The Best Tasting Survival Food

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bye folks Canadian prepper here so today we're gonna talk about the best-tasting survival food on the market today Bar None let's get to it but I tell you this stuff it's it's criminal how good it is all right so if you're new to preparedness and money is a factor for you the first thing you should do is go check out my video I believe it's titled how to get six months worth of food for a hundred bucks or something like that I'll post a link up here here wherever that's the first thing you should do if money is not an issue then you should do that anyways but you can also supplement with freeze-dried food freeze-dried food is great because it lasts 25 to 30 years it retains up to 95% of the nutrients and the texture is the same what you need to know is that there are many different types of freeze-dried foods on the market don't fall into the trap of buying from the companies who are selling you the big bulk buckets that you're just gonna throw in your closet the problem is a lot of that stuff tastes like dog food and a lot of these companies rely on the fact that most people aren't gonna eat that stuff until Armageddon and when Armageddon finally does come who are you gonna complain to hello you know I want to make a complaint about the five tons of food that I bought off you yeah we're only a half a bucket in it the kids are crapping all over the place we're already over twilit paper which for me is saying a lot yeah your food tastes like ground-up ass what are you talking about elucidation so what I would recommend you you buy the premium freeze-dried brands because at in the very least you're gonna be able to eat them you know they're gonna be a meal replacement so if there's anybody who's a good judge of what's good freeze-dried food and what isn't it's somebody who eats it down there every day probably I must confess every single damn day alright so I get 10 to 15 messages per day and it's growing in size by this time next year it might be a hundred messages a day from companies wanting to sell you guys cheap junk occasionally something makes it through the filter this guy from Quebec sends me a message and says hey try our food try my Pad Thai freeze-dried food you will be a changed man and I said ok whatever you know send it to me in the mail worst thing that happens I'm not going to viewed on the channel and he sent me those and I was like damn it now I have to make a massive wholesale order to carry this stuff at my store because it is game-changing delicious let's see we're comparing freeze-dried food to home-cooked food Mountain House is probably 75 maybe 80% backpackers pantry is probably like 70 65 % Alpine air some dishes are more like 60 to 70% this I would say gets close to the 90% mark for some dishes maybe even 95% it's that good part of the reason why is that there's much fewer preservatives a lot of this stuff is gluten-free lactose-free just really really high quality ingredients the other thing that sets this apart is that it's really low sodium and freeze-dried food is notorious for high sodium particularly mountain house which is why I taste so damn good I'm gonna use mountain house as a baseline to compare this stuff to and you're gonna see the visual difference in the food and how much more vibrant and appetizing it actually looks so mandarin beef and rice let's get to it so we're just gonna open it up and I'm just gonna show you what it looks like that my one gripe with this is that damn it really is hard you got a loser taster probably that sucker open that's probably a good thing so I just want to show you what it looks like hopefully the camera is picking that up there you could see the big chunks in there [Music] so now this image doesn't do it justice cuz all the big stuff is now on the bottom we're just gonna flip it so we can do this visual justice but you can see those big chunks of beef doesn't look like beef because all the moisture has been sucked out looks more like chicken but I assure you it's beef let's get that side there now the reason why this is significant these big chunks that you see because the process of freeze drying is not easy it takes a long time and the bigger the chunks are the longer it takes so it costs more money for a company to freeze-dry something which is that size then to cut it up into very small pieces most companies will partition things down and they'll dice it down to that size that's why backpackers pantry kind of looks mushy even though it actually tastes ok but a lot of companies really try to cut corners like that so it says add 375 milliliters of water and wait 10 to 12 minutes well I can tell you personally I never wait 10 to 12 minutes at best I'm waiting three minutes it's a little bit crunchy sometimes but it's still delicious okay so 375 milliliters let's get that on the go I actually think that's too much I usually take off 10% because I don't like to wait that long so pour that on there look at that come to life the great thing about freeze-dried food is that doesn't destroy the cell walls of the food so freezing destroys food it's actually the UH thawing process that unthought thawing yeah I hide it anyways I'm thawing you know the frozen food that's what breaks down the cell walls through a process of sublimation you skip that step and you basically turn ice directly into a vapor so you skip the liquid phase it's a liquid phase that destroys the food so in doing that we retain the texture and it's still very porous so it instantly sucks up all that water and see this is why I didn't want to add I probably added a little bit too much water never add as much water as they say unless you really want to wait 10 to 12 minutes I don't want to wait because I'm an impatient millennial snowflake so you can see already though this looks like normal food this looks like something I just cooked you do not get this level of visual appeal with other types of freeze-dried food so there's 26 percent if you take the whole package of your recommended daily intake of sodium which is fine because you're getting 700 calories total out of this package meaning on a 2,000 calorie diet if you were just to eat this dish alone that would only put you at 75% of your sodium intake which is very good by today's standards now just for comparison let's crack open a mountain house it's bulking season so I don't give a you know what so madhouse looks good like we can't trash Mountain house mountain house looks great also what are the specs on the mountain house okay so as far as sodium we got 49% twice as much sodium but we're getting less calories so really we're getting about two to three times more sodium let's say to keep it simple still has amazing textures but you can still see that these are all very little diced up chunks so let's hydrate this one and I've actually already done a comparison between backpackers pantry and mountain house and it comes to life just the same but I must say that this has it just has a more home-cooked taste to it and I think that's because of the lack of sodium and maybe the fact that they're just using better ingredients I'm not sure if they're locally sourced or not and you can see the the mountain house when it's hydrated even with their their dishes that have rice in them they kind of have that glazed over look that slimy look and this is what I've basically been eating for the last year it's all buddy see that's not all I eat I still eat you know the occasional McDonald's and crap like that I'm just kidding I do though but I can tell you that all Mountain house food has this kind of glassy look to it still tastes good I would give this dish right here of this beef stew about in-house probably like 1/8 28.5 I would give this I want to say a 10 for this but I'm gonna give it a 9.7 Mandarin beef and rice and unfortunately this is one of their most expensive dishes and it's because of the beef I'm gonna tell you right now freeze-dried meets a lot of those big containers that you get the reason why they're so cheap is because most of them don't contain meat so the meat dishes are always gonna be more expensive the vegetarian options not so much oh my god it needs salt I always add salt I'm a salt fiend that's why I go to the gym so much and I load up on garlic pills every day so I can salt my food to death so don't be surprised if I just stop posting one day cuz I've died of a stroke listen I am NOT a fan of foods which try to bring sweet in I don't like chicken teriyaki and you know where they tried to meat mix savory and sweet but this this is delicious like you can tell it's been made by somebody who knew the exact proportions to put in to make it taste amazing another thing with mountain house and I think I know why it has that look to it mountain house boasts that they're the only company that cooks their food first then they suck all the moisture out of it then you're left with the finished product which you rehydrate these companies what they do is they take all the separate ingredients or they freeze dry everything separately so the freeze dry the onions freeze try the beef freeze dry the rice and then they'll put it together in the right proportions afterwards so every one of the constituents still has a distinct tastes which pops so when you're eating it it has a very diverse flavorful experience whereas with the mountain house it's a far more consistent taste everything has marinated together already and that makes for a more consistent eating experience because every bite is it's more or less the same whereas something like this you know you come across a chunk of beef you come across some mandarin orange you know some peppers and everything I still retained its unique taste because it hasn't had that chance to marinate together and then have all the moisture taken out of it they both kind of have their pros and cons but I tell you this stuff it's it's criminal how good it is I believe these ones retail I think this is the most expensive one and it's 13 bucks an entree most of the entrees are about 11 bucks an entree but there are some like breakfast dishes like granola which have high calorie content but they're only like 5 bucks so you know I would recommend if you're getting get a couple of these maybe for like the main entrees go heavy on some of the the cheaper stuff as well this is really about practical preparedness because it's gonna allow you to rotate out your sock you're actually going to want to eat it to the point where it's gonna make you fat okay and you're gonna have to go to the doctor because you're so fat and you're gonna come back and you're gonna say Nate made me fat and I'm gonna point you in the direction of my 10 to 20 fitness videos to counteract so for every you know package of this just make sure you're running 5k core philosophy behind this is that this is meant to be a meal replacement they're marketing it as a meal replacement as opposed to a lot of foods survival foods which are just you know put them in the car put them in the closet forget about them until you know the crap hits the fan this is something you're gonna be able to rotate out and it's not gonna be a struggle to try to get your kids to eat this stuff if anything if you're on a diet I would recommend not going this route now in terms of calorie portions we can talk about that real quick there are some of the dishes which have a higher e calorie content than others calories are king in a survival situation so I think their pad thai has something like a thousand calories in it mac and cheese 600 calories granola a 640 calories vegetarian chili 720 calories so I would say most of the dishes of the entrees are between 500 to 1,000 calories and then you have some if you have a sweet tooth there's things like apple crisp I don't have it here because I ate that one and damn that was good that was delicious now a freeze-dried food over 99% of the moisture is taken out of the food with dehydrated it's between 85 to 95 percent and that small small percentage although it doesn't seem like a lot it's the difference between something lasting five or 10 years and 30 years and potentially beyond now this stuff doesn't have the same expiration dates if you look at any mountain house package that you buy from the store today it's going to say 2045 or something like that but this stuff some of the expiration dates here 20 22 20 21 but a lot of that you have to take with a grain of salt the company is being very conservative in its expiration date estimates because it's only been around for a few years so mountain house is a company that's been around for 30 40 years so they still have some of their original stock that they can test for its nutrient content and you know do the taste test and make sure that it's still healthy to eat and they've been able to do that not all companies have done that there's a lot of newer younger freeze-dried companies which can't make those claims now this stuff it's in mylar bags there's no oxygen absorbers in it which is probably the only thing they could improve on the bags are a lot smaller which means that if you are gonna be eating out of the package which you can do because it smile or you just pour the hot water in there you just take some scissors cut it off and then you can get all the way to the bottom of the bag with your spoon they are gusseted so they do stand up on their own there isn't much more to say about it it is a ziplock bag so you know in a survival situation you could use this bag for different purposes so on the topic of the expiration dates I'm not gonna say for legal reasons that yeah this is gonna last 20 years but the reality is it's in a mylar bag it's freeze-dried food which we know 99% over 99% of the moisture has been extracted therefore the conditions for parasites to grow in there are non-existent anyways if I come across this and I'm a senior citizen and it's well into shtf I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna think twice anyways guys I really want you to try this stuff out so what I'm going to do as a limited thing for the next week if you place an order at Canadian preparedness com I have to do this so I'm not going broke for Christmas time if you spend over 200 bucks I'm gonna throw in one of these for free so that you can try it and you're gonna be a believer or you can just buy something it will help out the channel anyways let me know what you think in the comment section thanks for watching I got stuff to eat Canadian prepper oh the best way to support this channel is by gearing up through Canadian preparedness com we got high quality gear and I mean high quality gear only there are free shipping options and my subscribers get an exclusive discount of 10% off use coupon codes survival prepper in all caps one word at the checkout thanks for your support
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 181,675
Rating: 4.9097338 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse, survival food, prepping food, freeze dried food, long term food storage, freeze dried food taste test, survival food prep, survival food review, survival food storage, survival food taste test, survival food kits, survival food in the wild
Id: jaKvWdCOyI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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