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what's going on YouTube my name is Nico Porter and today we are going to be making my tier list for the characters in wethering waves as of 1.0 since we are getting 1. one's patch coming out soon and I wanted just to go ahead and review a lot of these characters because we are getting to the point where you're kind of building up for endgame I haven't seen too many people in the UL 50 area and having good teams is something that every single you know content creator or just average player needs so without further Ado let's go ahead and get into it now something that I see with a lot of people doing characters is putting their favorites before what they actually do but with my tier list I'm kind of trying to go for like an intermediate thing where some of it is like yeah like I already know like for a fact like Yin Lynn I know I'm putting her at s tier but there's other reasons for it other than her being you know hot and having like a really good set but um I'm just going to kind of go over how each character I feel is put in that uh place so starting off with Rover if we're talking about Spectre Rover I'll be honest Spectre Rover is okay I was actually against Havoc Rover for a while and I started seeing my girlfriend play as Havoc Rover and I was like oh [ __ ] this dude's is actually way better so for both of the Spectre Rovers I have to say for game plays wise they're okay they're not bad their set isn't bad when you go in here and you're like all right so what what are we looking at exactly when we're looking for who they are and why they're at the tier that I'm going to put them I'm going be honest with you everything that they have it's kind of just break damage in my opinion and a lot of people probably will argue with me or say oh well there's a different reason and I understand but Rover just seems like a character on when you're using the Spectre version that it is just break damage because it's a lot of different attacks and even with Rover being all the way up to like I have him at four I know I'm pretty sure we can get him to six but again it's like restores HP for all team members HP equal to 20% of River's attack again good for healing you know like it's a good it's a good sub healer so where I'm putting Rover just based off of being all around inspector I put him at B tier I don't think Rover is a bad character but I also don't think the Spectre Rover is up where other characters are um and I'm going to go with Havoc Havoc I'm putting an a I'm going to be honest with you because I've seen some Havoc builds for Rover and again looking at Rover's kit when it comes down to Havoc it's a lot stronger there's a lot more damage there's a lot more break again I haven't built him I've played Rover havoc over on my girlfriend's PC but what I'll say is when you're able to just go in and build your bar up hold it right do a heavy attack switch modes and you get another E charge uh at least for keyboard but that's going to be your Renaissance Liberation dude when you or sorry your Renaissance skill when you get another charge it's like you hit them once hold that button and I get another one you're getting more attacks them which makes them a lot better so overall for damage wise I put them in a and they can be a main DPS and a sub DPS at the same time so they're good as a versatile unit for teams all right I'm just going to go ahead put her in s look Vina is super duper good I don't even need to go back to her thing because her healing is absurd you literally just build the bar jump up in the air and start shooting them and you get all your health back as long as you've built for um that if you don't build her properly you might feel like she is a lower tier but as long as you have HP like and health Bon healing bonus on everything dude she's like the best healer you're going to get in the game right now like there's no doubt about it um on no I personally do not have Encore on my account I have played Encore on her PC back there and this is what I'll say about Encore if you build her right she's very good but if you don't know how to use her she's not that good because you need to understand it's just like um uh homeboy here Cal uh curo is that how you say his name curo right yeah or Karo curo kakar kakaro whatever um she's good to an extent right she's very good to an extent I would say if you're not understanding how to use her because when you're switching characters when you get your intro skill to swap you need to have her bar filled and have her detonate and if you don't know how to do that then you're using her wrong um of course play the game for fun and but if you're doing harder stuff that like is difficult for you you have to know mechanics right so if you don't know mechanics I would put her as a b tier for people but if you did I would put her as s so I'm giving her a tier because again in the reality of everything if you don't know how to play her and you don't have her built right she's not a good unit because I had to go help build that unit for my girlfriend now this is a little biased curo is going into s tier um he is super super duper good especially if you if you were to grab him off of the free five-star pull you are doing really good you're already choosing a right path in my opinion curo is very strong he has a s like dude dude is super super good like I don't have them built very well because of my echo they're just not proper I know I have all Golds but you could see like this is the only decent one I have and still this isn't even percentage but again if you had good roles on everything for him he's not dude he's absolutely nuts and not to mention when you're playing as him very simple it's the same thing I was talking about with um Encore you know if you have his third all you you know his third bar down all you do is hold the button and then switch characters and he just becomes better but not to mention it's like I got lucky enough to get this too all of his extra like resident chain abilities are great okay like you could sit here and read everything but like look skill damage increase by 30% after his intro super good especially if you're in you know the tower and you're you're doing the electro part like it's just going to be increased look Renaissance Liberation during that state once you hit his ult 25% increase again Electro damage to all members so if you have Yin Lynn on the team now boom once he does this outro and she comes in she's doing more damage for up to 30 seconds again intro more damage I mean that's whatever right intros are just for breaking but still same deal and look at this summon two Phantoms to perform coordinated attacks bro if I ever get him to Max like this dude is busted he's so busted so I put him at the top because he's probably one of the best main DPSS um besides um our boy here Gian gian's the next character and I'm going to talk about him a little bit Gian I would put at I'm gon be honest with you I'd also put him at s tier I mean just the the pure fact that he's a able to have such a huge AOE ability is crazy right and that's pretty much all I'm going to say about him is he just does a lot of damage he does AOE he literally has a great intro skill I mean he's just a good character um and I'm going to try to go towards uh do five stars and four stars but uh um I don't even remember this chick's name but what I will say G G oh my God I'm botching this Jin Zen Jen Zen I'm saying that so wrong again super good character but I say she's good as a sub at DPS because of her healing healing is or not healing sorry her pull her pull for AOE she pulls all the enemies together and I do know for a fact that she can be pretty decent if you build her properly which again I don't have really good Echoes In the game I have decent enough the only one I have good Echoes on is San haa and we're going to talk about her too but I would give her I would give her B tier because I haven't played her enough to say what I really feel like and I haven't seen enough gameplay of you know bigger streamers and whatnot go to her so definitely B tier I'm not even going to talk about him D tier I played him for a little bit thought he was cool he's not good just use him for break damage honestly Yin Lin again super good character I would wholeheartedly put Yin Lin at the top 100% put her at the top she's not a bad character all great AOE damage awesome you know again another hold ability for heavy that you could swap your characters out into so again I'm putting her up at s tier we don't have these two yet so we're not going to talk about them um haven't played her but I've seen her she's super duper good um I've seen the damage tick she can do if you build her properly and know how to play her right very good our boy Alto right his name is Alto right y alto's on the bottom homeboy has not even been played I've watched his game play I'm just going to put him at C he's not that good H girl C tier as well I just well I'll say B tier both of these people mortify and her Chia I put them at B tier just cuz they're shooters and their flame but the thing is is like they're really only good against like the shooters are only good against really in my opinion one of the bosses which is that stupid Spectre boss that is annoying but they don't do enough for me to be like yeah they're great sub DPSS I mean they're okay mortify is great for helping damage boost and he's also really good for swapping but outside of that not good this guy I'm going to actually put him in bti this time I did watch a video on him he has he does have a good build he does but again just he doesn't pull enough to be a great sub DPS C tier for her um again not she she isn't very versatile right like you have to Parry with her if you don't Parry with her she's not extremely good but she's good like I'd say she's good as a sub DPS if you need that damage type our home girl she goes into a tier just because she's still a great unit I love her abilities but I wouldn't put her at s tier because her healing still is a little mid it's it's not that good compared to venas sonan haa I'm putting up an S tier for four stars I'm sorry I do so much damage with that chick like I could be in any event underleveled no problem my build for her is so so so so so good and you could just constantly hold that heavy and hit the you know hit the right residence meter part and she just out does everything and I mean her break meter too insane last but not least her C tier she's only good for AOE and that's pretty much how I feel about all the character I'm not going to lie they're they're not bad characters right none of the characters in the game are bad but putting them on a tier list like don't listen to people's tier list right I made a tier list um you know short little video just for you guys to have something about hey how do I feel about these characters and whatnot but when it comes down to the end of the day it's really about what you guys like what you can do as teams cuz like for me it's like I mean I play very specific teams like you I'll show you right now before ending you know my teams like look I play these three all the time these three all the time and you'll notice like I had an oddball team but like you'll notice I either have you know I I have a pretty set schedule for all the teams and you know you need nine characters to make good teams with the game so you know do what you want to do right like play the game how you want but don't let somebody's um you know don't don't don't let this tier list that I'm showing be the end all I'm just saying that this is how I feel about the characters I think everywhere everywhere on this list there's room for improvement right but at the end of the day you're looking for results having fun and versatility and I would see this is a pretty spoton accuracy of all three of those except for lion dancer boy he's trash but I hope you guys enjoyed uh my tier list I really appreciate you guys coming in and watching I've seen a couple likes and you know views for the new YouTube videos and I've actually had some people come into the Stream So I really appreciate the hell out of that and if you guys do want to catch me on Twitch live I'm live every single night 7 7: p.m. to 10 p.m. EST you can follow me at twitch.tv/ NP and if you guys don't mind you know go ahead hit like And subscribe and be back for more content peace
Channel: Nicoporter
Views: 104
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Id: _4pS2Y50NN4
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Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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