10 WORST Cash Grab Attempts By UBISOFT

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ubisoft is one of the biggest game publishers in the entire world and they didn't get there by not being greedy hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 of the worst ubisoft cash grabs at number 10 is assassin's creed odyssey supposed time savers here's one of ubisoft's most infamous cash grabs and one that earned them quite a bit of negative attention the time savers in assassin's creed odyssey the weird thing about this is that odyssey is a good game it's absolutely massive and it is not short on content but that was apparently not enough for ubisoft the main complaints here was that the middle portion of the game was intentionally stretched out to drive players to buy these time savers these are micro transactions to do things like permanently increase the amount of experience you get or let you get more resources when you collect them stuff like that this wasn't the first assassin's creed game to include time savers either but for all the previous games most players felt like it was never necessary to use them however this game made it necessary from our personal experience it definitely felt like there was a gap in content at a certain point in the game where you run out of main quests and get stuck grinding out side quests to level up enough to continue with the main story hopefully they've fixed this since release but i actually don't know for certain enough players have experienced that slow middle part because there was a lot of accusations of cash grabbing pointing at ubisoft over this many felt they were intentionally dragging out the game so players would be more inclined to get time savers so they could continue the story it's not something that has been absolutely proven but it was a big enough issue that the narrative certainly gained a lot of traction and let's just be clear if it was an accident that was still the effect and you know what it probably wasn't an accident time savers on their own just plain suck these should not be paid features and if developers feel like these features need to be available for players they should just be free like cheat codes you know all nice free cheat codes but let's be clear it's probably not the developers it's probably the publishers trying to force the developers to make it easier for them to make money at number nine is ghost recon breakpoint which is real cash for attachments so at launch ghost recon breakpoint was savaged by critics for just being a totally micro-transaction-filled mess and it was for good reason and it still is to be frank the microtransactions never really went away this game has kind of a massive systems and menus and all kinds of crap but at least the developers continue to support it and it's a lot less buggy than it was it plays a lot better now than at release at least even what players normally expected of a ubisoft game at this point however this game has a lot of microtransactions hell just before launch it was going to have time savers like the assassin's creed games but player anger got them to actually pull them claiming that they were up by mistake of course they did eventually sneak them back in no surprise there have you not seen how the video game industry works or hell all industry so just about everything in breakpoint has a price and probably the most useless of them are the attachments yeah these things you can put on weapons like scopes extended magazines and under barrel attachments you have to buy all of them you can find them in the game you don't have to buy them at all but even still they come at a steep price if you buy them directly off the in-game store they mostly go for about 350 ghost credits wanna know how much five bucks worth of these credits are six hundred so for five bucks you can buy exactly one of the attachments in the store if you want another you'll have to throw down for another fiverr all for things you can get in game and honestly aren't that hard to find they could have at least made these things pretty cheap but no instead they nickel and dime you the fact that you could just buy every weapon in the game is bad enough but they're even asking you to pay for attachments and that's ridiculous at number eight is rainbow six siege's premium outbreak pack this game had a limited time mode that ran from march 6 to april 3rd 2018 called outbreak basically it was left for dead in rainbow six siege you fought through semi-linear areas separated by safe houses and the whole thing was basically the inspiration for the next rainbow six game right now called quarantine but that'll probably change for obvious reason this mode introduced something called premium alpha packs which were basically loot boxes that would contain one random item that's some unique outbreak thing they made 50 exclusive items for this thing and though they were all cosmetic the fact that there was no way to earn all these items just by playing the mode rubbed players the wrong way here is the sticking point ubisoft gave players four of the exclusive outbreak packs each one of these packs contains exactly one item and that is it not really much of a pack is it so if you wanted to get all the exclusive cosmetics which remember were only available for the duration of the event which only ran for two months you would have to buy 46 additional packs there was no other way to earn these things in game through grinding or anything like that only players who bought the advance edition of rainbow six siege got more packs they got 10 so they would still need to buy 36 packs if they wanted all this stuff so pretty much if you wanted all the cosmetic content you'd have to spend at minimum a little over a hundred bucks the one saving grace of this thing is that you'd never get a duplicate item from each pack so it was at least possible to get all of the items but the worst thing about it is that rainbow six siege is still doing these limited time alpha packs but at least they're usually fewer items and sometimes they give you a way to get a few more packs at a time it's barely an improvement but it's something at number 7 is far cry new dawn's credits coming out just a year after far cry 5 new dawn works as a kind of sequel to that game that takes place in the post-apocalyptic future but just because the world is destroyed doesn't mean you don't get microtransactions oh no no whatever happened to the dollar doesn't matter you're still spamming it unlike far cry 5 the game introduces a weird kind of tiered level system where enemies will take less damage and do more damage if they're a higher level than you are it basically turns this fps series into kind of an rpg thing that on its own really wouldn't be a big deal in any way it's a strange turn but it's kind of a strange game as far as the series go side game as well so a little experimentation from the devs is hardly a problem what is the problem is that the new progression system really feels like a way for ubisoft to sneak in some more microtransactions in the way of credits that you can use to boost your progression with these credits you can unlock weapons that are higher tier than what you have and you can buy crafting supplies to build up facilities of the main base without having to hunt around for them basically they're shortcuts sure you can also buy some cosmetic stuff with them but these credits can be found in the open world and there's something kind of blatantly predatory about inserting all these new systems into the game rpg mechanics based building etc etc expanded crafting ooh in a series that just didn't have anything like that before just so they can put some micro transactions in the can and number six is the premium vendor from the division before the release the division's developers promised there wouldn't be any dlc in the game and they stuck to that promise for about a year with update 1.6 they added the premium vendor into the game and players were not happy now the thing that irked players wasn't really the micro transactions exactly it's the fact that they were inserted in the game world and annoyingly priced which made a lot of the cosmetic items players used to expect to get for free or find in the game world they were sold for money this is a fairly early example of this era of ubisoft's cash grabbing and the grand scheme isn't nearly as bad as some of the other stunts they've tried to pull since but stuff like this show that ubisoft was taking their first steps toward their current policy of just jamming as many microtransactions as they can into pretty much all of their game at number 5 is trials rising the scarab bike the trial series is a ton of fun it's all about racing a bike through these imaginative and challenging levels to score the best time with the fewest faults or crashes it's about as old school as it gets in terms of difficulty and has this small but really rabid fan base trials rising was not the first game in the series to incorporate more quote unquote modern game design trends but it was definitely the worst about it always online requirements tedious grinding dumb multiplayer integration were just a few things fans of the series complained about with ryzen those are all bad enough but one thing that i really just can't get over is the fact that they started including paid bikes now normally in a trials game you unlock increasingly more technical bikes as you play through the game with easy to control bikes first and then you gain access to more complex bikes that allow you to perform some of the more difficult stunts that later courses require what makes these games so fun is that pretty much everyone is on the same playing field but with rising that is all thrown out of whack now there are bikes that you can simply buy some of which cannot even be earned normally probably the most necessary of these is the scarab a bike that can get players a better time on certain tracks yes if you want to get the best times then you pretty much need to buy this bike making it a total pay to win thing a lot of other bikes are a little more goofy or just flat out gimmicks but the fact that any of them can outperform a bike you would normally get really sucks like it's just a total cash grab in a series you didn't really expect to see that in and number four is immortals phoenix rising the adventure time character pack now this is just a dumb one but have you seen this character pack that is all it is just a cosmetic piece of dlc but it's it's also ugly like ugly as hell and not just in a oh i don't like the aesthetics of this costume kind of ugly i actually like adventure time what i mean is it's kind of in the legitimately creepy looking territory honestly in that regard it's also kind of amazing the more i look at the jake slash bird thing the more freaky i find it and the unicorn horse does not look much better at all there's just something really unpleasant about this costume it's not the worst thing on this list by far but it's definitely the creepiest and probably the most hilarious due to that and number three is prince of persia's epilogue dlc now if you ever played it you probably remember that the 2008 prince of persia reboot game for the xbox 360 and playstation 3 ended on a cliffhanger and a pretty big one at that almost a year later ubisoft came out with this dlc called the epilogue which basically functioned as an ending for the game many players immediately called foul on this saying that this dlc was pretty much making players pay to experience the ending of the game i said that with a lot of intent if you noticed in reality i mean this wasn't exactly the case sure this dlc takes place after the ending and adds some context to what happens but it really ends up feeling more like a setup for the eventual sequel than a true ending of the game of course it's now also been more than 10 years since this came out and there's no sequel in sight so at the moment it's actually the end of the series this point is kind of a good example of how the goal posts have shifted regarding cash grabs back when this came out a three hour expansion dlc was considered a cash grab and these days that's practically nothing so as far as the worst it's actually not but notable nonetheless and number two is assassin's creed unity's temporary boosts now microtransactions in the assassin's creed series are pretty much expected at this point but it was not always the case ubisoft held off on inserting any of these real money systems into their games until about 2012 with assassin's creed black flag and its helix credits i mean they did it in other games at that point so i'm not exactly praising their restraint but even though the move was met with a lot of anger from players at the time ubisoft stuck to their guns and we're still seeing these helix credits show up in the assassin's creed games now like these things are bad enough but probably the worst and most pointless thing you could buy with these credits was these temporary boosts that would increase your total health melee and even make you harder to see for a short period of time like do i even need to get into how lame that is these temporary boosts are something like out of a mobile game definitely not triple a experience type stuff and the fact that you can find him in game doesn't really take away from that time savers are bad enough but these things they're time savers on a timer or short term cheat codes that cost real money unity is kind of a massive a game like do you really need to add in confusing microtransactions on top of it well it's ubisoft so yes yes they do of course why wouldn't that and finally at number one for honors griffin hero now this is a nasty one we dug up for honor has a pretty decent amount of microtransactions dlc and expansions at this point but none were really as bad as this guy why because players were buying the griffin hero but they weren't actually getting the griffin hero that's pretty much the ultimate cash grab getting players to spend money and giving them nothing combine that with ubisoft's famously terrible customer support he got a lot of players who were not able to play as the hero they paid for this mostly seemed to be an issue on the steam version of for honor buying it off the steam store would for some reason not register with ubisoft's unity app which by the way is still a major problem buying ubisoft games off steam is still filled with problems and they seem unable or just unwilling to fix this stuff i mean this is one bug that they did manage to squash at some point but we can't help but laugh at this one it's a micro transaction that's not bad necessarily because it's exploitative or too expensive or wasteful it's bad because a lot of people just didn't get anything after they paid for it that's taking cash grabbing to the next level even if accidentally that is all for today i am sure you have stories and thoughts on this so leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i am falcon follow me on twitter falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on gamranx
Channel: gameranx
Views: 529,934
Rating: 4.9270234 out of 5
Keywords: ubisoft cash grab attempts, ubisoft cash grab, cash grab, microtransactions, in-game items, worst microtransactions, ubisoft, in-game currency, video game industry, greedy game companies, ubisoft problems, ubisoft worst company, ea ruined, video game cash grab, shameless video games, list, viral, top 10, money grabs, made for money, ps4, xbox one, pc, switch, gameranx, falcon
Id: 5MXLIvVkOtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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