Minecraft mobs after staying Inside for a year

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so most of us have been stuck inside for the last year and a half or so well in today's video we find that it's been no different for the moms of minecraft and they've developed some interesting habits as a result of quarantine so yes quarantine's done a number on all of us including the turtle diamond doors has made turtles more shy and less social they won't be racing any hairs anytime soon try to approach it and it hides walk away and it comes back out oh sad oh look oh no he doesn't want anything to do with me oh look i like that i love lovely sound fun sound effects could be part of a soundboard okay we've all felt this way at some point or another during quarantine it's like get away i'm just here to nap now apparently we're gonna have to give this guy a little nudge jump on him while he's hiding to get into his shell what let me oh what happened the poor guy stole a shell okay well then that's what turtles look like without their shells apparently oh goodness sorry about that dude okay anyways we got a turtle helmet but we also got a blue chip i think we're gonna need that for a little bit later but let me try and put on this turtle helmet wow oh i'm cool looking hold on a second so what can i do with this pop this on your head and sneak to hide and get resistance oh cool i'm in the shell i can hide and apparently if we use it against bad guys ah let's see let me let me out i want to get up resist me resist me i oh look not taking damage so they can still see me but they can't really do any damage to me which is i i consider that to be quite pleasant because we can still attack back nice hey stupid hey got him i like how my sword's out check that out little jump get us back and yeah strange chip the turtle dropped oops i didn't anyways let's see what quarantine did to the endermen and they're gonna put on some pounds okay normally pretty active now they don't really move at all okay let's see what they look like oh gosh look at him big boy real big boy well look i gained some weight myself during this whole experience so i understand it okay poor guy's struggling is he rubbing his belly oh my gosh what you've been snacking on homeboy look directly at it he doesn't really care yeah he doesn't at all try to tag it he tries to teleport away but he's too lazy to go very far lucy attack [Music] okay poor guy oh he just wants pizza i don't blame him okay let's die oh man that's rough oh boy i should not be attacking this poor fatty while he's down that's okay man it's okay i've got a regimen for you oh boy we killed him and we got something new what is this okay we got a yellow chip ah see he was snagging on those chips okay yellow chip of blue chip but a heavy ender pearl interesting okay what is this one about let's see they now drop heavy ender pearls right when you throw it slash your tp to the pearl you flatten mobs oh big boy coming in hot okay let's see let's summon in some spiders see what happens to the poor suckers okay throw it on over [Laughter] oh no oh my gosh is this considered shaming that's okay never a little shame never hurt anybody okay let's do this again yes yes love oh my gosh they never stood a chance man i gotta get me some fast food hungry so what happened to the poor witch that's what i want to know witches have become lonely and so surrounded themselves with pets get too close to a witch and they'll use a special spell to summon cats to swarm you oh it's the cat lady oh boy we played in all the stereotypes today hey she drops cat treats which you can use to summon some cats who fight your enemies well i want to see the cat spell first and foremost hi witch ah hey oh okay maybe not uh uh oh my gosh what you go that's not what i wanted oh boy the kitty cats are still after me stop it i gotta get my turtle shell we gotta do this right yeah get it get it no don't summon in the cats not what i want there we go you've died handled ah always attack your enemies from afar all this lovely life advice so we got a red chip that's useful i suppose remember using these for something uh him we are but here's our cat treat interesting so let's summon in some baddies uh-huh and then if i right-click with it hey hey hey kitty cats how can we not attack there we go there we go okay okay so we gotta hit the first strike they're not even afraid of the water lovely what are they doing oh they're after the one that's drowning down there okay focus your attention over here cats only one of you is helping us right now oh gosh now it's gone for bath too wait what happened to the cats oh the water's finally getting to him saddest story they're dying i can't bear to see it what does a bee look like after quarantine this bee is taking this time to become a streamer oh a b stream a beamer wow i could use one of those anyway spending all that time at the pc is tiring though let's see if that's the case whoa the ultimate yo gamer headset hold on a second wow wow we have so much in common we're annoying and buzzy and loud and uh we can fly yeah we got so much what do you what are you watching uh-huh clearly malnourished there's nothing on this screen and the mouse doesn't seem to work either we need to trade him some snacks to get him right trade him some snacks what where's the snacks no snacks over here so then if i just there we go get some of those goodies yo lovin all that honey honey honey okay let's see i can trade you is that the story do you just how do i how do i how do i trade you maybe i gotta go for the behind hey that's sad that that worked okay it's a honey bottle and we get twitch chat right okay look at that in a second we got to get one more honey bottle okay we got an orange chip for our trouble so what is the twitch chat all about huh oh no look wow you're gonna have to pause to see what all the chat says but apparently we can use this twitch chat to let you call upon the bees followers so we'll do that now twitch followers oh yes yes oh there's a lot yo he's been real busy during court he's got a lot of followers my goodness they're all dangerously violent um yeah we should probably uh consult with the moderators about that one that would be my guess i just hold right click on this oh boy yes i can that's a lot of bees and what are all these chips we keep finding as like people are dying to my right oh no not the beast not the beast yeah i don't even know what they're for to be honest we're going to find out very soon imagine the iron golem has been lifting weights i guess we'll find out together huh total opposite watch the angolan has become a little stir crazy yeah i'm almost kind of concerned now approaching him might be a bad idea why are we uh-huh uh yeah okay yeah it was a bad idea well you know what we do with mentally unstable iron golems we kill them oh boy maybe we get a nice the safe distance oh can he get oh i was kidding guys just one week remaining seven days to go to get your hands on this handmade log dot zip tie-dye t-shirt so you gotta act fast link in the description maybe i can use the twitch chat get them boys yes excellent oh love making people battle for me maybe i can use this nope that does not work oh because i'm not sneaking okay how about we try now are we good oh we're good okay well i'm let's go handle them like this don't mind if i do there we go and look we got another one a green chip and on top of that we also got a frenzy core oh of course i didn't realize that's bad this could be crafted to make frenzy arrows what are these about oh that's a steal we got 64 arrows for our trouble i don't even need these boys anymore well maybe i guess we'll find out shoot them to make mobs frenzy and attack other mobs okay i'ma tag on a pig nice whoa is angry whoa angry angry pig did he just die right after oh boy oh boy oh wow hey go for me that's not what i meant at all die did they just get thanos whoa love y'all i'll make it more of a tacky yeah get it get it yeah oh gosh this is terrifying shout out to everyone that's been checking in on their friends during quarantine time i know we're hopefully rounding the bend but that could happen otherwise now pigs once again the pig let his hair grow wild let me see wow oh he's a little embarrassed let me look at you straight buddy hey i think it looks good my hair is getting a little long as well there's no judgment here okay i was not expecting blondie though it looks like it's time for a shave we're gonna use these shears you eat on them and with that we got pig hair oh and we got an indigo chip but what am i gonna do with pig hair oh it looks like another chip was cobbled with my hair yeah yeah anyways this hair can be used to make throwing rope throwing rope really how does it how do i could it be if i hey hey rope okay i like i like a lot oh we just need four got it this can be thrown slash attached to a ceiling and then climbed ah love get all the way to the top okay let me see yay how do i throw throw oh wait that's the i wasn't using the right thing i'm i'm smart oh cool that's pretty sweet i'm well i'm not good at climbing rope oh memories of gym class just coming back to me please make it okay good wow we can get all the way up here yo that's got some serious distance to it i am not mad this is so useful oh am i gonna make that okay good i did hey did i win teacher oh i was supposed to oh okay i just jumped down i was like i don't know if i could use reverse rope thank you rapunzel okay we gotta see what the villager looks like after staying inside for too long ah probably not fared well without being able to trade all the time further up oh the suspense is killing me villagers have turned to tv to pass the time really this has made them pretty lazy pale and bloodshot oh this is hitting home way too uncomfortably oh gosh oh gosh he's got a burger right there what are you watching oh yeah yeah i know this channel is a food network no no i've been this guy i've been this guy right click to change channels and get different buffs for a while okay ooh well there's the remote okay well hold on a second he still wants those emeralds i get you i get you but we also have a violet ship here you got a lot of chips man okay let's get this tv remote though let's see right click change the channel channel 2 the fitness channel oh that's cool and look we got jump boost speed strength regeneration saturation what else we got log. zip channel oh boy that's that's that's uh that yeah that one right there terrifying let's change the channel cooking channel oh okay so it was a good guess for cooking channel that we got nausea okay uh yeah not feeling too hot to be honest there we go looking much better now hey little piggy dog did you want to come out with me dude uh okay i'm surprised the villagers didn't go straight crazy with only three channels mob creeper ready okay summon the creeper huh creepers don't really look different from normal yeah they don't appear to unless oh no he's been spending time practicing his favorite hobby building drones that plus his explosive personality well good luck what hey oh gosh oh gosh oh oh you got to be joking me oh gosh what sheep run you're not meant for this world dude oh no the sheep oh no the sheep oh gosh uh so i guess what should we uh that's my chance get it get him oh no i might blow up i'll be so upset if perfectly timed our shots later and we got our hands on this which is a chip assembler oh for the bowl of chips apparently if i right click with this we get chips assembled and we have a drone chip oh bam you can now summon drones no way the remote in the main hand we can set our drones off okay okay okay now i know how to use this puppy summoning some baddies for some target practice yes sir yes sir oh my gosh that is the absolute best i'm going to send a handful out to be honest to be honest oh yeah that is cool no you can't play with it tell me guys what did you start doing from staying inside too long
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 5,946,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, enderman, enderman update, caves and cliffs, new enderman, creepers, villagers, cats, turtles, witch, bee, bees, spiders, zombies, staying inside, new mobs, new mob update, new items, new weapons, crafting recipes, minecraft update, mob update, caves and cliffs update, villager, villager update, creeper, tnt, new armor, minecraft trading, pig, zombie, remake, new villagers in minecraft, we remade, emeralds, new villagers, new mobs in minecraft, diamonds
Id: qhclP9eCevM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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