10 Insane Easter Eggs in Arcade Games

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tscottn 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
Good old classic arcades. The one place where we can escape and relax our minds with some good clean fun. Where nothing strange ever happens whatsoever. Now if that were true you wouldn't be watching this video now would you? Today, I'm going to show you the top 10 most surprising easter eggs you didn't know were hidden inside of classic arcade games. Golden Tee 99. Golden Tee is a rather ordinary relaxing golfing simulator, mostly popularized by its endless appearances in bars across America. However things take a quick turn away from relaxing to strange if you were to venture far enough off course in Golden Tee 99. For instance, there's this guy relieving himself. There's Bigfoot just standing there. You okay there buddy? And also... wait a second... Holy [bleep] is that a dead corpse? And is that is that blood coming out of his head? Apparently the majority of Golden Tee games contain strange Easter eggs like this but this one is by far the most graphic one that we know of. Let me know if you find any more the next time you hit a ball super off-course the next time you play Golden Tee at your local bar. Galaga. Here's a cool little trick you can do for your friends the next time you come across a Galaga machine without having to drop down a single quarter. During the game's insert coin demonstration mode, if you were to move the joystick at the exact moment this ship drops this tractor beam.. - It didn't work. OH! - No you got it! -Got it! -You got it. -Are you moving now? -Yeah, yeah. -HA! ...you're suddenly able to take control of the player ship and actually play a free game! Unfortunately this is a rather quick playthrough until the game displays a system check screen. Well that's certainly a roundabout way to check system status. GTI Club Rally Cote D'Azur. Now I really have no explanation for this one. GTI club's an extremely simple rally car racer from 1996 in which players can endlessly lap around a single course. It's about as fun as it sounds. But if you hold a series of elaborate button combinations, you get a rather odd payoff. Hold change view while loading in coins. Keep this held and then quickly shift the gear down to the high position and hold it there as well. Then at the same time add manual automatic to your hold. If you hold these all together all the way until you're supposed to see the cars on the track, you'll instead see... [bark] ...a bunch of German Shepherds? Yeah I don't really know what the joke is here. I know somebody has a good answer for this. The Simpsons. On The Simpsons, if you were to hit this tree on the first stage before the first boss, you can snag a couple of power-ups. But if you continue to pester this tree long enough for more power-ups... Huh.. Did you hit it? (both) - OOP! - OOP! "All gone, beat it!" Haha! [laughter] We got it! ...Bongo from Matt Groening's original comic strip Life in Hell, comes out and greets you with this message. Neat! Primal Rage. In a two-player match if you and another player start kicking one of the worshipers on the ground between one another, a volleyball minigame commences. This game is weird. NBA Jam. This is a rather hard egg to do with one person so we had to grab other players in the arcade to help us out. If you were to hold down every button on this machine during the matchup screen... nothing happened. Well unfortunately that's because this was an NBA Jam Tournament Edition, disguised in an NBA Jam cabinet. You need the original NBA Jam to do this. And if you were to do it correctly the whole game suddenly transitions into a 3D tank game, strikingly similar to Atari classic Battlezone. And this isn't the only cabinet to pull a full on switch to an Atari classic. Mortal Kombat II. In Mortal Kombat II if you were to win 249 times in a row in a two-player match, the last match is settled with the dawn of all video games. Jailbreak. Now here's an egg that requires a lot of effort that I sadly imagine some players actually spent the energy for back in 1986. If you can save the first three hostages in this chaotic swarm of 8-bit bullets, you unlock a rapid-fire grenade launcher and if you shoot it into this window you get a little flash frame with some 8-bit nudity. The things we used to do before the internet. Area 51. Not only is Area 51 one of my favorite games, along with its sixth generation follow-up, this also remains to be one of my favorite easter eggs. At the beginning of the game don't shoot anything, you'll quickly find that you have no problem surviving. Now instead of shooting the aliens you have to shoot all of your allies instead. Some of these are tricky. This one took me a few times because she runs fast and runs across an alien on the screen as well and your not supposed to hit any aliens and if you do, you got to do it again. If you hit all four teammates, you're presented with this message. - Bow! Kronn Hunter! Did you see that!? It said Kronn Hunter! [laughter] Now you get to fight as an alien. - That's awesome! - Okay, yes! You get to play the rest of the game in this awesome negative datamosh effect. That's right, datamosh. Area 51 did it first! So you may have heard of the Tomb Raider nude code, a rumor that spread through the entire run of the series. "Don't you think you've seen enough?" In fact, the developer even leaked out a nude code in Tomb Raider 2 but when you triggered it... What a tease, but unbelievably, in an arcade game that can be played in broad daylight, an actual nude code in reference to the Tomb Raider nude code actually exists and works. Gauntlet Legends. Now here we are in public trying to do it. Unfortunately, we got it to work, but this is some sort of reduced version of the full egg. -That's the girl. Is that it? Is that the partial? -I think that's the partial, yeah. Can you choose it? There is a more nude version of this Easter egg that I'm going to show you, but when we did it in public, Valkyrie appeared in her underwear instead of fully nude. -Well, she's like... - More naked. - She's more naked, yeah.. Apparently, the latest updated version of this game has swapped out the nude code with an alternate skimpier outfit. -What's she wearing? Awh... same thing. Well, I guess we drove six hours for nothing! Just kidding, it was pretty close. The earliest running version of Gauntlet I could find was version 1.6. On the second blue player slot, if I enter my name as N-U-D and then the number zero six nine as my passcode... Wow. Now as you can see this is a much more provocative model. So on several places on the Internet, several people point out that if you enter 169 you get an even nuder model. The code appears to be accepted but I never received another nude model without the censor bars. Now this is either just the internet just kind of trolling or there is indeed a more nude model in an earlier version of the game. You can slightly see on the censored model additional textures underneath so I sort of believe there may be an earlier version of the Easter Egg out there. If anyone with enough will knows of a local Gauntlet Legends cabinet near them, there may just be a special Easter Egg in store if you can bear all the awkward looks that you may get in public. Hey, if you want to discuss more easter eggs and unsolved mysteries like these in video games, come join us over on the discord. We got a great community over there, awesome people. We're finding new easter eggs, we're talking about cool games, we're sharing cool music ... it's an amazing community already and I would love to see you there! If you like this video, please subscribe I have a few new video ideas coming your way, as well as some follow-ups to some previous videos as well. Stay tuned!
Channel: oddheader
Views: 2,233,803
Rating: 4.8872633 out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs, Arcade Games, The Simpsons, NBA Jam, Mortal Kombat, Area 51, Guantlet Legends, Shocking, Insane, Surprising, Cheat Codes, Tricks, Trivia, Arcades, Arcade Cabinets, Mysteries, Myths, Oddities, Unsolved, 2019, Best Easter Eggs 2019
Id: DD7BiZgiam4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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