10 Games Where You PLAY AS THE ZOMBIE

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there are so many great zombie games out there we're all pretty much professionals at killing zombies at this point but there really aren't many games where you get to play as the zombie today ain't game rings here at 10 games where you get to play as the zombie starting off with number 10 everyone knows the plants vs. zombies games by now right there have been so many of them over the years now granted you can't play as a zombie in all of them at the start in those early defense games that was a purely plant-based affair where you were just fighting off wave after wave of zombies but eventually that whole thing spun off to new genres where you get to play as the zombies yourself starting with the first garden warfare game back in 2014 with these spin-offs that basically shifted that defense style game to a team-based third-person shooter with one team being the plants and the other being the zombies while having plants or zombies specific attacks and abilities it's a cool idea to make more out of a very basic concept that started in that very first game and they've kept it up releasing multiple garden warfare games over the years and dropping another third-person shooter plants vs. zombies battle for neighbor Ville which has twenty customisable classes across the roster and PvE modes as recent as last October so if you wanted to go fight some plants as a goofy-looking zombie popcap games still has you covered at number nine all right so this one is actually pretty interesting as far as the zombie game play mechanics go so contagion is a survival horror based first-person shooter and it's got a few different multiplayer modes and all of that ranging from co-op to larger deathmatch modes but regardless of mode you always start as a human player fighting off AI Somme B's and depending on the mode each other as well now the cool stuff comes into play once a player dies because after that you just respond as zombies and join the AAA zombies in combating the rest of the player control characters it's a really cool concept and it's made even cooler by the fact that the game doesn't have any special zombie types or any other abilities in that regard there are straight-up old-school Romero style zombies which has become more of a standout at this point as special infected and zombie types have overtaken the genre as the norm and honestly we would respect the hell out of that next up at number eight we have dying light a game where you don't actually play as a zombie instead you play as a dude who just mows them down except in the be the zombie mode where you get to be the zombie - really cool actually as long as the opposing player has it enabled in their settings you can actually invade their game as a night hunter which is a super fast and mobile zombie who can zip around like spider-man and has a few other moves at their disposal you would spawn into the players game and kill the player as much as you can until their lives are run out and you win while doing so you're protecting your nest that access your respawn point which is what the player controlled survivor has to destroy as you level up your knight hundred you get access to different abilities like different spits that do different things like explode your one that disables their survivor sins which they use to locate you and a toxic spit which poisons other players you can also unlock a ground pound type move as well and you get around as a zombie you use your tendrils to whip around with unlimited stamina making you a pretty hard target to hit at times and it's a nice little change of pace for dying light and I hope something similar makes its way into dying light too whenever that releases at number seven we have the Dead Rising for Frank rising DLC yes the game where you spend your time mowing down hordes of zombies you're now on the other end and you are the zombie Frank gets bitten and infected and becomes a zombie and you're trying to find a permanent cure so you can turn back the military plans and bombing the city so Frank has to rush to cure himself and save some survivors it's actually pretty cool you get a bunch of cool zombie powers like you can vomit on people you're a bit more agile and stronger and seeing that you're a zombie eating food has no effect on you and you have to eat humans now it's honestly a neat little twist to the Dead Rising series you know you've spent so much time killing zombies and other games as well not just Dead Rising so it's a nice change of pace to be on the other side honestly and Dead Rising no surprise makes it really fun moving on to number six we have Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare this expansion is a bit odd there's a zombie plague that's ravaging Red Dead's Wild West and John Marston is looking for a cure this expansion is awesome dude not only are you running around shooting zombie cowboys but under nightmare also had that really cool sasquatch as well which is totally goofy but like heartbreaking all at the same time but we were to talk about zombies so for the whole game you play as just normal John Marcin but and quick spoiler warning here if you want to end it here you go cut it off I've given you more time to do so there's your last chance and to the decaying becomes infected and turns into a zombie and you get to play as a Samba cowboy for a bit they made him look extra gross and zombie like too and he just looked really cool John Marcin is awesome zombies are awesome so this is like double awesome and it's Red Dead Redemption so I guess it's like triple awesome and sorry I'm just kind of hyping out over here on my own hell yeah I'm an undead nightmare so cool at number 5 we have medieval remastered if you couldn't guess from the title this one is a pretty recent remaster of the ps1 action-adventure medieval and medieval you play a sir Daniel Fortescue known as the hero of gala mere after tales of his glorious death defeating an evil sorcerer who were tried to overtake the kingdom with his army of the undead or you know so the story went anyway it turns out that he actually died by the first arrow fired in the battle and the King covered it up because well it's embarrassing and the sorcerer ran off in hiding only to show up a hundred years later awakening his undead army once again and unwittingly raising the corpse of sir Daniel Fortescue in the process who sets off to kill the sorcerer and earn his place in the Hall of Heroes for a noble death yeah it's dumb and goofy but it's also really quirky and fun trust us you play the whole game as this dumb looking skeleton Knight going through a bunch of different levels and getting weapons like crossbows and swords and clubs you know medieval stuff and like we said though it's a remake of a ps1 game from 1998 so it's very much in that Lane as far as scale and mechanics go but even so it's still a lot of fun and if you haven't checked it out I'd maybe give it a shot and number four we have teenage zombies invasion of the alien brain things alright so this one's kind of weird but let's get right into the meat of it alien brains have invaded earth packing mind-control devices and other alien weaponry and the only way to stop them is to challenge them with the undead so you play as teenage zombies whose names are Laurie lefty Lopez Finnegan Finn's McGee and Zach half fight Boyd who have all come back from the dead to take on this alien menace each of the teenage zombies have different abilities and skill sets with Finn's having tentacles and stuff that you can use to grapple and climb walls halfpipe is just a torso sitting on top of a skateboard and as such is smaller and can reach areas others can't and lefty has a longer reach and can get to stuff that others can you switch between them throughout the levels to complete different tasks and progress and munch on some alien brains it was a weird quirky little game that the Nintendo DS was sort of known for and it was a lot of fun at number three this next one is a bit of a different pick and that's zombie night terror and this one you are the brains behind the zombie pandemic to get it brains do you see what it did and it's your job to keep on spreading the virus and turning humans you'll be guiding zombies through 50 side-scrolling levels taking out survivors and avoiding traps along the way there's also a mutation system in place that lets you upgrade and mutate your zombies making them more powerful it has a really cool art style too it's pixelated and kind of goofy and it's all black and white as well with just blood being red it's got a few updates since the launch where you know you get to go to the moon there's a level editor one which seems like a blast it's on PC switch and also on mobile which is really cool because the way it plays and controls it seems like it would be perfect on mobile at number two so the left 4 dead series is by far one of the most popular and influential zombie games to date and spawned a whole wave of imitators and competitors in the time since the original released all the way back in 2008 now left 4 dead 2 split into two parts really you have your main campaign mode which is where you play our survivors through a series of different settings culminating in an intense last stand against hordes of zombies which is undeniably cool and super fun but your survivors not zombies the player focus the zombie element really comes into play in the games versus mode the player count doubles from four to eight with half of the players still playing as survivors which you know whatever but the other four play alongside the zombie hordes and take the role of special infected you know your hunters boomers tanks witches and smokers they all have their own unique abilities and skill sets and you can coordinate with your friends to really mess up the survivors by let's say having a player who's taking the tank just run in and start drawing fire while you're hunters and smoke hookers can flank in and pick off dudes from the sides or from behind there's way more thought going into it on the infected side and just point gun and shoot which really makes them you know more fun to play it's a really worthwhile mode and sure there have been a bunch of other games who have tackled similar ideas since but we feel like this is still one of if not the best iteration of it by far finally at number one we have Stubbs the zombie where you don't play as a zombie but you play as the zombie I'm sorry I'm not my zombie jokes aren't are aren't great but yeah you play a stuff as an undead salesman who was murdered by his girlfriend's father and wakes of 20 60 years later to wreak havoc on the city of punch bowl and Stubbs wreaking havoc is a lot of fun you run around the city attacking citizens and turning them into zombies adding them to your zombie army turning citizens into zombies and then having them turn more citizens into more zombies it's a really cool gameplay mechanic and it gets pretty hectic you could have a small handful of them follow you around and then you can send bigger hordes of them off into any direction you want you know just took the ruin and everything really it's actually a really good time and is now very much a game like out of time I feel like they don't make silly goofy games like this as much as they used to which is a bummer because they were always a lot of fun and really Stubbs is no different before we go we do have some bonuses for you first off we have Dark Souls 2 technically you are undead or a hollow and while you don't move or act like a zombie you pretty much are one I mean have you seen what you look like while you're hollowed like underneath your helmet or mask it's not a pretty sight so zombie by technicality then we have shadow of Mordor another zombie by technicality type situation after tally ins death he's fused with Scylla brim bore and is a wraith of sorts and can't really die so Undead so zombie alright I think that's how that works the math checks out then we have Killing Floor 2 yeah it's a game about killing zombies but there is a game mode where you get to play as zombies or Zed's you're able to take on one of eleven different types of zombies and go up against the usual gun wielding player and it's really cool and those are ten games where you get to play as a zombie but we want to hear from you so meet us down in the comments and let us know what you think as I'm sure you already know him the like button who really helps us out and if you're new here so bribing is a good idea because we put up videos like this every single day as always thank you for stopping by to hang out with us we really appreciate it and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,165,359
Rating: 4.924715 out of 5
Keywords: play as zombie, play as zombie game, zombie video games, zombie game modes, ps4 games, xbox one games, pc games, gameranx, jake baldino, best zombie games, best playable zombies
Id: Z0Qs6IxP3S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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