1 Secret Sociopath vs 5 Empaths | Odd One Out

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I'm an empath I am an empath I'm an empath I'm an empath I am an empath I am an empath so let's go around and say what makes us an empath I am an emotional impath so I can sense people's emotions very quickly from afar I feel emotions in my body I'm like a sponge so I'll like soak up the people's emotions around me and then throw it back at them it's a thermometer you know how to feel the room the temperature is very in your face and you know how to adjust to it being an empath for me helps me with my work as a mental health Advocate I think it's a big difference between relating to people's emotions versus feeling like anyone can feel what other people are feeling but it's different to relate and actually feel those emotions for yourself I would say that I'm also the type of person to really place myself in another person's shoes and also I'm a sponge as well I feel like if I see someone crying I despite the urge to cry myself well I'm also on the Spectrum so as an autistic empath I can sense things very easily and not only that it it's a blessing and a bit of a curse cuz it could also lead me to getting possibly taking advantage of so me too I have the tism also yay TI Budd I have autism also oh you too oh yay when I heard someone else was on the Spectrum I felt less alone as an autistic person we feel a lot and I think too like we can always tell like how someone walks like we can feel the weight of their like shoulders literally touching the ground and so I think watching how someone walks and things like that like you can definitely feel where they're at have you ever done that before like this or do they walk like this or like this I don't know I've never paid attention to it oh my God yeah can we like try and walk back in well this is kind of a small space usually we ask people like I won't ask them I'll watch them walk essentially and then I'll get a little bit more okay so fashion show all right oh she's going to do a catwalk we're going to like really do this okay that's I thought it was an interesting strategy I had never thought about going that method or that way and I was also like nervous to walk a certain way that I don't know how an empath would walk or not walk I don't know what I'm doing it's okay theity oh okay I'm good okay we're good oh no are you okay I'm fine okay that's not embarrassing you all oh God okay we're good anyway next it's okay you fell gracefully oh God we're going to C that right that's not going to be on this yeah surprise the fall was fake so I wanted to fall to see if people would react so either people would feel empathetic towards me go oh no are you okay and like try to help me up or people would giggle because they'd feel like the the secondhand embarrassment so I was trying to see like who didn't react at all because that person was probably the odd one out it seemed like it could have been fake and I thought oh maybe she's the one I'm not sure I don't know how to walk off like me and we're good am I supposed to pretend to be confident you just be yourself just be yourself like you're walking through the house you're going to the kitchen you're going to make some food that's how I need I feel that I feel like you're getting judged no you're not you got this all right very exciting you have a really good walk oh than what I noticed from the walk is a lot of awkwardness like Christine had an awkward walk uh Cassie had a awkward walk um Allison just fumbled so I just noticed that there was a lot going on there I think Austin was probably the biggest giveaway that he probably was an empath what do you guys do for work I'm a Lego artist so I build with Lego I get to play with Lego all day I am actually an artist I actually make a lot of of art designs as of late I've been working on some figure drawing and oil painting because I'm currently in college and outside of that I also do photography oh that is so awesome I I work as a social media manager for an oil painter in La Hoya um so it's fny the art yeah mine's very complicated I work with the public but like I'm in the public and I do a lot of like Journey walks and experiences with people I'm like an air be host as well as like other things photography yeah yeah and then photography would be my little like paint uh I'm a student I'm in high school still but senior year almost done thank goodness and then I work at my church just on like the weekends I think you can learn a lot from what someone does for work a lot of creative types seem to be empathetic so that kind of like threw me off that we were all kind of creative types of people y'all know the movie inside out yeah that movie kind of shows some people's indication of like what's their leading emotions cuz if you notice with Riley her leading emotions were joy and sadness and then with the eventual movie will be anxiety which I can relate so much [Music] yes I voted for Veronica at the very beginning just because she was a little bit more quiet her wardrobe is a little bit darker her energy was a little lower she was kind of quiet she seemed a little bit nervous she was a little quiet and everything she responded was not adding up to an extent I'm more of a listener that's I'm very observant that's mostly how I'm able to figure out stuff about people so I think that I probably wasn't talking as much as I should have and they thought that that was suspicious um you okay um yeah I was just watching this cat video and it made me really sad and then I went into this mental spiral thinking about all the bad things that could happen to more cats okay okay I hear you you sure that's all that's going on here yeah sorry I'm such a mess I never really learned how to control my emotions and I have really big emotions well hey maybe it'd be helpful for you to talk to somebody who could help you work through those big emotions um have you ever tried therapy I don't really have the time to do research and find a therapist oh have you ever heard of better help I actually found my therapist through them which made it so much easier and they're actually the sponsor of today's video I just the click of a button better help connects you with a licensed therapist who is trained to give you helpful and unbiased advice to get started all you have to do is visit betterhelp.com juilee media to fill out a few questions and you'll be matched with a professional therapist usually within 408 hours you can even choose how you want to meet with them whether that's through a phone call video chat or just through messaging if you're not in the mood to talk let betterhelp connect you with a therapist who can support you off from the comfort of your own home visit betterhelp.com juilee Media or choose Jubilee media during a sign up and enjoy a special discount on your first month thank you to better help for supporting this channel now let's get back to the episode um who would you say is the most like empathetic person in your your life and how would you say they've influenced you probably my most empathetic person in my life would be my mother cuz she's really the only person I mostly have she's the one that really understood me especially when I'm just witer stage I'm just not feeling it I would say it's probably my besti mooki cuz like I call him whenever something good happens or whenever something bad happens and he kind of like matches my energy so if like something really good is happening and then he'll be like oh my God I'm so excited and they'll be like oh my God I'm excited that you're excited and then we just kind of build like whereas like if really good happens and I tell my mom she's like okay and I'm like h o this is really hard I actually think there's a lack of because of it um maybe my brother is a little bit but like what's interesting is because I'm a an Airbnb host like and I share the space with my guest I typically get a lot of empath staying with me cuz it's not typical that someone would want to live with someone else and so it's really like my guest it's the people that stay with me my former Pastor was the most empathetic person around me he's currently deceased and I opened up to him about a lot of things and he didn't judge me and I'm very grateful that I had him in my life that's beautiful I would say that um the most empathetic person in my life is definitely my sister she has grown up with special needs and I feel like she's just such a people person as well and she's taught me so much about love about patience about oh I feel like I'm about to cry about just so much um so she's she's definitely the biggest impath in my life for sure she was talking about something emotional and I was like kind of looking at her eyeballs to see if they were going to like water up and I didn't see a lot of watering up even though she's like oh my God I'm going to cry I was like are you what was the most like traumatic thing that happened that you noticed that it brought it out of you even further oh my gosh I would say for me I had a really bad car accident like at the end of high school and my best friend was in like the passenger side with me and obvious we like we uh ended up leaving unhe hurt and um I'm so grateful that that was the case but I think that made me more empathetic cuz I did not want anything to happen to her and also it's also made me appreciate life you just never know when your last moment being homeless has brought out empathy well not currently homeless but I was homeless and that has brought out a lot of empathy in me and that's why I work with homeless people because I want them to know that the world has not given up on them being homeless shaped me a lot it actually made me a better person when I was on the streets I wanted to help other people that were worse off than me and that's when I started being an empathetic person yeah and I was going to say for me probably was like when I cuz usually I go to my mom but like when she lost her mother or my grandmother and what was crazy enough it was in 2019 and that was actually the year I was graduating from high school everything turned different ly and especially as of course is someone on the Spectrum I probably got more empathetic once I started realizing I kept being taken for granted to the point it was so mind-numbing and I couldn't help myself out but I was able to help other kids who's who has more higher levels of whether it's autism or even down syndrome to help them out know it's okay [Music] I think she was just putting on a Persona so I thought she had like some sociopath uh Tendencies and I just was like oh why is she trying to like curate an image around herself so although I really liked her story it just felt like it was somewhat typical non-math Behavior I voted for her mostly because I just wasn't really feeling it within that round oh good luck I feel like because I asked the questions initially that was probably like why I got voted out and also when I started explaining stuff about my sister and the traumatic incident I felt like I was choking up and I felt like I was getting nervous and so I think that made me think like okay I'm probably going to get voted out if everyone feels confident that you already caught the mole you can end the game now but if the majority has doubts the game will continue please raise your hand if you want to continue playing the game it's so okay what's your favorite Disney movie I would say two one from Disney one from Pixar my Disney would be Big Hero 6 cuz I can relate with hero and for Pixar oh I had to give them credit cuz they got me real good turning red okay I felt m is pain deeply real deeply what about you guys oh it's the lower mermaid I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off no no no you were before me it's just as soon as I thought I was like I love Pocahontas cuz I cried dur Pocahontas but the little mermaid is also good too it's kind of like the same story line very much so mine's Hercules Hercules music so good so I wanted to know about people's favorite Disney movie specifically because there are certain Disney movies that just are too emotionally like fuu it if Lion King's your favorite movie there is something wrong with you because when Simba's dad dies and he's like Papa wake up wake up you're like my heart can't take it okay I'm really thinking this through like who broke your heart oh God and explain like what you felt okay so I am 31 years old and this is like cringey that I'm saying this on Jubilee but I'm 31 years old and I've never had a boyfriend so there's this saying and it's it's goes um it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all and I agree with that because I would have loved to have a boyfriend or now that I'm in my 30s a husband so so yeah I never got my heartbroken in a romantic way unfort I don't know if that's unfortunate or not but yeah there's a few family members who okay not emotions um there's a few family members who I am no longer connected with MH who yeah if I talk more I'm going to cry but it's this is um definitely would be love and lost so like for me it was like going through that experience uh this person was also like empathetic so for her and I it was like very much like we could feel a lot of what was going on in the world and I feel like I lost my partner I asked this also because like there's things that happen afterwards MH when you lose someone or like there's a breakup or there's some type of trauma um [Music] we have a tie uhoh oh boy the tie is between Austin and Aaron so you guys will get 20 seconds each to State your case Ready set go I'm an impat because one I understand emotions completely through everybody I in fact also understand empath through also tarot cards and I also love studying energies through Zodiacs and other ways to channel people's energies and be openly understanding for them so that's why I'm an empath my only saying is in silence you can still hear words and so I just think that uh I don't know I think Austin said a lot I say Austin said a lot that's all I to say don't hate me I think we were suspicious about Aaron because he seemed too empathe patic Aaron seemed a little a little sketch because he didn't Echo people's reactions he just was like very calm cool and collected and and stuff like that so I I thought maybe it would be him but I feel so bad we still love you I might have not spoken so much I wasn't as bubbly as the others it was just easy maybe to have me uh be voted out next today we embark on a journey to the tranquil Oasis of the App Store close your eyes and envision yourself floating effortlessly through the vast cyers space of the App Store Imagine The Gentle caress of your fingertip as it Glides across your screen spelling out nectar in the search bar n e c t a r that feels good doesn't it now with steady hands and determination tap the download button very good may your relationships be healthy and abundant Namaste please raise your hand if you'd like to continue playing the game no the game has ended if the lights turn green that means you voted at the mole and you win if the light turns red that means the mole is still in the box and you lose let's change the lights in three 3 2 1 oh all right well the person who is not an empath please step forward and reveal yourself in three two one I knew it I knew it I knew it couldn't have been you I know I was so irritated because I was the only person I found out from the first round that sniffed her out right away I thought we were golden I mean we got the three tsms and I did not expect like anything from those two at all um maybe if I was closer to her maybe I would have felt some energy Vibes but yeah I I had no idea I am not an empath I have autism and aspd which is uh antisocial personality disorder which is technically psychopathy antisocial personality disorder has affected me in many different ways I talk about it on my YouTube channel which is chocolate auzy I do not completely lack empathy I have cognitive empathy but I do not have emotional empathy everything that I said is true I work with people that are mentally ill people that are homeless people that have substance abuse issues that are um on the streets when people think about sociopaths they automatically think murderers you know like bad people but they don't understand that there is a spectrum um low functioning sociopaths uh have low impulse control and most of them have a low IQ and they do go out and hurt people and act on their intrusive thoughts people that are high functioning sociopaths might have intrusive thoughts but there's a misconception that people that have aspd don't care about others it's not that we don't care about people's feelings we just don't understand them hearing about the spectrum of how soci PS can be that was very helpful to me because I did have someone close to my life who was on the extreme Spectrum especially someone who wanted to be malicious towards others so seeing someone who was bubbly and kind of like kind and a little bit reserved but nice like that was just different sociopathy has affected me in many different ways it has affected my love life because I don't have one and I don't know if I'm capable of love I don't understand love obviously I try to love my mother and my sister but I do not know what love is I do not know what happiness is I try to pretend to be you know a functioning member of society because I don't want to be an outcast but honestly I spend most of my life pretending um not as much as today but yeah I'm just pretending to be happy when sometimes I feel nothing but I am not going to let sociopathy defy me I'm not going to be a crappy person just because I feel nothing because I know that other people do have feelings and emotions even though I honestly lack probably 80% of emotions and how did you feel when you found out that you won um can I be honest yes I felt nothing uh I just wanted to see how far I would go in the game okay a
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 218,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee
Id: Y1i4cvVokhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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