6 Moms vs 1 Fake | Odd One Out

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- I am a mom. - I'm a mom. - I am a mom. - I'm a mom. - I'm a mom. - I am a mom. - I'm a mom. Don't touch! Look! (child vocalizing) (bold orchestral music) Let's get into it. (mothers laughing) - My strategy is, you know, I'm just gonna come in here and I'm just gonna ask those hard questions. I'm gonna grill them as much as I can. - I wanna know what are your mom hacks? - Mom hacks. - What's like a mom hack that you have, makes your life easier? Some telltale signs that someone isn't a mom, they don't have like that mom reaction, if something happens, they don't jump quick. - Oh, I have one. I keep a bucket in my car 'cause my son threw up all over himself one day at school pickup. - We have a trash... Well, it's like a grocery store bag. We keep 'em stuffed in the back of the seats. So it's exact same thing. - I keep toys right behind the driver's seat So I'm like, "Okay, this one, this one." - [Both] Wipes, everywhere. - Don't they dry out in the car, though? - Not usually. Well, if I clean it out regularly, then yeah, you know what I mean? - I'm tired! - He likes to hold his pee, so he'll do the pee pee dance. (Amber and Raelynne laughing) So I just tell him to countdown from 10. - Brown flour. I brown flour in a cast iron skillet and that gets rid of diaper rashes. - What's brown flour? - Clears up by the next diaper. - What is that? - Get you some flour and just brown it, burn it, burn the heck out of it. - And that's really natural. - [Ky'Tianna] And it gets rid of diaper rashes. - So I kind of learned a lot actually, when he had diaper rashes, I just put A&D ointment or like Vaseline on his butt (laughs). - [Interviewer] Remember that this is a game, we're gonna find a liar. (moms laughing) - Getting into the hacks. (moms laughing) - Getting along. - I know. - I think the reason we all came into the game so was- - Civil? - Civil, yeah, that's the right word. It's because moms, we get a lot of judgment and a lot of, "You're doing this wrong." - How long was everyone's labor? - I was two days. - Two days? - Yeah. - Mine was a C-section (chuckles). - 12 hours, I would say. - What about epidurals? (moms chattering) - [Kristina] I had an epidural. (moms chattering) - I tried really hard to like, hold out and then they were like, "Okay, like, you're not moving any further. We'll give you Pitocin." I was like, "Gimme that epidural." (moms laughing) - Pitocin was amazing! - Also, I'm tired. I'm tired. - "Pitocin was amazing"? - Yes. - I hated that stuff- - I loved it. I was in so much pain. I was two centimeters dilated and I couldn't even take the pain anymore. - I've personally never heard anybody say that before. I know Pitocin makes everything 10 times worse. So I wasn't sure if she like (chuckles) got that mixed up or anything like that. But that raised suspicions for me. - Pitocin is the one that they give you to induce, though? - Yes, and so I wasn't moving longly- - And it didn't do anything for you? Oh my God- - What? - It put my labor from like zero to 100 in the pain level threshold. - No, not me, that helped a lot. - Well I think she kind of called me out right there and I was like, "Hmm." That made me more suspicious. Their body language, her daughter was like this far away from her and then she was actually touching her daughter's shoulder and playing with her hair and the daughter told her to stop. And I was like, "Oh, that's a red flag." Do you guys have any nicknames for your kids? - For both my kids, I call them my chicken nuggets or my chili beans. Especially in the morning, (Amber laughing) it's like "Yo, chicken nuggets, time to wake up." - [Amber] He's Coda Coda Codes Codes. - Hers is peas or sweet cheeks. Something I was very suspicious of in the first round was Ky'Tianna. At first she wasn't, you know, picking up her son and being like, "Shh." (child crying) (moms chattering) I don't know, at least with my kids, I would've been hushing and trying to calm him down. So that was my first suspicion. - Stinky, stink, (moms laughing) Booger. - Crazy. - Booger, heavy on booger. Yeah, sweet, when he's being sweet. (bell ringing) (upbeat percussion music) She was suspicious just 'cause she looks super young. They look like sisters. (upbeat percussion music) - I voted for Amber because she really wasn't answering a lot of the questions. She was being kind of quiet. (upbeat percussion music) (buzzer dinging) (quirky music) (child crying) - I think they found my age suspicious because I am so young. I'm only 17, almost 18. And they probably thought that she's like my little sister or not my child. I get that a lot. I feel like teen moms should have more credit, more like I'm a mom just like you. - Question. Do I have to hold on to him or can he roam? - [Interviewer] It's better if he stays near you if you could. - Okay. - [Interviewer] Yeah. - Okay, it's nap time, so. (moms laughing) (upbeat music) - What was the song that your child was either always listening to or singing all around the house or everywhere they go? - Oh, "Trolls," this one was obsessed with "Trolls," she was born in 2016. - Him too, he was born in 2016 also, it's crazy. - And she would walk around singing the whole movie, every song, she was reenacting. ♪ I see your true colors ♪ Yeah, so. (chuckles) She's running away. - For her, it was the wonderful "Let It Go." - Yeah? Oh, I had to videotape that. That was a funny one, "Frozen" was really big in our house. - Yeah, it was the same for her, "Let It Go." - Right now, The Wheels on the Bus." (moms laughing) - We all know that they can drive us a little crazy 'cause that's just what they do, they're beautiful. What's the one thing that gets under your skin? - Oh, "bruh." - Oh, "bruh," okay. - I'm like, "I'm mom," (chuckles) I'm not your friend (chuckles). - He just does not clean up. I go in his room and I swear it's like the most crazy mess every single time, like what the heck? It's like a tornado every single time. - I'm sorry. (child sniffling) I apologize. - We had a couple of moms who had some wiggly kids. I did not think that Ky'Tianna was a fake or a mole at all because of the interaction. I could see the exasperation, the, "oh, here we go again." And I sensed it from the beginning that I'm like, "This is a real mom for sure." (toy clicking) (child crying) - You got too many cars. - [Amber] What's everyone's relationship with your partner? - Me and her dad are divorced. We're really cool. We've been divorced for a while, like six years now. He lives about four hours up north. So I see her when I can. I surprise her sometimes when I go up there. - I'm married (chuckles). - We're together, most supportive partner. He's great, I don't know what he waiting on but... (moms laughing) If I'm being honest. I have a super supportive mom. She takes the baby on the weekends so we can work and we can do date night. - [Jenny] That's nice. (bell ringing) - Oh dang! I can see how compatible I am with my friends? 84%, 45%, Where was this app at when I was dating? It would've made my life a lot easier. (quirky instrumental music) (upbeat percussion music) I was very suspicious of Kristina based on the way that her and her daughter were kind of interacting. It didn't really seem like they were too comfortable around each other. She was all over me, so for them it was kind of just keeping their distance but- - Well, some parents need space. - (chuckles) Okay. (upbeat percussion music) - I looked at Amber and I was like, "That's not a mom." (Raelynne laughing) - Raelynne said that her kid was living with her dad the entire time and she would just come in to visit. But I thought that was kinda suspicious. Maybe she was just visiting her aunt or something. (child vocalizing) (Jenny chuckling) (Khalil shrieking) - [Interviewer] And we have a tie! - [Moms] Oh. - [Interviewer] So there is a tie between Amber and Raelynne. (moms chattering) (child vocalizing) I'm going to give you guys 20 seconds each to state your case, starting now. - She was born in 2013. Me and her dad were together for about six years. We split up, he moved to a city called Hanford. It was a really tough choice to let her go, but ultimately, I felt like she was at an age as she lived with me for a while and she really, really missed her dad and I felt like if I told her no, then I'd be keeping her here. So she comes down every vacation and we do a lot of girly things, It's like her favorite thing to do is like Girls' Day. (bell ringing) - He was born in 2016. I was pregnant with him like senior year of high school. So I actually had to like leave high school for a while because I just didn't wanna be the pregnant mom in high school. I finished later though. But, yeah, it was really hard, honestly being such a young mom. But my parents helped me a lot and I mean, it's a learning experience, my first kid, so. It's difficult, but. - Yeah, it's tough. (bell ringing) (intense percussion music) (buzzer dinging) (Raelynne whispering) - My daughter lives four hours away and a lot of mothers that I know have told me like they could have never let their children live that far from them. They look at me and they see my lifestyle and stuff like that and they're like, "Do you even miss your daughter?" And I'm like, "Man, every day, we talk every single day." I know what type of mother I am and ultimately, she's happy and that's all that I care about. - [Interviewer] So new rule. Starting now, for every time all of you vote on someone that is not the mole, the total prize money will be reduced by half. (Savannah chuckling) Please raise your hand if you wanna continue playing the game in three, two, one. - Might as well, let's go for it. - [Interviewer] The majority has voted to do one more round. (Khalil shrieking) - You wanna get picked up now? (timer chiming) - [Jenny] Allergies, does your kids have allergies? - He doesn't have any allergies, but is has dyslexic, so he like messes up numbers and letters a lot. So like, yeah, in school it's been kind of hard, but. - What grade is he? - He's in first grade. - First. - First grade, oh, okay. - You said that you had your oldest kid at 26. - Yes. - Right? - [Jenny] Yeah. - Khalil is a ball of fire. (Khalil screaming) Come on, no, no, no. He has a lot of energy. He has a lot to say. You are a riot, come on. You got a new friend, come on. He's really good. He's a really good kid, super smart, likes to explore his surroundings. Stand in this area. (Ky'Tianna sighing) - It's not gonna work. - I'm sorry (chuckles). Where are you going? (Khalil and Ky'Tianna laughing) - And you said that you were married? - Yes, I'm married. - Does your husband have curly hair too like him? - He's adopted. - Oh, he's adopted. Oh, okay, either I missed that or, I'm so sorry. - Oh, okay. - But he's got wavy hair. - He has wavy hair. - Yes. - When did you adopt him? - Finalized his when he was five and a half with his little sister. - Oh, cool. - Yeah. Was it hard getting pregnant? - No, way. - No (chuckles). No. (moms chattering) - I do not want to. - Yeah, big oops. - Second one was on purpose, yes. (moms chattering) - Most of you guys did breastfeeding, you said that and formula as well. How bad was the chafe? - Oh, really bad. Lanolin was my best friend on my nipples. - Don't remind me. - (chuckles) Yeah, lanolin was the best. - I only breastfed for like two days. He had lost most of his body weight when we brought him back from the hospital, so we just had to go instantly to formula. - What formula did you guys use? - Enfamil, the purple one. (child groaning) - Okay. - Same. (bell ringing) (moms laughing) (upbeat percussion music) (footsteps thudding) (upbeat percussion music) (buzzer dinging) - I was really surprised when people turned on me because being a mom, being an adoptive mom, it means a lot to me because I wanted to be a mom for so long. - [Interviewer] Please raise your hand if you wanna continue playing the game in three, two, one. (Savannah laughing) The game has ended! - [Savannah] Oh, no. - [Interviewer] If the lights turn green, that means you have voted out the mole and you win. If the lights turn red, that means the mole is still in the box and you lose, in three, (suspenseful music) two, (suspenseful music) one. (upbeat hip-hop music) (moms laughing) - You knew it. - I know! No, that's not a good thing. (Khalil cheering) - Do you wanna know what her first words were? You wanna tell 'em? - Subscribe to Jubilee. - [Interviewer] May the mole step forward in three- - Got you! (moms laughing) (suspenseful music) - [Interviewer] Two, (suspenseful music) (upbeat hip-hop music) (moms chattering) - I totally believed it. - This is my nephew but I babysit him like pretty much every day. So I'm basically his mom (laughs). - I knew, we were whispering to each other. We kept saying that it was Amber and I- - We were not that surprised. - Yeah (chuckles). - Oh, you saved me with your grade. Yeah, she was like, "What grade are you in?" And you were like, "First grade!" - What grade is he? - He's in- - First. - First grade. - First grade, okay. - 'Cause I was about to say something else. I was thinking, I was like, my brain was like commuting. - I was shocked, I felt a little betrayed. - I kind of knew. - I should have just listened to her. You were right, I was wrong. - I have my oldest daughter, I have my adopted son, Jonathan. And then, we were foster adopt parents to my two youngest, Koda and Kaya. So I was really surprised that I was voted out (chuckles). My first pregnancy, I was expecting twin boys and I lost them almost at term. So that was devastating. Then when I got pregnant with my daughter, my oldest, it took almost four years 'cause I went through a lot of infertility and she was born on the same day as our twins. Due to complications, I couldn't have any more kids, biologically. Six years later is when we started talking about adoption. I love being a mom and I wanted to make sure that kids have that unconditional love that they might be missing. And if I could be that for them, then, that's what I wanna do (laughs). - I have a newfound love for life, just seeing him explore things and it makes you stop and think about the little things to you because those little things are big things to them. - I think that it's very apparent from this game that there's not one way to be a mom. At the end of the day, we all just want the best for our kids. And I think it's such a wonderful thing to be able to watch these little humans grow (chuckles). That's all we care about. - Woo! What the heck? Go again. Yeah (chuckles). Good job. Hey, pick it up. (money rustling) Dang. - [Nephew] I'm taking all of this. - (laughs) You're gonna run away with it? - Can we take the case? (Amber laughing) This is way too much money. - Oh my God. - Can we have a bag or something?
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 819,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee, mum, moms, babies, kid, mole, new mom, adhd, adopted
Id: 77Dx1i5jytc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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