Sometimes a developer puts something in
a game with complete certainty that no player will ever be able to find it... but
that didn't stop gamers from breaking the games and finding them anyway. Today
we're diving in the top 10 hidden moments in games that no player was
ever intended to see. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts-and-Bolts. So by now you may have
noticed every time I cover a Rare game in one of my videos it usually has to do
with a troll they hid in one of their games solely there to get a laugh on
gamers. Well this time I'm finally getting the last laugh. Somehow, Rare
manage to miss this rather huge exploit that can be used to break the game from
nearly the moment the game actually begins. All you have to do is take an
object - any object - throw it on your cart, jump on top of the cart, and then on top
of the object, and then you just grab the object - wow - how did they miss this? So now
you can travel the game world from just about every possible direction, allowing
you to sequence break huge segments of the game. So the goal of this game is to
collect an object called jiggy's from jiggy tamper switches which are
scattered all across the game world. So let's go ahead and skip a huge portion
this game. We're gonna get the jiggy hidden on top of this building well
before you're supposed to. Yes, got it. That jiggy is mine! Okay, now to just get
Banjo on this damn pipe. Would you grab the thing!? Okay, now for the moment I've
been waiting for. Time to finally get back at rare for all those incessant
trolls. What? Looking for ways to break the game
behind my back? Oh, come on! Once again... trolled by Rare. Crash
Bandicoot 3. Ok this exploit isn't as much as a facepalm as the last one, but
with it you can see a rather interesting result only in a particular instance if
you were to stand in this corner of the Coliseum during Tiny's boss fight. You
can entirely avoid the sequence where you have to cleverly dodge the
stampeding Tigers. I guess this spots been uncharted. Okay,
I'll stop. But things get more interesting in the Crash N'Sane Trilogy
remaster. Unbelievably, twenty years later the same exact exploit is still fully
functional. Now, considering this exploit was - hey, stop throwing cheese at me!
Alright, alright, guess they caught me again doing something I wasn't supposed to be
doing. Touché. Unreal Tournament 2004. In Unreal
Tournament 2004, players found a hidden prompt inside the code that would only
trigger in-game for a seemingly impossible circumstance. If the players
somehow managed to snipe themselves in the head with the game's sniper rifle, they
would be presented with this in-game message: the player has violated the laws
of space-time and sniped themself. Now, Unreal's sniper rifle doesn't have ranged
damage, because it's actually a hit scan weapon. This means it only strikes
exactly where the player cursor is hovering, which given this is a
first-person shooter that would mean it's pretty much impossible to move the
cursor over your own head. Although I've never seen a player activate this prompt
by legitimate means, maybe there is an actual possibility of pulling this off
in game and ripping open the space-time continuum but what the hell would that
even look like? Oh, okay then.
Hitman: Blood Money. It's not often you come across an unfinished placeholder
left in a finalized game plain as day for all the playing public to see, though,
I've certainly covered a number of insane instances of such before. In
Hitman Blood Money, another brilliant piece of placeholder developer
motivation was left in game on this lobster crate. When you pick it up it
actually says this in description of the object: Allen please add details.
Nice going, Allen. Developers since have decided to have some fun with this
unintentional moment because when you look at it again on the HD re-release it
actually says: any details yet Allen? But it doesn't end there... it even went as far
as to appear in the trailer for Hitman 2016 and even appeared in a real world
example on the Hitman website. Sorry Allen, but it doesn't seem like
you're gonna be living this mistake down anytime soon.
Fortunately, you're not the only one on this list with the same problem. Timespiltters 2. Timespiltters was a pretty solid first-person shooter franchise from the
ex-developers of Goldeneye 64 - which was Rare - so you know who I'm dealing with
here. In Timesplitters 2, if a player were to screw up an objective in the game,
they're met with a rather standardized mission failure screen. Howeve, if the
player were to stay on this screen for several minutes, the background music
begins to take on a number of very unusual and drastic changes... including
some very strange audio that was later discovered to be highly manipulated
dialogue from the character Captain Ash from the level Aztec ruins. ..but if you can believe, a much stranger
mystery occurs nearly 10 minutes after waiting on this screen. Suddenly, a
woman's voice comes straight out of nowhere. "Is, is that too loud?" Given the context of what she
says the common speculation is that this is a totally unintentional moment
accidentally left in the game, assumedly from an audio engineer or audio editor
suggesting that the audio mixing was a little too loud during that spookier
portion. Again though, this is another game coming from ex-members of Rare so,
it's pretty safe to assume this could be another troll here strictly to drive
gamers crazy, but I'll tell you one thing it certainly made the hairs on the back
of my neck stand up. "Is that too loud?" Slender: The Arrival. Slender Man has become an iconic horror
figure of our time with his big-budget Hollywood debut hitting theaters mere
weeks ago... not that that's worth watching. He's just some tall, faceless dude going
for a stroll through the forest at night. I'm sorry, I saw Blair Witch Project and
I just don't see what the - holy [bleep]! Done. I'm getting the hell out of here. Even if it
means I'm gonna have to break the game and get through this invisible wall and
get well outside the bounds. Okay, [heavy breathing] think I'm safe. I don't think he can
get me from here. Whew. Wait.. wait.. What is that? [screaming] Life is Strange. In Life is
Strange Episode One, there's a rather unusual hidden occurrence if you were to
reverse time and angle the camera just right during this in-game event of Zackary throwing this football at Alyssa. What? Oh, okay. It's just David. Chloe's stepdad and
the school's campus security.. doing a T-Pose. Welp, that clearly wasn't intended.
Bioshock. Earlier this year an anonymous user on the forums of 4chan made some
questionable claims about the kinds of things that developers would do for
inspiration when making the game. However, this person claimed that in
order to prove they weren't lying they would reveal a never-before-seen hidden
message in the game never found by any player before. Since Bioshock is one of
my favorite games and I love getting any reason to play it, let's go ahead and boot it up
and see if we can get this thing. According to the post, go to the second
half of the Hephaestus, where you first encounter Ryan in person. Use incinerate
to get you down to one health point. And then use it again in the area where the
cutscene triggers and walk into it. You'll die right when the scene starts. But wind up in a vita chamber outside
the map. Turn on art captions and you'll see a developer message about Paul
Hellquist not doing his job no one has found this bug yet publicly, it's in all
versions. Cheers. While it's clear the message itself is
real - which is awesome - all the anonymous user's other claims were denied by former
Irrational games developers themselves. In fact even Paul Hellquist himself said
he was actually made aware of it about a year earlier on twitter. Just like Allen,
he knows that he's never gonna live that one down. Half-Life 2. Being that
half-life 2 is one of the most celebrated games of all time - by the way
where the hell is Half-Life 3 - it also means that it's one of the most
dissected and exploited games ever made. Players found if you were to boot up
half-life 2 with any broken file paths in the data you'd be met with some rather
interesting placeholders which can be especially jarring if you boot the game
and somehow Alex's character model has gone missing. "Dr. Kleiner said you'd be
coming this way. I don't think it occurred to him that you might not have
a map. I'm Alex Vance, my father worked with you back in Black Mesa.
I'm sure you don't remember me though. A man of a few words aren't you?" "Through here." Jade Empire.
Jade Empire is an RPG based on Chinese mythology from Bioware, the team behind
Knights of the Old Republic and a little series known as Mass Effect and as common
an RPG that has a gambling system largely based on luck, there's a common
exploit that gamers tend to utilize in these games. The trick involves saving
the game before gambling and if you lose the bet you simply shut down the game
without saving and restart the bet again until you finally win, thus avoiding any
potential gambling losses, allowing players to endlessly restart and only
save progress every time the players wins. Well even though it's kind of a
common exploit in a lot of games, Bioware hid a little surprise for any
players looking to break their game with this trick. Holy... what the [bleep]. Change your shirt? Oh and
your pants? Yeah, no kidding, me too buddy. I don't even know how to be surprised
anymore. If you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like this, please
subscribe and if you know of any other moments and video games that we weren't
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art - just generally the best community I've ever been apart of. Shout out to
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