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is that something I think that might be is that a ring all right these are the conditions we're working with out here today the waters are pretty rough but check out all the wash up here on the shore check this out there's all kinds of stuff you got sea sponges we've got can you identify that creature that Florida creature uh clam or something scallop type deal there's some more right there and down here there's a bunch of these too which I think are like sea urchins I think most of them are dead this is probably just the carcass but just never know what you're gonna find Destiny already found like five or six pairs of sunglasses washed up right here so keep your eyes peeled see if you see anything shimmering in the Sun see if we can find some Goods out here everybody sounds pretty good 95 nice high tone I've been waiting for one of those it's out of the hole sounds small sounds good foreign it better not be a bottle cap that's all I ask what do we have anything is there anything at all yes a little bit of a quarter action is always nice to find I suppose let's keep looking see what else we can get a quarter ain't gonna cut it dude this might be where the pull tabs collect got a decent signal 64 in here will we be able to recover it with all of the shelves do you see it see some cool ones in there though you guys are ready for a shelling Adventure or what do you see the good there it is freaking pull tab in here really stuff I don't know some junk unfortunately the pull tabs follow us everywhere we go all right we got a couple points coming out here seems like the green coin line is like maybe right here I don't know exactly I feel like a lot of this sand honestly probably got stripped off this dry sand area and put right down there in that light area I was hunting so that's not too bad it's a dime I think it's like 2020 actually but crusty it's been hiked in there for a while eh definitely still a slow day but we're still trying Destiny's still making her way down the beach too so hopefully our luck improves a little bit but there's no guarantee yesterday we found the keys to the city it's actually like a really nice house key and then that one is for their car you got jewelry too killing me girl you're killing me it's a little pendant or something huh well elephant with diamonds got something else too so many sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses yeah that sounds right it's out of the who what's it reading nobody knows are we in the line of dreams that one again has been down there for a little while super green I think it's just a modern dime though old Roosevelt dime let's fill in our hole and continue on Down the Line hey see if we can get some real pirates treasure I guess this stuff washed up a bunch of like old cans and stuff so it's been pretty slow unfortunately appreciate it man yeah that's what we're looking for so I think that was an accurate guess on that one bottle cap sounded a little bit weird junky you know I've had luck in the past though after I get wish good luck from someone at the beach I actually sometimes get good luck so let's hope our next signals the gold ring man world it would be all right this has got to be our gold right here 43-44 that's what I like to see dude come on police sounds deep at least a couple Scoops down I think or it might just be small it's out of the hole sounds a little bit strange I guess uh come on get down on them I got water next to me but I'm afraid to lose it through the scoop so that's why a lot of the times I won't sift it out yo that's got to be a troll right that has got to be a troll right holy smoke what is that is that trash yeah what is that that's gotta be a troll this has got to be a troll right yeah that's a troll okay holy moly that thing kind of scared me I think it's an aluminum seal off of wine or something it literally looked like a freaking gold coin I mean come on that's that's probably the coolest aluminum foil to date right there looks like the golden coin dude all right this thing sounds really big I don't know I still don't think I've found like an iPhone I found an Apple Watch before but I'm still looking for my first iPhone so let's dig this one out maybe it's the pirate chest who knows I will get you out of this hole somebody lost their whole car down there just find a metal detector find a cheap Panky or something down in this hole you guys ever found a metal detector with your metal detector or a penny pointer I'm going deep for this one I don't care oh it's getting filled in Rolex just making all types of guesses it's probably an aluminum can out of the hole at least there it is pretty good guess on that one I think it's the bottom of a crusted old aluminum can that thing was deep though challenging gotta take it with us we got a little bit of room within our pouch Destiny's still down the ways man I can't catch up to her she's making good ground down there I think that's a ring right there dude was destiny I think that's a ring that's definitely a ring right there dude is it any good oh please oh please oh oh it is good baby it is good that's gold for sure dude it says in the band oh it's got multiple markings actually oh that's always sad 10K F something and then it only band it says now forever always all right well a sad moment for someone else turns into a happy moment for a metal detector user so let's not lose that man we've been out here like three and a half hours I will take it yes please I guess we'll go after this one 70s to 80s on the target ID sounds a little bit deep is that something I think that might be is that a ring I think that is a ring dude look at your bottom dollar it is you know it is oh yes dude that's what's up that one actually might be silver maybe I think it was reading like silver numbers right very deep so maybe silver and just tarnished I got a cheapo pair of sunglasses on today that I found uh metal detecting actually is this thing Silver Dude that's what's up second ring of the day me and Destiny two are getting tired oh this thing is like pitted man I bet you that's silver I bet you that's some tarnished up silver I don't know for sure it's got a design going around it though it might not be it might be a junker but it's got some weight to it so we'll check it out during the wrap up baby might have to call Destiny over here real quick all right let's keep going try to get a couple more rings that was a deep one though I like it all right this is the signal after that ring is this gonna be the gold 55 on the target ID I feel like Target ID does keep things a little bit interesting I mean when you just beep over it and you only have one set of tones it's like everything sounds just about exactly the same there's a little bit of variation but Target ID definitely gives you an idea of what you're going after more than uh like pitch tones and no target ID you know seems like it's another deep one though is this the ring line have we found it come on it's still in the hood it's out do I see it is this it there it is right there it's a piece to an old freaking beaver tail pull tab man back to the reality as the wind just blows it away from me some junk for sure just the tail too not even the full thing some junk sounds a little bit strange just gonna be some aluminum wait I don't think it's aluminum I think we got another piece of jewelry right there oh yes another piece wait oh it's crusted to ever it's crusted to Mount Everest and back I'll be honest with you oh there goes the stud well it was an earring before I decided to dig it out there's the stud and I just dropped the earring part is it gold no definitely not it's a junk earring but at least it's some jewelry what's up little guy getting into the signals in this little dry patch this thing sounds awesome what's that okay okay a coin got our first nickel on the day girl seems like right when you're about to leave things start to pick up and it keeps you here little schmigma foreign give me the golden chain what's that might see something shiny what's that some jewelry got a little pendant a little pendito uh probably some junk I don't know if that's gonna be the gold no I really don't think I really don't think that's gonna be the gold but it's a little piece of jewelry they're adding up I like it thinking this one might be a coin possibly Maybe there it is it is a coin look at the tone of green on that bad boy so I think we have had maybe a little bit of like erosion or exposure I haven't seen coins this green out here in a long time I'll be honest with you probably just a penny just the copper penny 1981 on the date but got a little bit of green to them you know what I mean this is about the closest I'm gonna get to a bracelet out here can slaw bracelet pretty did you guys make it all the way to the end of the video you ready to see a little bit of a wrap up hook the video up with a thumbs up for me hey don't be skimpy I know you liked it now forever always before you go everybody if you guys like the content if you appreciate the time it takes to uh you know make and upload these videos consider hitting this one up with a thumbs up for me hey I always sincerely appreciate seeing the love coming through uh so yeah let's just get into it real quick um we have an extraordinary amount of trash that we pulled off of that beach I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys we have cans Galore I didn't dig every single one of these some of them were just literally laying right on top so I picked up a couple of them as many as I could I'm not sure what this thing is um um some type of like a charging device or maybe one of the old hipsters Vape devices hey I have myself one two three four five pairs of sunglasses there is like a butt load of bottle caps and aluminum foil and pull tabs kind of hidden amongst the Sandy mess right there but we had a long day out there realistically not too too many coins consider considering we were out there for uh quite a long time but we got some decent little stuff out there today there's that little pendant I found here's Destiny's little uh haul section she got those pairs of keys that's kind of cool she found herself a nice little sand dollar right there she got herself towed man a little bit of Super Mario Brothers action got one two three four five six pairs of sunglasses man Destiny was killing it on the glasses then I found this little guy I'm not really sure what he's from but if you guys got any idea leave it down there in the comments below so yeah if you guys made it to the end of the video leave me a comment down in the comment section let me know what you liked about the video uh let me know give me some ideas if you want to see some different content in the future I'm pretty sure this ring right here is gonna be silver I didn't immediately see a marking in the band but with that black tarnish on it and also I uh I swing it over Destiny's Vanquish and it was written up in like the 30s so that's almost guaranteed gonna be a silver ring right there and then this one let me show you inside the band real real quick so right there in the band it had me a little bit scared at first I saw a 10K F and I don't know if any of you guys have had the experience of finding a gold filled ring before but let me tell you it's not a pleasant experience you think you have gold and then it yeah turn out it's gold filled and it's not actually gold this one actually I did get lucky and it's not 10K GF which usually means 10k gold filled it's 10K and then F in a little symbol which is the Maker's Mark appreciate you guys joining me I hope you enjoyed the video if you want to see some more treasure hunting content be sure to stick around the channel before too long everybody I'll see you again soon so thank you a whole bunch for watching yes the best find of the day Chick-fil-A real Mayo no high fructose corn syrup yes
Channel: Treasure Outdoors
Views: 291,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f063P8_JQb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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