Buying a Variegated Monstera? | Thai Constellation vs Albo Borsigiana

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is Kaylee Allen and welcome to so you want to buy a variegated monstera so the aim of this video today is to try and provide you an insight on which kind of version of a variegated monstera that you may wish to buy if you didn't know that variegated monstera as we know and love it comes in kind of two forms now you do and I will briefly explain the two forms the differences between them and some points to consider a little bit about how much you might pay for one etc etc so variegated monstera generally generally falls into two types of monstera the first of those is known as the monstera elbow palsy gianna I have one right here it's a cutting this is monstera elbow palsy Gianna and to my other side we have another very large elbow palsy Gianna there in addition to the elbow buzzer Gianna there's also the monstera tie consolation I have a small one here this is my own personal tie that I've been growing for a while there's a new leaf coming I'm very excited it's very white very excited for that and in the background I have a much larger monstera tie constellation as well so generally speaking when you're going to buy a barricade monstera online or elsewhere if you see a plant that is sold as a cutting so maybe a couple of leaves more like this one I have here that is more than likely to be a monster elbow borzi Gianna whereas conversely if you're trying to buy a variegated monster and you find yourself looking at a very young plant like no fenestrations which just means no splits then it is very very very likely to be a monster a Thai constellation so I repeat with elbow bozo Gianna you're probably more than likely to be trying to buy a cutting or a fully-fledged plant and with the monstera Thai consolation you could be buying a cutting but more often than not these days during the time you know that I'm filming this video you will probably more than likely be paying for a young plant this is because the variation in a monster el baboso Gianna is like a natural mutation and the mutation found in the monstera Thai consolation is a product of something that we know to be called tissue culture so tissue culture is a process whereby plants are grown in a special growing medium in lab conditions now in the case of monstera tie consolation I think there is only one known lab actually producing these plants of you know if any known quantity which is a bit of a problem because it means that numbers of these plants are quite low and it also drives the cost of the plant right up conversely the Alborosie gianna is not usually produced in this way and cannot really be produced in this way it's not really viable because the variation in in albo Bozza gianna is a natural defect and the variegation in an al baba's Audrianna massively depends on the variation found you know that the number of mutated cells found in one of these leaf nodes so therefore trying to reproduce this under lab conditions is much more difficult conversely in a monstera ty consolation all of the cells are actually mutated so it is very very easy to clone this plant and the variegation will just be present throughout because as I say it's just not the same as this so it's a condensed further one stereotype consolation is probably produced in a lab it's not really found in cutting form and the Alba buzzer Giana is more than likely to be found naturally occurring and will be found in cuttings and will be sold on his cuttings or for plants so now that I've briefly given you a cover of these two different types of monstera para guardar shall we call it i'm now going to go into some very brief differences between these two in order to help you kind of understand and work out which one you might prefer to get your hands on if you are looking for a variegated monstera the first topic I'm going to cover is structure and general appearance of these two plants so both types of these monster do have leaves that stem from something called a leaf node I'm just gonna call this a node and I'm going to refer to the spaces between these leaf nodes on the stem of the plant as inter nodal spacing so with a monstera I'll Bobo's a Gianna the inter nodal spacing so the space between those leaf nodes is much longer should we say than that of a Monster High constellation sometimes this can be 10 centimeters at least between the nodes on the plant which isn't really a bad thing there's actually pros and cons of this for example a pro of this is that it's probably much easier to take cuttings because you can cut the plant there is you know much more of a gap between those leaf nodes you should be able to get decent cuttings from these plans and it should be you know a little bit more obvious on where to cut if you'd like to propagate your plant and clone it or sell bits of it or whatever you'd like to do a corner of this would be that the plant doesn't usually look as full as maybe it iconst elation might look as I say because the gaps in between these nodes these leaf nodes are larger so you will get a little bit more of a sparse kind of vining appearance compared to that at the tie constellation in the tie constellation the inter nodal spacing so the space between the nodes is much much much shorter again pros and cons this would mean that the plant could appear more bushy and more fuller in appearance but a corner of this would definitely be if you want to propagate it you know it's not necessarily going to be easy to cut that space between those leaf nodes to you know take a piece of your plant and propagate it it's not impossible it's just much more difficult than what it would be with you know the Alba bozo Gianna behind me a quick other note on the leaf size of these plans so the al Baba's are Gianna generally is it's kind of considered a little bit more of a dwarf form of montserrat compared to the Thai constellation so the petioles on an El baboso Gianna that's this stem here connecting the leaf to the you know the main stem of nodes they are much much longer and the leaves are much smaller in size compared to the tie I don't think you're probably going to get more than a 30 centimeter leaf on an hour bulb aza Gianna again that's not necessarily a bad thing you might want something a little bit more compact and with smaller leaves conversely on a tie consolation they can get much much larger than that like whale double-size three times the size easily no problem so that would depend on what you're looking for there so I'll now quickly move on to what a lot of people consider to be obviously the most important bit and that is variation so the variation on a monstera elbow pose our Gianna for starters is brilliant white like I don't know if you can see this on camera it is very very white indeed I do hope that comes off as white there's a caladium here in the front of the frame and that is white so hopefully this also comes off as white it is also probably a mixture of being sectoral which means in big chunks such as this I will pick this up again for the 50 millionth time or it can be more of a speckled dashed dispersed variegation it depends on the plant you would have to pick literally the plant specifically if you want more of a sectoral variation or if you want one of this you would have to really inspect the plant or inspect the cutting and pick the one that most you know appeals to you should we say it does have to be said though that the variation on these plants is not stable which means because variation in the plant depends on how much variation is in this leaf node so the next leaf node new from this will either have the same amount of irrigation or less variations it will massively vary across the plant and you can lose the variation if you don't make sure that you keep a good even amount of this so it would mean that you'd have to cut your plant to preserve the variation depending on whether you've got too little variation or even too much variation because as you may or may not know the green in the leaves is what is known as chlorophyll and chlorophyll if you do not already know is what plants used to photosynthesize so if there is no green the plant cannot take energy from the light and it can't really grow so while variation is very pretty to us we do have to bear in mind that you do need a good balance for example this is a very nice balanced cutting it has a little bit of sectoral it has a little bit of speckled but there is plenty of green there so that is a very healthy balanced cutting for an elbow it's probably what you would be looking for if you're looking to buy a cutting conversely the variation on him on stereotyped constellation is kind of speckled and flecked but it is literally more of a constellation pattern I guess that's where it gets its name from so there's loads of little speckles all over the leaf the parts of the leaf that are not variegated probably won't be a solid green it's not impossible but it's highly highly highly unlikely and in addition to that the variation in my opinion on the mountain stereotyped constellation is a little bit more of an off-white I would say it was closer to a cream so there's not as you know a brilliant white as the monster elbow Giana I don't know if you'll be able to tell on camera I don't think you can see the tags it's too tall so I will actually insert some footage of what the tie looks like so you can see what I'm talking about but generally speaking the variation on the tie is just not quite as bright however there is something brilliant about the tie constellations variation and that is that it is stable which means you will not have to chop your plant to keep the variation you will be absolutely fine that said the variation can be a little bit chaotic should we call it so you're not necessarily going to get you know a big chunk a variation on the next leaf if the previous leaf had a big chunk of irrigation it just doesn't work in the same way - what an album was a Gianna does which obviously it's based on the previous leaf node so to repeat the variation on an album Wazza Gianna is dependent on that leaf node whereas the tie constellation is not it can be chaotic however you cannot predict the variation on each leaf it's kind of random to be honest but you will get a good amount of variation it's nothing to worry about you will still have a lot of white on your plant the next topic I will very briefly cover is the subject of general hardiness or how tolerant the plant is to under watering temperature all that kind of thing and generally speaking they're both pretty much the same I would argue personally that the tie is a little bit stronger if you felt the leaves of a tie constellation compared to an elbow cause of Gianna or regular deliciosa then you'll probably feel that the ties leaves a little bit more woody and the root system is just a little bit chunkier I personally think the tie is a little bit hard yet in the elbow so I wouldn't say there was too much of a difference in care there I wouldn't say it was negligible I just think honestly you will be fine with either so I wouldn't necessarily allow anything to do with hardiness or general care to rule your decision I think you will honestly be fine with either next topic and I have kind of covered it but I will cover very quickly again and that is ease of propagation so as I mentioned before the internodal spacing on the album was Rihanna is much larger which does mean you can get a pair of scissors in there a lot more easily and make a cut and propagate your plant conversely Thai consolation the internodal spacing is much much shorter which means it will be much harder to get a pair of scissors in or a pair of shears or a knife or whatever your poison is to propagate that plant not only that but due to the fact that the internal spacing on Thai constellation is shorter it would mean that when you propagate your plant and you put you know the stem in water if the stem rots in any way it will be so close to a leaf node it is much more likely to spread to that leaf node and kind of kill your cutting off I guess one way around that and I have actually done that on this and you can do this on both types of monsura is I've actually coated the base of where I've cut I've actually coated the base of that in wax to stop that from actually rotting or anything so that's totally protected you can do that on either it's just much much easier to do that with an elbow board your honor that it is with a tie the next topic or subject I would like to cover is how easy these plants are to find now I have noticed one is significantly to me personally more easy to find than another of course as with anything rare this can depend on your country and you know kind of what's going on around there and what's being sold but generally speaking I find that the Alba was a Gianna is much much harder to find there are full plants going as you could probably see I have one here I may have got that recently but that was actually quite hard to find it cost a reasonable amount of money they're not really floating around in shops and if they are they're sold extremely extremely quickly so if you can get your hands on a large one totally recommend it if not people do tend to go down the cuttings route and they are reasonably easy to find cuttings but they're very few and far between so there's never a lot of cuttings out at one time and covering the Thai consolation because it's been tissue cultured it does mean that batches of Thai consolation are coming out so for that reason I would suggest they are easier to find and they will definitely be produced probably more often than honestly what a cutting from an al bulb or the giana is or you know the time it would take to grow one of these full plants that you see behind me again I don't think that's a big factor in which monster you choose but it is just something to note if you're looking for that if you're wondering which one is easier to get your hands on the last topic I'd like to very briefly cover is how much you may or may not expect to pay for one of these plans so a good quality cutting with a good amount of arrogation of an elbow buzzer Gianna will probably set you back between I don't know thirty five and forty five great British pounds that is I wrote it down that is between 45 and 55 US dollars if you're curious this one right here for example if I were to sell this I would honestly sell this for probably about forty five Great British crowns because it's a two leaf cutting it's got a very good spread of irrigation as I mentioned before it's sealed off with wax it's got a very nice chunky aerial ruler and it's just very very healthy so you could very reasonably expect to pay that much for a cutting so for a monster at I consolation if I just pull this one very quickly into the forefront it would really depend on the size of the plant you're going to pay for because you're probably going to be getting a juvenile plant more than likely if you pay for something like a plug so you know in a nine centimeter pot say you're probably more likely to pay around maybe forty five great British pounds and a slightly larger one maybe a little bit larger than this I would probably expect to pay about seventy five great British pounds which works out at anywhere between 55 and ninety five dollars for your range of paying for one of these plants the large Thai constellation kind of like the one behind me there again I will insert footage of they you see before you is not really available on the market yet so that will be a plant like one of these that somebody has grown larger you can probably expect to pay obviously considerably more for that they do tend to get pretty pricey so you definitely into trouble figures without a doubt for these similarly of course to a plant this size you will also be in triple figures I'm not entirely sure how far into travel figures you'll be so depending what you want to do and how much you want to spend there are a couple of different options depending on which plan you choose again there is no right or wrong plant here there's no plant that's necessarily better than another plant it's whatever you think is best for you which brings me on to kind of like my additional points to consider and the first point really is the case of you know do you want a fully fledged plant or are you happy to start from a cutting because if you're happy to start from a cutting then I would also say that the elbows are Gianna it might be the one for you maybe you have a little bit less money to spend and you just want to see you know how you go with the cutting then I would honestly recommend the elbow balls of Gianna if you do want a fully fledged plant that's difficult they're kind of like the same because they're both going to be a little bit hard to find they're both going to be similar prices so that's kind of up to you but the main thing is whether you want cutting or a large plant another thing I would kind of consider is maybe how much space you have or the kind of space you have for example I'm not talking about lights at all I'm actually talking about you know the dimensions of the space you have for example the elbow balls of Gianna behind me is usually growing on the boss pole and it will be grown quite vertical so it won't really grow outwards do you know I mean it's more of a compact tall plant conversely the Thai constellation behind me kinda just grows where at once you can't necessarily control how that thing grows it will kind of do what it wants to do you can try and controller if you like I don't think you can so basically it's more likely to grow you know big and outwards whereas the elbow positive Jaime will tend to grow a little bit taller and thinner so if you're kind of stuck for space maybe you might want to go for the elbow in addition to that obviously the leaves will only get so large on this in addition to the size and space you know debates I will mention very quickly that I'm pretty sure a Thai constellation grows much quicker than the elbow I don't necessarily know why that is but I do believe it is a bit faster so that is something else to consider if you really to keep you know management on your plant this one will grow faster and it will probably be much more difficult to prune than of course this one will be thirdly obviously are you happy to work to keep the variegation or do you just want to not think about it because if you want to not think about you know oh my god is it going to revert then I would obviously recommend the Thai constellation if you aren't so worried about keeping variegation then of course the el Bobo's Ariana is still a very good choice again you will have to keep an eye on it but I don't imagine you will get to says are happy I guess it just depends on the quality of the specimen that you originally buy and if that is the case obviously look for a cutting or a full plant with a good balance of variation do too much white and he do not want too much green so that is the comparison between a monstera Alba bolsa Gianna ana monstera ty constellation there is no right or wrong choice if you wished by a variegated Mancera honestly it's what you prefer some people just don't like the look of the tie and they prefer the elbow some people like you know the large leaves with all the holes in and you know the big grandeur of it and then they do prefer the time there really is no right or wrong it's genuinely what you prefer both of them are beautiful I do happen to have both and I love them both and if I had to choose one I don't think I could so you know but I everyone knows I had a problem with these things so of course I own both if you have any questions or differences or anything you want to share about these two plants please feel free to leave them down below if there's something I've missed out please again leave it down below I'm not an expert you know I do get things wrong so please help you know share the love share the knowledge if you like this video please leave a like down below it does let me know that I'm doing a good job of making videos for you guys and if you'd like to see any more of my content like this or like any other content that I have previously produced then please hit that subscribe button any video requests leave them in the comments I do read the comments I'm so sorry I can't always reply to all of your comments there are a lot of comments on my videos I'm not ignoring you guys it's just a lot and until next week I will see you later I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and good bye for now bye
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 182,333
Rating: 4.9442878 out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, variegated monstera, monstera albo borsigiana, monstera thai constellation, monstera thai constellation care, variegated monstera care, how to propagate variegated monstera, variegated monstera cuttings, monstera albo borsigiana care, monstera deliciosa variegata, monstera variegata, difference between monstera albo borsigiana and thai constellation, monstera types, rare monstera, monstera tissue culture, tissue culture in plants
Id: 2wcfRVdRBLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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