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some of the best games the games that you play as a monster because sometimes being bad is just way more fun hi folks its falcon in today on game ranks ten games where you play as a monster quick disclaimer as to how we picked this first it's games replay as a monster for the majority of the game sorry dead by daylight sorry jack - but it's ten games so we had to figure out something and second we only did one vampire game because otherwise it'd just be vampire games seriously some of the most beloved games of all time our vampire games there's too many to count so starting off at number 10 its destroy humans aliens aren't technically monsters unless they're made more monstrous like a xenomorph or something but as real humans you're a more traditional 1950s grey alien but you're absolutely acting like a monster during the course of this you're on earth you're collecting brain stems to extract DNA from to prevent the extinction of your race so you're basically just farming human DNA pretty monstrous you also have a bunch of tools at your disposal to help cause tons of destruction first and most obviously is a UFO with the death ray death Ray's pretty self-explanatory you're gonna use it for the killing you also have a few different weapons like this Apple mattock which you can neglect your cute people with and you also have the anal probe which hey I don't want to explain and I'm not gonna you also have a grenade launcher and of course the disintegrator ray which turns your enemies into ash and leaves nothing but their skeleton destroy humans is a blast it's pretty much an alien invasion simulator there is a remaster that's coming out soon we've played it it holds up really well actually and I think you'll be surprised how well this game fits in with modern games just a simple graphical upgrade I mean it's from 2005 it's intentionally cheesy and I love it play destroy humans at number nine he stubs the zombie it's weird the setup is where the weirdness starts you play as a traveling salesman during the Great Depression who is murdered by his girlfriend's father who dumped his body into the woods 26 years later a city called punch bowls built right on top of where that body was the primary builder is his girlfriend's son which he wasn't too stoked about so he wakes up all pissed off and exacts his revenge it's a weird setup but the game is actually pretty damn fun you run around the city a Punchbowl you cause tons of mayhem you turn citizens into zombies which is actually the was part of the game it's a lot of fun building up a zombie army but you're not the only one who does it they turn other citizens into zombies to exponentially you make a zombie outbreak you don't get to do that too often I mean you're basically a disease how is that not cool you can only have a few following you in your quote unquote party at any time but you can send groups of zombies off in whatever direction you want it's set in a retro future which is always cool I'm a big fan of retro futuristic of course I mean it's a big reason why people like fallout next up at number eight we're talking about Jurassic Park the lost world yes this is a movie tie-in game sure but it actually really doesn't follow the plot and it's also just killer no pun intended I haven't played this one in a long time I don't have a working PlayStation at the moment but it really was up there with the Lion King and the Toy Story tie-in games back when movie tie-in games could be good by the way we're breaking our rules a little bit here you can play as a guy with a gun but mostly you're playing as dinosaurs and why wouldn't you why would you pick the guy with the gun play as a raptor play as the t-rex play as the little guys to eat that girl to beginning the movie that have an extremely long name I can't say play as a dinosaur it's really cool not only do you get to eat people you get to go up against other dinosaurs I mean playing as a raptor in a raptor vs. raptor cage match is even more badass than it sounds I do I even need to explain to you why playing as a t-rex is cool I mean eating other dinosaurs eating the dudes I mean they're shooting at you and you're like you know what now I don't really care I'm hungry YUM at number 7 prototype is a cool one because it falls into the arena of having a protagonist that is human ish but is way more Monster than man he plays Alex Mercer which you have no idea who you are you don't remember anything about your past but hey you've got shape-shifting abilities that's cool right slice that dude in half Alex is hell-bent on finding out what the hell happened obviously something had to happen cuz nobody else has got these powers I mean I mentioned shape-shifting but he's got so many other abilities as well that you can use just basically beat the crap out of anything and well dudes are scared rightfully so I mean look at what he can do none of these guys were prepared for this and they didn't wake up thinking yeah I'll have to go up against something that can do this to me ow I mean there is no chance insurance covered that essentially over the course of the game you transform parts your body these gross fleshy weapons that you upgrade and develop I mean and you're capable of some truly outstanding and unbelievable feats have you seen anything from this game in the past you've probably seen the blade arm and you can use that to just cut right through basically anyone but it's not just that you got yet these hammer hands you could hit tanks with you got this meat lasso thing no one likes that and these are just like the basics of the game you sees while you're just running around the city up against dudes and helicopters and vehicles it's nuts it's just entirely nuts it's interesting because well he has a mostly human form he has basically transcended into the monster territory because I mean he literally consumes human enemies that's kind of like the monster signature thing and the way that they put this together is a really interesting way of sort of forcing you to relate to what is basically a monster but it's also really just a fun hectic game where you're flying all over the place and messing stuff up moving on to number six we originally weren't going to put this one on the list because we love vampires and if we just done this there'll be tons of vampire games on it but we decided on including legacy of kain blood omen because Kane is just kind of a huge jerk and you're obviously a monster you're a vampire you suck blood out of other people sometimes innocent people but Kane is also a really self-righteous jerk and you have to sit through all this drama queen dialogue it's actually worse than the whole sucking blood thing what really makes a monster out of Kane is really the ending of the game you start the whole thing tracking the circle of the nine ready to kill them you want to find a cure for your vampirism but through the course of the game Cain basically becomes fond of his newfound powers and he starts to accept his disease as a blessing rather than a curse eventually after taking out eight of the nine he finds out that he is the ninth plot twist alert and that the cure to his vampirism is simply death which would rid the world of vampires forever players get the choice what they want to do but the real ending is Cain choosing to leave turning Nosgoth into a wasteland which is just a monstrous dick move it's pretty monstrous to choose to save yourself and destroy basically everything making this an obvious monster choice wouldn't you agree moving on to number five the darkness is just one of many different games that tackles the duality of man and monster as contained in a single entity obviously this is one of the ones that does it the best though which is why we're talking about it here in the darkness she plays Jackie estecado who on his 21st birthday is marked for death and has a hit place on him by the mob eventually as night falls however an ancient demonic entity known as the darkness which is plagued Jackie's bloodline for generations manifests in Jackie really just maskers their ever-loving crap out of all your pursuers giving you a whole new set of demonic powers as you go to take on the drug lords particularly the one who tried to take you out I mean you can go through and shoot people with guns but I don't know why you would all the monsters abilities that you are granted are just totally insane though you can just use these gross creeping dark tentacles to sneak along the floor walls ceilings and get the drop on pretty much anybody take them out from a distance you can create black holes that gobble up anything in the vicinity you can break down walls in the environment hell there's even these little guys called darklings that are basically little Groundlings that do your bidding from a distance it's a really cool game which is kind of hard to plan out unless you have the actual game and the actual hardware but it's still one of the cooler tags on the monster versus man thing that's been done to death videogames LaHaye is one of the best we love it now at number four we're gonna talk about alien vs predator yes there are a ton of these games but we're gonna specifically talk about the one that came out in 1999 it offers up three different campaigns where you can play as either a marine alien or predator each campaign is different with each character having their own set of skills Marines are more like playing a traditional FPS with guns and whatnot aliens have way more mobility they're able to scale walls they climb across ceilings basically it's all melee attacks then you have the predator who has a few different tools at its disposal think of everything you've seen in the movies that's basically what you have wrist blades shoulder-mounted guns cloaking devices infrared division so I don't think I have to say but yeah predators way cooler in its the cooler campaign I mean predators and aliens might not really be the traditional type monster but there's a few games on this list that are pretty similar so this one kind of falls more in the monstrous category than playing as an actual monster but then again basically predators are high tech space monsters right and number three is maneater of course one of the most enjoyable concepts for a game and well a little bit simple in its execution I just have to go ahead and say I really enjoy maneater is it a game that says something about the state of the world not really no it's a game that lets you play as a shark to go to a bunch of places and kill a bunch of things I'll see you mutate as you collect mutagens I like to call the game Tony Hawk's Pro shark err even though it's not necessarily exactly like a Tony Hawk game it just reminds me of that era where games were sillier and didn't all try to be a movie and how can you not enjoy doing this kind of ridiculous crap maneater is an absolute delight and why the hell wouldn't we include it on this list seriously at number two finally so here we are at a straight-up monster game distilled to one of its purest possible forms war of the monsters takes everything you know and love about that old 50s old pulp sci-fi aesthetic and turns it into what actually ended up being a really cool 3d fighting game it's set in the 1950s the world is under a threat of an alien invasion so scientists from around the world team up to create a weapon to combat the saucers which actually works but not without short-circuiting them and causing the crash and earth and sea pot radioactive sludge which then births of tana monsters hey so that's worse it's obviously inspired by classic monster movies like Godzilla King Kong you definitely get that vibe but at its core is still a fighting game instead of the traditional one-on-one structure the fights can include up to four players and a sort of battle royale type scenario and the cast of playable characters you have are really something else you get stuff like a massive gorilla a giant forearmed rock monster think Goro from Mortal Kombat but lava ish a mutated praying mantis that's godzilla-sized and can fly I mean look at him slicing these other guys up with his big clause as well as some unlockable characters like sweet tooth from twisted metal there are a few robots in the mix but it's mostly monster on monster mayhem which is what we are all here for right finally at number one we have rampage I know we're old and this might not be as cool as a pic so would have been a few years ago but rampage is pretty much the perfect monster game I mean look at it you play it as a giant monster who's wreaking havoc on the city and that's the point of the game that's it you're here to ruin everything he climbed buildings he plucked people out of windows he eat them you kicked the crap out of the building until it collapses you destroy military vehicles you do everything it's a blast best part though it is co-op you can sit down on your couch with a couple of controllers and play it with your friends the og arcade games great but probably the best version of its rampage world tour there were some interesting additions made and rampage too but after that it got a little stale rampage 2 added some new monsters like a giant lobster which is silly but awesome at the same time it's just something about rampage that stuck with me it might be the shear for volatile ridiculousness anytime I hit an arcade by that's where I'd go I'd grab some tokens and waste my youth real quick we do have a couple of bonuses for you like untitled goofs game yeah not technically a monster you're a goose but like you're a monster of a goose he's here to ruin lives and bring destruction he has the spirit of a monster as far as I'm concerned then we have Kirby all of the Kirby can just look at curvy do you trust him if so why as soon as you have your back turned he's gonna eat you he's gonna take your physical traits and then he's gonna steal your job or just replace you altogether then of course we have urban Yeti because whoa ho you could play as Yeti duh but he's in the city I'm not gonna go ahead and say this is like one of the best ones or anything but it's notable for how strange it is but that's some of the games we thought were most interesting for playing as a monster but we want to hear from you so meet us down in the comments let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so Whipple a brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course the subscriptions so subscribe enable all notifications and as always thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 764,307
Rating: 4.8688555 out of 5
Keywords: play game as monster, monster video games, play game as shark, play games as dinosaur, play game as godzilla, play game as king kong, monster pc video games, monster xbox one games, monster ps4 games, monster games new, gameranx, falcon
Id: mCTsLawwj9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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