Straight Men Test Their Gaydar

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do U-Hauls trigger you at all no you don't feel anything about a U-Haul no oh yo that's gay you don't want to say anything gay where are you guys from I'm from Canada I'm from Toronto just from Cali C Surfer boy Laguna Beach oh wow okay I saw moose I I saw like the fit yeah like he's the real one I'm worried about and then I saw Jack and I was like oh like he looks like someone who goes to my school why do you think you have good gayor oh I've had some trouble in the past where I think girl is uh straighten into me and turns out she's not so I know the the signs to stray away from you know what I mean I'm going to keep it a bug I do not have good gayar boys why are you here I just came I'm trying to figure out to fight you know maybe if I could cook something up what about you why do you think you have your gay I don't know I got I got a few gay sisters uh oh what sis like sister you have all the Tells that's an advantage you know I got two dogs and they don't really a sexuality I don't think and in high school I dated one on accident I did that too yeah D just you date them and then it ends up yeah I dat a girl next sh pops out with a girlfriend I'm like my bad I'm going rock it right here I think I'm going rock it right here this is your spot I do want you up there I do want you up there we can do that we do that helping well yeah so now I now I have expectations you he's got the least so if he goes anywhere it's [Music] up I'm pretty excited for this one I think it'll be fun I don't know but we'll see I oh man to be quite honest it's not about confidence I'm just I'm just trying to compete and win girls let's go ahead and bring you out hello if I look you up and down it's like I'm not checking you out I'm really just like you know I got to get the whole essence of everything swiping right is straight swiping left is lesbian yes what's your sign do you know like you're rising and you're like oh damn you came right out with that the bloody dress is a big move I'm a Capricorn rising Libra moon as well yeah that's right that's right I don't know what that means okay but I know that it means you definitely are lesbian lesbian okay lesbian oh man okay this is this is so much harder what was the fastest you got into a relationship like two weeks two weeks what car do you drive an Audi Q5 oh oh something about you is like you prepared and you came ready than however I think that you're straight straight I'll put you right you're smiling at me like you like me so I'm going put you over there oh girl you straight hi straight I'm going to go lesbian hi um okay the jewelry is it's like pretty mask I feel like the oh the earrings these are oh yeah we're going to go lesbian yeah M Claudia we going game I'll go left too I like the the fit something I'd wear baggy fit this is is not giving me anything do you always wear like super baggy pants like that mhm always yeah mostly what how do you feel about like you know Kim patress I don't know who that is you don't know who that is straight okay you only have your ears pierced I'm assuming so straight I'm going to go straight oh yeah yeah you like screamed gay at me but that's a flag you know it's a red flag is it too much we're going to go lesbian I think I'm going to go lesbian got the the teeth Jewels so ah you're tough but I want to I'm going to go lesbian I'm going to go lesbian hi hi do you have any other Pier scenes besides nose and the years just those I'm going to go straight um we're going to go lesbian you listen to metal music too yeah yeah now you gay you gay come on yeah yeah I that's a that's a giveaway that's a dead giveaway if she isn't y'all messing me up okay wow tattoos that's sick damn uh oh wow those are some sick earrings you listen to the internet mhm yeah you like Sid oh she's gay lesbian I'm go lesbian um hi I'm Sam Hi Sam don't know straight you're look great and you look like you're straight to me do you only ever like wear black or do you go colorful usually mostly black no colors or anything like that really okay I can I'll go straight I'll go straight hi hi I'm JY JY whoa wa La man I'm from Toronto okay I'm from Canada this is like the some of these are dead giveaways and other times it's like is this just like your Vibe I'll go lesbians the teeth Jewels again that's that's gnarly okay gay does do U-Hauls trigger you at all no you don't feel anything about a U-Haul no oh yo that's gay you don't want to say anything yay oh I like your hair thank you how would you hold a cup like did you show me like like what like this gra it from the top oh you gra it from the top uhuh gay the shaved head I think I'm going to go gay sorry this one will go lesbian as well okay what's your name Jen Jen do you listen to Girl in red not really do you like usually wear super colorful clothing all the time not really not really today I just just felt special felt special felt special okay uh lesbian we'll go straight I feel like the overalls you wore overalls to try to trick me you're straight get out of here I actually think she was gay I messed that up uh is it just the belly button the nose piercings yeah my ears your ears oh your ears are studded out you seem like there's like a lot going on like in the back of your head what does that mean I don't know just like I don't know I definitely think that you're straight we'll go lesbian I feel like this one is painful lesbian oh dude I'm saying everyone's lesbian you wear overalls a lot sometimes sometimes dep okay see you also got overalls on see I think that you Googled that all right you look beautiful though thank you straight beautiful dogs dude everyone's wearing dogs straight we'll go straight straight sub I'm going to go lesbian off the sub gay gay lesbian you stepped a little too close the necklace is it like a crystal type thing or is it just yeah I thrifted it I just you Thrift it so there's no like Crystal Vibe going on I mean like I like crystals so a crystal girl I mean like I like them I'm not like obsessed with them I love your boots thank you so much this is great and you know what else is great is that you're straight okay we're going that way okay straight we'll go hi hi oh my God you're so tall yeah my bad what kind of music you listen to what's your what's your Vibe you listen to everything MH when was the last time you changed your oil on your car um I just got it done actually like a month ago why the thing showed up the thing showed up okay straight I like ketris you like ketris oh you're going to trick me with that I think you're straight though so like I'm going to go straight what what's your occupation I work at a theme park a theme park M I'll go straight with that one hi okay I like the little pins do you like music festivals no no would you say you're more of an inside or outside person inside 100% okay lesbian feel like you're like a gay at home girl so gay have you always had short hair recent change I've always like I always had short hair just like it like that I like it it's convenient all right I'm going to go Les me in for that one hi hi you look like an All-American Girl if I'm honest like the tank top the sweater you look like you're about to go play tennis with your dad you're straight straight what was the name of your last girlfriend never had a girlfriend I'm going to go straight on that one hi I'm hay okay what's like the number one artist Taylor Swift Taylor Swift of course straight okay I don't know a lot of gay swifties so I'm going to go straight what is your perfect thing to do on a night out pregame a little bit maybe sing some karaoke go daning stra straight karaoke straight feel oh my gosh I think I was shooting like 75% which is more than half I think I did pretty good I'm hoping for 20 out of 20 I feel like I did good but realistically I'll go 15 out of 20 so the thing is you actually all tied you got the same exact number correct let crazy let's go I'm so TI that is so yeah let's go thank God so now we are going to five more women to swipe on they brought backups it's going to be the women in our crew oh my gosh God I got to go off V this is actually insane this is a jubilee anom this is insane this first ever okay docks the jeans oh my gosh you are gay I'm going to go lesbian just with a tuck shirt in the front we'll go oh man straight yeah this Los Angeles California I just got here because I'm trying to chase my dream sweater is giving straight as hell with the boots so you going to go that way what is your go-to morning routine I get up I watch my face put anything on your face lotion yeah like my skincare you skincare you have a skincare routine I'll go straight for that one chill Uggs Uggs straight hi I'm tit it's the Hocus for me you know fit girly energy and you know you got like the loose sweater and stuff like that so I'm thinking gay the fit okay straight oh no okay what what's your favorite sport golf golf I'm going to go lesbian with that one I play golf you know Ballet Academy I don't know you know if a lot of gay girls are in ballet but you're probably one of them so you're going gay because I think that's what that is your leg is shaking like crazy I'm just go lesbian did you do ballet um I used to do ballet yeah you used to do ballet yeah okay I'll go straight for that one dang no you straight I'm going to go you straight you you you have like a cool cut Cali Vibe so you're going to go straight all right Apple watch is it like comfortable you're like ready to seize the day dude I don't know oh wow see you see how she looked back but then I don't know if it's cuz I said that earlier straight is this usually how you dress or do you ever like usually just pants t-shirt yeah I'll go lesbian for that one I think I just did mediocre hopefully better than moose I think I went five for five there I'm going keep it real wait what the is a love print here it says we're 95% compatible we are [Music] is crazy she's so straight she's so straight this first one is Big this first one is Big hi I'm Marin and I'm straight no hi I'm Giana I'm gay no that too smile was not for you say hi to my girlfriend okay hi I'm Marlo I'm straight all right hi I'm Claudia and I'm gay okay all right let's Go's go I'm London and I'm straight the shoes what did I say wait what did I say did I say straight I think I stra I said straight I said gay here though I'm abigael and I'm straight hi I'm Mira and I'm straight my God hi I'm Samir and I'm a lesbian yes hey I'm Sam and I'm gay Gage you guys all say straight G I said straight okay tatto I'm J and I'm G yes yes yes go I'm Chanel I'm queer oh yes sh hello my name's Jen and I'm gay yes yes what did I say I called that I called that we'll go straight I feel like the overalls I'm Haley and I'm straight yes I said g wait no it was the piercing I'm s Mia and I'm gay no way I've known since I was five I said overalls were a straight girl damn I'm Lauren you guys all guessed that I was gay I'm straight my name is Kennedy and I am gay no why is this no I should have looked the boots my name is Christina you guys are right I'm straight yeah my name is you guys are wrong I'm straight went short hair we all went short and I am straight listen to Taylor Wes speaking of Taylor Swift this is the Taylor Swift I'm Haley and I'm gay and a lot of gay people like Taylor Swift W I didn't know we can count who W okay now we can count this is like yeah hi I'm Nicole and I am straight yes yes yes okay I'm ala and I'm straight I I got that one and I'm straight oh my God bro I'm Bella and I'm straight what right hi I'm Emma I'm straight yes 2 seconds ago I felt so confident in myself like I was like yeah you know this is so much easier than I thought it was but then you had the obvious ones be not obvious and you had the obvious ones also be obvious what am I supposed to do with all that information okay now we're going to reveal how you all did so tied four second and third place oh we have moose and Jack with 11 out of 25 oh my God I I get 12 you are in first place with 13 wow 50% congrats congrats what can I say the numbers speak for themselves just kidding that was really stressful we did really bad so I was the I'm the best of the worst they switched up the whole the stereotypes aren't true yeah women are just women girls be Girling girls be Girling they're all bossing it taking this as a dub if I went perfect I'd have made a career out of it bro I thought I was going to do good moose thought he was going to do bad so we evened out in the middle we let Jason Shine That's why I did so bad I just wanted Jason to shine I do feel good that I knew myself enough to know that I wasn't going to do a great job thanks Brianna Jane those are my sisters Hattie you guys got me here
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,091,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee
Id: -8b6APJrB4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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