Gen Z Fashion vs Millennials Fashion | Ranking Style

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- If it was really up to me, I really appreciate this last person's style. I would put them first. - Oh what, I didn't even see those! - Right here! - Is this a game changer? That's a game changer. (electronic beep) (electronic music) (electronic music) - [Crew] What went through your head when you first saw all the millennials? - I thought they would be, like, low key dress like NPCs. Like default characters in games. - I feel like millennials will definitely take it a little easier. They're more, like, subdued to a little box. And like be more safe with it. 'Cause now with Gen Z growing up, people really try to one up and get more and more out there. Like, hence, myself. And then even the people that were here with me. - [Crew] Millennials, you now must stay silent. Gen Z, you can talk. - The power! - [Millennial 1] I'm like so scared now. - I was expecting something else, bruh. - Do you always dress like that? - Your guys' outfits are all. - Way better dress than I thought guys fits - You know, bruh, I was gonna be, like, horrible. - I was thinking like, some just plain shirt, and some just like slacks or. I don't know. - But first off, I like, bro. That he knows his proportions. You know, what works on his body. With like, the tight jacket, the jeans and then the shoes. And then the little accessories. It's like them little touches. - I also love the color scheme. - Yeah. The color scheme. - The way that you match, the jacket matches. - I wanna move you to two. Can we run that? Are y'all on the same wavelength? - Yeah. Yeah. - Number two? - And then, I mean we could still move it around after two, but for now, I think this should be two. Can I see your shoes? Like those white ones? Oh! Those are juicy. - Yeah! - Was up to me, he'd be first. - No, that's what I'm saying. - I agree. - I agree with that. - Be first. - Yo, can you put the glasses on too? Like, that's an accessory. I have to see. - I feel like there's a lot of mini details that tie it all in together fully. - Yeah, it's the rings, the jewelry. - I figured I'd be probably like one or two. Sounds very pretentious but I don't know. I just figured based off millennial fashion, that's probably where I'd land. - I would personally put him a little lower, just 'cause he's very, like, skinny. - I personally, really like his outfit. I think it's really classy. I really like the shoes. - It gives millennial. - Can you two switch? (pop sound effect) Are you guys cool with that? - I'm down with these two to switch. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. - No, no, no, no. You stay here. You guys, you and leather jacket. - Oh, oh oh! You wanna put bro four? - I want him two, and four. - I agree with that. - I think he should be with third because, like, I love her outfit. I think it fits for her. But I've seen this outfit a hundred thousand times. - Yeah. - You feel? I feel like these have a little more individuality than something like this. 'Cause it's like a fashion episode. You look great, but that's playing it safe. You know, we're supposed to be swagged out right now. - I am not mad about it. It's my personal style. It's what I feel most comfortable in. So I would never want to, you know, dress up in something that isn't me. - I really like the glasses right there. - Can you put those on too? - I like the touch. - Yeah! - Come on, come on. - Swag! - Get them on! - I like the tote bag. I like the shoes. I like the silhouette of the top. - Ooh! - Okay. - You definitely have a look to you, and I love the look. - Okay then. - I'm here for it. I love the accessories. - I think he should go the third for now. - Wait, hold on. Y'all. - I was thinking two, - Y'all hold on. 'Cause I'm like, I'm really feeling her outfit, bro. - Me too! - I'm like, I'm like. - Me personally. - I love the pants. - I'd pick them second. - Pants are hard. - Can you look down so I could see the little. - Yeah. - The charm. - Yeah. Okay. Yeah - A little swag. - The bracelet. - Oh yeah. - The necklace too. The necklace. - She needs to be moved up. - Oh, a braid weave. - It is a braid. - Yeah. - Yo, pop over to number two, please. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I'm used to folks being kind of startled by the way I dress and stuff, since yay high. So I was a little surprised. - Okay. - I would love to have these two switch. - Low key, yeah. - I agree. - I think he's above him, in my opinion. - Yeah, for me, I would put him above him. - I'd put him, realistically, two. But if you wanna go third, I think we could work that. - I think he's a really good base. - And then let's see how that. - For what Millennial fashion is. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is like typical millennial fashion. Like, I feel like I would see you guys in ASOS or like something like that, you know? (upbeat music) (laughing) - So how we feeling? Is this? - Personally, I like this order. - This is ideal for me too. - I really like this order. - I like it. - I mean, I'm okay with it just 'cause like it's obviously a group consensus. I would make some changes, but. - [Gen Z 1] What changes would you make? - I'd probably switch them two, if anything. - Okay. I like where we're at. - I agree. I like it. - This is roughly what I have, so. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yo, that necklace that you're wearing, I have the same thing. You're so mad, I'm so mad! - I love the piercings too. - Seriously. Oh my god. - Yeah, I think tattoo is a great way to express yourself. - Let's see it. Hey yeah. - And I think, your tattoo does a really great job of emphasizing and highlighting your fashion. - No, on top of that, his eyes. - Yeah. - For real, like how. - I don't think he can choose that. - No. It matches your outfit. - I know. - I don't know how you styled your eyes. Like, to match your style. - So, this is crazy. - Like you built it like. - It matches though. - Okay. I think we're good, right? - Yeah, we're good, we're good. - Yeah. - Where do you work? (laughing) - I feel like this is a corporate on the weekend job. - I do have a corporate job, yes. - You have a corporate job and this is what you would wear to go to a brunch with the girls or something? - Probably. Yeah. - Yeah. - So I just made a whole scenario in my head. - Yeah, yeah. I do have to dress like business. You know, in the workplace, but. - [Gen Z 1] Okay. - So, do you like my outfit? - Mm, yeah, it's unique. (static hisses) I would've died for that outfit in middle school. - Isn't this coming back into style? - I don't know. My FYP is all about mob life and eclectic Grandpa aesthetics. - Oh, well. In any case, I'm doing this for myself. I'm just trying to heal my inner child. (aww sound effect) - An easier route for that might just be going to therapy. (electronic beep) I found my perfect therapist through Better Help, the sponsor of this video. - Better Help makes starting therapy easier and much less intimidating for a lot of people. They have over 30,000 therapists in their network, so it's easy to find a therapist that gets you. - To get started, all you have to do is visit to fill out a few questions and you'll be matched with a professional therapist, in most cases, within 48 hours. - You can even choose how you wanna meet with them. Whether through a phone call, video chat, or through messaging if you're not in the mood to talk. - And if you feel like your therapist isn't a great match, you can easily switch therapists with a click of a button in your settings, and there's no extra charge. - Join over 4 million people who've used Better Help to start living a healthier, happier life. Click the link in the description or visit better Plus clicking that link supports this channel and gets you 10% off your first month of Better Help. So you can connect with a therapist and see if it helps you. - Thank you to better help for supporting this channel. Now let's get back to the episode. - What are your thoughts on baggy pants? - So, I used to be overweight when I was a teenager. I was definitely a little curvier. And even though I've lost weight, and now I like to be super athletic and super active, I used to be very insecure about my body in general. And so now I think. I like to think that I wear things that are proportionate, but I hesitate to wear things that are anything less than slim or skinny. Because in my hard on my self mind, I'm like, "oh you look overweight again". So baggy pants. - You look great. - Thank you. Baggy pants. I like them on other people. I would never touch them. - Okay. - I'm branching out a little bit more, and not wearing things that are so restrictive and so covered up. I will wear, like, a mesh shirt with light up suspenders to a drag show in West Hollywood. Like, I have my moments. And today was reassuring in that. I feel really good. - Okay. For you, when it comes to picking out your outfit, what's most important to you? Is it texture, print, or color? - Can I choose one that's not. - Sure. - One of those options? It'd be like expression and expressing yourself. And so for me, this is like very super duper comfortable. And this one's a little more expressive. And so I try to, like, play with a little bit of that. Have a little contrast, and still be comfy, cozy. I like to think of my outfit as like a mullet. Business down here, and then this is like party and comfort up here. - Because I agree. Because you have the texture from the top, the print from the bottom ,and then your shoes have a little bit of pop of color. Which is why I asked. - Do you usually go out like this? Like would that be your daily outfit? - Yeah. - Okay, okay. Cute, yeah. - Like, I try to go out looking like a cartoon character. - You should! - When did you realize that this is the style that you wanna go? - 12, 13 years old. - Okay. Around that time. - Awesome. - It was maybe early two thousands. That's when like the Japan cool and the Harajuku fashion and stuff was picking up in the United States. And just, yeah. Just ran with that. - Where do you shop bro? - Me? - Like at this point, yeah. (laughing) - I buy a lot of second secondhand off of Grailed and Depop. - What's your favorite Grailed purchase you've ever? - Ooh. - Ooh! - Actually, these boots are probably one of them. So these boots are probably older than all of you guys actually. (laughing) - Yeah. - Don't doubt it. - Oh! So camp. - What boots are they? - So these are Dirk Bikkembergs. From, I think like 1980. - Oh they're Dirk Bikkembergs? - Dirk what? - For me, I always like things that are a little bit harder to obtain. Which is why I like secondhand. Because you can find a lot more rare items that people aren't wearing. Because I appreciate being unique and individual. So for me I like to experiment a bit more. - I love that. I call myself a professional shape shifter. - There you go. Yeah. - Because you have to try on different styles. You can't just stick to one thing. - Yeah. - You never know, like, I could look like a Barbie doll right now, but next day I'm gonna look like a rock star's girlfriend. You know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's so different. - I feel that. - [Crew] Millennials, you're now going to rank Gen Z. - Gen Z's definitely a lot more fashionable than millennials. Yeah, they grew up with TikTok and Instagram where they can see all of their favorite people, what they're wearing. And they can kind of emulate that. - The first thought I thought when I saw the Gen Z people was "this is Gen Z". There's just so many bright colors and it's super fun. Super visually appealing. - I was shocked that there were no Crocs. Because that's something in my mind that it is synonymous with Gen Z. Okay, so organizing as as a group here? - Yes. - Immediately, I would put her near the front. - Why? - I love the shoes, from what I see of them. I love the pants. I kind of just love everything about it. - I like the glasses. The glasses are super fun, very bold. - For Gen Z this is quite sleek, I think. - Sleek. - Yeah. - So if you wanna go to the front. - Okay. Oh, all the way to the front. - I like him there too, 'cause I'm very much into the hoodies. I like the beanie. I like the shoes, the jeans. - I would actually put her maybe one or two spaces over there as well. 'Cause even though it's a little too bright for something that I would wear, I love that it's matching. - [Millennial 2] I really like your accessories. - I like the makeup. - Yeah. - How everything is cohesive. - - Cute. - Yeah. Even the teeth. I dunno if you noticed, the teeth counts. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I didn't know where I was gonna land. Only because I have very bold and unique fashion. I really didn't know how this was gonna translate. Especially towards a more minimalist group, I would say. Or more earth toned group. - So I would say just for now. - I see the detail. - Maybe swap right here. Just for now. - I agree. - I mean, for me I would put her at number two. - I know. - I could put her at one, honestly. Just 'cause I also like the tattoos. I'm a big tattoo person. - [Millennial 3] I agree, yeah. - I think that ties into fashion as well. - No, I agree. I think fashion is kind of like the whole aesthetic. - Yes. The whole aesthetic. - The accessories, the tattoos, hair. Everything. - Actually, I might switch this guy and her together. The reason is, for her, she's actually styled the jacket a little bit. In that, you know, she has one shoulder off. It's a little bit more effort than just, you know, putting it on. - I like her fit a lot. There's so many different pieces, but I think they're complimentary and it's not too much. Like, she, to me, is upper. Like one or two. - Can you two go up here, and you go in the fourth spot? - I actually don't disagree with that. - Okay. - Okay. - If it was really up to me, I really appreciate the swag versus style. I would put them first. - Yeah, I was gonna say that too. - No, advocate. - I really, really love all the accessories. - I do too. - This person has headphones, hat, everything. - Oh, what. I didn't see those! - The sneakers. - Is this like, is this a game changer? That's a game changer. - It's a game alterer. I mean, I do appreciate that it's very unique to him. - I really appreciate something bold like that. And not only something bold, but clearly confident and unashamed about it. - All right, so what are we? Are we change? Are we moving him up? - I would. And I'll be honest, 'cause I've seen this outfit a lot. To be fair. it looks good. I mean there's no doubt about it, but I've seen that formula a lot. - [Millennial 1] It looks great. - Some might say I looked like a drippy minion or what. But you know, it's what I wanna wear. I was like, you're right. Like, it is very simple. I prioritize the way my clothes fit me and my proportions rather than super out there and all these crazy pieces. - Am I allowed to ask to see a little bit more of your shoe? - Let's see it. - Oh! - Oh, see I like that. If it were up to me, I think she would stay right there. - Wait, I thought we were switching. What happened? Can we switch? - Okay. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Dave] Does everyone agree with that? - I think so. - I'm okay with it. - I'm a little bit biased. I would want her at number one. The small details like with the teeth, jewelry. It's a little bit extra effort where not a lot of people would necessarily think about. - I would personally like to switch. - These two. These two? - Yeah. - I would too actually. - So does that mean we sort of agree that number one stays in number one? - I think we agree that number two should be number one? - I wanted to switch two and one. - [Crew] 15 seconds! - I think both of us agree with that. - Can you please switch? - Okay, go ahead and switch. - Yeah. - And then I think. - Did you want a switch to these two? - Yeah, let's switch you two as well. - But he thinks she's number one. What was it? What was the time? - This is a democracy. If I'm out voted, that's okay with me. - I mean, this is okay. - I'm not mad about it. - But I'm happy. - What piece did you put on that you were most excited to wear today? - I really emphasize on simplicity. And I really like being comfortable and things like that. - Okay. - Coming from a background of skating, of just baggy and things like that. So, honestly, probably the jacket 'cause it's not something I typically wear. It's kind of a standout piece. Very bright. - I love It. - You look good man. I want to ask you, what are your fashion hot takes? So for example, I know one hot take that a lot of people say. and I don't agree with this, but. - Yeah. They think skinny jeans should be a thing of the past. Like, that should not be worn anymore. - Like, for that specific one, I feel like everything has its times. Like right now a lot of people are wearing baggy pants. Hence, you know, we got some baggy pants. Skinny jeans might come back. I think that one, personally, everything is just like wish washed. You know in 10 years fashion gonna be different. 10 more years is gonna be different. - Can I have a follow up question? - Yeah. - You mentioned some things like, you know, fads change, things come and go. Is there anything that you're wearing right now that you're like, "Oh, this is a staple". This is gonna be a classic in 10 years. - My Jeremy Scott Adidas. Like I remember these being big when I was growing up. So now I have them again. Me personally, I'm gonna wear these till I die. You know, I have like 20 colors of these. - You got 20 Jeremy Scotts, wow. - [Gen Z 2] Someone else might not think the same thing. Yeah. - What are your, do you have any fashion influences from family or maybe musicians? - I'm actually the only person who actually dresses up, like in my household. - Oh, okay. - So. Yeah. I used to kind of model in Indonesia. - [Millennial 2] Oh, nice. - I was an exchange student there. So actually this piece is sort of like I made it with someone, so. - Oh nice. - Yeah. - That's cool. - That's awesome. - Do you find yourself identifying with stereotypical millennial and Gen Z fashion? 'Cause stereotypically, generalized, and I see influences of both. - Specifically with today, I wanted to be comfy, cute casual. And my biggest statement piece would actually be my accessories. Rather than the actual clothing pieces. So yeah. - You wear them very well? Yeah. - Can we see your heels? - Yeah, so they're actually thigh highs. - Oh! - Nice. - That I tucked in my outfit, but I'm a big boots girl. I have boots tattooed on me. I love a chunky heel. You'll never see my actual height. You'll never know how tall or short I am. So I'm a big heels girl. - Mystery. - Are your nails? This is such a dumb man question. Are your nails comfortable? Do you have to like, do you catch them on something as you're getting ready? - No. - They look amazing. - I do just fine. I wipe my ass just fine. - Thank God. - I text just fine. - That makes one of us. - I do everything just fine. (dramatic music) - Number two, I thought was very Maximalist and eccentric, which is typically centered around Gen Z fashion. However, I love that they put their own twist to it. - I put number one at number one. 'Cause first off, it's sustainable. Secondhand is always better way to go. Give clothes new life. And bro got Dirk Bikkenbergs on the feet. He knows what he's doing when it comes to fashion, let's be honest. - Number two. I really liked the simplicity, the color co ordinations. What else? I like the textures he had used, and just the overall way it fit and style. - I put number one at number one because I love the proportions. Yes, it's a little bias, but it's just something I would wear as well in my own way. I loved everything about it, head to toe. There was no critiques I would have. - Okay, number one, this person is low key like my older ego, like twinsies. I just love how they stayed consistent with their style. And just the overall vibes feels like me. - [Crew] Can you tell me about your number four. - They remind me of my dad, low key. I only be for real with this one. (laughing) But I don't know I, I guess it's just. Just the jeans. It was jeans for me. (upbeat music) - I put my number one at number one because it's sleek, it's accessorized amazingly, and it would be something that I would wear. (upbeat music) - Number two. Really unique, individual style. I really like what they, you know, put on themselves when it comes to accessories and shoes and whatnot. (upbeat music) - [Crew] Number 5. - So this person, still great. Fantastic outfit, really nice. There was just a lot of different pieces and it was kind of hard to see the overall theme. It seemed really disparate. For me, I like it to be cohesive. I like everything to be super purposeful. (upbeat music) - So the person that I put number one, I really like their style. The cohesiveness of their outfit. The accessories, everything flowed really well together. I thought it was just a really cute outfit. - Number five. I think on any given day, if I saw him on the street, I would think that guy is really stylish. But just for this episode, I think I've seen it enough times, so I put him in number five. - [Crew] Okay, can you fold it up and put it in the box? (metal rattles) - Oh, girl, look, how compatible we are! - Okay! - What's up fellow kids, what are we up to? - We are on the Nectar app. But. - Nectar. - Yeah. I don't think you'll get it though, so. - Why? - I don't know. You're too old but. - Too, too old! - What? Ain't no way! Trying to be like us. (upbeat music) - [Crew] All right. The individual votes are in. First we have Mateo, then we have Jared. Then we have Blue. Taina and Maryam. Now Blue, Tania and Maryam. You guys have actually all tied for first. - Oh! Thanks guys. - Good job guys. - A win is a win. - A win is a win. - I feel good. I think honestly it speaks a lot that we have very different styles but we all tied. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So I think that really does speak to just how fashion is so subjective. And how everyone has very different tastes and style, but at the end of the day, however you wanna express yourself is truly what's most important. - Yeah. - I agree. - Yeah, I pulled up. (laughing) And I was like, when I see all this, I was like, oh. (laughing) I was like, "well it's wraps for me but you know, it's all good. - [Maryam] That was me. That was me. - It makes sense. Like to be honest, I didn't think I was gonna be any higher. Bro got a plain outfit, makes sense. And then they're swagged out. So yeah, ten out of ten choices. - [Crew] All right, millennials. Gen Z has spoken. On the left, we have Haley, then we have Jakob, then we have Dave, then we have Jupiter and we have Josh. - Yay! - No changes. - We don't have to move! (electronic ping) (laughing) (chilled music) - I feel like we were able to decide easier than they were. We saw it and we were like, "this is it". - I thought you guys were too nice. - Like almost. - I think you guys held back a little. - I feel like you guys didn't speak your mind. - Yeah. - I think it's a millennial thing. - [Mateo] Like, you guys didn't talk. - We were the generation of participation awards, so we're like. (laughing) I'm good with this. We all get along. We're all happy. Y'all didn't talk enough (beep). Dig deep. - We thought we were going to, but no. You guys all dress great though. That's the problem. - [Crew] Real quick, Haley. Can I get a little bit from you? - Yeah, I mean I kind of accepted it. I have a very basic style, I guess you could say. And because of my career and and what I have to wear. And I don't have a huge, you know, wardrobe outside of business casual. So I just have, like, a few pieces that I can kind of mix and match. I know it's not typically fashionable, but it's what I feel comfortable in. - I think it's fashionable depending on who you ask. - That's true. - And I think to add to that too, I think you did a really great job of finding, what works for your body. Like your jeans are really popping, Miss May. I'm like, you look so good in the jeans. And then like I mentioned in my thing too, your gold, your accents. Everything you do really makes your features pop. Your blonde hair is popping, your eyes are popping. Like, it might not be out of the box. I think you found what really works for you and I have to applaud you for that and give you your flowers. - And I think the way that you guys ranked us was according to what you see more closer to your style. Like Gen Z, right? - Oh for sure. - That's, yeah. - That is true. - Yeah. - I think the biggest dub is they said that we don't actually look like millennials. Or we're not what they expect as millennials. - Yeah, true. - I'll take that. I'll take that. - They chose a good. Whoever casted this, you guys know what you're doing. (laughing) - Yeah. - Good job. I wonder who. - I'm honestly really happy. It was definitely a confidence booster. - I apparently have a thicker skin than I thought. 'Cause it honestly doesn't phase me whatsoever. I think it's because I expected to be ranked super low. - I definitely have a different outlook now. 'Cause some millennial fashion definitely needs some work. But everyone had great fits today.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 984,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee, gen z, nectar app
Id: AYRRQgCz6bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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