Minecraft if there were Creeper Boss Mobs

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what if minecraft had creeper boss mobs explosive green menaces terrorizing the world blowing up both land and life wherever they roam how would they attack and what would they drop let's find out man this place has been ravaged what happened here hopefully it doesn't have anything to do with those creepers we were just looking at oh gosh simon oh simon he must live here hey brother you got something to say my friend what's going on oh boy this is what remains of blockside village what my home completely destroyed by those monstrous creatures oh my gosh i have never seen creepers that big and consorted they almost looks like completely different beings you are tyler the legendary hero well yeah you need to do something okay okay these creatures will destroy everything i can tell you where the creeper queen went you just have to follow the green trail it left on the ground green trail here take this weapon it will help you defeat the monstrous queen of the creepers good luck my friend thank you what do we have here this is called the flint staff detonates mini cr wait mini creepers uh okay sure well i will do what i can to avenge blockside village or you know what's left of it and this appears to be the green path that's going to lead us right to the queen hopefully a chest plate sword and some beef will be enough oh yeah this uh this looks a little uh ominous okay oh gosh and the creepers are already beginning to appear hey hey there how's it going oh you're tiny hey no okay little baby creepers leading down to what does that say i gotta get closer that's the armory it says it's the armory uh huh interesting okay maybe we can get the rest to blow themselves perfect all right we're looking good for now man this is a little bit intimidating those creeper aches oh creeper queen a puny human such foolishness this is now my home and you are disturbing my peace i thought that every human in this village had been wiped out i guess i was wrong after i'm done with you you'll prepare an army of creepers that will take over the world prepare to explode into tiny bits my creeper minions will take care of you oh gosh wait whoa creeper shockwave oh it's throwing creepers at me get away oh my gosh the eggs are everywhere they start hatching too dude this is a crazy looking boss can we just oh hey look at the health bar up at the top whenever we detonate one of these creepers wait i got an idea let's get it close oh sweet that did a bunch of damage okay let's keep leading these baby creepers nearby the queen here and i think we can actually jump over this shockwave attack all right we're looking good here okay the sword's working out somewhat but let's get the creeper come on a little bit all right oh man my health is getting real low oh oh my gosh okay we need to flee oh oh wow this is not looking good that queen is just waiting for me okay why don't we brainstorm a little bit yeah a little bit closer come on come on come on right now detonate yes good good okay so far so good my health is mostly back all right get a little bit closer come on come on come on perfect all right things are looking up right now baby get some good damage in there yes yes yes and one final detonation boom beautiful it's all coming together dodge the attack boom another swipe oh what's happening here we received the bug swatter flings mini creepers okay are we gonna be able to fling them back at the queen she looks a little bit different too hey i've gotta fly well so much for that man just shot rockets out at me how do we use the fly swatter get away from that's like a missile attack oh my gosh give me something to swap please oh boy here we go yes oh wow fast enough swatted at her yeah we legit swatted the creeper back at the queen i think that this is how we have to attack the creeper queen from here on out i don't want to get any closer otherwise you're just going to run into some serious bad news yeah look it's dealing massive damage to the queen every single time we swat it beautiful okay wow serious damage right there i got to keep my health up though this is not safe good good good good good back of the queen man every single time this queen takes a step the earth shakes around me if she's this difficult i'm extraordinarily worried about the next couple creeper bosses dude all right looking good one more swipe should get her down where she oh my gosh now she's red well we got a cannonball it shoots does it shoot these cannons okay let's try it it does whoa we can use the cannons inside the armory it's dealing massive damage all right yo we're in a good spot now i'm telling you oh man and that is like a it's like a boomerang attack now okay heal up a little bit right on top of me oh no okay fling them back fling them back fling them back here's another cannonball all right oh my gosh one more good hit from the cannonball and we should be good to go i'm gonna go for the fight oh we got her yes the creeper queen has been defeated use the map we got outside and look we also got creeper claws i think this map is gonna help us find the next boss oh all right we're back up at the surface so let's see where this map is going to take us head this way oh look there's even another path it looks like remains of the creepers like all over the ground here and it looks like it's heading deeper into the forest i'm not gonna lie i'm a little bit nervous oh here it is i think oh wow there's skulls all over the place this boss just bore a hole through the tunnel my goodness oh there's some kind of radioactive waste coming out one of the pipes there well oh another insect looking for trouble this cave is mine and i will not let you disturb my peace i sense something odd the queen what have you done puny human i will avenge her i will fulfill her desires she dreamed of a world where creepers could roam free uh i was selected by the queen as the fiercest of all creeper warriors and you shall see why oh no more explosions look at this mutant creeper oh and it's throwing red creepers now and they explode on landing hold on a second let's use these claws on this guy all right the claws are very effective okay oh but we're about to die we gotta be very careful oh man oh man look at that thing over there avoid avoid okay can we use the cannonball here no it doesn't look like it's working i guess it makes it upset there's no cannons in here okay it's all right we got the claws get in on that yeah baby now ditch [Applause] oh gosh this is so good at aiming i'm in a lot of trouble here okay let's get back up and heal a little bit all right i'm feeling a little bit braver now these claws are incredible it causes them to just explode into the air get back this is the nastiest boss yet and there's still another one coming i think if we time the attacks we can get right in between there's a little pause between when it attacks next so as long as we do uh oh it just changed color and we got a blast shield what can we use this for click to deflect blasts no way can we deflect these back at the boss okay i guess i'll oh that's not a blast that's just a bunch more creepers let's see [Applause] oh look we did reflect it back incredible we can use that against the actual mutant come on baby let's see you try and throw another no no that's not what i want you to throw another uh fire blast from the mouth please that would be ideal yes no that's not what i wanted either oh bad okay oh too close for comfort too close hey okay oh man this thing is nasty i wish you'd just stay inside the cave here we go reflect right on back yeah that's dealing some real good damage oh gosh oh we need to seriously watch out i'm getting so close to dying and i don't know what's gonna happen if i lose all my health these bosses might take over the entire game okay there we got another reflection going and another one yeah we're dealing some big damage couple more swipes back at the reflection and oh gosh whoa you received creeper blast whoa click to use yo it's in its final form or something yo we can legit oh it's a lot of creepers i think we can just yeah look at the damage this thing does oh my gosh oh come on i missed no get back i think it's on it's yes we got it the mutant creeper has been defeated and look we got two things a beast creeper map and a beast slayer whoa that looks way better than my iron sword okay i guess we're off to see the beast creeper i wonder what happens when we defeat this one well don't go anywhere guys i want us to find that one out together but now we need to head this way it looks like we're going out of the forest oh okay well at least we'll be able to see what's going on whoa hey there's smoke all over whoa what happened here what is this some kind of desolated landscape oh my gosh hold on a second okay i don't think the box water's gonna be of much help anymore dude what happened here and where's this oh tyler the queen and mutant creeper have been defeated i can sense it creeper beast i am now the last creeper guardian the creeper army shall rise once again i will rebuild the creeper society from the ground up but first i need to destroy you what i will stomp on you with all my might prepare to become part of the ground oh gosh whoa whoa he's got a double shock wave oh he's charging at me i don't like that at all easy we gotta use this beast slayer against him okay perfect oh wow oh wow we need to maintain a serious distance away from this guy oh wow yo he's messing me up all right we gotta run a little bit get up above the attack squeak oh he's charging me oh man oh wow wow wow wow okay heal a little bit okay i think we're looking a little bit better now good good good okay let's get in there before he charges again hey kids now's your chance to get the brand new frost.zip t-shirt it's available this month only so head on over to ldz.store and grab one right now they're super cool oh gosh okay we're looking a little bit better now we've had some time to heal up a little bit get all up in there just go for the attacks that's got to be the way okay i'm actually not looking too good myself oh gosh he just changed forms oh but we got a long bow whoa we can use that to attack him from a distance now which is actually the best thing that could have happened i did not like getting close to that guy okay but his attacks are getting even fiercer oh dude this bow though is going nuts on him oh stop charging me oh and he's like dodging my arrows by jumping over him okay okay we gotta retreat a little bit i gotta get my health back oh use the longbow deal some serious damage to him right now oh he's in his final form when we get a copper wand what does that do oh man i think it causes them to explode even on themselves oh man the attacks are coming non-stop now okay we need to retreat a little bit oh gosh stop okay we had some time to heal let's try this copper wand on him now all right keep jumping over these use the copper one big damage it even works on the other creepers yo it deals massive damage to them yes okay okay oh man it's not looking good right now hide a little bit fuse oh he's almost dead he's almost dead one final hit i think we got him one final oh we died right as he died but look we defeated the beast creeper i think because we defeated him we got to keep our stuff and whoa we got some seriously op items for defeating him i gotta go tell simon but meanwhile let us know in the comment sections what mob boss you'd like to see next
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,476,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, creeper boss, new creepers, creeper bosses, new minecraft boss, creeper monster, creeper beast, giant, worlds largest, biggest minecraft mob, huge, large, big, biggest
Id: VxgSov6G4vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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