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yo what's going on today guys I'm Nico Porter and today we're going to be looking at some more wethering waves content uh we just got an update for 1.1 again three different uh news articles that we can read from I know right now it is going to be something for Mount uh two things for Mount firmament and then of course the last one is the map preview so without further Ado I'm just going to go ahead and get into this so as of right now they've given us the geographic lands and wall ERS for both Hong Zen and mount ferent alone and just to kind of go over it it seems like they're making Mount firmament specifically where Sentinel jet is going to be and of course they're going to give us some nice pictures and whatnot which is really nice we also know that we're going to have an area called the Luminous Shore looks pretty good um welcomes raging or roving voyagers on the farther side of the sea fog it looks like we're getting a you know some pretty cool color schemes going on into the thing uh Long's Ridge it's going to be south of Mount firmament Long's Crest temporal Loop different areas Longs rest uh maying long chamber okay so all right so I talked about this in the last video just a smidge bit that I hope that this was the area that J is going to be in and it looks like that people are suspecting that it is a hibernation pod for J's Interstellar Trek which is probably meaning he's going to be there uh Zan G ridges this is where J first appeared and Truth Seekers pass okay so I also talked about this too okay so this is another place okay so it's just another part on the map so let's see we got Hong Zen this is going to be a new area uh well new a new city inside of um Wong long it looks like we're going to get the gates of Mount fmin it Zen ye let's see a nurse in the city hall interesting and then we've got the water plumes sagy Springs pretty cool little looking areas I like that they do these These are really nice to have some you know uh backup information story information for the actual areas water Shadow play brewing tea also I think that well no the some of these may be part with like the new dailies as well stream of snow Shadows that's cool legend about the Shadows that's cool souvenirs this might be a new store for us that'd be pretty cool I'd appreciate another store so I can buy stuff Pharmacy yeah okay yeah so we're going to get another store to another Pharmacy that's pretty dope I like that and now the new map preview this is the part that I've been looking forward to to reading about because it gives us more information on like the clang bang and other events that are going on so the tales from Mount F area exploration event again that was split up into two parts looks like you're going to have to be UL 14 it's going to come out um apparently in August interesting some reason I I I mean that might be right I mean but that's a really long time but okay so a as of right now August 13th we're getting that update was divided into four parts for this event where we have exploration puzzle solving battle challenges Gathering and other quests available cool looks like we're going to get a lot of resources from it too and I believe it was 400 for each part cuz this is the exploration part we get 400 of these and then we're going to get 400 of these for the photo collection which again probably just going to yeah you're going to follow Clues take pictures or search Target locations that's nice and then area Quest so it looks like we are going to have the Glorious Longs Pearl so the way that these are going to work is you're going to connect the light pass through the altar of Radiance and deliver the Long's Pearl to the altar of worship stand in the position of the light and change the viewing angle to align Long's Pearl on the right platform with the mouth of the dragon shaped peak of mountain firmament in the distance okay it's pretty simple pretty easy now I saw this one this is a side quest we're going to be getting a I believe a three star weapon and it's called dance dance konian I konian I don't know I I feel like that's right but I'm probably botching it and I'm sorry but we're going to receive the beging Melo beging Melody weapon which looks like a broadsword interesting and then of course all the things we just went over Hong Zen TR secer pass mang LOM chamber and Long's Crest new merchandising as well so I didn't know what the Chronos sorder was but it looks like it repairs structures and that makes sense to me I think that's really freaking cool the photon Vault and Photon barrier I did not see these but it looks like you're going to shoot those and it's going to take away blocked out areas and then the leap device is going to be able to jump you forward so you can get around the map a little bit quicker which is super nice challenges again clang bang you're going to be able to turn into ice and you're going to have to as you can see go through walls match yourself into the puzzle appropriately to match and maybe there's some other stuff that they haven't shown us yet tactical Hol hologram ski so this is going to be very similar to like the dragonfly but fly however you want to call it one where you're just going through the little Hoops collecting the coins seems like same deal except you're going to be skiing down hillsides and other things which is pretty cool and it does say that you need to get pretty much you're going through all the Rings just don't miss them the wind chimer see what this is convert sounds in energy flow that enhances instruments and improves their tones to repair damage ether zenji and hongen is seeking wind chimers wind chimers are scattered across Mount Ferman and can be collected using basic attack or ranged attacks interesting so that's pretty much all they're giving us right now for the update which again it looks like they're pushing the new map for August excuse me for August but we should we should be getting character banners very soon so I'm hoping that it's not going to be that far away but you know with that being said I'm still looking forward to it I know that informational videos might be a little bit boring but I do want to cover what's going on in the game before the updates come out so everybody's aware of like hey what's going on um I'm super excited for the two new characters I'm super excited for the new map I'm super excited to be able to get some new Echoes and figure out some more of the story cuz right now you know still don't even know what this little bunny was that came out so hopefully they give us a little bit more info before releasing the next thing so we'll uh we'll figure that out uh once they give it to us or when the update comes live but I hope you guys enjoyed just hearing me pretty much go over all the information for what they've put up yesterday and if you guys want to catch me live make sure to go to twitch.tv _ Porter and you guys will be able to catch me there from 7:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. Eastern every single day and go ahead and leave a like and follow and I hope to catch you guys soon peace
Channel: Nicoporter
Views: 13
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cpg8_HyNhIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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