I Survived 100 Days as ZEUS in Minecraft.. Here's What Happened..

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imagine surviving a hundred days as the God of Thunder Zeus you'll recover your Godly powers and rebuild your influence across Greece can I win the Battle of the Gods for the throne of Olympus stay tuned to find out on day one I was dropped into the land of ancient Greece before I could explore I was confronted by the ancient god of time Kronos Zeus my son thinking you can sit on my throne but look at you now so small and frail Kronos what did you do to me what I should have done all along I am the god of time Zeus I just rewound you a little I could kill you so easily now but I want you to watch your people suffer watch as I tear down everything you've built not if I don't let you come try and stop me Chronos then casted a spell which set the entire Forest on fire leaving me to burn Kronos disappeared in a flash of particles I needed to escape the burning forest and while running out I realized I could fly my flying speed wasn't very fast so I was gonna have to work on getting my powers back and while flying out of the burning Forest I was attacked by a griffin it knocked me out of the air but lucky for me I didn't take any fall damage since I was a God but I knew I couldn't fly away from the Griffin so I ran into the trees to hide from it with the cover of the trees I gathered some wood and some Stone to make stone tools I then took out some cows for food cooked up some steak in the furnace full of energy I went up to a zombie to test my powers and every time I hit an enemy it would get struck by lightning so throughout the night I continued testing my powers on zombies and on day two I began collecting some wood to create myself a base after I collected a bunch of wood I began creating my first little base I decided on hiding it in a different part of the forest just in case that Griffin was still looking for me after adding a roof on top and a staircase up the build was complete and also our new goal is to reach 2 million subscribers so if you enjoy the video make sure to subscribe to be a part of my Adventures however it wasn't long until the Griffin was circling overhead how did find me so fast I went outside to take a look and the Griffin came swooping down so I ran back into my house after waiting for about half a day I made a run for it out of the forest I ended up finding some cows and pigs for food and eventually stumbled upon a cave I slowly descended into it using my flight ability and found myself some iron smelted it up and crafted myself full iron armor iron tools and found myself some gold on the way back home I got some strength from some spiders went inside and crafted myself a bow which came with thundershot one I also crafted myself some arrows went outside to make sure the coast was clear and decided to go hunting for the Griffin speaking of monsters I'd like to thank today's sponsor monster legends monster legends is a free to play game available on all devices you can collect over a thousand different monsters and build the monster Empire there's new Mazda releases every week and to acquire new monsters you can breed them to create brand new species you'll hatch your new baby monsters feed them to evolve and level them up to boost their powers after crafting your team of monsters you can challenge other monster Masters to win trophies and rewards Monster Legends has even teamed up with The Walking Dead to celebrate their Show's return they created six brand new monsters with amazing abilities inspired by the show's characters these monsters are only around for a limited time so don't miss out on expanding your team of monsters start collecting The Walking Dead Monsters download the game now using my link in the description or the QR code on screen and for a limited time only you can get a free starter pack of a hundred thousand Gold Twenty Thousand food three gems in the Epic monster Mothman now let's bolt right back to ancient Greece I traveled past the burning forest and saw the Griffin in the distance hey get back I began chasing the Griffin using my flight the Griffin kept on flying away I tried shooting a bow shot at it but I missed and it kept on flying up a mountain I decided to keep on chasing up the mountain and it wasn't long until I ran into harpies they charged at me and I was forced to fight that using my ax and striking them a lightning I managed to take them both out so I continued up the mountain but was forced to fight even more harpies I backed away and blocked blocked their attacks with my shield and managed to take the rest out after traveling up the mountain for a little longer I found an egg in a strange Nest I picked up the egg to see if it was the Griffin's egg but all it said was mysterious egg I wasn't sure whether it was the griffins or not so I scaled back down the mountain and all of a sudden got blindsided by the Griffin the Griffin charged but Mia did a bunch of damage so I used my bow on the Griffin and got knocked into the air again I've landed another hit with my axes the Griffin charged past me and landed the final shot after defeating the Griffin I decided it'd be a good idea to head home well I ran into some Bulls on the way back they attacked me but I managed to take them all out and got some leather and steak and after traveling back for a bit longer it seemed I had made a wrong turn and was now approaching a massive Village I quickly climbed up the hill to go investigate and went up the stairs and got greeted by a villager hey are you okay young man I'm fine just a little bit tired no you're hurt come with me let's get you some food in a bed to rest in considering I was pretty low on food and it was turning night I decided to fall all the Villager into the house still the Villager then dropped me a mushroom stew placed down a bed and I went to sleep for the night I woke up the next day to some commotion outside I stepped out to investigate and it was the sound of two villagers having a conversation definitely glad that Kronos is here our crops are thriving thanks to him Kronos I'm the god of lightning after attacking the Villager I tried running out of the village and was confronted by two guards I knew I wasn't gonna escape this easily so I attacked one of the guards and started to run I ran up in parkour up to one of the building's roofs kept on running and then used my flight ability to escape the village guards weren't gonna let me go so easily and start using their bows to shoot at me I dodged and weaved the incoming arrows and then dropped down into the trees to escape think they are you know what I'm gonna go back there and make them pledge their loyalty considering I was wanted in the village regards were looking for me I flew in from behind the village and snuck in and it seems Village had some sort of Temple I stepped into the temple to find a bunch of Kronos cultists listen up crota's followers I am Zeus god of lightning and I demand you tear down this Temple and begin worshiping me instead of Kronos the Chronos cultists began to attack me using spells that came out of the ground they did a bunch of damage so I decided to retreat and think of a new plan of action I flew away disappeared into the forest and began hatching my plan I waited for Nightfall and started killing a bunch of creepers for gunpowder I also gathered some gravel for Flint returned back to base and crafted some more arrows and went to a nearby Riverbank to collect some sand with the Santa gunpowder I crafted myself some TNT and with the preparations in place I made my way back to the Village I snuck around to the back of the village once again and stuffily flew up onto the roof I began placing down the TNT tea all over the rooftop and struck a villager with lightning to get the cultist's attention and the Kronos cultists came running out Take a Hint Zeus no one wants you here is that room worshiped me instead we're sure now go away all right with the Kronos Goldust not willing to comply I shot the TNT with my lightning Arrow which didn't take long to ignite and decimate the entire Kronos Temple you you think blowing up her town will make us do what you want at Zeus I took that as a challenge if they weren't gonna submit to me now I was gonna have to show the might of Zeus it didn't take too long for my destruction to get their attention again stop if you promise to stop we'll worship you good repair my temple the chronosculus seemed hesitant but they went up the stairs towards the grief Temple and started building a new one I made sure to keep a close eye on them to make sure they didn't turn it into a Kronos Temple but they did make sure to add a zoo statue on top and the zoo Shrine was complete I also had an idea for the cultists now you need Burton Bill nervously agreed and went behind the temple and after a strike of lightning they came back from behind the temple with Zeus outfits so um sir Zeus we built that Temple like you asked but there's another Village a couple days away from here that's run by Kronos maybe you should go talk to them good idea we're grateful worshipers just waiting for me so with the idea for my new followers to go conquer some more Villages I began traveling to see if I could find another Village after a bit of exploring I saw a village in the distance and I made sure to not fly in so I wouldn't draw any attention from the villagers little did I know there was a familiar face waiting for me my son I knew you'd be what you did to my worshipers was rude wouldn't you say to them as a god should they were insulin Mortals it's a shame you betrayed me these mere mortals didn't have any time to prepare for you luckily father time is on their side how does three years of odd training sound now deal with him three years we're like 10 years Kronos then disappeared and the buff villagers began to rush at me I tried using my ax and my shield to block their attacks all of a sudden I was knocked away and one of the villagers came jumping in and Hulk smashed me for eight and a half hours of damage I knew I needed to make a run for it as the buff villagers are too strong for me to deal with but while traveling along the coast Poseidon came Swan diving in from the ocean hello little brother Poseidon don't test me lost some of my power but I'm still a match for you calm down I've come to the hell as long as you Harvest you help me reclaim my power I will promises across police Poseidon then Swan dived back into the ocean and that basically had no choice but to go out and get materials for a Poseidon Shrine as he would be my best bet at getting my powers back so I jumped into the ocean and found some prismarine crystals I could mine so for the next few days I collected myself a bunch of ocean materials for the shrine build and after I finish collecting all the materials I needed I began working on Poseidon Shrine right next to the beach I use sand and Sandstone for the base of the shrine and for the roof I use the prismarine wool and blue concrete that I got from the crystals it wasn't too big but I wasn't gonna go all out for Poseidon and On Cue Poseidon swan dived out of the ocean Poseidon I built a temple for you now help me get my power back it's not like time is on your side either way stop joking around and help me you can do another task for me how about you battle one of the creatures maybe the thrill of combat will bring you back to your senses fine I'll do it you better keep your word though beside and then jumped back into the ocean and with a brand new task I crafted myself a bow and began making my way into the middle of the ocean after traveling out into rougher Waters it wasn't long until I stumbled upon a massive Beast I swam down under to try and get a hit with my ax but instead I got chopped in the face it did a lot of damage so I opted to use my bow and use my flying abilities instead it was working perfectly and the mutant whale couldn't reach me in the sky after shooting it with a bow for a while the whale had finally been defeated it had even dropped mutant whale scales I swam back to my bow and started making my way back to the shore with my mission complete Poseidon let me get my power back that puny body chronoskip then left once again and I had a feeling I needed to prepare so I checked to see if I could craft anything with the Mew and whale scales and I was able to nearly craft a full set of mutant scale armor I then returned to base to go to sleep went out to find a cave buy myself a bunch of gold some diamonds and obsidian I then returned back to base crafted myself an enchantment table Enchanted all the whale scale armor with Protection One and crafted as many golden apples as I could the new set of armor and plenty of food and golden apples I was ready to set sail before I knew it I was already in the Rough Waters once again but I wasn't sure what to look for all of a sudden as I was boating a cast of opened up beneath me I couldn't stop the momentum of my boat fell in and plummeted into a giant Arena what in the world plant Poseidon I brought you into one of my favorite places brother so I could be some citizen to you wait a second aren't we taking things a little too fast before I knew it the battle had begun between me and Poseidon he thrust his Trident at me doing damage and I was trying to keep my distance with my bow I was then forced to use my first golden apple I tried closing the distance and doing some damage with my ax I was knocked Away by a giant tidal wave it did a ton of damage and I was forced to eat another golden apple and he knocked me away again and making me take fall damage I barely survived that I had Poseidon really low went back in and landed the final hit that really necessary Poseidon there we go aside and then struck me with lightning and I felt a wave of energy surged through me I had now reclaimed the bolt of Zeus which was now my new weapon now fine I'll handle it on my own next time you see me I'll be sitting on my rifle thrown on Olympus farewell brother with this newfound power I also realized I could fly slightly faster and began making my way out of Poseidon's Arena I finally reached the top went through the portal and the ocean split again allowing me to fly out back to the surface with the sirefly speed I decided it'd be a better idea to fly home instead of use a boat and eventually made it back to shore with it turning night time I decided to test out my new weapon and was able to strike lightning throw my lightning bolt like a trident and stun my enemies I decided it'd be a good idea to start heading back to base but while on my way back I realized the mysterious egg in my inventory was suddenly cracked so I took the egg over to the river to investigate and it was shaking like it was about to hatch is this thing gonna hatch me what the heck uh my egg is drifting away the random goat knocking my egg into the water the egg was traveling really fast in the river's current and I started flying after it to try and catch it goes moving so fast that before I even knew it I'd completely lost sight of it so I continued traveling down the river to try and find the egg but instead of finding the egg I eventually found a village when I approached I realized the village was on fire what in the world happen here I flew down to the Village to investigate and saw a villager in the distance hello are you a God please you've got you've gone terrible Beast just came through here and and of course I'm a God I'll deal with this Beast for you mortal be ready to show your devotion return to your village the Villager then returned to repairing his home and I decided it'd be a good idea to go and search for this Beast so I headed towards the mountain range to see if I could find him I traveled for a little while without any clues but while approaching some Snowy Mountains I saw some lightning in the distance I quickly started flying over to go investigate with the source of the lightning was what in the world hey get back here the strange creature flew up and climbed into a small hole I flew up to see where it went and started digging through the snow to see what was on the other side strangely enough there was a cave so I jumped down to see if I could find the creature that thing almost looks like a dragon while on the way down I figured I'd buy myself some gold emeralds and diamonds crafted myself some more diamond tools and a diamond helmet and ended up hearing some lightning in the distance while I was in the cave I quickly dug towards the sound of the lightning and found myself in a larger cave structure and managed to find some diamonds on the way down but saw something moving around one of the corners I went to approach in a massive basilisk was chasing the baby dragon the baby dragon escaped through a small cave in the back but the Basilisk turned its attention on me the Basilisk charged forward and spat out a dangerous poison I tried using my lightning bolt on it but it was immune to lightning I tried closing the distance but took way too much damage and made a run for it to the bat cave basilisk luckily couldn't fit through and I began pillering my way out of the cave I found myself in another large part of the cave I turned the corner directly into the Basilisk I quickly swam up a water stream to get away and it finally managed to escape I flew out of the rest of the cave and finally found myself at the surface I wasn't sure if the baby dragon had escaped either but I knew there was no chance I could face that thing with my current gear so I made my way back to my base and dug out an area underneath my base to make myself an enchanting station once the enchantment station was complete I Enchanted my bow with power three on breaking three and at night I got enough levels to enchant my helmet with protection three and crafted myself for golden apples with some stronger gear and golden apples I made my way back to the mountain however instead of running into a basilisk Kronos the god of time appeared once again my son reclaimed some of your power Kronos I will not tolerate your tyranny you will tolerate I made a mistake letting you stay in my world but I'll fix that now wait a second Kronos hey hey I can't move Chronos began fast forwarding time and before I knew it the entire scenery around me had changed where am I before I had time to get adjusted to my surroundings magma cubes began to swarm me using my lightning abilities though I was able to take them out pretty easily and started flying around to see where the heck I ended up while exploring I ended up fighting some weather skeletons as well and found some Striders and even found some gas and realized just about everything around me was in ruin I continued flying around trying to look for answers as to where I ended up after a while traveling I finally came across a structure after getting closer I realized it was some kind of Temple so I went to look for the entrance which was blocked by concrete powder I dug my way in walked past the statues heard the quarter into my surprise there was someone in the room I walked up to him and realized it was Hades the god of the underworld do my eyes deceive me Zeus Hades yes it's me your brother Zeus you've been gone thousands of years Where Have You Been Cronus apparently threw me into the future what happened to Olympus after you went missing Chronos killed many of the Olympians over time the Titans broke this world down until there was nothing left they even destroyed my own Tartarus besides me Kronos was the last standing he left to find a new world in the cosmos and he bowed me to this spot to the mock me I see and why are there so many nether creatures in this Wasteland because what is a god of death without life they may be empty husks but they help mitigate my eternal loneliness who's got Chronos I could save our world there might be but not without danger the Titans and gods that fell Left Behind traces of their powers go east find some if fate is kind to us maybe you'll find something that can send you back to fix this mess on it I'll be back soon so with directions from Hades to Head East I first went to sleep and started heading east while traveling I ran into some blazes and took them out for some blaze rods not only that but I found some netherworth that was growing on the side of the mountain so while fighting off a bunch of magma cubes I mine myself as much netherworth as I could after a while more of traveling East I finally saw a temple in the distance this one being a lot larger than the other one I walked into the entrance and saw some skeletons inside I began battling the skeletons and was able to easily defeat them using my lightning bolt as I made my way to the back room there was a giant skeleton Wheeling a giant ax was doing a ton of damage so I was forced to back up and eat a golden apple it hit me again for a lot of damage so I stunned it with my lightning and eventually took it now I then found some Brewing stands and some blaze powder and magma cream and in the chest and the pedestal there was a strange item it was a burnt out Sun that originally belonged to Apollo who was the god of the sun on my way out I defeated the rest of the skeletons guarding the temple and started heading further east for some more clues after flying for a while longer another massive Temple came into my view I approached the temple and there were two massive horse statues at the front I made my way inside and was confronted by skeletal looking dogs they did a ton of damage and they withered me so I quickly backed up to eat a golden apple and use my ranged Thunderbolt attacks to take them out there was tons of them guarding the entrance well I managed to fight my way through until I found myself in the main room this time I used my flying abilities to make sure they couldn't hit me and eventually defeated the rest I then approached the altar at the back of the temple and found an item called a shattered Moon it was a relic that had previously belonged to Artemis the goddess of the hunt with two relics acquired I thought it'd be a good idea to head back to Hades and see if this was enough to send me back in time so I returned to hades's Temple walked back up to Hades and presented him both relics however there was one problem Hades told me I will need to find one more Relic to have any chance of returning back to the past he told me to Head West into the mountains this time as there might be a relic there so with the directions of Hades I decided to Head West however it wasn't long until I experienced my first natural disaster fire began raining from the sky helping me and doing a ton of damage I was forced to land quickly and dig myself into a hole to avoid the fire I didn't think there this kind of weather over here after waiting out the Firestorm I climbed out of my hole and started flying back West after flying along the mountains I saw a strange Tower in the distance but also saw a strange looking creature out front I approached it and immediately attacked me I started using my lightning abilities to fight back and kept on dodging its attacks however it poisoned me and started doing some big damage it even started summoning in Venus fly traps and little Minions that started attacking me after a few more hits though I finally defeated gaia's Warden cleared out the rest of the minions took out some more at the front of the stairs and started scaling up gaia's tower on the way up I had to deal with more of the minions but eventually I'd reached the top in the middle of the room there was a chest with a singular Relic called putrid Earth it originally belonged to the Titan Gaia who was the goddess of the Earth with the final Relic acquired I started heading back to Hades Temple and eventually I had made it back brother I'm back fight guys Relic is that all we're gonna need glad you're back in one piece Zeus now you'll need to break me out of these chains then meet me at the crater of Olympus creator of forgive me brother let me fill you in a few thousand years ago the Titans ground Olympus down into dust's orders wow it really came true hopefully this plan works so we can undo this mess now let me break you out of those chains I flew up to the relics that were binding Hades broke them one by one until eventually Hades was finally freed he thanked me and told me to head south to find the crater and disappeared in a flash of Darkness so I made my way out of the Hades Temple and started flying south down into the center of the crater while traveling on my way down I ran into some gas managed to take them all out but as I got closer to the center of the crater I realized there was ancient debris everywhere so I took advantage of the situation and buy myself a ton of ancient debris after getting as much as I could I traveled for a little while longer and finally made it to the bottom of the crater I flew down and landed at the center and Hades had appeared I have the three Alex on me Hades here take that we can create everything our world and all other worlds in the palm of your heart the heavens and the Earth wow what is that I picked up the strange item which was called creation however when I tried using it it didn't work it's not working with the remnants of Apollo Artemis and Gaia we can create something truly wonderful but it lacks life if I can imbue it with an overflow of death a world of pure death time would be meaningless inside of it if you this lady here this Timeless world would counteract cross's power I can't just do not mourn for me brother if this works I'll live on still have a choice Hades then sprung into action and began attacking me and I had no choice but to fight back Katie's was doing a ton of damage so I had to back up and use my bow and started pelting Hades with my arrows I then ate my first golden apple and decided to be best to use my flying abilities to be able to take down Hades so using my flight I was able to dodge most of Hades attacks but it was still getting hit by the occasional meteor I was now out of golden apples and I had to be careful not to get hit by any big attacks but all of a sudden Hades cast down a meteor shower meteors came raining down from the sky and it had to be careful and Dodge the meteors as I was shooting Hades I closed the distance a little bit to be able to use my lightning abilities and after a few more shots of my bow I had finally defeated Hades let's see creation tool works all of a sudden I was transported through time and appeared in a flash of lightning into the Overworld but I was now three times the size I now had 30 hearts and was able to fly twice as fast my lightning abilities were even enhanced and left behind static electricity and I was even able to summon in tornadoes with my newfound Powers I flew back to my base you realize the space was going to be a bit too small for me I was thinking of destroying it when I somehow summoned in a Zeus villager hello my worshiper would you be able to build me a new Temple the Villager then went to work tearing down my old base and after clearing out some trees the villagers started to build a giant Temple after finishing the main part of the structure the Villager finished it off with the roof and the temple was complete there was plenty of room for me to walk in the Villager even moved in all of my stuff with my base of operations complete I decided to go back to where the Basilisk was to see if I could find the baby dragon and with my enhanced lightning abilities I could break through the mountain really easily after digging straight down for a while I finally broke through and was greeted by the Basilisk fighting the baby dragon so I ran up to the Basilisk and started to fight it I used my tornadoes to keep it away and use my lightning abilities to push it into the lava the tornadoes tore a hole through the Bedrock and I watched as the Basilisk fell into the void instead of running away the baby dragons seemed fond of me so I led the baby dragon out of the cave after flying up through the cave system we made it back to the surface I then started heading back to base with my baby dragon after traveling for about a day we made it back home the baby dragon flew straight into my temple but I figured it'd be a good idea to build something for it outside so I summoned in my Zeus villager and told him to make a small Hut for my baby dragon the Zeus villager agreed and went behind my temple to start building a small Hut for the baby dragon after about a day of building small Hut was complete so I dismissed the Villager and showed my baby dragon its new home after that I figured it would be a good time to try and train my baby dragon so I had to follow me into the forest and Landon once I spotted some bowls my baby dragons sprung into action and started taking out the Bulls one by one and managed to take them all out so I decided to take my baby dragon somewhere where I'd be tested I ended up taking it to the mountain where I had fought the harpies and watched as my baby dragon sprung in action it was just as easily taking out the harpies and before I knew it they were all taken down my final test for the baby dragon was to find a griffin which we found in a tree dragon eat lightning struck all around it and it had gotten much larger I decided to name him thunderway I then took the Thunder Wing to a village to test out its powers hello I'm here to give you a gift I've come to gift your village to my new pet you're all to worship the Thunder Wing now build a temple in his honor now no way Zeus we're done with you go away you Tyrant such a bull mortal Thunder Wing have some fun before I knew it Kronos cultist started pouring out of one of the Villager houses so I had to start helping my thunder Wing fight off the Chronos cultists we continue taking them out using our abilities and eventually annihilated them all one lone cultist came out of the house to surrender please stop I I beg you I suppose I forgive you if your villager announces Kronos and builds itself to myself and the Thunder way right away Almighty Zeus I'll be back to check on the Thunder wing and I proceeded to look for another Village ran by Kronos it wasn't long till we found one so we went to confront the villagers surrendering so we'd be in battling the Corona's cultists pouring out of the homes it wasn't long to our Thunder wing and I had defeated them all and was again left with one cultist now tell me or Kronos is hiding West there's a town to the West so with this new information the Thunder ring and I started heading west to find this other Village it wasn't long that we heard lightning strikes in the distance we followed the sounds of the lightning strikes and found a massive Village on the water the Thunder wing and I landed at the village and made our way inside it wasn't long to we were greeted by more Kronos cultists so using our lightning abilities we took them all out but all of a sudden a portal appeared and Kronos had arrived Zeus leave my mortars alone before you do something you regret father your time was over many years over again soon that's enough I have preparations to make no destroy my disobedient son all of a sudden something started summoning out of the ground and out came a Time Elemental Chronos then went through the portal and my thunder Wing pet chased him through the portal I didn't have any time to react as the time Elemental started attacking me I used my tornadoes to try and push it away and it started firing projectiles I was pelting it with my bow over and over tried striking with lightning and a TP behind me the time Elemental cp'd away and shot a laser beam at me it did a ton of damage so I ate some steak to regen and continue using my bow to do more damage armor was also close to Breaking but I had the time Elemental really low I kept on using my lightning ability and eventually defeated the time Elemental I looked around for any sign of Kronos but it seemed like he was completely gone and decided to return to some previous villages to see if I could get any information The Village I was at previously was completely evacuated so I decided to return to base I then summoned a Zeus villain and gave it the task to get me brewing supplies while I went mining mined a bunch of diamonds and Lapis and while I continued mining my Zeus villager set up another wart Farm Brewing station and melon farm for when I would return once I returned back to base I dismissed the Villager and went ahead to start brewing I brew myself instant Health two potions Speed 2 potions and strength two potions I also crafted full diamond armor repaired my helmet and Enchanted the rest with protection and a breaking using the ancient debris I got before I crafted some netherite and gets to turn all the diamond armor into netherite armor and was well equipped to take on Chronos when I went outside I heard some lightning strikes so I quickly started heading in the direction that I heard them and after a bunch of travel I found a city and in the city Square Kronos appeared as if he expected my arrival how did you get back to the present no matter if I can't banish you to the future I can Target Your Precious Pet let's see if it still remembers you after it's a few thousand years older and a hundred times longer now do everybody a favor and die at the hands of your own pets Chronos had disappeared in my fight between my own pet and I had started do not recognize me my thunder Wing continued to attack me and I was forced to fight back he had all kinds of new abilities and it was forced to splash down my first potion after doing a bit more damage and getting it to half HP the Thunder Wing began flying into the air where do you think you're going I started flying after it and a storm began to form after Chasing it into the clouds I finally arrived at a massive Cloud structure I spotted the Thunder Wing in the middle of the clouds and approached the thunderwing to attempt to tame him I used my bow at long distance the Thunder ring was doing some large attacks that I was barely dodging I continued dodging the Thunder Wings attacks by circling around but got pushed away by a gust of wind the Thunder Wing did a barrel roll trying to attack me but I dodged it and nearly had it on one HP and after a few more hits I had defeated the Thunder wing and watches it plummeted through the cloud when I landed I was struck with lightning and evolved into my final form I now had a full suit of armor it could fly twice as fast I quickly flew down to the city and saw the Thunder wing on the ground summoned the Zeus villager and ordered him to heal the Thunder Wing back to health after the Zeus villager and splashed it with instant health potions I used lightning to try and revive it and the Thunder Wing rose up and was back to life I have now tamed the full-size Thunder wing and decided it was time to conquer some more Villages it wasn't long until we arrived at our first Village which was one that I had been at before in the back of the village there was a house on fire with the Kronos villager outside oh no your manic followers just burnt my house down just get it over with already rather die than just worship me the god of lightning we will never live under your tyranny again Kronos will stop you and your memory will be lost to time I'll have Chronos meet you in the end I then moved on to go to the next Village and decided to return to the village in the water I then realized there was a Kronos temple nearby so I broke through the wall of the temple and annihilated all the Chronos cultists inside it was still no sign of Kronos I decided to head back to base with my thunder wing and once I returned I summoned a Zeus villager I gave the Villager the task of building a Hades Temple so I could contact the god of the underworld for some advice on how to find Kronos so for the next few days Zeus villager began building the Hades Temple after finishing the base the Zeus villager added a few more pillars up and topped it off of the red nether brick dome-shaped roof the Zeus villager flew down with the Hades Temple complete so I dismissed the Villager flew up into the temple and decided on putting my creation tool inside the chest then Hades appeared in a flash of Darkness I must stop her father he'll destroy the entire world brother what do you mean try to throw me for me forture everything was except for you maybe I can help maybe you can focus on The Relic and use it to find father so with Haiti's advice I took the Relic back out of the chest attempted to use it and all of a sudden had a vision which led me past the village in the water and into the ocean where a beam of light shot up into the sky it seemed to be some kind of portal all of a sudden the next part of my vision showed Chronos casting some sort of spell at the top of Olympus I couldn't tell what he was doing but I was then snapped back to reality and Hades wish me farewell Now with an idea of where Kronos was hiding I informed my thunder Wing Titan to stay behind just in case Kronos was able to control him restocked on potions and food and was ready to confront Chronos after flying for a while I finally made it to the village in the water and flew past it into the ocean I continued flying in the ocean until I found the beam of light and I looked up and saw it went all the way into the sky I continued flying up into the beam of light and I started to accelerate faster and faster and was transported to the top of Olympus I then flew up quick quickly to the top of Olympus to try and find Kronos but Cronus wasn't there instead there was an orb of stars surrounded by strange particles I had a bad feeling about it but I decided to go into the orb and was transported into a strange Dimension this seems to be kronos's Lair where are we Chronos what do you have planned you're too late Zeus interfering with my plans will only delay the creation of a paradise it would be all your fault Zeus I will take my Throne I am the god of time ruler of the Titans I will not fall to you again Kronos is doing a ton of damage forcing me to use healing and was teleporting around making it hard for me to track him he was summoning in buff villagers and Kronos cultists to attack me but I had him on about half HP I was then knocked into the air and took a ton of fall damage Kronos was also preventing me from using my flight abilities well I was doing a ton of damage to Kronos and had him on a sliver of HP Kronos what what did you do after defeating Kronos his minions disappeared and an item was left in his place it was the creation tool which had sealed Kronos away I then left the dimension through the portal which teleported me back to my temple I went inside and put the creation item on display where the Titan of time would remain sealed if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like And subscribe and I hope you all have a great day once again thanks to Monster Legends for sponsoring today's video and don't forget to download the game now to collect limited Walking Dead monsters and of course to collect limited time free starter pack by using the link in the description below
Channel: Forrestbono
Views: 385,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forrestbono, Minecraft, 100 days, 200 days, 300 days, luke thenotable, Forge Labs, Painful, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, I Survived 100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft in the Abyss.. Here's What Happened..
Id: Mg8BXLxDwk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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