How to Stock Your Prepper Pantry for $5 a Week

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today i want to share with you how to stock your prepper pantry for five dollars a week and this is part of a three-part series that i'm doing all about the prepper pantry and it's not to be missed hi sweet friends i'm mary and welcome to mary's nest where i teach traditional cooking skills for making nutrient-dense foods like bone broth ferments sourdough and more so if you enjoy learning about those things consider subscribing to my channel and don't forget to click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time i upload a new video well today is part three of this three-part series on the prepper pantry and if you've not had a chance to see part one and part two i'll be sure to put the links in the description below underneath this video so you can go ahead and watch those and catch up and just for a little quick overview in part one i answered the question what is a prepper pantry and then in part two i talked about the foods that you can buy to stock your prepper pantry that are real foods and when i say real foods i mean as close to to traditional foods as possible now those of you have been with me for a while have probably heard me use the term the four corners pantry and that's an umbrella term to cover all the various areas that we can store food the four corners represent our main working pantry which may be a closet or a cupboard in our kitchen that we access on a daily basis the second corner is our refrigerator the third corner is our freezer and the fourth quarter is our extended pantry and it's that extended pantry or prepper pantry that we're going to be talking about today and the foods that you store in your extended pantry are basically non-perishable foods that you can access to restock your main working pantry and the reason why you want to have this food storage or backup food whatever you want to refer to it as is that this gives you some in essence back up food in the event of an emergency it could be a small emergency it could be a large emergency it could be bad weather it could be illness it could be job loss or it could be a quarantine like we're going through now where you don't have the ability to get to the grocery store and you may be running low on food in your working pantry but you know that you have your extended pantry to refill your working pantry but you also want to do one other thing when it comes to stocking your extended pantry you also want to make sure that you have foods in there that are not only ready to restock your main working pantry of non-perishable foods but that you also keep some foods on hand that are replacements for your perishable foods so if for some reason you can't get to the store to buy a whole chicken that you may normally under normal circumstances be roasting you want to have some other form of protein such as canned chicken in your extended pantry that you can rely on in place of that fresh whole chicken so you'll be stocking some of those non-perishables to replace your perishables and you do want to rotate those into your working pantry periodically even when there's no emergency and even when you can still buy a whole fresh chicken because you want to start to experiment to see what you like and what your family likes and what recipes you may be able to develop to use those non-perishable foods that are replacements for your perishable foods and also so that they don't expire in your extended pantry and i have a playlist of videos which i'll link in the description below where i show you how to go about using things that are non-perishable that replace perishable proteins like how to use canned chicken in a recipe how to use canned salmon in a recipe how to use canned sardines and so on and so forth so there's places where you can start with my recipes but also experiment yourself and find things and find ways that you like using those items and speaking of canned items before we even get started i want to mention make sure that one of the first things you buy if you don't have it is a manual can opener because yes some cans do come with the flip top that you can pull off but some don't and you want to make sure that in a power outage you've got this to open your cans because when the electricity is out the electric can opener is not going to work now there's a wide variety of foods that you can buy for five dollars a week as you start to stock your prepper pantry and if you allot an extra five dollars a week to stocking your prepper pantry little by little you're going to see your supply of food grow and after about one year depending on what you buy you're going to have somewhere in the range of 250 to about 300 pounds of extra food now how long that food would last you in the event of an emergency depends on how many people are in your household there are a number of food calculator websites that'll tell you how many pounds of food you need per person in your household and i'll be sure to link in the description below to the site that i like the best and i find the easiest to use and these sites basically base their calculations on average calories that they believe people need to eat on a daily basis men generally need 2500 calories a day where women need about 2 000 calories a day now if you have growing teenagers they're probably going to need more if you have senior citizens in your household they're probably going to need less because they're less active and their metabolisms have slowed down a lot but the most important thing which i covered in video number two in this series is that you want to try to look for real food and when i mean real food i mean food that is has the least ingredients in it and is the least processed and is the most nutrient dense so in essence you want to get the most bang for your buck you want the most nutritious most nutrient dense most real food that you can get and that's what you want to put in your extended pantry so if you're in the process of making the transition from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen you want to focus on not only beginning to stock your working pantry with more real traditional foods you also want to do the same for your extended pantry now getting back to those food calculator websites they're great but they can also be overwhelming so what i recommend is that you look at your weekly grocery list or your monthly grocery risk whatever way you go you go grocery shopping and you on one side of your list write down all of your non-perishable foods and then on the other side write down your perishable foods then for your non-perishables you want to transfer them to another list that you call your prepper pantry grocery list and then for your perishable foods you want to start thinking of and writing down foods on your prepper pantry grocery list that can replace those perishable foods like the canned chicken for the whole fresh chicken then when you go to the grocery store you're going to have your main basic list of the things that you need to buy for the week of the month whatever the case may be then you're going to have your prepper pantry grocery list and what you want to do is think of combinations of foods that you can buy that then you can check off for your five dollars for that week so maybe for your five dollars you're going to buy a box of pasta maybe a box of pasta sauce and maybe one can of canned chicken and then you're going to check those things off on your prepper pantry grocery list and then you're going to find your place wherever it is in your home or apartment we're going to start building up your proper pantry and then each week or month you go to the grocery store again if it's a month then maybe you can allocate a total of twenty dollars to what you want to get and then you're going to look at your list and again you're going to think of a different combinations of foods maybe you're going to get some broth and some lentils and so on and so forth and then you're going to check that off and you're going to add that to your prepper pantry then at the end of the year you should have a very nicely stocked backup of food and as you check things off on that prepper pantry list you know that once everything on that list is checked off and you can put that aside you have one week's worth of extra groceries and then you basically just start all over again with a new prepper pantry list and you start again going through your list and checking things off every week or once a month as you go grocery shopping and then when that's filled and you put that list aside you now know you have two weeks worth of uh food extra food in your prepper pantry so then after the course of one year and you're going to have somewhere in that range of 250 to 300 pounds of food you can go back and look at how many prepper pantry grocery lists you've completed and then that will tell you how many months worth of food you have for what's the people in your household because you've been basing what you've been buying on your main weekly or monthly grocery shopping list now i know as to prices they can vary it can vary from town to town grocery store to grocery store city to city state to state you know depending where you live so i've got prices that not only represent what i've paid for items here at my own local grocery store i've also got prices from chains that are a little more nationwide like walmart costco and sam's so this gives you a range of you know how much things cost and what you might be able to get for somewhere in that five dollar price range now i do want to say that the most important thing about putting together a prepper pantry is that you have a plan maybe like your you know prepper pantry grocery list and that you do this slowly over time don't rush out and stress yourself and stress your budget by over buying and also you never want to fall into the category of being a hoarder a prepper and a hoarder are very different and i discussed this in video number one hoarders go out at the first sign of an emergency and clear the shelves and leave nothing for anybody and you don't want to do that a prepper has a plan and you put your plan in place little by little by little so that you stay within your budget and you make sure that you're not clearing the shelves another thing i want to mention as you go through stocking your prepper pantry and you're using that five dollars to pick out various items i highly recommend that you shop with variety in mind i'm against just going out and buying five bags of dried beans or five bags of rice you will have a more evenly prepped and in essence prepper pantry if you buy variety that way if for any reason you have an interruption in your plan because maybe you have bad weather or maybe if you've lost your job and your budget is very very tight or you know maybe you're ill and you're not able to get out to the grocery store and then your supplies and your working pantry start to become low you want to know that when you go into your extended pantry you have a variety of foods you're not just stuck with 10 pounds of beans and 5 pounds of rice now there's one thing i just want to mention about the extended pantry although for the most part you're using that to refill your working pantry part of your extended pantry can be devoted to something that people refer to as a survival pantry and that really sort of completes the whole prepper pantry concept that you have your extended pantry which for the most part is refilling your working pantry and then you have your survival pantry which are really foods that you don't touch and those are what we call forever foods and you don't need to buy any fancy dehydrated or freeze-dried food like that there are many things you can buy at the grocery store that you can put in that survival pantry section of your extended pantry what we call forever foods and i have a video all about that and i'll be sure to link to that in the description below now i'm going to go over the prices of all of the things i have here on my island as well as the food behind me i've also got some food over on my kitchen table because i ran out of room and in addition to the prices i'm going to talk about how to create combinations within that five dollars so that you do have the variety that i talked about as you go ahead and begin to stock your prepper pantry now the first area that i want to focus on is pasta because this can really make for a very easy meal especially if you're the main cook and if you're under the weather and your family has to uh rely on pulling together a quick and easy meal most people can boil water and make spaghetti so that's always a good option to have in your working pantry as well as your prepper pantry but what i want to go over is this is my store brand uh you know as i said you know in my video number two i live in h i live in hdd i sometimes i do live in hiv i live in texas and we have heb and it's like the most wonderful grocery store on the planet and at my heb uh pasta in pretty much any variety runs about a dollar a box now i looked up the great value brand which is walmart's store brand and it was close to a dollar as well i think it might have been like a dollar six or something like that but it's basically in that dollar range now brand name pastas are a little more expensive but the reason that i have this and this is what i highly recommend that you do when you're looking at your prepper pantry grocery list and you're at the grocery store and you're thinking of what combination of things should i buy focus on what on that list may be on sale or that you have a coupon for and that's how i got this brand name pasta because that it's a little more expensive than the store bought but my grocery store was offering buy two get one free which brought the price in lower than if i had bought the store brand so for a dollar you can get this the egg noodles are about fifty a bag and again at walmart they were in that same price range uh spaghetti in my store brand is a dollar as i said these all the pastas are about a dollar and this you know i got for the buy two get one free so that's a possibility tomato paste this is organic and this actually came in a box from costco but if you're just buying one can it can range in price depending on whether you're just buying regular tomato paste or organic somewhere in the 50 cents to 60 cents a can and sometimes even less than 50 cents now two other items to consider when you're thinking about buying pasta is sun-dried tomatoes and tomato paste in the tube now tomato paste in the can is going to be a lot less expensive and if you find you use a lot of tomato paste then this is the better value and you if you don't need to use the whole can when you open it you can freeze that portion that you don't need so that's something to keep in mind but if you don't use a lot of tomato paste and you just need a squirt every now and then this is like a tube of toothpaste and you just put the cap back on and put it back in your refrigerator so it can turn out to be cost-effective because this you know the can if you don't uh if you don't need the whole can or you're just not in a position where you want to put it in your freezer this comes in handy but this is a little more pricey than about a 50 cents can of tomato paste this is going to run probably closer to two dollars so this is the type of item you want to make sure you have a coupon for and not just buy at full price and the same with the sun-dried tomatoes these can be very costly as well so if you're dry if you're growing and drying your own tomatoes or you're getting them in bulk maybe at the farmer's market and you're drying them all the better but if you do want to have a little bit in your extended pantry again look for a coupon because this is going to run about 250 2.50 which i think is a little pricey to pay full price now this is tomato sauce and as i said if you've seen video two i like to have some jarred tomato sauce on hand i generally make it homemade but again this is what you need to think about when you're stocking your extended pantry what if you're not in a position to make homemade tomato sauce and you or maybe you've used everything that you've made in home canned uh or you're just not it's just not something that you make homemade i bought this at costco and it was 8.99 for four and this just happened to be an organic tomato sauce but depending on variety and where you shop many stores will have tomato sauce starting at around 1.77 a jar so let's just round that up to two dollars so if you want to buy three boxes of spaghetti or maybe two boxes of spaghetti and one box of you know like a penne or a different shaped pasta and one jar of tomato sauce you've spent about five dollars and you've got some meals there that can be made right from your prepper pantry now another combination of food that i want to talk about is canned chicken and having some egg noodles now as i had mentioned earlier the egg noodles run about a dollar fifty a bag and that's for a 12 ounce bag and this i got from my grocery store and this was twelve dollars so it averages out about two dollars a can since there are six cans in here now if you just buy one can i believe at my grocery store it was two dollars and six cents so there's not a huge savings buying it in bulk like this but if you have a sands in your area and they have this in stock they carry their own chicken uh in a in a six pack like this and it's about nine dollars and change and what i like about this as well as the one at sam's it's just basically chicken water and salt it doesn't have a lot of chemicals preservatives additives so on and so forth so if you're shopping and you can put a dollar fifty towards the egg noodles and two dollars towards a can of chicken you've only spent three dollars and fifty cents so far and if you make your own cream of soup mix which i'm going to show you in a co in a video coming up in a few weeks about i'm not sure it's already been filled i don't know exactly what i have it scheduled but be sure to look for that hit the notification bell uh if you haven't done so so that you get notified when that video comes out because you can make your own uh homemade cream of soup mix for literally pennies and you don't need to buy that can of condensed cream of soup mix for making casseroles you can just use your own mix which is a dry mix and it's shelf stable and it's natural it doesn't have a lot of artificial ingredients in it and salt and preservatives and so on and so forth like the um like the little can so there now you've got 350 and you've still got some money to spend now with that dollar 50 that you have left over you can think about buying another jar of spaghetti sauce especially if you bought a little more pasta than spaghetti sauce the week before and that's going to run you you know maybe if you buy the particular brand that runs about a dollar 77 that's going to run you a little over your five dollars so if you want to stay within the five dollars exactly then instead of buying the tomato sauce this is a good time to think about buying some water because you definitely want to start stocking up on water in your prepper pantry because it's very important to have water on hand especially in an emergency that involves a bad weather where maybe the power is down or maybe for some reason you have to be in a situation where you have to boil your water or so on and so forth there's many reasons why the water coming out of your tap may not be drinkable so you want to start stocking up on bottled water now at my grocery store this gallon of water is 91 cents and when i looked at other costs at different stores like walmart it could range anywhere from 94 cents to a dollar and if you're shopping on a monthly basis and you have 20 to work with then you might be able to buy this by the case where you get six gallons in a case and then that's going to lower the price per ounce but now with the water a can of chicken and your egg noodles we still have about 50 cents to play with so this is a good time to start incorporating some canned vegetables into your prepper pantry because depending on what type of canned vegetables you want to buy some are as low as 46 cents a can uh working their way up to over a dollar you know if you start to get fancy and uh want name brands and organic and so on and so forth but for about 50 cents you can get a nice what i consider a good quality can of vegetables uh you could get peas you could get corn you could get mixed vegetables and then that's something you can use to add to when you make a casserole with your canned chicken and your egg noodles so now you've got your canned chicken your egg noodles some water and maybe some canned mushrooms or canned string beans and you're all set for five dollars and in talking about canned products and especially when you're looking to buy pastas if you prefer not to stock your pan your prepper pantry with a prepared tomato sauce then buying canned tomatoes especially crushed canned tomatoes which are easy to prepare into a quickly into a homemade tomato sauce these can be a very good buy and it look for your store brand because that's probably going to be under two dollars a can your finer brands are probably going to be over two dollars a can so only look for those where or to purchase those when they're on sale but you could buy two can these are the large cans two large cans of crushed tomatoes would run you a little under four dollars and then uh maybe a pound of spaghetti and then maybe a can of tomato paste you've spent your five dollars and you've got some really great supplies for your prepper pantry now while we're on the subject of canned goods i want to talk about canned fruit now if you home can having home canned fruit in your prepper pantry is terrific and i want to let you know that canning fruit is very easy to do and you can water bath canned fruits so you don't need special equipment you don't need a pressure canner fruit can be water bath canned and it actually comes a little better if it's water bath canned and you just need to follow i have a video where i show you where i'm canning these pears and all you have to do is make sure that the acidity level is correct and you just do that by adding bottled lemon juice and having this in your extended pantry is wonderful so keep that in mind that you can water bath canned fruit so if you get a windfall of fruit maybe from your own tree or from a neighbor or at the farmer's market definitely think about water bath canning it but having some canned fruit on hand you know that's commercially canned is a very good idea and you can get canned fruit for as low as 80 cents a can at most grocery stores now it may not be organic this is not organic if it's organic it's going to lean a little more expensive if it's packed in its own juices as opposed to a sweetened syrup there's going to be some variation in price so you can really be looking at anywhere from maybe around 80 cents to over two dollars depending on what type of fruit you're looking at and what brand now this was on sale so i got the livies but generally i just try to look for the store brand because it's always going to be less expensive and i find the quality equally as good now while we're on the subject of canned fruit i want to talk about kind of sweet treats in general fruit is great because you can top this on breakfast cereal but you can also serve this as a dessert and that's where maybe having some cookies on hand in your prepper pantry is a smart idea as well now graham crackers i like to have things like graham crackers because the ingredients are relatively simple and there's not a long list generally when you read their ingredients but graham crackles will run you anywhere from maybe as low as a dollar 29 a box to as high as four dollars a box if you get real fancy you know organic brands but they're something that's very good to have on hand and they you can get the plain ones or you can get the cinnamon ones but either way if this is something that your family eats and likes and you're on that journey where you're making the transition from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen adding a couple of cans of fruit and maybe one box so if it's somewhere say between 1.29 and four dollars you know say you're picking something that's about and fifty cents and then you pick up another couple of cans of fruit uh adding up to about two dollars and fifty cents then you've got about five dollars of things that are sweet treats that can be comforting especially during difficult times now speaking of sweet treats and snacks i want to talk about peanut butter and jams and jellies now depending on where you shop you can get this justin's peanut butter for around three dollars a jar and this is a nice brand because it's just peanuts and salt now the same is true of this peanut butter that's from costco and this actually works out to be a very good buy and if you're like saving up maybe your weekly money or you're shopping uh monthly and you've got twenty dollars to spend this this was 11.49 so it works out to be 5.75 cents a jar but that is a good buy because each i've got my math here these are each 28 ounces so that works out to be 21 cents an ounce and when it comes to jams and jellies don't rule out making your own and again these can be water bath cans very easy to do and i have lots of videos on how to make jam and i show you how to make some that are low sugar some that have no sugar and also how to make jam without store-bought pectin making it the way our grandmothers did and that that has a wonderful shelf life and basically if you get a good buy on fruit uh or you're growing some of your own this can be a wonderful money saver now this is a peach preserves and this is from fisher and wiser uh which is right here in the hill country uh in fredericksburg and so i i got this at costco but i don't know if this is something that you would see uh in all across the country or not uh since that this is a local place that's making jam here in the hill country but but this was 7.79 so this is something that you know if you're doing your monthly grocery shopping and you have the 20 to spend this may something maybe something that you want to consider buying because that's a that's a nice buy for a high quality peach preserves but jams and jellies are generally very reasonable and what you want to look for when you're buying a jam or a jelly is that it lists the fruit first before the sugar or even if you can find those that are the all fruit variety now both peanut butter and jams are going to be lean a little more on the costly side say compared to spaghetti or things like that but this is high in protein and so it's important to have something like this on hand to fill that void if you're low on your protein foods and it's also tasty and so if you like peanut butter this is something to add to your extended pantry along with some jam or jelly and most likely one jar of you know relatively good peanut butter that's just going to be made with roasted peanuts and salt and not a lot of other added ingredients sugar and preservatives and whatnot but a nice jar of peanut butter and a nice jar of jam or jelly it's probably going to be close to five dollars and you might be able to squeak in uh an extra can of vegetables or something like that but it's definitely worth it uh checking this off on your on your grocery on your proper pantry grocery list now also sitting over there with my peanut butter and jelly i had some tahini now tahini i find is a little pricey and it's ground sesame seeds and you may find that this is going to take up your whole five dollars for the week but i think if you like hummus having some tahini on hand is a good idea because if you can also get dried garbanzo beans or garbanzo beans in a can together these will make hummus and if you know in a pinch if you have no electricity and you just have to mash it by hand and you've got some nice crackers or chips whatever the case may be and you want to whip up a little hummus it's easy to do and now speaking of beans we're finally getting to beans now at my grocery store beans like this dried beans in a bag are very reasonable a 16 ounce or one pound bag of beans like this dried beans in pretty much any variety is a dollar and i've noticed that this is pretty consistent wherever i looked online that it they could range anywhere to a dollar or a little more than than a dollar and the same was true of lentils lentils again depending on what brand you buy and where you're shopping could range anywhere from about a dollar to a dollar forty and split peas were a little more expensive and i think because they're very high in protein and split peas the this these particular split peas uh were about let's see i think they were a dollar forty one and they seem to be in that dollar forty to maybe two dollar range depending on where you're shopping but the nice thing about green split peas and lentils is these cook up fast as opposed to beans which need to be soaked and then cooked now split peas and lentils i think are wonderful to have in your pantry in your prepper pantry as well as your working pantry because they cook up quickly you can make wonderful soups with them and so if you bought one bag of the split peas and one bag of the lentils you would probably be in that three dollar anywhere from the 250 to the three dollar range but then what you can do is you can get a bag of the dried beans but then or you can get one of these soup mixes which this runs a little more this was about two dollars but what i would recommend is that you get a variety of canned beans as well as dried beans just in case you're in a situation where you're not able to to soak and cook your beans so these were on sale these were organic but they were on sale for 79 cents these are not organic and their regular price was 79 cents so you could buy a bag of split peas and a bag of lentils and we'll say we'll average out that they say we're both a dollar forty or we can even round it up and say a dollar fifty a bag so that's three dollars and then you can add maybe a bag of dried beans for another four and then maybe a can of a pair a can of beans for 79 cents and sometimes they're even less you might find canned beans for 50 cents and then you'd be able to get two but you'll still be pretty much within that five dollar budget now when it comes to broth you know i'm gonna say we should always be making our own bone broth and that's definitely the best route to take and if you do make your own bone broth yes you can pressure can it the only thing you need to keep in mind is that because of the high temperature involved in pressure canning homemade bone broth that it does damage the gelatin so it's not going to be as gelatinous as if it hadn't been pressured canned however it's still nutritious and it's better than anything you can buy at the grocery store so that's definitely an option but if you want to buy some broth to keep on hand for your prepper pantry i highly recommend going with fish broth and the reason is this has the least ingredients compared to the bone broth and the chicken bone broth at my grocery store and i also like that this is in glass as opposed to those sort of waxed containers that also tend to have a lot of preservatives one in them when i read the ingredients now at my grocery store this is four dollars and if you want a vegetable option a vegetable broth it's two dollars so if you decide to buy some broth and you're going to buy some fish broth for four dollars you have an another dollar to spend and you really can buy a variety of things you could if you went a little over since the egg noodles are a dollar fifty you could buy some egg noodles and then you would have the fish broth and the egg noodles and then maybe later on when you add some canned tuna to your prepper pantry you can make a nice tuna noodle casserole or you can simply add to this maybe a bag of dried beans and then together that can make a nice soup or you could buy two vegetable broths and a bag of beans or you could buy some canned beans this would bring you to 4.79 so you're a little under the five dollars but generally buying the broth uh for if you buy the fish broth for four dollars and you do have that extra dollar to spend think of in terms what together can make a meal or what you might already have in your prepper pantry that may work with with the broth now if you eat rice this is something you definitely want to stock in your prepper pantry and depending on how you want to allocate your five dollars a week you may want to save up where you have twenty dollars and maybe make a trip to a costco or a sam's or even walmart where you can buy your rice in bulk and then store it in one of the five gallon storage buckets to keep it that are have the air seal to them and you can put in some silicon uh those silica gel packs and maybe some bay leaves which help keep the critters away if you're not in or may kill any that might hatch if you're not in a position to freeze your rice as a lot will recommend because if you come home with a big bag and your freezer's already packed you may not be in a position to to freeze a 20 20 pound bag of rice but if you do eat a lot of rice that's something to think about saving up for that because you can buy a 20 pound bag for example of basmati rice for a little more than 17 dollars and so that's going to be about half the cost of what it's going to cost if you buy rice in smaller packages like this but if you do want to buy your rice in smaller packages a typical package of a two pound bag of long grain white rice is gonna run you about a dollar fifty and if you wanna go with organic long grain white rice then that's probably going to be about double in price around three dollars a bag for two pounds a two pound bag of jasmine rice may run you anywhere from 250 a pound to more or 250 for two pounds to even higher to close to 450 for two pounds again depending what brand you buy and interestingly basmati is even rice basmati rice is even more expensive you can be looking at maybe about 350 3.50 for a two pound bag and even upwards as close to five dollars for a two pound bag again depending on what brand and whether it's just regular basmati or organic basmati and then long grain brown rice whether it's regular or organic is very similar in price to your long grain white rice about a dollar fifty for two pounds of regular brown rice and maybe about three dollars for uh two pounds of organic brown rice but as i said for example if you can buy a 20 pound bag of basmati rice it's going to run you a little more than 17 and that's going to be a lot less than buying two pounds of basmati rice but even if all you put in your extended pantry is that two pound bag of long grain white rice it's a huge savings over buying a box of pre-prepared rice that may be labeled as a peel-off or something along those lines those prepared boxes of rice pilaf and whatnot the various mixes they have are about six ounces and they're going to run a dollar fifty a box or more but if you have that two pound bag of rice you then can take a serving and saute it up in a little butter or olive oil add in some herbs or spices and then use well i think i'll put the broth back over there you if you bought your vegetable broth or if you have some homemade bone broth and use that in place of water you've made a very nutritious homemade pilaf that's going to taste so much better and be so much better for you because it's not going to have all those added chemicals and preservatives that are often in those box prepared rice pilaf mixtures and the cost of six ounces for a dollar fifty versus two pounds for a dollar fifty i mean you just can't you you can't buy that box anymore now what i've got here is just a small bag of the jasmine rice and a small ice maker and a small bag of or a container of a texmati which is a texas basmati and the reason that i have these is i do like to buy rice in larger packages however what i do is i keep my eyes open as i mentioned earlier about sales and coupons and all of that and if i see things like this on sale and with a coupon and it brings the cost down to where i'm in a situation that this is really going to run me about the same as if i per ounce if i were buying the larger packages i'll pick these up and i'll just pop them into my extended pantry and then transfer them to my working pantry when i need some rice and then i don't need to open my five gallon bucket and expose everything to oxygen i can keep it sealed and safe and fresh longer next i want to talk about whole grains and on the week you decide to buy whole grains or if you're doing it on a monthly shopping trip it's basically just going to be about whole grains this is not going to be where you're going to have extra money left over to add other things to your list of groceries and the reason is because grains are often not just sold in one pound packages they're often sold in larger packages or if you are able to find them in bulk yes you could just buy one pound and then maybe add something else to your list or to your shopping cart so to speak for that particular week but my recommendation is that if you can find whole grains in bulk that is the time to buy them because they can sell out very quickly if you can find whole grains in bulk and if you do at your grocery store most likely the whole grains that you're going to find because these are the most common are going to be wheat berries or oat groats and oat groats are simply the whole oat of which steel-cut oats and old-fashioned rolled oats are made now wheat berries in bulk are gonna run somewhere around two dollars and eighty cents to three dollars a pound and the same is going to be true for oat groats now don't worry if you don't have a grain mill you can buy wheat berries and you can soak and sprout them and cook them they're very digestible and they're very nutritious and they make a wonderful side dish the same is true of oat groats you can soak them sprout them and when i say sprout them that is taking an extra step you don't have to do it it just increases the digestibility and there's really no time uh it's it's the oats or the wheat berries doing all the work you're really not having to do very much but you can take your oat goats oat coats oat groats and soak them and sprout them and then cook them and turn them into an oatmeal porridge an oatmeal cereal breakfast or you can soak them and sprout them and cook them and serve them as a whole grain as a side dish with butter and salt but that's if you can find them in bulk if you can't find them in bulk and they're going to be sold in a package you may not be able to find a one pound package if you can it's still going to be more expensive than that 280 to three dollars of where it's sold in bulk because of the packaging so you may even be looking at spending your whole five dollars for that grain and if you're looking for ancient grains like spelt that's going to run you about three dollars a pound and if you're looking for ein corn that's going to run you closer probably to five dollars or more a pound but these are worth investing in even if you have to save your weekly five dollars to where you have twenty dollars and then maybe you can purchase larger amounts which will help lower the price when you purchase larger amounts which in the case of although spelt is becoming a little more common to find but einkorn can be a little more difficult you may have to order it online but by ordering it online and ordering it in a larger capacity like we talked about with buying the rice in the larger capacity if you find you're going to be eating a lot of whole grains or if you have a grain grinder and you're going to be grinding your own flour or even taking it one step further and soaking and sprouting and drying and then grinding it and making your own sprouted your own sprouted flour versus regular flour it's worth saving up your money to buy these grains in bulk because ounce for ounce it'll bring down the price however that is going to be a week or a month where all you're going to be buying is whole grains but whole grains as opposed to the flour which has already been ground has a longer shelf life and can be more beneficial to you in the long run especially for an extended pantry so think about adding whole grains to your extended pantry as opposed to or in addition to any flour that you're going to buy as well now generally i don't keep a lot of foods like this on hand i consider these a little more processed you know packaged foods but i do like to have some in my prepper pantry as well as my working pantry as i shared with you in video number two in this series and the reason is if for any reason i'm under the weather and i can't cook i want to have things that are very easy for my family to prepare so i'll usually keep things like baked beans canned soups and boxed macaroni and cheese on hand and in a week when you do this you can kind of load up because this runs anywhere from a dollar to two dollars a box and i think even this organic one i think this was a dollar uh at my grocery store and the baked beans i often just look for whichever ones are on sale so that i can get a can for maybe around a dollar and soups generally run about a dollar fifty a can with maybe those really nice progresso soups running about a dollar seventy a can but they are a little bigger and when it comes to soups i just look for coupons or actually i should say my husband helps me with that he's very good about it you can get the app on your phone often for your local grocery store and you can see what's on sale and then i'll just find soups that are on sale as to help bring the price down so that with the coupon maybe you're paying a dollar or less and i like this brand because that's another thing too when i look at the soups i try to find those that have less ingredients so that they're not loaded with a lot of artificial or highly processed ingredients but in any event this is a week when you can think about well if you're not cooking and the other people in your household don't know how to cook and what foods might they like that are easy to prepare in terms of either maybe just boiling water you know the pasta can fall in that category too or just opening a can and warming something up also when you're thinking about stocking your prepper pantry think of what herbs and spices you like to have on hand now i grow a lot of herbs and i dry them and so i always have a lot of verbs but i do like to keep some store-bought ones on hand as well just as backups just as i shared with you in video two in case we have a drought and my herbs don't really do that well or whatever the case may be or i use them up having something like this i think is important and basically i don't worry about the shelf i mean i don't worry about the expiration date or the best by date because herbs seemed to hold up a really dried herb seemed to hold up really well and i know so many of you have told me that you have herbs in your pantry that are like years old but still smell great and taste great so uh that's i like to have something like this however in this size it can get a little costly just like with the peppercorns and but i find that for the amount you can get this is worth saving up for because uh this is a little over five dollars and so is this and these are either you're gonna say okay i'm gonna go to the big box store and i'm maybe gonna go once a month and i've saved up twenty dollars from the week and i'm just going to try to buy larger sizes of things they have sea salt they have that pink himalayan salt that many of you have shared with me that you like that's going to be a little over five dollars they have their sea salt which is in this size container and you probably can get about two for five dollars as i said this is a little over five dollars but these are definitely things you want to make sure that you don't run out of salt pepper and various herbs and spices so the week that you do this know that you're probably going to be going a little over your five dollar budget however it's going to be much more cost effective than buying the little jar of peppercorns or whatever the case may be that's going to basically be very similar in price to these large containers next i want to talk about buying oatmeal i think oatmeal is great to have not only in your working pantry but also in your extended pantry it makes a wonderful healthy breakfast and it can be used as a as a food extender you can add some when you're making meatloaf you can add some when you're making salmon cakes there's a lot that you can do with oatmeal not to mention making oatmeal bread which i have a video coming out where i show you how to make oatmeal bread just using dry ingredients from your prepper pantry or your working pantry it's a wonderful bread to know how to make especially if you can't get to the grocery store for milk and eggs and things like that and also having oatmeal on him is great for making oatmeal cookies but in any event the nice thing about oatmeal is it's very reasonable you can get this bag this is bob's red mill he's very popular and these are just your typical old-fashioned rolled oats these are an extra thick cut and this is 32 ounces and this is about three dollars now if you buy the main popular brand in that round tub you can get 32 ounces of old-fashioned rolled oats for about two dollars and fifty cents so you could definitely just buy one container of those old-fashioned rolled oats and then you have 250 to spend on something else maybe you can pick up a jar of jam things that would sort of coalesce and go well nicely with the oatmeal in terms of preparing a meal a little dollop of jam on oatmeal can be nice if you don't have maple syrup or honey so that's something that you could do or you could just buy two containers two canisters of the rolled oats now another form of oats you can buy are steel cut oats and these are basically the oat growths what we talked about earlier that are the whole oat and this is just where they've been cut up and made into smaller pieces so that they're easier to cook up and so this is an option too and this is a 24 ounces this is one pound eight ounces and this can sell anywhere from about dollars and fifty cents to three dollars so i recommend trying both this makes more sort of a little bit more of a nuttier um toothier type oatmeal so it's really going to be a matter of what you like i keep both on hand because they both fill a need this definitely is going to be what you could bake with but this makes a lovely cereal cereal and so i think if you see this it's a relatively good buy and if you see it on sale all the better now if you're doing one of those monthly shoppings this is a this is these are sprouted rolled oats and the only different difference from these rolled oats is that as the name implies they've been sprouted so the oat groat was soaked and sprouted and dried and then it was put through i think it's called like a a cereal a grain roller or something like that i'm not exactly sure what it is and turned into a old-fashioned rolled oat but it's a sprouted one because the grain was sprouted and that just makes it easier to digest and i've never really noticed any significant difference in terms of taste or preparation or cooking time but they can be considered more nutritious because they do allow you to absorb more nutrients as opposed to oats that have not been sprouted however i have videos where i show you how to how to soak your oatmeal before cooking it and that's really what you can do you can just soak this overnight in a little acidulated water and it helps deactivate those substances that can make it difficult for us to absorb the nutrients and by soaking it overnight and and then cooking it it's a similar not exact but similar uh the similar effect as if it's been sprouted however that said this is a big bag and this is five pounds compared to whoops compared to what was this this was 32 ounces so this is two pounds this is five pounds and this i got at costco and it was just a little over seven dollars so you're over your five dollar budget if you just buy this however if you're doing a monthly trip and you've saved up your 20 dollars and you maybe want to get the the peanut butter that we talked about earlier and then a bag of this this can be well worth it because you're saving money in the long run by buying five pounds for a little more than seven dollars versus two pounds for about three dollars so you save a little extra if you buy it it's not a huge savings so don't feel bad if you're just buying these smaller bags especially if you wind up this is something i want to mention like what i talked about with the rice if you're getting this on sale if you get this for dollars and fifty cents then this is the better buy than the big bag so that's why you wanna shop and really compare ounce per ounce to get the most out of your five dollar your weekly five dollars or your twenty dollar uh monthly shopping amount and what's nice about all of this when you're preparing when you're uh doing this over time little by little not rushed not in a panic not trying to do this during an emergency you can take the time to compare prices and get the most for your dollar next i want to talk about dairy now powdered non-fat dry milk is not inexpensive and this is going to run you a little more than five dollars just for this bag now if you want a milk alternative you can get coconut milk and i prefer the coconut milk that's in the can because it's generally just coconut milk as opposed to the one that is sold in those larger wax type boxes that sometimes have additional ingredients but this can be a little pricey this can run almost maybe three dollars and fifty cents for a can like this uh again you know it's foods like this that are a little more on the pricey side that you do want to watch for when they go on sale or you have a coupon but on the when you if you like coconut milk and you buy coconut milk during the week that you buy this this is a good time to maybe buy a two pound bag of rice along with the coconut milk because you can use some of this coconut milk you can dilute it with a little water and then use that in place of water when you make your rice and now you've increased especially if you're cooking white rice you've increased the nutrition and the flavor but getting back to the non-fat dry milk because this is non-fat it's got a very good shelf life if you buy the whole milk milk powder which i also like to keep on hand that has a shorter shelf life because it's made from whole milk which has the fat in it and fat is more likely to go rancid quicker than milk that that has been dr that or dried milk that has been dried from milk that has the fat removed like a skim milk or or sometimes called a non-fat milk now my grocery store a bag this size is going to run as i said over five dollars this is actually about seven dollars so this kind of busts the weekly budget but if you just want to make sure that you have some powdered milk on hand you can certainly get this but if you want you can often find powdered milk in smaller packages and for around 10 ounces a bag or box of dried milk that's about 10 ounces you'd be looking at maybe 350 to 4. so you can spend a little less money if you just want to have a little powdered milk on hand and you don't think you'll need a lot you are going to pay a little more per ounce but it will stay within that five dollar budget and uh if you don't use a lot and you just but you just want to have a little on if you don't use a lot of regular milk perishable milk but you just want to have some dried milk on on hand the smaller the better and although i don't have any here don't rule out evaporated can or canned evaporated milk now i have videos where i show you how to make evaporated milk as well as how to make sweetened condensed milk but if you're not in a position to make it homemade and you know as i've said your extended pantry can often be a place where you're keeping some items that yes you can normally make them homemade but there may be situations where you're not able to make them homemade and so having some canned backups can be very helpful and evaporated canned milk a 12-ounce can can run you maybe 50 or 60 cents so having a couple of those in your pantry maybe for morning coffee uh with it being evaporated it's almost a little richer closer to cream so if you don't have any fresh milk or fresh cream and you want a little milk uh for your coffee you can use some of that uh in its evaporated state and then you can add some water to it if you want it to be a little more similar to regular milk so on the week that you buy if you do keep dairy of that nature when you buy evaporated milk you can maybe buy two cans of evaporated milk and a small bag of the non-fat dry milk or a can of coconut milk and a couple of cans of the evaporated milk or you could even add the sweetened condensed milk as well which is a little more expensive but it should still be in your budget if you're buying a couple of different items that week so that's a good way uh to start incorporating some dairy into your prepper pantry in either small or larger amounts over time if you think that you will be needing more milk type products well let's talk about coffee for us coffee drinkers coffee is expensive no matter what way you slice it now if you want to keep instant coffee in your extended pantry i think that's a good idea in the event that you run out of freshly ground coffee or coffee beans you know i'm of the school of thought a little coffee is better than no coffee but if you don't like instant coffee then definitely you don't have to stock it but you can get a bottle of instant coffee uh regular for about five dollars and the decaf might be a little more but that's basically a forever food and i talked more about forever foods in that other video that i mentioned earlier which i'll link to in the description below so you can put decaf or caffeinated coffee freeze-dried unopened in your forever pantry your survival pantry whatever you want to call it but i do like to keep that in my pantry in the in my extended pantry in the event that i run out of regular coffee and it's nice because it's in that five dollar range and that's something i can pick up uh you know maybe once or twice have one or two uh jars of it and that's really all i need and then i can permanently kind of check that off my list because i won't need to buy it again if i don't open it because in essence it is a forever food but in a week where you want to start adding some coffee to your uh extended pantry this is going to be another one of those things where it's basically going to take up your whole five dollars because if you can find if your store like all right my grocery stores does sell coffee beans in bulk and it's really going to vary in price depending where you live and what grocery store you're shopping at the most reasonable that i have ever been able to find coffee beans in bulk is about four dollars and eighty cents a pound but if you like to buy the 12 ounce prepackaged bag of maybe a starbucks coffee beans and this is this is not ground coffee these are coffee beans and i like to get the coffee beans because the shelf life is a little longer than if you buy the ground coffee but that bag of starbucks coffee beans that's only 12 ounces it's not even a pound that can run as high as seven dollars so that would push you over your five dollars or you'd have to wait until you decided that you wanted to set money aside over a two week period or over a month period where maybe you're spending twenty dollars that you've saved up each week and have a total of twenty dollars to spend and that may be the case when you go to buy coffee beans now i can get this brand at my grocery store and this brand i believe i got it costco this brand is also available at costco but it's it's also at my grocery store uh so we don't go into cut we don't go to costco that often so i'm usually in a position where i'm buying this at my groceries at my local grocery store they don't always have this in decaf so when we were at costco i picked up the decaf beans in their brand but these are both expensive because you can be looking at spending anywhere from 14 to in some cases depending what brand you buy as high as 17 for a package and this is two pounds and this is two pounds two ounces so this is really you know you're getting into to luxury uh prices in purchasing coffee however if you're a coffee drinker you're going to want to figure out how best to work this into your budget and i saw a video this is was on youtube this is a number of years ago and it was someone who was very good at budgeting and keeping her grocery budget very well controlled in terms of what she spent on food and what not to feed her family but she was very cute because she said but i always make sure i have enough money set aside to buy coffee so this given the price may have to be something that is just something that you budget for in your regular grocery budget and then for your extended pantry or your prepper pantry budget on your checklist you may want to just put in your instant coffee which you can just buy a jar of at a more reasonable price now i just want to talk a little bit more about some snack foods i already mentioned the graham crackers and things like that but i do like to have some crackers on hand in both my working pantry and my prepper pantry and i really like these washes and the reason is the ingredients are very limited it's whole grain rye flour and then they list rye flour which is just all-purpose rye flour that's had the bran and the germ sifted out but as i've shared with you never feel bad about that because even going back to the middle ages and before they would often sift out some of the bran and the germ to make their flour a little lighter so it baked up a little lighter more digestible bread and we kind of mimic that result today in much of our baking if we're not grinding our own grain and sifting it by using a whole grain flour but then maybe adding in a little all-purpose flour to just lighten things so that's what they're doing here so you've got whole grain rye flour and then rye flour yeast and salt so that i like that versus some crackers you can look at the package and the list is as long as the side of the package and i really don't like that but the wasses at my grocery store this package was two dollars and 82 cents but you can save up and i've seen this sold in bulk packages if you feel you may be going through a lot of crackers and that definitely will lower the price about 25 cents or so per package but in the week that you decide you want to buy some crackers so 282 so we'd round it up to three dollars and that would give you another two dollars uh to spare and you may want to think about you know some jam or maybe a small jar of peanut butter because those are nice compliments to crackers dried fruit i always like to have some dried fruit on hand now the reason here i just have some currants and these uh i like to use in baking but if you want to keep some raisins on hand you can certainly they have very large if you eat a lot of raisins you know maybe if you have children and and you want to have them eating dried fruit as opposed to candy and cookies and cakes and whatnot they sell the large bags which bring down the price considerably they're usually two big bags in a box but if you're just buying them right at your grocery store you can get that 20 ounce um you know it's a circular kind of carton that has the reusable lid which is nice and for a 20-ounce can canister that's the word the 20 ounce canister at my grocery store it's 3.79 so you could even think about you know maybe some crackers some raisins and that's a nice uh those are nice foods for your extended pantry because they have a fairly good shelf life and if they're things that you eat on a regular basis you know you've always got extra to restock your working pantry and also if you're doing a monthly shopping and you've got 20 dollars to play with definitely if you're going to one of the big box stores like a sams or a costco they always have a huge selection of various dried fruits figs dates etc on and on and on apricots dried cherries dried blueberries they have everything and you know look at the prices and see what you might eat what you would like to have in your extended pantry or what you may already be eating and that you have in your working pantry that you want to have some backups in your extended pantry to refill the void so to speak when you run out of those things in in your working pantry and along those lines talking about snacks and whatnot i just want to mention that i found these and these are organic and the sea salt and basically all they are sort of dried and roasted i think chickpeas but what attracted me to buying these was that they have six grams of protein per serving and there are 18 servings in this bag so i think this is a really good food to have as a snack if you need protein and if you're running low on your fresh protein or you're running low on your canned protein to have something like this that has 16 grams 6 grams of protein per serving and is and is 18 and has 18 servings this can go a long way in supplementing your diet and this is something you could keep on a regular basis for snacks and whatnot in your working pantry or you could just keep this in your extended pantry definitely use it before uh it's you know it passes too much farther past its best buy or expiration date but i highly recommend this and this was only uh six dollars so you know it's a little over the five dollars and it's something that you know maybe if you're on one of those uh monthly shopping trips this is something to consider if you find it in your travels and i think it was at costco now speaking of proteins we discussed the canned chicken but i also want to talk about other canned proteins now you can also find canned roast beef at the grocery store as well as at your big box stores but i generally don't buy any canned meat red meat because it's not something that even fresh we eat a lot of because my husband and my son when he's home enjoy more chicken and fish but you can definitely add canned meats to your extended pantry and it's wonderful if you do eat red meat on a regular basis but you really can't beat the price of canned fish now this is a seven a seven and a half ounce can of salmon but i looked up some prices at my grocery store i bought this uh online from vital choice i like uh buying in bulk from them because they'll often have sales and whatnot so that's definitely worth uh looking into and if you ever do order from them online be sure to uh check the description below underneath this video because i have a coupon code uh if you order from vital choice and it helps you know a little little savings but in any event uh canned salmon at my grocery store if you want to buy a five ounce can and it's wild caught canned salmon and i've bought that too and it's great and that's a dollar seventy nine and i've noticed that that's pretty much it's gonna be in that range uh you know like if you look at walmart and what not doll 79 to two dollars you know the size of cans vary and the brand varies but that's basically what you're looking at so you could uh definitely pick up a can of that a can of salmon some egg noodles and you know you get you're making a meal you know instead of tuna fish i don't buy a lot of tuna fish we find it a little hard to digest but you can use canned salmon and your egg noodles and your canned vegetables and then your homemade cream of soup mix and make a sort of the the equivalent of a tuna noodle casserole but making a salmon noodle casserole and it's delicious but something to keep in mind if you're wanting to stock larger sized cans maybe you're feeding a larger family you can get the starkist 14.75 ounce can so that's basically three times the size of the five ounce can for at my grocery store three dollars and eighty cents and i noticed that that's pretty standard and that's wild salmon three dollars and eighty cents you can't beat that for a can that's almost 15 ounces that's almost a pound so definitely you know uh on the week that you buy canned salmon uh buy the large can and maybe you know a box of pasta or something like that and you you're at your five you know around your five dollars and something i want to say is that definitely incorporate these you know work them don't just put them in your extended pantry and forget about them i think i mentioned this earlier you definitely want to be rotating these into your working pantry and experimenting with them if you've never had canned salmon and you you may like fresh salmon and putting it on the grill and all that but what if you're in a situation where you can't get it maybe you can't get to the grocery store maybe you know job loss it has you with a tight budget try before any of that happens and god willing none of it happens but try incorporating some canned salmon into some of your recipes and see if you like it and then the nice thing is yes you can still have fresh salmon but if you find you like canned salmon that can help ease your grocery budget a little and free up maybe some money that you don't always have to be putting towards fresh salmon free up some money for other things or for savings whatever the case may be in any event moving on with all of these kippers these are wonderful if you've not tried them i recommend buying one can it's not going to be a great loss if you don't like it they're a dollar you can't beat that and they are wonderful and i would even recommend if you find you like these buy generally you know i talk about variety and and sort of trying to group things together buy five cans of these at one time you are going to find when you start to buy these that and they often have a lot at the grocery store because it's not i think it's sort of like one of these um you know undiscovered delicacies so to speak when you go to your grocery store i think you're going to see even if you buy five cans you're not even making a dent into how many they have [Laughter] but if they don't have money then yes you can just buy one or two cans and leave the rest for other people but they have a long shelf life these are good until 2025 and if i'll be sure to i want to mention i'll be sure to link to the us department of agriculture's site where they talk about how the shelf life of canned foods is actually much longer than what's on the package but if you want to buy a couple of cans of these and a bag of rice you will have a lovely meal for literally almost pennies i mean this is a dollar the rice is inexpensive and if you cook the rice and maybe some of your homemade bone broth and that's something i want to mention chicken bone broth is basically in my opinion free if you've bought a whole chicken and you've roasted it save the carcass which a lot of people will throw out and throw in some vegetable scraps and make chicken bone broth and then put that in your freezer and when you want to make rice use that chicken bone broth in place of water so you increase the nutrition of your rice or i have a video where i show you how to take that chicken bone broth and make your own chicken bouillon powder which is shelf stable and you can put that in your extended pantry and then use some of that when i show you how to make the cream of soup mix the homemade cream of soup mix which is also a dry mix that's shelf stable see there's so many things you can make homemade as well that also can go into your extended pantry and really help you save money but the good news is that that chicken bone broth and that chicken bone broth bullion powder are basically free and so these are all little tips and tricks that you want to be thinking about when you're thinking about extending your extending stocking your extended pantry and really stretching that five dollars so that you can put the bulk of that you don't have to worry about buying chicken bouillon powder powder because you're going to make your own for basically pennies and that way you free up money that you might have spent on bullion powder to be able to maybe buy a couple of cans of kippers and a bag of rice and this is a nutrient-dense food just like sardines just like salmon just like anchovies these are very rich in nutrition they're very high in omega-3 which is one of the good fats that you know scientists tell us they're so good for us and just buy a can try them i love kippers now sardines as i've shared is an acquired taste a box of sardines is going to be a little more in cost let me see i've got this down here yeah uh actually there are some brands that are only 88 cents which is fantastic and others can go as high as 2.35 a lot has to do with how many ounces are in the can and whether or not they're packed in like extra virgin olive oil or tomato sauce or mustard sardines are packed in different things i think kippers are very easy too it's just herring that's been smoked and it's very flavorful and i think it's very easy to like herring sardines on the other hand do have a little bit of a stronger flavor and may require developing and acquire it might be an acquired taste uh i can just eat them straight you know as i've shared with you in the past and rye bread and a little red pickled onions and i'm all set however i have a recipe aware and i'll link to it in the description below uh where you chop these up and you put some lemon juice and lemon zest and parsley and olive oil it's delicious and so many people who have told me oh mara is really hesitant to try sardines but i prepared them the way you told me and now i love them and so that's a good way to work uh some sardines into your diet and again very affordable wonderful food long shelf life in your extended pantry when you really need protein and you need it to be shelf stable and your fresh protein sources may be running low and you may not be able to refresh them liking sardines liking canned salmon liking kippers can be very very helpful so definitely try initially just buying one of each and see what you like and experiment with i'll be sure to leave a lot of recipes links to recipes in the description below where you can experiment and see what you like and what your family might like and the same goes for anchovies i know anchovies can create a lot of emotion in people but let me see what the price of those is now a can of anchovies the small can like this this is they're packed in olive oil and this is two ounces this is going to run you about a dollar fifty so again pick up one can initially if you're not familiar with them and try it out this is anchovy paste it comes in a tube which is nice because you just use what you need and then you know it's like a toothpaste tube and you put the cap on and you put it in your refrigerator it's similar to working with the tomato paste but it is a little more expensive it's about 20 cents more i think and it's you're probably yeah and you're only getting 1.6 ounces so this is again i would recommend looking for something like this when it's on sale or they have a coupon but if you buy some anchovies what you can do is they're wonderful just topped right onto a caesar salad if you like anchovies but for something that you would be having in your extended pantry when you open them you can take out two and uh just or depending on how many serving sizes you're making you may wind up using the whole can if you're making a large amount of spaghetti but you can put your anchovies in a frying pan with some garlic with some olive oil the anchovies will just melt and go away and then you can toss in your cooked pasta with some vegetables so if you buy anchovies and buy a box of spaghetti too there's a dollar fifty here a dollar there you've spent 250 and you still have another 250 that you can spend but you throw in and you could get some uh canned vegetables and then you could throw in the canned vegetables uh with the spaghetti so now you've got this spaghetti with some vegetables and it tossed in this magnificent sauce of olive oil and garlic where the anchovies have melted you're not even going to taste the anchovies all you're going to taste is this wonderful level of flavor so if you like anchovies and you're familiar with them uh you know think about um picking up two cans running about three dollars if they're a dollar fifty each and then that leaves you two dollars you could pick up an uh two boxes of spaghetti and you're all set and if you're not familiar with anchovies you never tried them try one can maybe that week buy one can of anchovies one can of kippers and one box of sardines or one can of sardines and have a little week of experimentation now i want to talk about olive oil and some other fats and vinegars now if you've been with me a while you know that i like to make my own apple cider vinegar and i'll be sure to link in the description below because that's something if you've not tried it's very easy to do and you can basically just use scraps of apples basically it'd be apple scrap raw apple scrap cider vinegar uh you know if you're making applesauce this fall and you're peeling and coring your apples or whatever the case may be you can make a wonderful raw apple cider vinegar that's my ice maker again it's always doing that in any event i have shared with all of you in the past i think that i like to also buy some store-bought apple cider vinegar and this just happens to be raw but i don't need it to be raw for the way that i use it because i will use this when i need to aciduate the water for when i'm soaking grains like if i'm soaking my old-fashioned rolled oats or my oat groats overnight before cooking them the next day and this is just my heb brand and this is 16.9 fluid ounces and this is gonna run about two dollars and fifty cents if you want to buy the larger bottle which is about 32 fluid ounces i think or a little more than that it's about five dollars so that basically uh takes up uh your whole five dollar budget that week but this is this comes in very handy because i don't always want to use my good homemade raw apple cider vinegar which i feel is very rich in probiotics and i don't want to use it in something that i'm just going to be cooking so i'll usually you know just have something like this on hand and i think i had a coupon with this because you can also just buy as i said the one that's not raw and you know it's just a plain apple cider vinegar and it's going to be less than the 250 so that'll give you a little more wiggle room in your budget now speaking of fats and oils i always like to have olive oil on hand and you know as i've shared i live in the texas hill country and the town it's town or two over um i can buy olive oil there they have an olive ranch as they call it and there are a couple of them dotted throughout the hill country so that's always nice to be able to buy local olive oil but this was on sale at my heb grocery store and this is just a california olive oil i also have other oil olive oils from california and you really want to think about what kind of oil you like now oil uh doesn't have the longest shelf life in the world so generally i'll just have one that's open that i'm using in my working pantry and then one that i keep in my extended pantry that's unopened now this one i wound up buying because i had a coupon but at my local grocery store you can get a 16 ounce bottle of extra virgin olive oil for an and it varies depending on the type of olive oil heb has a couple of varieties because they've got their heb brand i think they have a hill country fair brand which sometimes is a little less expensive but there's just some variety and sometimes you can get it as low as 4.52 cents but when i looked around on other sites to like look at walmart and places like that for 16 ounces of an extra virgin olive oil you're going to be looking at the full five dollars or even a little more so that's something to keep in mind if you shop at the big box stores and you're going with your 20 and maybe you're just going once a month to a costco or sams you can buy larger containers of olive oil and they have very nice olive oils including extra virgin olive oil and ounce for ounce the price is lower so even though you're going to have to pay over five dollars for the the container maybe nine dollars and change if you're doing that once a month with your twenty dollars you're staying in your budget but you're going to be paying less per ounce for your olive oil than if you buy a 16 ounce bottle now the same is true for coconut oil and ghee which is a clarified butter and the nice thing about these is if you like them and if you use them and i really like ghee more so than coconut oil but they both have their place in traditional foods cooking but both have very long shelf lifes even after they're opened now this is a large jar and this is definitely going to be more than five dollars but i and i bought it through tropical traditions i think the name of the company now is healthy traditions but i like this coconut oil very much and i've been ordering from them for a while now but at my grocery store and i also compared this with walmart as well you can get organic coconut oil you can get a 15 ounce size jar so that'd be about half the size of this this is 32 ounces and it's approximately five dollars and ten cents so you're sort of in that fight you're a little over the five dollars but something i found interesting is if you are buying this at the big box stores and i think they even may carry this on the lowest shelf at walmart if you're going once a month and you're going with 20 you can get a gallon of coconut oil for 20 dollars if you find you use it a lot and it has a very long shelf life and you want to keep it in your extended pantry and just put some in a jar that you put into your working pantry you as i said you can get that one gallon for about twenty dollars so that's definitely something to think about if you want to consolidate that week's uh those four weeks and just devote those five dollars that you would have spent otherwise in one fell swoop to buying a gallon of coconut oil now ghee no matter what way you slice it is expensive because it's made with butter and butter is pretty expensive especially a good quality butter and it's melted down the the milk solids are removed and then they jar it up and you've got your ghee and it's wonderful to cook with it's got a higher smoke point than butter because all the milk solids are removed and it's also got a great shelf life as i said even after after you open it now a lot of people uh consider ghee and coconut oil both forever foods and as i said i'm not 100 sure about that but i definitely think that as you are thinking about stocking your prepper pantry that having fats on hand is going to be very important because they provide a lot of calories and can make food taste good and and create that feeling of fullness and that can be very important if you're running low on food and hopefully though as you're uh working on stocking your proper pantry that won't happen but a small jar of um ghee even half the size of this about eight ounces uh the most reasonable i've been able to find it is for about seven dollars so that is definitely something that you would have to decide if you want to buy by saving up your weekly money or simply biting the bullet and adding additional two dollars to your budget that week to your five dollar budget you know or just incorporating this into something that you buy with your main grocery budget and that's something i want to mention that as you're making the transition from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen you may find that you have some more money available to you because for example if you've been buying a lot of packaged goods like maybe you're buying packaged brownie mix and now you've learned how to make which i'm going to show you in another week or two how to do a lot of your own make-ahead mixes and one of the ones i show you how to make is a homemade brownie mix that you can keep in your extended pantry it's got a good shelf life and you just scoop out what you need when you want to make some brownies and it's cost you a fraction of a cost a fraction of the cost to make that and to keep that as opposed to buying the pre-prepared box of brownie mix so you may find gee i have a little more money available to me now you know like you're making your own bouillon powder you're making your own cream of soup dried mix and you're making these things really for pennies pennies and ounce so to speak and so you're going to find you may have a little more wiggle room in your grocery budget that allows you to spend a little more on things like ghee now keep in mind you can make this homemade and i don't have a video on that yet but i i will try to follow up and make one but in the meantime if you go visit jackie and i think her channel is called little country cabin and i'll be sure to link to that in the description below she's got a video where she shows you how to make ghee and if you can get a good price on a butter that you like and then you learn how to make your own ghee again it's got a very good shelf life so that's something you can to think about too now i want to talk about how to incorporate buying sweeteners for your extended pantry but i just want to say that these are really things that you're only going to buy in limited amounts because if you are making that transition from a tradition from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen you're really not relying on a lot of sweeteners so you may have some in your working pantry and a little bit of a backup in your extended pantry but after one year of stocking your prepper pantry you're going to primarily have your canned protein you know your canned chicken your canned fish your canned meats you're going to have your dried beans you're going to have rice you're going to have your canned beans and other canned vegetables you're going to have other canned foods your canned vegetables your canned fruits all of those important foods you're going to have some pasta you're going to have some canned tomatoes or some tomato sauce you're really going to have the bulk of what you're going to have and that you're going to be shopping for on a regular basis are going to be the foods that build meals and that are more nutrient dense richer in nutrition and provide you more sustainability so to speak in terms of having a truly important and nutritious and i say as i said nutrient dense extended pantry or prepper pantry so when it comes to things like this don't say oh my goodness am i going to have to be like buying this every week and it's going to you know eat up my five dollars a week or my 20 a month whatever way you shop no you're going to buy this once in a while just like some of the other things we've talked about that are a little uh pricey that you may have to save up for most weeks you're going to be buying more of these foods like that we've talked about more of these foods your peanut butter your canned fruits and vegetables your proteins and so on and so forth so keep that in mind as you're working through your and putting together your weekly grocery list and then transferring those things over to your uh prepper grocery your uh your favorite pantry grocery list uh that you may not be buying everything on that in a week you know as i said you're gonna check off uh different things as you group together uh groups of items to buy that you know add up to about five dollars so don't worry the bulk of what you're going to be focusing on are your important nutrient dense foods and that's why sometimes when we talk about these type things and a few of the other things we've talked about snack foods and whatnot so you know have a little for your working pantry have a little in your extended pantry but a year from now you should have the bulk or the things that are in your extended pantry the bulk should be your rich nutrient-dense foods but talking about less nutrient-dense foods we're going to talk about white sugar now this i have one bag of this i don't have a lot of white sugar on hand i keep a bag on hand for if i'm going to make a low sugar jam where i'm going to use a white sugar or some there is just sometimes preparations that will call for a little white sugar sometimes maybe you want to give a little boost to your sourdough starter or something like that and this is a big bag you know i got this at costco whoops that's heavy and it's 10 pounds and this was 9.49 so yes that's gonna basically take uh you know two weeks out of your prepper pantry budget but if you don't think and really i only had this because i think of well i'll be making jam and i'm going to need some but you know i'm going to need a larger amount but if you really don't use a lot of white sugar and this also too was organic which you know i'm not so worried about that uh especially with white sugar i mean who are we getting it's white sugar if it's organic or not organic you know it's not the best thing for us in the world so i don't want to be using a lot of it one way or the other but in any event you can buy a four pound bag at the grocery store and this seemed to be somewhat universal across the board at different places that i looked for different prices you can buy white cane sugar and it is the cane sugar because i know some of you do have a preference beet sugar versus cane sugar beet sugar will be less expensive so that's something to keep in mind especially if you think you're not going to use a lot of it and if it doesn't matter to you but white cane sugar the four pound bag it's only two dollars and 35 cents and if you don't use a lot of sugar but you just want a little on hand for one thing or another that you may need it uh that's that's really you know something you might just be buying one pack and seal it well and put it away in your extended pantry maybe keep a little uh in your working pantry that's really all you're gonna need especially if you're making the transition from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen yeah really keep whatever amount of white sugar you buy to a minimum then now let's talk about alternative sweeteners because they are good to have on hand and but they can also be a little pricey so you need to be careful now this is a pourable honey and pourable honeys will really vary in price uh my husband's cousin raises these and so he gave us this so that's nice and if you can find a local beekeeper in your area you may be able to get buy some local honey from him or her and local honey is always going to be the healthiest for you you know some people believe that taking a little bit of local honey every day can help you cope with allergies if you are prone to those so having a little pourable honey is nice i also like the very thick honey that you kind of have to scoop out with a spoon but your most versatile is the pourable and let's see on price the pourable honey yeah see it's but it's a little pricey uh 12 ounces uh at my grocery store and again depending what brand you buy uh was five dollars or more for 12 ounces so you know honey you know it is a little pricey but i do think having some pourable honey on hand even if just for medicinal purposes is a good idea and some other options also that you can buy are molasses and the nice thing about molasses is it's very reasonable and this i actually got on clearance at my grocery store for a dollar 43 which was terrific and this is 16 fluid ounces but if you're not buying it on clearance but always check your clearance aisle at my grocery store molasses 12 ounces a 12 ounce bottle was running three dollars and 34 cents but again chances are you're not going to be buying a lot of these and you're not going to be buying this every week but again it's nice to have on hand it is a nice sweetener that you can use for baking or you can drizzle this into a little oatmeal it does have a stronger flavor obviously than honey so it's really going to be a matter of whether you like it but it is less expensive than honey so that that kind of makes it an attractive sweetener and speaking of substitutions for honey if you have some nice jams and jellies either that you've made homemade or that you've purchased and jams and jellies are going to be less expensive than honey and now not necessarily as as healthy for you but if you can get like a wild blueberry jam that may be made with the apple juice as its sweetener as opposed to white sugar and you thin that on the stove with maybe a little water you can use that in in place of maybe a maple syrup you know in place of like real maple syrup because you want to avoid those what they call pancake syrup because that's just a lot of artificial ingredients but thinning that that jam or jelly with a little water can also be used in place of a honey that you might have otherwise been drizzling you know over your oatmeal and you might be able to get a jar of that you know for two dollars and fifty cents or three dollars you know in the price range of the molasses and by thinning it with a little water you can extend uh the life of of the jar that you bought and some other options for whole sweeteners are coconut sugar and at my grocery store they have a 16 ounce container and it's four dollars and 11 cents so that's something to keep in mind you can also find date sugar and you can find a date sweetener it kind of looks like a molasses and they don't have that at my grocery store but i do believe it's going to be a little more expensive than the coconut sugar the coconut sugar is becoming very common and easy to find and so that's a sweetener that can work out well and that can be a nice replacement in place of using soukinet which sukinat is simply sugar stands for sugarcane natural and it's just a dried cane juice so it still has all the vitamins and minerals versus those which have been stripped out of the white the white cane uh sugar but this can be a little expensive this can run you know about six dollars a bag so you know you're just really starting to cut into the budget but coconut sugar is very flavorful and it can be very nice sprinkled on oatmeal or things like that but so that's pretty much it when it comes to the sweeteners you're not going to be buying a lot of them and you know you're going to use minimal amounts when baking you know i always feel that a lot of the baked goods that when you look at recipes and they call for a lot of sugar i often think that that amount can be cut in half and even if you're using white sugar you know cut it in half but you you know you're going to be baking with your whole grains you know if you're moving more to a traditional foods kitchen you'll be baking with your whole grains you know using an alternative whole sweetener but using less you know being very conscious and judicious of the fact that these are more expensive so pull back and over time you know get your own palette and your family's palette used to eating baked goods that are less sweet than things you may be buying that are already baked from the grocery store now along the lines of sweeteners i want to move into talking about things for baking and i just want to start with some cocoa powder and this is an eight ounce canister of cocoa powder and you can find all different varieties of cocoa powder all different brands and and they're really relatively affordable affordable for how long something like this will last and you can find an eight ounce can of cocoa powder for as low as two dollars and forty cents uh to a higher like if you're getting something organic at a coupon that's why i have this one uh for it to up to four dollars and ten cents um but having this is going to help you make your make-ahead brownie mix you can use this to make a chocolate syrup and you can control what sweetener you use and how much you use you can use this to make your own hot cocoa and in a pinch if you're making it with the powdered milk or if you have some evaporated milk or if you're using sweetened condensed milk if you want something that does have a little sweeter flavor you can control all of these ingredients and so this is something that's definitely worth having and you know more so in the in the cooler months because you know a lot of times you might be using this to bake or to make hot cocoa so you could have one in your working pantry and then one in your extended pantry you're really not going to need a lot of this unless you drink like massive amounts of hot cocoa but given the price that this is going to be from 240 to 410 if you buy that on the lower price range 240 then you have money left over to pick up things like a canister of baking powder and i have this is my baking soda i have it in this little container because i do buy the large package which we'll talk about price of that in a minute but you don't need to if you want to just buy the little box if you think you're not going to be using a lot you know i use it for various things not just cooking you can just buy a little small container depending on what brand of baking powder you buy this is the rumford one that's aluminum free you know this is going to run you a dollar to two dollars baking soda you know a small box going to run you about a dollar if you do want to buy the real big package that's 13 and a half pounds that i usually get at a costco or a sands uh that last time i bought that was seven dollars and 49 cents so that is quite uh quite a large bag 13 and a half pounds but you know i use it for cleaning and in the wash and different things so that would be something that if you did want to spend more than five dollars and you have that extra money in your budget for the week you could do that or you could just wait until you had twenty dollars and you were going to go shop at one of the big box stores but that's something to think about but again a little box if that's all you need it's going to be a dollar and it's going to be about a dollar or two so this would be a great day you could buy some cocoa powder baking powder and baking soda and you're all set for any baking needs we'll move on to the flour but in terms of the basics uh this is wonderful and then another thing that you could get i have to reach for i got this all the ways at the end of my kitchen island uh you could also include corn starch and this it's an organic corn starch and but i just got this at my local grocery store and cornstarch is great because not only is it good for cooking it's you know thick and thickening sauces and whatnot like that and you know really you may not you may just need uh one in your in your working pantry and that may be enough you know see how you use it and but if you do use a lot and if you use it for other sources like in terms of a a beauty powder uh in place of you know a talcum powder or a baby powder that you might buy uh you know that you're using as an adult you know i i don't know um in terms of using this on children or or babies but um this is very good at absorbing moisture so a lot of people who don't find uh those various uh talcum type they're not really made with talcum anymore i think a lot of them are made with some sort of cornstarch um this can serve double duty for that for you so this you know you might be able to depending on the prices of these things you know this is not expensive either you know you're really just looking at a couple of dollars so you may be able to group all these together in that five dollar budget and then you've got all of these little extra things associated with baking and making sauces and whatnot and you've got that in one fell swoop and chances are if you buy one batch of this and then maybe another week another same batch of this you're going to be set you're probably not going to need more than that over the course of six months to a year unless you think that you do a lot of baking that's going to call for a lot of baking powder or you're making a lot of sauces that call for corn starch or you're baking a lot that calls for baking soda so you do these are the things that you're going to keep in mind and you're going to watch and you're going to do your inventory on your extended pantry and you're going to see am i using these things up and if not then you know as you shop in the future for continuing to continuingly to stock your extended pantry you start to know what to buy and what not to buy and i just want to mention about flavored extracts in this case vanilla extract yes you can just buy a bottle if you think you're not going to use a lot and buy one bottle you know incorporate it into maybe on a shopping trip when you're buying some of these things but you can make if you can get vanilla beans and buying them in bulk is a lot less expensive than if you just buy one vanilla bean at the grocery store but if you uh have a couple of vanilla beans and you put them in a jar and you pour some vodka over it and i show you how to do this in another video you can almost get a perpetual supply of vanilla extract going and it becomes you know very affordable in the long run if you use a lot of vanilla extract when you bake so think about that as opposed to just buying a little bottle of vanilla extract at the grocery store and just check out that video where i show you how to make it and i talk all about it so that's something to keep in mind for saving money now along the lines of baking i want to talk about the different flours that you can buy and the cost that you're going to be looking at now first let's talk about yeast now i really like to buy the large packages of yeast i really like this sap yeast this is great but these are actually very affordable when you buy them in large packages and they're like little bricks so they have a good they have a good shelf life as long as they're not opened um but once you open them you can put them in those nice little containers that have a little plastic gasket to kind of make them uh what's the word airtight and so i highly recommend that if you think you're going to be doing a lot of baking and these range in price from um three dollar for as high as 498 you know the sap can be a little pricey to around three dollars and eight cents uh so this again when you if you buy this in a large brick like this for three dollars and eight cents you've got about two dollars to play with so you know you can get your baking powder or your baking soda or your cornstarch you know and be in that nice five dollar range and when you're buying this much yeast you know again like we talked about with the sweeteners you're not buying this every week so it's not like you're taking away every week that five dollars and oh my gosh i don't have enough money to buy my canned meats and my rice and my beans and my pasta and my canned fruit and my canned veggies and so on and so forth because you know you're not going to buy this that much and if you don't bake that much if you're not baking you know yeast-based breads and you just want to buy those three packages that normally you know come together all connected and that's a dollar twenty-two now you're paying a lot more per ounce because all of those three packages together only equal a quarter ounce of yeast versus this is one pound so you know the price is really significantly different however if you don't bake a lot but you just want to have a couple of packages of yeast on hand in the event that you do need to bake bread you can definitely just spend a dollar 22 and then that's going to give you more money to spread around for your baking powder your cornstarch and your baking soda now let's talk about flour now this was a good buy this is all-purpose flour which i definitely think is worth having on hand both in your extended pantry and in your working pantry and this is an organic flour and it's just an all-purpose flour and this i got at costco and this is each pad the packages are sold together and each package is 10 pounds so this was a total of 20 pounds of flour and i believe this was a 11.89 they had a 25 pound bag of this same organic all-purpose flour and it was like 13 and change so that's a good buy too and then what you can do is if you are baking a lot and you have a lot of all-purpose flour once you open it you know you can put it in those food safe those five gallon food safe buckets and they're not very expensive and then you can put in some silica gel packs to keep out moisture maybe a few bay leaves if you're worried about bugs although i would do that if i was putting boxes of pasta you know because this is not sealed very well you know it's just in a box uh i would put in some bay leaves you know to kind of keep the crawly critters away i don't really think it's necessary with all-purpose flour and you don't want the taste of the bay leaves to transfer so i've always wondered when i've seen people doing that i wonder if if you tried it and you had the taste transfer i'd be interested in in hearing if if that in fact did happen but you know a couple of silica gel packs ones that are food safe and you can put this in your five uh gallon bucket and you've got a wonderfully of the airtight seal and you have a wonderful supply of all-purpose flour at a very fair price now these are my store brand and they are organic this is an all-purpose flour this is five pounds uh this is an organic whole wheat flour this is all also five pounds now if you want to get uh the heb brand uh it's probably gonna be closer that's not organic uh but also this would be similar you know to the price at walmart that is an a five pound bag of flour but that's not organic it's going to be about two dollars and fifty cents when you move up to organic and not these but if you go like all the ways to the name brands like king arthur flower that's going to be closer to five dollars and these are going to be a little less than that so if but if you don't think you're going to be using a lot of flour you don't need to have this size and you wouldn't even need this size you could peel it you know like kind of bring it back to just getting a small two pound bag of flour and that's going to really run anywhere from one dollar to two dollars so definitely very budget friendly and the whole wheat flour is pretty much in the same uh price range but something i found interesting was that uh it's the non-organic is 2.50 similar to the all-purpose flour but the five pound bag was a little less expensive uh than the a five pound bag of all-purpose flour so that's something interesting to look for if you are buying a whole grain flour but keep in mind the shelf life for your whole grain flour is optimally maybe six months up to a year whereas your all-purpose flour is going to have a longer shelf life because the bran and the germ have been removed the brand and the germ are still in here and those contain oil and those go rancid quicker but seriously think of stocking up at least or at the very least on some all-purpose flour especially as you're making the transition to a traditional foods kitchen because you want to start baking your own bread and you want to start creating your sourdough starter for which all all-purpose flour can work very well and i have videos all about it and i'll link to those but these are for your starter and for baking your sourdough bread because you're taking an all-purpose flour that may not be high in nutrition but by turning it into a sourdough bread you're helping to increase the nutrition so definitely think about starting to add some all-purpose flour when you're buying these various baking items think about even if you just start with a small package for the you know two dollars or one dollar and maybe you put some money you know towards the three dollar package of yeast and you start experimenting so when you're looking at the baked good aisle see what you can kind of mix and match to stay within your five dollar range especially if you're getting started with baking so that's something to keep in mind well i hope that you've enjoyed hearing about all of the prices on these various items and how to mix and match them together when you shop so as to stock a nice variety of foods for your extended pantry and now if you would like a pantry list that basically includes all of these things and more what i like to call the essential traditional foods four corners pantry list be sure to click on this video over here where i go over my entire pantry list and tell you how you can download it for free and i'll see you over there in my texas hill country kitchen love and god bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 319,366
Rating: 4.9161825 out of 5
Keywords: How to Stock Your Prepper Pantry for $5 a Week, How to stock your prepper pantry, prepper pantry, prepper food pantry, prepper pantry on a budget, budget prepper pantry, preppers food storage 2020, preppers food storage, preppers food, food storage, prepping, prepper, pantry, emergency preparedness, emergency food storage, long term food storage, emergency food supply, disaster preparedness, prepper food, emergency food, preparedness, food storage pantry, marysnest, marys nest
Id: gw8oq66-hwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 26sec (7346 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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