of eating for under ten dollars gotta go this is twit she and i already tried eating some of the world's most expensive food how many of these lobsters could you eat ten two oh you were the worst person to bring to them but now it's time she goes out on her own oh my god look at this oh my god hunting down the best food deals around her country of vietnam this noodle actually taking a lot of pass much more cleaner than i am the budget is tight and the odds are stacked against her the customers just have to take it from there like we don't serve you here you have to do it yourself so can she pull it off let's find out [Music] as you know i already did the challenge in saigon and bon tao but this is the first time i've been in fukuoka a beautiful island in the south of vietnam is like vietnam's hawaii a tropical island full of beaches sunshine and seafood most folks here are tied to the fishing industry in some way either catching seafood selling it or cooking it up i'm a little worried if i can make it under 10 for three dishes and seafood is quite expensive let's see if i can do it let's go kian say restaurant was the birthplace of an iconic dish unique to fuwak island just take a look from outside it was full of people and i really wonder what make us so attractive this is his family business and the name of the dish is which is star noodles this is not your typical bowl of noodles here and for the last 26 years your bowl is the cooking pot and you are the cook stirring this beautiful mixture yourself back in the day everyone in fukuoka they kind of know each other because it's like small island and they help each other out so it formed like a tradition here now that if you can you just go and maybe serve yourself you know help the kitchen out a little and that's what she's doing today the food's prepared and served right here in an open kitchen even these vermicelli rice noodles are made or rather pressed in-house this is over oh my god this is so cool the newborn noodles are bathed in boiling hot water for two minutes it's amazing then they're cooled in cold water to stop them from overcooking this noodle actually taking a lot of past much more cleaner than i am this creates a crunchy coat on the outside and an even consistency on the inside genius right now we're seeing some action she took some water from the boiling pot it's not water it's the broth from the same pot they use to cook the noodles this steamy liquid is so hot it cooks all the contents in the bowl usually in vietnam the broth will be made from cooking the bone for hours and hours but here there are some rice flour in there the soup becomes a little thicker and it can remain hot for a longer time this dish starts with fish paste and shrimp paste they smear it on the edge of the bowl when they pour the boiling water in it's cooked add squid sugar salt msg scallions and the broth last but not least the noodles the customers just had to take it from there like we don't serve you here you have to do it yourself it's me my turn okay so yeah it's ready i'm i go oh i'm gonna try the frost [Music] whoa how can it be so flavorful [Music] okay i'm gonna try there's a huge difference from the one that usually pre-packed noodles it tastes very fresh it's soft so i'm gonna try the fish paste it has a very signature flavor of fish but it's not like fishy now the shrimp paste i was worried whether this video would be over 10 minutes but luckily twin is a very very slow eater oh my god it cannot get any fresher than this i'm telling you you know yeah vietnamese we eat noodles for breakfast all the time but this is my first time having a stir noodle i'm so happy with my breakfast so let's see what i can have for lunch you know let's discover this beautiful island today's second meal includes a common ingredient prepared in a very uncommon way before we sit down to eat twin heads to a nearby market to check out the key ingredient fresh seafood everywhere around me right here oh my god look at this oh my god what's going on there's some eels there's some frogs and then for some reason chickens also here people on the island chicken as well but i'm here to find the ingredients from my lunch and it's right here the herring she's filling it right now but i want to show you guys the original hair the herring at this market is super fresh caught locally and eaten locally too so as far as i know my lunch is raw herring salad but can i eat that confirm that i cannot eat this right now i'm not sunny you're gonna try everything i wonder how they make it let's check it in the restaurant okay welcome to tubao a floating restaurant built right here in the middle of this fishing village it's awesome we literally floated places like this dot vietnam's iconic coastline they usually have an edible ocean zoo full of familiar food and not so common creatures no no no no no no no but here it's not about the fish it's about the way they cook it or the way they don't cook it she's so nice she just offered me to try the raw one right now they actually blanch it in vinegar the smell is really intense actually oh my god i don't know a little background here i'm a big fan of raw foods sashimi salmon shrimp you name it but this raw herring first time okay oh my gosh oh she just went for it i thought we're gonna eat it together should i be honest she's right here i don't want to be bad okay it's quite intense to be honest straight up fishy so i'm very curious because you know this is a specialty i'm so excited to try you know everything together miss ud's raw hearing salad recipe she starts by washing the fish with shallots and vinegar compare it to the raw one look at the difference the vinegar actually did cook the fish rinse the meat one more time using coconut water to remove its sliminess oh i could try that on myself i should have eaten this actually it's never too late i'm gonna try one now [Music] oh my god i blamed you guys why didn't i try the other one everything that make me go before it's all gone next add a new batch of shallots fried onion and shredded coconut mix it then finally add in these nuts i'm hanging out with the fish as well and i have this beautiful salad dish but i have a question why the vegetables not together this is a salad right so i guess i have to do it myself it seems this is less of a salad and more of a diy raw herring spring roll we're having this sauce right here which is a mixture of fish sauce peanuts together with some pepper this is a moment of truth [Music] this isn't an insult but i swear i could eat a whole thanksgiving turkey in the time it's taking her to take down this one bite i think this is a dish that surprised me the most so far on the show because i've been trying the files of herring since the beginning when they go through vinegar mixer coconut juice this time with the sauce it's very strong fish sauce like a punch together with all the toppings right here i'm lost for worse it's just amazing it's so good and i would definitely come back here again sit at this very location right here on this beautiful island because this is the only place that i can try this you know it's like a up to this point twin has less than four dollars remaining gotta go let's see if she can still pull off a budget-friendly seafood feast for dinner today's seafood finale happens here a place where the food and the dish it's served on both come from the same creature miss vee has been managing this restaurant for six years offering tank to table seafood and we're here for her crabs you need to chew this is a blue crab the star of tonight's dish this is a male one you can see the difference in color this is a female a bigger shell right here so i think i'm gonna go with this one my dinner right here folks here say it pairs well with rice that's great because rice is cheap right you gotta check how much it is for me but this crab this crab looks expensive so i'm going to ask her if i can get a smaller blue crab maybe i need to count sonny right now and i think maybe he can give me some more money i'm gonna call him hello the person you have called is not while she negotiates the price let's check in on the kitchen first the discounted blue crab is boiled and the meat is extracted from its shell they mix crab meat with minced pork pork paste wood ear mushroom carrot onion and scallions this mixture gets put back into the crab and steamed before it's released to the world i mean to the deep fryer last ingredient fried rice with crab and scallions this is such a new way to prepare a very familiar dish so usually when you go to like a seafood restaurant they usually order seafood fried rice right when they prepare this way all the moisture i have you can just take some of this cake as you go and eat it with the rice so it will stay as good as first bite but i'm not gonna try this just yet i'm gonna try the rice i'm gonna get all the crab meat that i can [Music] i know that my expression can be like painful or something but it's just so good a little crunchy a little chewy together it's a really fun bite this is the start of tonight wow so the juice is coming out it has a lot of moisture you can taste the sweetness from fresh blue crab together with the pork just so delicious but the sweetness i have to say and you know it's not from sugar usually i'm not a big fan of fried rice or fried food in general but this one is an exception and i really really love it also it's the most expensive item that i ever have in the series so far so i'm gonna finish this off camera [Music] okay so the total for today is right here it's only slightly over ten dollars so sunny actually owe me money right there but if i have to choose one i have to say it's the raw herring silence for me the reason why i chose this because every time i try the raw herring it's a different page and i know that i can only have the best one here in fukuoka island are you tired of being mocked for your awful lack of style we can't help you but we can sell you custom designed bandanas link description go i'm very excited and i'm going to go away at the table and she's going to surprise me oh ow one more bike huh what about i want more buy oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god thank you so much for watching if you like what you see you can subscribe to our channel and i see you next time at another city bye
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 809,270
Rating: 4.9248843 out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, thuyen, viet nam, phu quoc, food, street food, $10 street food, asian food, south east asian cuisine, $10 challenge, where to go in vungtau, what to eat, unique food, 10 Dollar Dining, BÚN QUẬY, STIRRED NOODLES, RAW HERRING SALAD, BLUE CRAB
Id: 3_E--wGyZpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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