10 SADDEST Easter Eggs That Hit You RIGHT IN THE FEELS

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easter eggs normally reference something else in a series or another series from the same developer or some kind of inside joke or feature but these are a little more downtrodden hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the 10 saddest easter eggs in recent video games now real quickly just letting you know these games are from the last five or so years we don't want to go too far back but just letting you know that up front starting off at number 10 it's a subtle tribute on ilum in star wars jedi fallen order so on top of the jedi temple there is a little tribute to somebody important to one of the developers and to get up there you need to continue climbing up on the outside of the temple wall way past any entrances you find once you get to the top there is an echo you can read which says this a memorial placed at a meditation site often used by the venerable jedi master mary t bucky kamram he returned here many times over the course of his life to reflect on his adventures and achievements this was made by the level designer nicholas cameron as a tribute to his late father martin cameron get it mar t cam rum nicholas cameron actually explained a little bit more about this on twitter and talked about his dad a little bit apparently martin cameron worked on an artist on a lot of old school games including stuff like monkey island and more interestingly axe wing versus tie fighter at number nine is gears 5 there is a tomb of the unknown gears of war games have a lot of intense action and you know just general kind of action movie-esque bravado but they can also be pretty sentimental when they want to be as well case in point the easter egg you can find in act 4 chapter 2 which is about honoring the fallen how it works is you need to collect 9 specific items found throughout the game and place them at this memorial wall the tomb of the unknowns you don't have to get every collectible for this to work just the ones that are associated with the past deceased characters from the franchise and after each item is placed you'll hear a quote from the character usually something like inspirational or kind of sad for fans of the series hearing dom's voice again also is just kind of nostalgic and sad itself once all nine items are placed on the ground you get an interact prompt which will make your character salute while the nine ghostly forms of all the lost characters appear in front of the memorial it's a small thing but it's a kind of sad reminder of all of the different characters that have died in the series and and it's kind of one of those series that hasn't been super kind in terms of letting the main cast live at number eight hitman 3 when agent 47 erases his memories the hitman series isn't exactly the most cheerful thing you are ever going to see but they're not usually that grim either they usually end with taking out a final target and agent 47 continuing on his merry way but in the secret ending to hitman 3 things get a little dark for the final mission of the game 47 is going after constant the main enemy of the past three hitman games and the new leader of providence the secret society you've been hunting this entire game he's on this heavily guarded train traveling through the carpathian mountains and romania and when you finally confront the guy he doesn't really put up much of a fight instead of trying to get away he offers 47 a choice either kill him and live a purposeless life or take his memory wiping serum that will make him forget all the horrible violence he's committed and allow him to continue being an assassin for most players the choice is pretty obvious in fact it doesn't even seem like a choice at all most players probably see this for just what it is a chance to use the serum on the bad guy and make him lose all his memories instead but if you wait for about a minute after he gives a syringe to you an option will appear so the 47 can inject the stuff into himself erasing his memories basically what's happening here is that 47 accepts he can't exist as part of normal society and therefore chooses to just be a weapon instead of living as a person which is kind of dark the normal ending is surprisingly hopeful but this one is i mean it's sad at number seven is just cause four's hidden memorials the just cause games are well known for their goofy and out there easter eggs but these memorials that can be found hidden around the enormous island of solas are a lot more somber and we're not just talking about one memorial here there are quite a few around some of them are even bunched together like they're all plaques by people who worked on the game dedicated to lost loved ones with development teams getting bigger and bigger and production's taking longer and longer it's just a fact of life that a certain percentage of that team has to deal with loss of a loved one during production and as you can see here a lot of these developers lost someone in their lives most of these can be found near lighthouses on the western coast but some are a little bit more hidden probably the hardest to find one is also the most heartbreaking not to undersell the tragedy of any of the other deaths here but if you're a dog lover the last one's pretty touching you have to look for this small farm in the talidah mountains where there's a memorial dedicated to maddie with the simple quote why i love dogs in a cute little detail there's a bag of dog food there as well this memorial in particular i think a lot of people can relate to and number six is hollow knight's dung defender's secret hollow knight is a game with cute little bugs but a somber atmosphere and a gloomy color palette uh one of the most interesting ways the game combines something charming and goofy with something sad can be seen in this critter literally called the dung defender it is a dung beetle and it acts as the boss of the royal waterways yes he does attack with dumb he's probably the most all-around silly boss in the game and surprisingly one of the few enemies you fight that doesn't get killed after your battle with them it's actually possible to return to their arena and they will pop their head out of the ground to greet you it's even possible to find his hideout you have to ground slam this random nearby section of floor and it'll reveal where he sleeps along with a series of statues he's built of dung it takes some digging but in playing through the story you can find out this goofy character was actually one of the five great knights of the realm but went into the waterways in order to defend the grave of another knight he loved um her name was isma and you can even hear him mutter her name while he's sleeping and the statues are all of the other knights so even the dung defender gets a sad story in this game a knight who's given up everything to defend the grave of his lost love at number 5 is spider-man and spider-man miles morales uncle ben's grave and the stan lee statue if you're a spider-man fan you know that it's kind of a thing that bad things happen to the web head his entire origin story is defined by tragedy sure at this point we've all seen it and thankfully this game doesn't start with his uncle's death or anything but you can still find his grave and peter pays his respects if you want hey uncle ben miss you doing my best to make you proud there's another grave you can visit in miles morales that of his father who died during the events of the original cam like dads just have to go if you're spider-man basically something that's a little bit more emotional specifically just for marvel fans can be found elsewhere as well a statue dedicated to the legendary stan lee who helped create these iconic characters his cameos and marvel productions were famous and he managed to appear in the ps4 spider-man near the end of his life as a short order cook if you return to that same diner in the open world in miles morales you can find a statue if you're a big marvel fan it might make you a little bit misty-eyed at number 4 is paper mario and the origami king's secret ending paper mario games are usually known for their silly humor and aesthetic but you don't normally go into one of these things expecting emotional storytelling that's what makes origami kingdom so surprising has some fairly heartbreaking moments in it the biggest and most surprisingly sad moment occurs at the end where olivia the origami character that basically acts as the navi to mario's link in this game sacrifices herself to save the world and set everything back to normal the end of the game shows the origami festival that the whole game has been building up to and has mario and princess peach release some lanterns into the skies a memorial to olivia and her brother ali sure ali is a bad guy but by the end he's depicted as a misguided figure rather than entirely evil so it's legitimately sad that both these characters are gone but if you manage to get 100 completion which is not an easy thing to do by the way there's a little bonus scene at the end where a toad takes some new origami figures to put in the origami castle it's olivia and ollie back in their original form it's a surprisingly sober ending for a mario game of all things but this secret ending just puts a sweet little cap on things and number three is celeste which has reversed audio in act 5. celeste is a game that deals with some pretty heavy issues as it is like depression and identity and it's really subtle a lot of the time and sometimes very good humor it's also all around a really great platformer that we don't get the chance to mention a whole lot but there's a really interesting secret hidden in act 5 the mirror temple this part is kind of obvious when you enter the mirror world it's just the standard level's music reversed but the developers are hiding something else in there too if you listen to the reverse music for long enough you can actually hear a voice it is very quiet and hard to make out but if you boost the audio it's a lot more clear and it's pretty sad stuff it sounds like the main character's inner thoughts and they go to some pretty dark places the game kind of oscillates between these darker moments and more cheerful ones and act 5 is definitely one of the areas where the story gets a bit darker but this secret is especially troubling and sad like if you're a person who's ever had to deal with depression in any form and i'm not making any assertions that you have but it's fairly common i have but it can really make these lines hit pretty hard and number two is the resident evil 3 remake with kendo's daughter if you played the resident evil 2 remake you probably remember this sad scene where you meet the gun shop owner named robert kendo whose daughter has turned into a zombie after that scene it's possible to approach the door he goes into and hear some additional dialogue from him well the same thing happens in the resident evil 3 remake after jill meets up with the man in his store and offers him a way to escape the city he says he has other plans before disappearing behind the same door he enters in resident evil 2. if you go up to the door and listen you can hear a different bit of dialogue with how similar these two scenes are it can be kind of confusing to figure out the timeline of events but in the scene with resident evil 3 it actually happens before the one in resident evil 2. resident evil 3 is part sequel part prequel and the start of the game happens before the events of resident evil 2 while the end occurs after basically by listening in like this you get the whole sad story robert's wife was infected and he was forced to kill her to try to protect his daughter emma sadly his daughter was infected anyway and by the time jill was there emma hadn't completely turned yet when leon encountered him his daughter was fully gone and after that scene he takes her into the back and kills her before killing himself for a character with only a few brief scenes in the series it's probably one of the most darkest and tragic stories out of anybody and finally at number 1 it's red dead redemption 2's paying respects and bonnie's ex red dead 2 is honestly just a pretty sad game all told there is a lot of tragic and pointless deaths you experience throughout the story and there are many side stories that end sadly on top of all that if you want to remember the way many members of the gang die during the course of the game or just pay your respects in some way you can actually find a grave somewhere dedicated to every main character who's lost usually in some out of the way or impromptu spot around where they died most of these guys don't get the luxury of a proper burial so usually all you'll find is some sticks an amount of dirt it's just another remember of how brutal the way life in the wild west was there is another really sad moment that can be found in rdr2 that is actually really easy to miss if you remember in the first red dead the character bonnie mcfarlane had mentioned that she had an ex-husband well it's actually possible to find this guy but he is in terrible shape you can find him on the shore in the lake south of flatnick station and when you first see him you might mistake him for a corpse but if you get too close he'll suddenly get up he'll give you a letter and then he'll just die the letter is addressed to bonnie and it's pretty emotional about how sorry he is and how he's trying to make things right usually for these kinds of rock star secrets you expect some layer of irony over the whole thing or a joke somewhere but there is no joke it's just a really sad letter written by a guy who couldn't overcome his demons red dead 2 is honestly filled with a lot of little details like this but these two are probably some of the most notable a quick bonus for you as well in spider-man ps4 there was a marriage proposal that went wrong you remember this the developers of the game inserted a marriage proposal from a fan into it but by the time the game actually came out the relationship was over it's still there too in the original version at least and remains a pretty potent reminder that these kinds of big and public marriage proposals can backfire and in a pretty big way that is all for today though leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed that's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 454,994
Rating: 4.9476228 out of 5
Keywords: story easter eggs, saddest easter eggs in games, sad easter eggs, video game easter eggs, all easter eggs, sad ps4 easter eggs, sad xbox one easter eggs, sad pc easter eggs, saddest secrets in video games, creepy easter eggs in video games, easter eggs with backstory, meaningful easter eggs, gameranx, falcon
Id: iJbfUeUcnPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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