10 Great Metal Detecting Tips For Beginners

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[Music] thank you hello everybody my name is deep Digger Dan and in this video I'm going to make 10 good tips for beginners into the metal detecting World these are tips which are going to help you if you want to start this as your new hobby this is the point where can my camera person please just keep facing that way it looks really professional if I walk off and you just keep going that way yeah tip number one expect to find more trash than treasure a lot of people who buy a metal detector think as soon as it starts swinging they're gonna find great things now everyone who's already done this can guarantee and they'll all tell you 95 of what you find is going to be junk don't expect to find that gold ring on your first ever haul now my camera lady is laughing because she is the only person in the world who found a gold ring on her first ever Hall metal detective you would just look it you've just got to be very very patient and the treasure will come don't expect it on day one day two week one week three but it will eventually come the more you'd metal detect the more treasure you're going to find as you get used to your equipment tip number two the more your metal detect the more you're going to find if you go out for an hour and you're getting barred because you're not finding anything special and you go on then that's just an hour's searching if you do four or five hours you've got four or five uh times more chance of finding treasure I know it's difficult I know it's tiring people might look at us swinging a coil around and digging little holes thinking it's very easy it's tiring it's hard work it's thirsty work but the more you do it the more you're gonna find you've just got to persevere number three dig everything if you are new to metal detecting now when you've been doing it a while you get used to the signals you know if it's trash you know if it's not you know if it's iron you know if it's going to be a nail or a coin you know the difference but when you're new to The Hobbit just dig everything it will get you used to your machine you'll get to know the different sounds of of the machine what it sounds like in the earphones the loudness you know if it's on the surface it can be very loud if it's very deep it can be very quiet but you get used to it and the only way to master to get confident in metal detecting is dig everything for your first month or two until you're really comfortable and you know your machine and you you get used to the sounds tip number four start in your own back Garden in your own backyard you can go out I can guarantee the first time you go out metal detecting in public you will feel like everybody in the world is watching you it is the most uncomfortable feeling in the world you're not enjoying it you don't like doing it but if you're in your back Garden you can be there for 10 hours and just play with your machine learn the settings on your machine learn how to metal detect uh very comfortably without feeling the pressure of other people around you always start in your back Garden that's what it's for it's not there to lounge around and have a beer and a barbecue it's there to learn how to metal detect tip number five hunt after rain I know that sounds weird everything's gonna be wet but the best time to hunt is after rain not when it's raining because you're gonna get wet but after rain all the water soaks into the ground and it actually helps your metal detector your metal detectors it's like having a dog giving it dog food once it's eaten the food it's happy a metal detector if it's got rain it helps it it's happy you could detect that deep when it's been Sunny for a week and you start metal detecting it might be that deep and it's very hard to dig but if it's just been raining the ground gets softer it's a lot easier to dig and believe it or not your metal detector will get deeper the conductivity of a machine is much better after rain did you know that no number six be respectful first rule of being a metal detectorist is cover up your holes you've dug a big ore don't leave it I've actually been out with people and they've left halls and I've had to tell them I've fallen out with people because they don't fill in the Halls it's not rocket science it's not hard it's just lazy fill in your holes you know a dog might come along an animal might come along a person might come along trip over that and break the leg just cover up your oil make sure you Pat it down and make it look like you've not detected there that's the first part of being respectful number two in respectful wear it wear headphones um people don't want to hear you bleeping and certainly if you haven't got headphones don't have it on full volume if you've got a volume control have it as low as you can possibly get away with and don't ruin everybody else's day not everybody is out metal detecting some people are out just for the peace and quiet and number three very obvious pick up your trash this is a bad example what I mean I do mean things like this but I also mean if you find something it might be rubbish but don't leave it put it in your bag take it home throw it in the bin look how messy it is look how clean it's getting take it away foreign woman just gave me the oh she's not happy because I just oh I pretty much destroyed her sunglasses um I'm sorry I'm sorry but it's trash and it's all right I've put it away I swear to God as soon as this camera goes off I'm gonna be shouted out well at least I've got rid of my trash and your sunglasses I'm so I'm sorry I'm sorry slow down there's no need to rush and I'll tell you something people think if they go faster they cover more ground but a lot of machines can't cope with being swung at that speed if you if you look it you'll have a machine which can cope with that I know a few from certain companies I'm not going to name them in this video but there are some where you can actually get away with going that fast but ninety percent of them you can't and some of even the top end ones they might cost you a thousand pounds some of them if you don't go slowly you're gonna miss the signal I can guarantee it this is my pet hate I have actually fallen out with friends who have been metal detecting with because they do this wrong they've been metal detecting for five years ten years 20 years and they're still detecting like that the only point when you metal detect like that where you're going to have a chance of finding a signal is that bit all that bit all that bit you're wasting your time you have to firstly make sure your coil is parallel with the floor so at the moment it's not I'll push down on it it's now parallel and you've got to move with the machine see how I'm moving from side to side you don't just walk normally it's so natural it's impossible you cannot walk normally and not have that raise up at the end you have to move your legs with the machine and I've fallen out with so many people over this that is my pet hit um especially when you give someone that advice and they don't listen to you you've got to do it if you want to be a good metal detectorist you have to keep that parallel with the ground at all times and I'll just add to that I am the best person at keeping parallel with the ground at all times I'm a professional no no I've just found 150 Roman silver coins in that Hall and this is another thing if you find something good it might only be a penny but if you find something in that Hall make sure you sweep over again the first thing you have to do before you fill it in again my hands are getting Mucky I should have put my gloves on I'm not actually metal detecting I'm just doing it for the video so you found what you're looking for always remember to recheck the hall get your pin pointer out you've got it out you've put it in your pocket you're happy but there might be more in there so always go over it see if there's another bleep because you'll be you'll be surprised how many times there is nothing in there though never anything in there in the first place I just dubbed the oil for the purpose of this video but you know where I'm coming from check it recover your all put your pin pointer away and then you can set off again but and I've seen this done so many times most people then will just go off and start metal detecting again no metal detect all around there if you found the Roman coin in that Hall there is a chance a pretty good chance there's going to be another one in the same area you know if you if you drop some money out of your pocket what's the chances if you've got a pocket with 10 coins in it and a coin drops out the chances of another of them coins dropping out is pretty high so always check the entire area go over it you might find another one I'm not saying you will but you might and tip number 10 last but not least well it is the least and it is the last but you know where I'm coming from headphones I do talk about headphones in a lot of these uh videos but make sure you have comfortable headphones you do not want on I I can't make this I can't explain how important this is if it's a sunny hot day and you have big uncomfortable headphones on you are going to regret it and something what happens to me and people who have been out metal detecting with me will know this I have very fine hair I will metal detect with them all day and I'll take my metal headphones off and I'll go on and then I might meet up with the girlfriend I might go out for drinks with friends we might do something but I can guarantee I'll have this big rim here where I've had sweat from them and I just look like I've still got headphones on but they're invisible and I'm bald but it's like a stripe rather than a spot I can guarantee that is true um so I'm not saying that will happen with everybody what I'm saying is if you ask if headphones make you sweat all over do something about it a lot of people wear headphones like that that's not a bad idea if you've got ones which will stay like that these won't do it personally I like to wear them like that turn the volume up a bit on the machine and it doesn't mess your hair up you're not sweating you're comfortable so that is just 10 simple little tips for people who are starting metal detecting it might be a tip for someone who's been metal detecting for a long time which they didn't know about I hope it is um but this is just part of a series I'm making I'm trying to use my experience from the last five six years and give it back to the community people who are starting out who want a few tips so I hope that's helped somebody out there and expect a lot more because I'm going to be doing a lot more of these in the next month catch you later I hope you enjoyed the video subscribe like and comment see you all later goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Deep Digger Dan
Views: 319,876
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Id: ngarvd98F8U
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Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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