10 More WORST Plagues in Video Game History

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some of the best video games are about some of the worst things that could happen plagues hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks ten more of the worst plagues in videogame history a real quick spoiler alert if you hear the name of a game and you don't want to spoil for you stop watching they're starting off at number 10 it is the flood if you ever remember halo the flood is perhaps one of the more interesting video game baddies because it came before every single bad guy being a disease or parasite that wipes out entire civilizations and leaves them as sort of zombies the flood is actually an ancient race that was corrupted due to his defeat in a war with a life-form it created itself the flood is what's left of a race called the precursors and it was the forerunners that defeated them the forerunners also dubbed themselves the quote-unquote guardians of the galaxy although not the kind of merry band that the Marvel movies put forward there's two stages of a flood outbreak the feral stage in the coordinated stage the feral stage basically being individuals get infected with the flood coordinated stage a gravemind forms and sends out complex instructions to all of the individuals infected and that makes it a pretty formidable foe as the grave mind isn't dumb after there's too much flood for it to control it takes on another stage the intergalactic stage in which it spreads out from there obviously the flood was eventually defeated by genetically engineering a sort of counter flood that a third of the human population was infected with and when the flood came into contact with these people it would basically just reverse course and start killing itself however until that was figured out it really wasn't any way to stop it and that was pretty scary coming in at number 9 the Necromorphs if you've ever played dead space it's a hell of an atmospheric experience and part of the reason it's so scary is obviously the bad guys Necromorphs are reanimated corpses which doesn't make them very different from a lot of other different bad guys but in dead space Necromorphs are actually the result of a signal emitted by a marker to be created by some alien race at some point that both compel humans to make copy markers so more signals are emitted as well as reanimates dead flesh the ultimate goal is to kill and reanimate enough of the life on a planet that all of the biomass can be accumulated around the marker creating a moon sized Necromorph that emits the signal sends out markers and ultimately just keeps consuming more and more life now what put all of this in motion was never actually completely explained in the game we don't know where markers came from and therefore are the brethren moons as they were called some kind of bio weapon was it a terror attack or was it a fallen species like the flood unless they ever make another dead space and that's kind of doubtful we'll probably never know moving on to number eight a plague tale innocence is really a damn good narrative game that gives us a perfect example why single-player immersive stories are so important but part of why this game is so good and so intriguing is that it gives us a sort of slightly exaggerated portrayal of the plague of Black Death the way that it manages to do this is by making the rats that carry and infect people with the plague also kind of a physical manifestation of the plague where the rats go and what the rats kill is kind of the plague doing its thing in this game but it's more than that there is a supernatural element to a plague tale innocence and that is the ancient evil that is dormant in the bloodline of the main characters you play as Amica and her smaller brother Hugo is the one actually affected by this as it turns out he actually eventually has the power to control the rats and therefore the plague and he's not the only person over the course of the story that has this ability of course that's the entire conflict as a matter of fact that there's not only a disease that can wipe everyone out but that it's under the direct control of somebody who might in theory want to do that coming in at number seven is the her on virus from dying light now as far as zombie viruses go it's not particularly unique in a fact it's you get bit you get a virus you become a zombie it might happen in a couple hours might happen in a couple of days if you take antes in a drug in the game it will stop the viruses progression and you don't turn into a zombie which is nice because that makes one of the more interesting aspects of the dying light story the fact that in a lot of ways you're basically just trying to survive while they're trying to make a cure to this thing because you've been bit another aspect that makes this particular virus so good is it actually provides scientific reasons for why the zombies don't come out till night at least for the most part the virus itself is a rabies derivative that has an intolerance to UV rays meaning light from the Sun kills the virus itself and also hurts a lot of hosts what's neat about that is basically the mechanics of the game are explained through a very short briefing on the virus itself in movie critic circles it's often discussed that the entire first third of a film could be cut and people would figure out what's going on anyway this is because exposition is often done very bluntly and haphazardly this is not an example of that in that it literally tells us what to expect from the day/night cycle without saying anything about the fact the game has a day/night cycle in my opinion that's actually the appeal of the her and virus and indeed dying light itself it finds very clever ways of telling you how to play the game that are fully integrated in the story coming in at number six is the free curve virus from day is gone now given we've already talked about a couple of zombie infections that frankly aren't terribly dissimilar from this I'm going to go ahead and say that for the most part it's a pretty standard lab was developing a virus virus got out everybody turned into a zombie and America ended story however I want to say what makes the Freaker virus so interesting and unique actually doesn't even occur unless you get the secret ending in which you find out that the free curve iris is actually evolving and that rather than just being a zombie a mindless rabid fool out for blood some infected are actually gaining human intelligence now it's one of those viruses that gives the infected enhanced speed agility and strength so if those smart people are also bloodthirsty that's actually a pretty good setup for a sequel coming in at number five the scourge of the Beast in blood-borne so the scourge of the beast is a plague in which citizens of yharnam become monsters which is tremendously inconvenient because yharnam has a supposedly wonderful healing process called blood ministration performed by the healing church supposedly it can cure you of pretty much just about anything the church also controls all knowledge involved in this process which is not suspicious at all okay it actually kinda is pretty suspicious in fact it's mostly the plot of the game which is that the scourge of the Beast is more or less caused by the blood administration now not everybody turns into a beast obviously presumably the reason people are still even hanging around at all is that the blood ministration actually does help them and in small amounts it seems like it probably doesn't kill them or turn them into a beast however not everybody's taken it in small amounts because there's plenty of beasts around and ultimately it turns out to be a big plot for the great ones to find some way to reproduce because they can't the great ones being eldritch horrors of cosmic proportions God blood-borne is great it's so complex and it's impossible to explain in such a short period of time but if you haven't played blood-borne it's just a treasure coming in at number four is the Chimeran virus this comes from the resistance series and is a virus that was created by the Chimera a species of being that in game occupied the earth about 60 million years before humanity did and during the course of a war with some other species left the planet and in present-day for whatever reason decided to come back the virus is genetically engineered to be implanted into a human and transform them into a chimera I wouldn't want to be that look at that now obviously this is a hybrid this is not a full chimera there's also a pure chimera but the virus really only concerns the hybrid coming as as they are created from humans what sucks for those people is they're literally transformed into an alien being and then forced to wage war against people I don't know if they retain any new memories of when they were a person but hey cool I got bit and then I decided to commit a genocide in the name of a sixty million year old alien menace fun day right number three is the blacklight virus which is an interesting viral infection created of course in a lab as a bio weapon that's actually a derivative of another virus also created in a lab called red light that was known for transforming can you guess people into monsters it does this by quote-unquote activating the junk DNA we're care in and actually becomes sentient separate of its host the main character is actually infected with it a host that is able to control it in a different way and he's actually far more entangled with its creation than he has any idea he has amnesia and is also the guy that synthesized it prototype is a weird game but all of this sort of complex lore that sounds very science II yield some really great gameplay mechanics moving on to number two the taint from Dragon Age Inquisition now the taint is a corruption it's a remnant of the old gods and becoming corrupted by the taint will cause you to hear their call now it doesn't turn anybody into a monster however it does create monsters and these darkspawn can actually infect humans and what happens to humans is well exactly what you might expect from something called the plague essentially wither away and die it can happen within hours or a much longer period of time but with the Grey Wardens it's actually intentionally contracted as to be able to hear the call of the old gods I think it's actually a really good conflict and provides a more traditional backdrop of a plague as the sort of bad thing going on as well as the more epic type of bad guy in the Archdemon and finally coming in at number one is cordyceps the fungal infection from the last device now for me this is perhaps one of the more interesting of all of these plagues because it has some basis in reality in fact the inspiration for it came from watching a bullet ant infected with Ohio cordyceps unilateralis on BBC's planet Earth that fungus attacks carpenter ants to leave their natural habitat and go bite down on the underside of a leaf in an area where temperature and light is conducive to fungal growth it just basically sits there while the fungus feeds on it and then it releases spores it's not entirely different from what happens in the last of us except for it's a little bit more aggressive people who contract the fungal infection lose their higher brain functioning and this causes them to act feral gradually more and more of the cordyceps grows and transforms them into a sort of more fungal less human being who works to not only infect other humans but eventually find a place to release spores now don't worry about it even though there is actually a cordyceps fungus and it does actually do this stuff to ants it's basically impossible that it could ever do it to humans this is justified in game by being a mutated strain of cordyceps but in my opinion part of the reason why the game manages to be so scary with its justification for its zombies is that it sounds just this side of possible give him there is a real thing in the world that does this it's not though so sleep tight what did you think was a particularly scary plague in a video game leave us a comment let us know what you think and if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course as a subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always do thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,256,167
Rating: 4.9161377 out of 5
Keywords: worst video game plagues, scary video game enemies, video game enemies that spread, video game enemies, video game monsters, video game scary monsters, video game scary enemies, video game enemy transformations, video game transformations, gameranx, falcon
Id: A3b6VkL99z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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