10 Strangest Areas in Games Never Meant to Be Found - Part II

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Minus worlds... ..out of bounds geography... ..and whatever the hell this was supposed to be. Thanks to the many areas I’ve found out about since the last video in this series, today we’re diving into the 10 strangest, most confusing areas in video games that we were never supposed to find. Part 2. Uh... Or... Part 3. Guild Wars 2. In the Massively Multiplayer Online RPG Guild Wars 2, players found at Caduceus’s Manor if they were to glitch to the other side of this portal to leave the area, they could find a large open terrain away from the playable environment. Once they made their way to the far ends of the terrain, they discovered a strange structure out of bounds sitting in the distance... ...inside was a strange room with these creepy ODD HEADS that would eerily eye the player anywhere they stood. In the center of the room was a strange orb that when interacted with would… Woah... That makes me pretty dizzy. The strangest discovery of all though was that players could find a cat sitting in the ceiling of the room. [Meow] Wait, what? Guild Wars 2 level designer Josh Foreman commented on one of the Youtube videos of the area and said, “Don’t look! We haven’t got that part online yet. My boss will be pissed if he sees this since I sculpted the heads to look like him.” Yeah, that’s not a flattering look. Sounds like this would have been a good one for easter eggs that got people fired. Later another environment appeared that resembled this location, but with the boss’s characteristics and the original spot's more curious features seemingly removed. While it’s a mystery if Foreman’s boss ever caught wind of the original caricature and if Foreman still got to keep his job, the greater question is: What the [bleep] was with the cat? [meow] Final Fantasy XV. In Final Fantasy XV, there’s a brief moment where you leave this train in Neflheim to go out on the tracks during the night, where you have a small chance to see a fallen form of Shiva in the distance, who’s one of the mysterious giantess characters that can be summoned during battle in every Final Fantasy game. Annd for some reason that I can't place my finger on, getting out of bounds in this small area has ended up becoming one of the most popular out of bounds locations in a video game that I’ve ever seen. Some players even going as far to change the lighting of the area from night to day. I assume to get a better look at the views? Huh, I - I really - I'm just... I can’t figure out why players are so obsessed with this area... Hmm.. And now, more fanservice… Bayonetta 2. Sort of like Shiva, Bayonetta is a scantily-clan sorcerous thrown into an inexplicable adventure that mostly makes you think … only in Japan. Youtuber yoshesque found an interesting area we weren’t supposed to find by using an exploit nicknamed the Witch Twist, which is essentially an infinite jump glitch that raises you upwards by repeating a precise pattern of combinations. After climbing upwards enough, eventually Bayonetta will stand in this completely disorienting position. Sequence breaking forward you can make your way upwards to this door and find what assume to be the inside of Jerry Garcia's mind. Wow. Holy [bleep]. By the way, if you're prone to epilepsy you might want to skip this part. Oh... my god! Only in Bayonetta would a hall of mirrors effect get this [bleep]ing crazy. Advent Rising. Advent Rising is a game that came out when every game was touting itself as the next Halo killer. It wasn’t; which turned away publisher Majesco from going forward with its ambitious plans of a trilogy, as well as their elaborate plans involving the first title itself. One of these rumored plans was said to have involved this door that never opens on Chapter 5-F, which players can now get to the other side of, thanks to a console command exploit found by youtuber DukeSetz. On the other side of the door you can find this intriguing unused area with this really interesting animation that goes completely unseen from the normal game. The common theory for this area is that it was apart of a notorious cancelled easter egg contest, that was promoted with Advent Rising in which players could find easter eggs in the game for a chance at a million dollars. Unfortunately, the contest was swiftly and quietly canned when Majesco claimed that there was no fair way for anyone to win the contest on account of dataminers going through the game. Damn it dataminers! Really though I think it more had to do with the game just not meeting sales and them probably not just having a million dollars to just toss away. Counter Strike: Source. Thanks to many people such as RugsLast who brought this one to my attention. On the map CS_ASSAULT if you were to noclip through this exact spot and travel underneath the map, you can find this room with.. a boot in it.. which.. disappears when shot at. What? This one makes no sense to me. I don't know if maybe this was for scaling.. Err, I can't even see that. I can't say it had anything to do with a scripted event cause this is a multiplayer game. There's really not many scripted events I can think of... Honestly, I'd love to hear your guys thoughts on this cause... I have.. no clue, besides maybe just being here to drive us crazy. Mordhau. Mordhau is a recently released online multiplayer hack and slash game, that's managed to be an unexpected chart-topper for weeks on Steam. Earlier this week, players found that by using a careful precision of jumps on the edges of the map Contraband, they could drop down this hole in the environment and get out of bounds of the map. Eventually they came across a location of rocks in the water that looked suspiciously like the rocks from the character selection screen at the beginning of the game. Now whenever somebody boots on to play Mordhau there's a high chance you'll encounter this... Is that...? Despacito? Okay... Fallout 76. In January, players found a way to get themselves into 76’s developer room, where they found the game’s only human NPC which felt very ironic considering it was a huge point of contention that 76 lacked any human characters. While finding developer rooms in a Fallout game isn’t really anything new and this one wasn't found much differently... Players were once again shocked when they found themselves getting instantly banned over entry into the room and then was sent an email by Bethesda demanding that they know how they got in, in some cases even requesting a written essay on the merits of cheating in an online game. This sparked yet another backlash in a string of endless controversies against Fallout 76, where debate was sparked over what should be considered off-limits in an open-world game, and that exploiters maybe should be rewarded for the mistakes that they expose rather than shaking them down and stomping them out from playing the game at all. Considering players actually ended up blackmailed by the developer for entering what appears to be nothing more than a test area that could have probably been removed without any difference to the game, for better or worse, this one definitely hits the description of areas that we were never meant to find... ...though I think it's mostly for the worse. Tower Unite. Tower Unite is a massive online multiplayer game that launched in 2016 on Steam. Soon after release players found a mysterious tunnel floating out of bounds underneath the tower in the main plaza area. The tunnel appeared to be completely devoid of anything of note ...aside from a strange inaccessible corridor hiding inside a crumbled-out part of the tunnel. Then in November, Tower Unite user Computrix noticed hidden in the tunnel a strange object was there that wasn’t there before. Even stranger, on the side of the box was the words Help Me written right on the side. Apparently another update was released that moved and updated the location to a harder inaccessible spot, with the box apparently removed. Although originally believed to be a link to an unfound Alternative Reality Game, some feel it may have just been a joke referencing the tunnel’s lack of updates. Which I somewhat lean towards that explanation when I take a second look at these numbers. Half Life 2. As I've talked about on my channel before, when Half Life 2 notoriously leaked a year before release, players found a wealth of discoveries the playing public was never meant to find, which included a much darker game. One such discovery was this beta area of the industrial district, which was surprisingly decorated in much atmospheric detail despite being fairly unfinished. However, things take a turn for the worse when we come to this window and see child slave laborers working under the presence of a monitoring combine soldier... ...which is especially weird cause I - don’t remember any children appearing in the final game... ...though I'm sure somebody will correct me on that. Additional thanks to commenter Shady Sam, who pointed out that the beta map hazard01 appears to be a fairly normal training facility until a mishap causes Gordon not to wanna stay put... ...leading him down these long, mysterious hallways. What the hell was that? This spot in particular plays the notorious horrifying Trans6 audio, which is an audio file I previously talked about in my strangest audio discoveries video, purportedly an actual recording of a Russian astronaut who died while burning up in a failed space experiment. At the end of the hall you’ll find the G-Man who appears to already know that we were never meant to see this area. "Cleverly done, Mr. Freeman, but you're not supposed to be here. As a matter of fact, you're not. Get back where you belong and forget about all this... ...again." Gonna be kinda hard to forget that. Get me the hell out of here. God of War III. Big shoutout to glitcher and youtuber findlestick, this guy's been finding crazy stuff in games for years. By far one of the craziest discoveries has to be this strange area he found in the God of War III demo. After ripping the head off of Helios and then using it to reveal this door in the wall, you can perform a jump exploit only possible in the demo by doing a Icarus Ascension and then smashing the X button at the top of the jump. Doing so will allow you to grab the top of this door. Normally going through this door in the demo takes you down a dark cavern leading to an intense flying sequence before the demo comes to a close. However, once on top of this door, the player can double jump to the left just right and activate a hidden trigger which will change the ambient lighting of the environment and bring up a prompt. Now proceeding through the door unveils an entirely new environment, where an interesting untextured object can be seen in the ceiling immediately upon entry. Further down we can now find a huge out-of-place geometric box, which actually looks pretty cool. Fortunately, we can blast this box away with Helios’s head, revealing a massive untextured environment that never appeared in any of the God of War games. Most bizarre of all, every time you try to attack an enemy in this area, the camera suddenly flings far to the right and…. [8-bit jingle] Wait a second, was that the discovery song from Legend of Zelda? [8-bit jingle] Seriously, I'm playing this on PS3 right now and I didn't add [bleep] to that. Hold on a second… oh [bleep]! I died. [Full Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Discovery music plays...] It is Legend of Zelda! Unfortunately, every time you die in this area the game softlocks, forcing you to restart the whole 30 minute demo, which is a huge pain in the ass as its easy as hell to fall through the environment. With some perseverance and dedication, it is possible to get rather far into the environment. The whole thing is just spooky as hell to crawl through with its strange purple misty setting. Eh, I don't really like this at all. This place is creepy. Yet I felt compelled to buy a PS3 just to play this thing. Unfortunately, it just gets weirder as it gets more and more unfinished and unnavigable as you further venture forward. No one has ever fully managed to get through the environment, so whatever else hilarious or weird beta content this weird area holds has never fully been explored, but you know what, I think I’m going to be the one to finally complete it. Oh, look! There's like a grapple up there or something! Let's do this. [bleep]! I can't sink any more hours into this demo if I'm going to get this video out at reasonable rate. If you want to see more content like this, please subscribe. And if you know of any other areas in video games that we weren't supposed to find, let me know in the comments down below, come join the discord, or contact me on oddheader.com, where you can also find new oddheader merch, which is also available down below on certain Youtube platforms. [patrons] Stay tuned!
Channel: oddheader
Views: 2,003,078
Rating: 4.9285879 out of 5
Keywords: hidden areas, video games, weirdest, strange, oddheader, out of bounds, unfinished areas, easter eggs, unsolved mysteries, part 2, glitches, cut areas, deleted, tcrf, did you know, mario, elder scrolls, skyrim, guild wars 2, ratchet and clank, final fantasy, final fantasy xv, shiva, creepy, spooky, bayonetta, mordhau, funny, fallout 76, fallout, tower unite, half life, god of war, 2019, game secrets, scariest, legend of zelda
Id: rearxA7o3UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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