10 Mind Blowing In-Game Moments in Recent Games

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there were a lot of big moments in gaming this past year so we put together a list of some of the bigger ones hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 holy [ __ ] gaming moments of 2020. just a quick disclaimer this video does contain spoilers so keep that in mind before i move forward starting off at number 10 is do maternals bfg 10000. do maternal is about as metal as any video game can get at any given time you can confuse what you're looking at with a heavy metal album cover and that's true for pretty much the entire game there is one moment though that is so over the top ridiculous it has to be spotlighted here the time the doom guy blew up mars so we all know the bfg 9000 right the big f and gun shoots an energy ball with crazy doom physics that don't make any sense you know that one well enter the bfg 10000 a gigantic gun meant as a defensive turret built on the surface of phobos see doom guy's got a problem he's got to get to the core of mars for reasons and he has to do it fast this enormous gun is just sitting out there collecting dust so simple enough just blast mars with it the absolute audacity of the whole scene the doom guy just gives almost no [ __ ] whatsoever the arrest of the level sees you travel downward towards mars by jumping between floating chunks on the planet's surface it's one of the craziest levels i've ever seen in an fps and it's a game that is loaded with ridiculous moments and number nine is the final fantasy vii remakes ending like for us this is one of the biggest surprises of 2020 and not just the ending but that the remake actually ended up being really good not just good great even playing through the game seeing some of the iconic events of final fantasy vii play out in gloria's hd is great but one thing we didn't expect was how it would all blow up at the end see throughout the game you see these weird ghost things pop up every once in a while they were never present in the original game so you're kind of getting clues that things aren't going to play out in exactly the same way at the end you find out that they're the forces of fate basically they're trying to make it so that things happen the same way they did in the original final fantasy vii but at the end instead of just escaping midgar and fighting a sort of uneventful robot boss the game ends with the party battling it up with this giant i guess thing i guess it's a personification of fate it's clearly the same force as the ghost from earlier and when you destroy it it means that basically anything goes now so at the end of the first part of the final fantasy vii remake the characters literally blow up fate and make it so that everything in the future can play out completely differently than they did in the original so now we kind of don't know what's going to happen in the final fantasy 7 remake and there are more episodes to come most people assume that things are probably gonna stick fairly close to the original but who knows maybe aerith lives instead of getting killed by sephiroth now we don't know things are already different biggs is still alive he died in the original game and in the biggest twist it looks like zach is still alive too that last thing can have huge ramifications on the story going forward but right now all we can do is speculate on the future that said that there are things to speculate about is kind of a real holy [ __ ] moment and number eight is cyberpunk 2077 the heist at the end of act 1 we saw v and jackie infiltrate konpeki plaza to steal something called the relic the whole mission is basically a long series of holy [ __ ] moments that pretty much are the actual plot to cyberpunk 2077 like so much happens in this one the guy you're stealing from yorin obu has a confrontation with his father and ends up murdering him your hacker t-bug gets their brain fried then special forces soldiers swarm the area that you have to slide down the building to escape there's a lot more too cause jackie dies dex betrays you and dumps your body in a garbage dump then a guy rescues you and kills dex but then there's a car chase where you're attacked by a bunch of sword arm assassins and there is even more where you relive the memories of johnny silverhand after which he tries to take over your body and kill you to say this was an eventful series of missions is an understatement as a way to kick off the story properly like it's really all out they went all out it's impressive like if nothing else and number seven is call of duty black ops cold war the big twist i think we were all expecting some mind-bending twist to happen in cold war weird twists are kind of a staple of the subseries at this point the actual twist maybe didn't even surprise anybody but how it played out certainly did near the end of the game you and your secret agent allies discover the true goal of the wily soviet agent perseus he wants to detonate american nukes hidden in european countries and blame the us for it they need the dude's location and quick so their only recourse is to take desperate measures and this is when stuff gets very weird they drug you and you have a vietnam flashback similar to the one earlier in the game but this time adler is narrating your actions after a while you find yourself at a crossroad and the voice over tells you what direction to go in just like the stanley parable honestly that comparison isn't too far off actually this whole sequence can go basically along with what the narrator is telling you to do or you can fight him if he says go left you can go right and different things happen depending on what you do at the end you see yourself battling an army of adlers or wandering an infinitely looping hallway and again stuff continues to get weird that's when the truth comes out you are not who you think you are you're actually a soviet agent the cia brainwashed into thinking was an ally so they could get intel out of you the twist itself is kind of expected but how it plays out is just massive holy [ __ ] moment and number six is assassin's creed valhalla's asgard at a certain point the new assassin's creed game you're told that balka the seer has arrived at raven's thorpe and if you build her a hut you get the opportunity to see her visions but that's kind of underselling what actually happens instead of some far cry style psychedelic missions like i assumed you're instead transported to an entirely new area with its own series of quests asgard which is by the way incredible looking it is a surprising change of pace from the much more down-to-earth setting of england and norway which you spend most of the game in and it's not just that you're in asgard the mythical home of the norse gods you are odin like king of the gods many other mythical creatures are there as well and the whole thing is just shocking and how fleshed out it all is for what amounts to a side story in an already massive game the place is just crazy impressive there's nearly enough there for the whole game by itself and i definitely said holy [ __ ] the first time i saw it and number five is mortal kombat 11 shang tsung's victory the aftermath dlc which came out back in march it added a bunch of new characters but probably the most significant addition was a two to three hour campaign that continued the story to mortal kombat 11. things play out pretty much how you'd expect too there are some loose ends to clean up after all the dimension hopping and shang tsung claims to have a solution of course shang tsung betraying the good guys really isn't a surprise i mean look at him yeah of course he's going to betray everyone but how it plays out is still pretty brutal shang tsung teams up with shao khan and sindel who basically run roughshod over all the good guys the cage family gets captured kung lao gets thrown into the sea of blood which remember basically dooms him to eternal torment and codal just straight up gets his head chopped off liu kang gets the worst of it having his bones broken by khan's hammer before getting killed for a series about brutal violence the actual story mode's been fairly light and fun so this whole scene comes off as really dark change of pace at the end you're given a choice rather to side with shang tsung or not and if you do things get even darker with shang tsung basically having unlimited power and taking over every known dimension like seriously who didn't see shang tsung's betrayal coming but how it played out still made us say holy [ __ ] and number four yakuza like a dragon the giant robot vacuum cleaner box let me say that a second time the giant robot vacuum cleaner boss this is as ridiculous as it sounds it comes out of nowhere too after you give 1 million yen to this goofy inventor guy he shows you this monstrosity which is literally just a giant version of one of those little cleaner robots and it goes haywire the cut scene before the fight is probably one of the most ludicrous things i've ever seen in my life it sucks up the inventor it sucks up a family walking by everyone is yelling and the whole thing just has to be seen to be believed and when you actually fight it it's got a flamethrower why i don't know yakuza like a dragon is itself a yakuza gam that is a jrpg and it is filled with silly crap but this whole thing just takes it to the next level and number three is bug snacks the secret of bug snacks like there's always something a little creepy about bug snacks the game where muppets eat bugs that look like food and then their limbs transform into those foods for some reason the whole game has this weirdly wholesome veneer but you could tell something sinister was going on i don't think anybody really expected this though your goal in the game is to find this missing explorer named elizabeth megafig which is a silly name when you finally find her at the end of the game she's transformed in this giant monster having been consumed by the bug snacks and basically acting as their queen she tells the players the true nature of the bugs and suddenly everything goes crazy and all the snacks attack so at the end of the game you're defending the town from swarms of angry bugs who can kill the residents of the town if you're not careful about defending them everyone left manages to escape but there's one more ridiculous secret post credits where a metal gear solid-esque phone conversation can be heard it is implied there is a grand conspiracy revolving around the bug snacks because why not the game is totally winking at the players about how ridiculous it all is but still things get way crazier than you'd expect at number two is the last of us two joel's death listen we cannot talk about holy [ __ ] moments in gaming without bringing this up the interesting thing about it is i think most people saw it coming before release remember all the discussion about joel's ghost after one of the first trailers aired for the game like kind of deep down i think we all knew it was coming regardless it's still a truly shocking moment if only because of how it plays out it is a sickening sequence that is hard to watch like it's not sentimental at all joel doesn't get any final words or a noble last stand he's just dispatched and that's the end of it the last of a series is known for its brutality and for good reason this is definitely one of the most shocking scenes of the year at number one is half-life alex the g-man changing history the ending of this game is just something else like just thinking about it's making my head spin honestly so bear with me here half-life alex is set five years before the events of half-life 2 and is you know a vr game so most of us expected to just be in an interesting side game that wouldn't have major effects on the main story but we were wrong so the main thing is you're trying to open this vault there's something in there that the combine don't want out so of course you want to get it what ends up being the shocker is that it is the g-man and he offers alex a choice at the end of half-life 2 episode 2 alex's dad eli vance was killed by a combine advisor he says that if alex works for him he'll save eli remember in the timeline eli dies five years in the future from the events of alex so it's basically g-man altering the future doing this makes it so alex works for the g-man now though and post-credits we see an aftermath of the final scene from episode 2 with eli giving gordon his crowbar and vowing to go after alex who i guess has disappeared so this man the g-man didn't change everything that happened just this one thing so i guess that alex got teleported away in the future i i don't know it's really confusing but what we all thought was just a straight-up prequel ended up being a sort of sequel in which time got altered i don't it's it's one of those things that like it's really cool but it's nuts and it's hard to process but what did you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this 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Channel: gameranx
Views: 390,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: in-game moments, shocking in-game scenes, surprising game moments, emotional gaming moments, crazy single player moments, story game twists, coolest in-game scenes, story twists video games, mortal kombat 11, doom eternal, final fantasy 7, black ops cold war, gameranx, falcon
Id: NoZZTuoKfi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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