Top 10 Plants with UNSTABLE Variegation!

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee allen and welcome to 10 plants with unstable variegation fargate plants are a thing not among every single plant collector but generally it's kind of a thing that people want and some plants are just easier for this than others it has to be said now i haven't picked the worst offenders of the bunch necessarily sometimes i have sometimes i haven't i've more gone for things that appear to be kind of hot right now because i think that's maybe more useful i feel like it's more relevant to everybody this video is based mainly on my experience if anyone doesn't know i own a plant shop and i must have about four and a half thousand plants in here as we speak obviously not in here but in the main part of the shop i deal with a lot of plants on the daily in large volumes i may have about a hundred of one plant sat at a given point so i'm not just only one or two of these plants i have a lot that is really good and i feel like it's helpful for you guys because it means i can give you information on my experience looking after them things that i find whether they ship etc so without further ado i'm just gonna get started so the first plant on my list is something honestly this just oh my god this just annoys me so much but the first plant on my list that i think is notoriously unstable as it happens is the philodendron florida beauty now i have had not great results with these plants the most recent batch i got in later last year i think late summer they've done a lot better but generally speaking every single time i've had a philodendron florida beauty they have reverted all or they haven't reverted but what tends to happen is we all like to buy our cuttings with like a half moon leaf right if you don't know what that means i mean basically half the leaf is variegated half a leaf is not we all love it that's just the thing that we all strive for not all of us but a lot of us every single time i buy one of these things i get them in and the half and half if something goes wrong or it starts to grow slightly differently what you will end up with is an all yellow leaf and an old green leaf and an all yellow leaf and an old green leaf and i had a cutting of a florida beauty so long ago now this is like one of the first variegated plants i got it was so long ago and that happened to me and it would not stop happening i still have by the way if anyone remembers my first ever florida beauty i still have the plant it's out there i think it's chilling out next to my upi actually and it's still happening i still keep cutting it it still keeps doing it it gives me a yellow leaf then it gives me a green leaf so i find them to be generally very temperamental i do have several other sat in the shop i think i may have maybe about 20 at the moment and they they're behaving a lot better don't get me wrong but they can just revert super fast even though the previous leaf and the node has good variation in i just find that there is something about the way these things grow that just don't like to be variegated or they just don't play ball so for that reason i'm putting it on this list at number one the next plant on my list is more of a general category here and i'm talking about variegated alocasia now then i have had countless i mean countless experiences buying different types of variegated allocation you name it varigated sabrina varigated dragon scale variegated um is it is makarisa uh what else have i had variegated fry deck variegated amazonica i have had a ton of different variegate allocations and let me tell you they are so unstable for me generally i don't know if anyone else has found that but i found that a lot i bought and notably so i've talked about this in previous videos recently i bought a wonderful allocation dragon scale barragata a little while ago and honestly this thing was so stunning but it revered and then i went and got a barricade amazonica which if you haven't seen it i feature it in my red plant shop documentary on my channel that was in there that revert as well what i've come to believe is and what i've come to gather from my experience every time you get something barricaded that is an allocation it might start small and then it will reach a maximum point and then it just disappears so a lot of the time and i've worked out how people have been able to do this and i think other people know this as well because every time i've bought a variegated allocation the most recent leaf is the one with the most variegation on it and every time i've done that the next leaf has been not variegated and i'm not blaming any of the sellers here because i mean that is the best time to sell the plant if you if you're in the know and you know that thing might revert sell it that's on you do you know what i mean but i bought them and revered and it's almost like when you see a leaf that's got great variegation run it's not coming back and i'm not saying it happens with every single plan i'm saying it's happened with everyone i don't there is a way to bring it back it's not very nice way no one's gonna like me mentioning but there is a way it's not sure of fire it's probably just i would say likely to bring it back but yeah i wanted to mention them as a general bracket i'd love to know if you've got experience with this or if for you they're quite stable perhaps there's a certain type of allocation it's just more stable than the others personally i don't think there is i'm not saying i've looked after every single allocation in the world but i think i've got enough different types there under my belt to know that it's a consistent problem with allocation so if you're looking for a variegated allocation be very careful so the next plant on my list is not that bad but again i want to mention it because it's hot right now so i i kind of want to deliver my experience on it because i feel like it's quite relevant and the next plant on my list for being unstable is the syngonium elbow barigatu so the white variegated syngonium this is honestly the kindest in terms of reversion normally if this thing's gonna revert it happens very slowly and you can really see it coming it's not like variegated allocation where it's like blink and now it's green it's nothing like that you can control it pretty well and you can control it pretty well because it's so easy to propagate and cut from and you won't really get failed propagations or at least i don't compared to other plants they're really easy for me so for that reason i want to mention it because it's not stable but it's not that bad and it's honestly nothing you can't live with so for that reason i want to talk about it today i do still recommend them as i said they are easy to propagate they can tolerate underwatering they can tolerate over-watering they generally look pretty hot and they're pretty affordable for a variegated plan in my opinion they're they're definitely in the lower some sometimes high two digits low three digits but generally you can get them and they're quite attainable and they're easy to look after and the war will lay down i recommend them but they're not stable and i want you to know they're not stable but honestly it's not something that you can't see coming and it's not something you can't prevent another plan that is super popular right now in at number four that i had to mention i don't think anyone doesn't know this but i thought i'd mention this just to be on the safe side the next plant on my list is the monstera albuvarigata or the variegated monstera this is not stable i wanted to mainly mention this one because in my stable plants video i mentioned the monstera thai constellation which is stable a lot of people when they go to pick monstera they'll either pick the tie or the elbow or they'll pick both when you're trying to buy a cutting of these things because that's generally how people are buying them these days go for a cutting where you know that you see a lot of variegation over 50 is not a good idea you want to go somewhere between 30 and 50 i would say just to be on the safe side and make sure you get your cutting with a node if you want to know what i'm talking about i have a whole video on that that i will link down below it covers everything to do with varigate monster but i really wanted everyone to know that it is unstable and things can still revert even if you start with a great cutting of nearly anything things can revert it's what happens it's just the perils of doing this so given that these plants are so sold after i did want to re-mention them so sorry if i sound like a broken record but i felt like it needed to be said as a kind of companion to the thai constellation mentioned in the previous video next on the list is very much a similar thing the next on the list is the monstera aurea so what i'm saying there is i'm talking about the yellow variegated monstera this monster isn't as common as the other one what i mean by that is people just tend not to collect it i think a lot of people just prefer white variegation to yellow a lot of people associate yellow variegation with the plant being quite sick or unwell i don't personally i think it's quite nice i think it's nice to have white variegated things and yellow variegate things in the collection to give it a bit more variety and a bit more color each to their own but i want to mention it because it's really no different from the variegate monster if anything i find it slightly more unstable it's probably the same and that's probably down to my experience in my situation i find it a little bit more unstable it probably won't be i can't see why it would be any different so really it's the same as the other plant on this list the bargain monster but again just to be on the safe side to help any new red plant purchases that may not keep its variation you might have to do stuff to keep it one thing i absolutely must mention about this plant though is not to cut it too early because the way the variegation comes in on a yellow variegate monstera it starts off quite green and that could be literally just a lime green coming in so you might not think that the you know the cutting is variegated but it might be so you need to give it time for that leaf to harden off so you can probably see it believe me i've cut things and they've been variegated luckily i didn't throw it out i'm kind of annoyed that i cut it because i didn't need to because there's actually a lot of irrigation on the leaf just watch out for that it can happen to anybody nothing bad happens of course you just end up with two plants but certainly don't cut things and throw them away because there might be variegation there that just hasn't quite developed yet next plant on my list i find incredibly unstable and it's even worse because it's so hard to propagate and that is the spathophyllum variegated now i think i'm talking about the domino specifically i think that's what it's called i have one i'm staring at it now off camera i bought that early last year i think i actually picked it out myself when i was in thailand and it wasn't a very variegated one then but it's just always struggled with variegation so you could argue the genetics weren't really there when i bought it but the problem is you can't cut it back if it reverts what i'm having to do with mine and if i keep looking off camera i'm looking at the plant i've had to basically wait for it to pop itself and produce babies which it's starting to off the bottom around the base they don't look super variegated but they are variegated so we'll see what happens with that but i wanted to mention it because i think variegated piece lilies are very very pretty obviously the green ones are beautiful but a lot of people if you can have something variegated then why not so in that sense i like them i am specifically talking about the domino and not the i can't remember what it's called not domino it's not donald hall it's picasso so i'm specifically talking about the picasso here the domino is different and i don't know if it has the same issues it appears that it doesn't because the variation displays very differently it's not necessarily sectoral it's like splayed throughout that might be more stable on this one but because this one is sectoral chunks it's honestly hit and miss so if you want a variegated piece lily saying this now without knowledge of the other species from eyeballing it it looks like it's going to be more stable than the one i have so maybe less picasso although i think they look better when they're a good specimen maybe go for the domino that was really confusing me because there's two different names and i couldn't remember which one it was coming in at number eight and this is a good one and people probably aren't gonna be surprised to hear about it but the next plant on my list for being notoriously unstable as hell is the philodendron pink princess people probably know by now i tend to bash this plan quite a lot to be honest i think it's overhyped i don't think it grows well and i also want to share with you how unstable it is now this is a really grey area i find when talking about pink princesses because i hear a range of things now i've cut these plants at different points and i've discovered different things so i've got a plant both that was producing a little bit of variegation and i've cut a plant that was producing a ton like it was all pink and there's a picture on my instagram of that so the picture of the pink princess being just totally pink that kept dying which tells me that the obviously the color that comes from the leaves is in the node which is what you'd expect from a variegated plant i know this sounds a bit wild but stay with me a lot of the plants that i think i might have about 20 again downstairs that i have in my collection that are pink they're so sporadic you can't predict it and a lot of the time people do say this when you cut a pink princess it supposedly suppresses the variegation it's going to take a little while to come back and there are many many cases i promise you i'm not making this up of people that have got supposedly reverted pink princesses and they've started firing out a ton of pink which is weird to me because it's like is it in the node is it not in the node what does it really depend on it's really quite an interesting subject whatever the conditions for this are it can definitely be said how unstable they are you really can't predict it if anyone remembers i still have my mother planned from the international allied show that i got like i think it's like two years ago now i've had to cut that down because it turned all pink it hasn't really grown back very quickly actually but i don't anticipate that's going to be highly variegated it doesn't seem to work in the way that you would expect it to let me know down below if you've got a certain experience with pink princess it's just a bit of a weird one because i've experienced both ends of the spectrum because this paint can literally sporadically come back out of nowhere be that as it may it's still unstable as hell because the results can really vary and honestly i've mentioned this before to get a pink princess with good variegation is hard to do it's really hard to do in today's climate so i'm just going to bash them one last time and say they're unstable on top of everything else oh god you know i bashed this plan recently as well so the next plant on my list that i find extremely extremely unstable is the billy ettier varigata which if you don't know what i'm saying i'm saying variegated bilitai that's actually how you pronounce it you pronounce it billy yeti my experiences with this plant are limitless honestly i bought so many in for the shop they just revert i'm not saying every plant reverts i'm not saying don't buy one it's definitely gonna revert or anything like that but everyone i've bought in and i've been very vocal about this they just do not hold the variegation and again this comes down to buying a leaf with a half moon shape i am noticing this it would seem that when they start growing from that which however they cut when they you know cut in nurseries to sell it would seem that after that i get a yellow leaf a green leaf a yellow leaf a green leaf and it's just impossible to control so i guess my advice if you want to buy a variegated billet tie maybe don't go for a half moon one and i guess you could you could attribute this to monstera you could attribute this to anything because this honestly does matter it really does don't get a half moon go for something that is a lot more you're like on either side of the leaf blade when you look at it don't just go for half moon you can if you want but i honestly deem it to be nowhere near as stable as you know a different type of display of variation would you say because there's one that i used to have a couple years ago it was beautiful i think it might have had a half and half leaf or it was somewhere near close to that but as a result it really held the variegation every other ability i brought in doesn't am i saying they're all half moons no but generally that's what gets sold that's what gets offered so maybe maybe consider not going for a half moon especially on a billet time because honestly i am sick to death of getting a yellow leaf a green leaf a yellow leaf a green leaf it doesn't look attractive it's not very nice it's not what you want so for that reason they literally they have to be on this list last on the list i could literally not include a list on unstable variegation without including this plant this list is not in any order by the way but this plant is it has to be number one it just it has to be there is no other plant on this earth that is as unstable as this one and that's because it's fake so the next plant and the last plant on my list today is the philodendron pink congo now i'm gonna assume that most of you know about this plant by now this was a huge thing that hit the internet i think it was a year ago two years ago now it was a while ago and it hit big and i did a video on this i will link it down below if you're interested it covers pretty much everything you need to know but long story short the pink in this pink plant is not real and it will wear off it has been treated with a chemical to induce essentially pink variegation to mimic that of a pink princess because that's what was in fashion that's what everyone wanted and it will only last six to twelve months i have proven this on my channel for anyone that says that it's not a thing it is a thing don't be told otherwise i promise you those people are wrong this thing reverts the plan will produce all pink leaves and it will look great and after a period of time even the leaves with the pink on this is how you know it's funky even the leaves of the pink on will slowly start bleeding into green like it's not natural the way it reverts so normally when you have a variegated plant and it reverts it's just going to push out leaves with less variegation on or just push out an all green leaf and there you go that's not what happens with these trust me it's gross what happens is the green literally bleeds in and it looks wrong it looks like it's painted it looks fake so if you want to buy one of these i i don't often say this on my channel don't buy them honestly don't buy them you're wasting your money only buy them if they're dirt cheap like 20 30 and you know it's gonna wear off and it's a temporary thing do not buy this plant thinking it is rare it's very good you can make money off it it's not for you just trust me on that honestly i don't normally like really pushing an opinion out there but when it comes to this plan i feel like i have to because i feel like it's a public service announcement to be honest with you in terms of this chemical i'm gonna cover it now because i think it is uh it's relevant i have seen this chemical pop up again recently it's not worth me doing a full video on it i know you guys tag me in a lot of stuff i do see it but i'm not gonna do a video on it yet but i want you guys to know it happens in other plants and it will be obvious it really will if a plant is producing normal colored leaves and all of a sudden it's all pink i'm telling you now unless it's sun stress it's chemical 99 of cases that's going to be chemical just saying it now i've seen things like this crop up particularly on facebook and instagram i've seen people buy into them and it worries me so i'm just re-pushing it out there again there are some plants that i've seen and i know you guys have seen them too that are not real if you want to play with chemically induced plants that's your bag do it on the cheap don't sell it as something else and everything else i'm not going to rant about it because i've already done it before about twice on this channel so if you want to watch my video on the ping congo please go ahead if you have no idea what i'm talking about it's really quite an interesting watch i will leave any of the videos i've mentioned today during our chat in my description so if you'd like to go and have a look at them feel free and that is it for this week's video this one was a little bit more quick fire but i felt that it needed to be because the last one was so long if you like this video please leave a like down below and if you'd like to see any more of my content then please hit that subscribe button and if you have any plans that you think are just notoriously horrendous for variegation then please leave them in the comments below let me know what your experiences are until next time that's it for this video guys i will see you next week bye
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 86,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, rare plants, rare houseplants, variegated plants, unstable variegation, philodendron pink congo, variegated houseplants, top variegated plants, philodendron burle marx variegata, philodendron pink princess, top 10 plants, rare variegated plants, variegated philodendron billietiae, variegated monstera
Id: xsDgctlYdAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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