1 VS 1 Survival Challenge with $10 Dollar Store Items

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[Music] [Music] [Music] the dollar store challenge our version we've arrived at our new location when a tenner and police discount store we're gonna buy a load of crap for a sender and we got 5 minutes to do it let's go [Music] to fix our take care about nature yes you're cutting our yes I like that more said anything that tells maybe a fan is Paul I need something coffee [Music] [Music] how much do I got left now coffee goes back batteries in it yes this would have been handy too wouldn't be thank you thanks million right one two three [Music] is expensive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on location here we are first episode of the new summer season as you can tell in ardent yeah yeah and what they were soaking in some way it's a bad day for this is what they would say over here we're a unique location and there's nothing here but rocks yeah we chose to the location because screaming survival area exactly you really have to make do with what your dream would have been all cool and that's the shopping wasn't that stressful my special item it's a budget but it works are you going I will be running into you in the night we farm Liza I would love to have Elijah though and then we have a bunch of camera gear and I brought dog food and a dog leash yes you know in camera there we still have to walk another way so we could walk the first yes and then we split up we go to and we meet tomorrow morning here I'm looking forward to it if you're already winning but you know in the night up I got the advantage man back hole in the wall this thing lucky often no pick the fireplace no it's closed they're meant more of them [Music] [Music] okay Charla let's go looks like we're heading the same direction for now both want to go downhill obviously because downhill is where the resources hopefully will be let's make some pace like always people are missing living out of a bin bag one bin back there I'm saving for start to drive in there I'll just stuff into bed nice we are onto something that looks quite civilized to me our civilization is of course maybe what you know want to see you want us to see in the middle of nowhere nothing around but that's not the reality in Western Europe no no something rotor first I feel a lot better here ready sorry the menses is very wet everything is wet soaking I'll clean it in a minute I'm thinking survival yes what I need is some foil yes I'll tell you later what no I'd be as happy to get it as not to get it yes if I don't get it it means people won't be messing around here but usually people are messing around so in that case I'm happy to be able to make a fire we have to continue now do I need this plastic would be a easy scavenge but a bit lame don't think I have my garbage bins guess we do it without it yes first look for the foil huh yeah I'll be walking on the road boring stuff now this is what I need people are messing indeed bit of aluminium foil in between those hairs or bushes it's pretty good well protected you think Jaeger unfortunately we experienced some microphone struggles I'll explain you a little bit what I was doing for diversity afternoon tell you bit on why and how and what you know what I met actions say more than words anyways I'm sure you guys understand most of it okay get things going get things going is right for me it meant starting the fire and drying my clothes and really working my shelter location improved a bit make it make a little bit of a waterproof waterproof spot and you know camp out this also meant opening my items up and seeing what they were made from what they can do [Music] and check out how much of the packaging I could use to I decided to use the paper to help start the fire I did gather a bit of tender but just to be sure I said a chance of paper first I also discovered that my life was an absolute piece of crap I was lucky that I was actually working [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] better from water nation but the belt here it hasn't benefits and of course we all know once the fires on it's a huge morale boost really nice to try out them to get warm and gonna evaluate what to do from there but really it's like a milestone you know you're really after that yeah you know you're like oh yeah this is grounded we can do this no problem guess what we're settling down and it just starts to rain again I think this doesn't look too shabby the wind is coming from that direction so we've got a nice cover here Hawthorne turns out we're in someone's meadow but oh well for the sake of survival let's get things going after all guess what's in this bag I took it I didn't want it but after all I decided to go back and get it it's the piece of plastic we saw on the roadside I took it yes okay yeah what's now the priority it just make fire make a fire underneath there's still some pretty dry stuff very corny bits though for me it was time to start you start using my knife and start making this shelter I had my bin bags in my cordage and I wanted to make a you know like a nice waterproof shelter using the knife was gonna be tricky cuz I knew that I wouldn't you know would stand on a hell of a lot of force but luckily I had all the small hazel shoots that weren't too large in diameter and there are kind of handy to work with that's you see that guys that's why achievement is another good month all the rivets are coming apart horrible absolutely horrible would you make stuff like this yes so we started with the fire will be a huge morale boost very scarce out here oh man I'm soaking wet still yeah got it to finer twigs there are the mideast oh I guess I'm using a bit of paper from the packaging stupid fertility knives freakin disposable articles what a mess what a mess really the matches they are back yeah I know now it's midges and not midgets of course now making this fire is gonna be the tricky part is you know then as this lighter I don't have a lighter no no hey here's my carving knife look at that it's a carving knife how would this be a carving knife is it sharp out of the box and rap rap bird you have fixed if I'm stretching in my hair it's the midges know these utility knives are actually quite handy in a way just I don't have to make a sheet put them in I can just put them into my pocket yes so how are we gonna make the fire well I have my flashlight no flashlight we use the battery of this with my fourth a bunch of rubbish you might say but it could be useful what a mess what a mess No I've never done this before now disgusting there's still food remainings left here clean this up a bit make it a nice working bench Luke at my carving knife oh mighty mighty work okay working bench okay I'm gonna use my patootie knife cut out a nice shape here now this should make a fire I think it's too thin too long well we just give it a try I suppose no here we have the flashlight now see what's inside we got three AAA batteries triple-a the outer ends they are a lot broader and the inner part is very small so the energy should ignite in the middle I have some a little bit of dry grass here okay let's see how this goes never done this before so I didn't doesn't looks like love is happening that is too bad that is too bad now what's wrong here alright guys let's see let's see if the knife does any better at carving I have four steaks I'm going to make a frame let's get two big ones really quickly in bags that comes to above my waist so to bin bags will cover me very much no he's not cordage see how many pounds of strength that has oh Jesus Christ not a lot look at this Oh what does it make Burt I've burned the paper I don't want to over-tighten this at all I'd rather have it loose than break fairly protected by the wind anyway so just before rain if it comes actually cleared up a lot which is nice that's one done isn't it beautiful do the same on the other side alright so I got two or one long one two short ones right then put another long one across that way and then that's gonna create my cover a quick little update on the carving knife definitely not good last one of the rivets but that was to be expected also update on the shelter rather than you know trying to tie down the corners of the bin bags I said I cut the bottom out so you have some sort of sleeve and then you know suspend them on bits of string I think like that you know it was like the most plastic the least amount of work and the most efficient so well we're gonna try that out here and see see what happens I hope this does something it's from a cigarette package why is there nothing happening at least this works still okay this should be the shape but yeah then you better be working you know is it only working with a AAA battery and not a triple-a I don't know there's a start of my bidding bag shelter I have to say it's a movement flimsy but it should definitely stop the read and they're overlapping this mile is it so the one the bottom one finishes up there top one ends up there I'll put another row up there so I'll have three rows so that's six six bin bags I have to be few left left yeah it's a lot of fiddling around and a lot of lining all the stuff but that's a it might work [Music] starting to look like home guys I tied the the frame off to the trees put some rocks to keep it down there's a bit of a gap on the bottom I'm gonna have to fill that up with moss and stuff stop the drive gone true I are still going it's very flimsy if it rains very very heavily I'm not sure will it last if the wind starts picking up I'm not sure will it last but for the moment it seems to be just perfect all right guys it's the back of it covers put some moss on the inside I have two bin bags left two plus the one I came with with my stuff in it plus one with dry tinder I think I'll put the two spare ones on the ground and sit on there the weather seems to be picking up a good bit so I'm gonna go out and get some water and show you guys the area because it was foggy earlier but it's clear now so it should be very beautiful hopefully it won't bring you out the back door now we get some water look at that paint I can't fire up there you hardly notice it which is nice is the see why is this not working looks like I'm in a bit of trouble check out part 2 coming up next week and see how we will make it through the night thanks a lot for the support to the channel and your comments stay tuned subscribe and see you on the next one
Channel: Smooth Gefixt
Views: 584,564
Rating: 4.7207537 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, survival, smooth gefixt, nature, adventure, outdoor, camping, shelter, knife, outdoors, backpacking, prepping, survive, survival challenge, 24 hour, 24 hour survival challenge, bushcraft battle, dollar store, $10, survival battle, 1 vs 1, dollar store survival challenge, store, 24h survival challenge, dollar store challenge, $10 dollar store challenge, minimal gear, fire lighting, survival challenge overnight, wilderness survival, dog, 1 vs 1 battle, head-to-head, overnight
Id: Jw_yXsAH-mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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