1 Hour of Season 1 Episodes | True and the Rainbow Kingdom

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] i am shadow i am silver claw welcome to the black tabby dojo whoa red tabby belt red tabby belts gonna get the red tabby belt if you pass our many many tests until then please say goodbye to your friend oh right [Music] i'll miss you true i'll miss you too b but i know you'll do great [Music] goodbye friend see you soon welcome to our lovely house make yourselves at home what are you doing oh that's oh that's so so thoughtful wow they're busy little creatures huh oh who was a good widow helper who is you are and you and you i thought it was your turn to do the dishes be well they are our guests and they do want to help who am i to say no whoops missed okay okay here we go try again true i'm in a princess panic it's my frookie kins he's missing oh no it's the worst ever i have my grizzles out looking for him but i need someone who actually knows what they're doing don't worry i'll find freaky kids oh i mean freaky yeah you go true you want me to go with you don't you that's okay b i know a few places where freaky likes to go you stay home and take care of your little helpers great yeah that's good give that little drool factory my love when you find him i will have fun oh i will yeah i'm one lucky little kitty i wish everybody in the rainbow kingdom had their own little helpers like me yeah that's too bad toss me another one of those great thanks oh i'm going to cover my freaky rookie with [Music] hey hi uh nice beard griselda hmm true why was bartleby pretending to be my precious freaky pookie bartleby's had a bad day and so is freaky fruit's been such a good little doggie but i'm a good kitty [Music] i guess she'd rather have a good dog [Music] let's do some more sliding [Music] what's all that stuff you're bringing down b huh oh you wanted to play games right well this is my game stool and my game pillow to um game with perfect your pillow can be one of the dum dum dum lava islands the whole floor is lava we can't touch it and these islands are the only safe place to walk my island's good right here no it's not you're sinking into the lava quick be quick comfy [Music] squishy bartleby the pillows are for the game no stop you're clinging to me too everything is clinging to me oh my poor little buddy it's okay stay calm you got it staying calm no problem cool as a cucumber less cool warming up uh oh we'd better get you outside before everything in the house sticks to you just walk nice and steady and don't touch anything yeah you mean walk like a cat ninja i'm an expert at that hey can't go for a walk without boots on right okay i think i'm stacked down [Music] sorry i forgot how clingy you were oh look at me i used to be a cat now i'm a cat ball a giant cat ball of everything we'll fix this just follow me walk nice and steady i can't do steady all i can do is rolly-polly with too much rolly hmm maybe i can roll you and no no no you can't touch me or you'll get stuck oh right no touching what a sticky situation maybe zeke can help cue milo over here hi cumulo we need to get bartleby to the wishing tree fast to see z can you roll yourself onto cumulobie big nolly on the rollie hmm how are we gonna get you to the wishing tree don't worry i'll think of a way i just have to [Music] did bingo bank leave grizelta said he wasn't playing very well and when we saw him he looked really upset yeah i even told griselda he was a terrible dj hmm it sounds like bingo bango has lost his confidence confidence of course confidence yeah yeah what's confidence it's when you know you can do something well so if i feel like i'm really good at doing kitty natty jump spin kicks then you have confidence yes i do jump and spin and kick but if bingo bango feels like he can't play music anymore then he's lost his confidence we have to help him get it back i'm also great at doing jump and spin and falls nice moves bartleby confidence the black tabby dojo is where the kittynati mastered their strength balance and focus our training stations await you the kitty natty have no fear we live in shadow we disappear [Music] our perfect balance is no trick you must be careful those buzz prick that's my backside nothing can distract our mind perfect focus hard to find [Music] learn from us young tobey and soon you'll be a kitty naughty i did it i did a tail pull did you see that i did one me now pull yourself up [Applause] just almost stop count [Music] are you comfy your majesty do you have enough nibbles and sips oh yes quite delicious now what's this surprise you have for me just some must-see entertainment for your next royal event now for the first time anywhere i present the amazing acrobatic feats of brazil with music by me griselda not bad [Music] where are you bartleby you're too big to hide i found you [Music] [Music] oh wonderful wonderful and now for the big finish a pyramid of grismost [Music] would you care for some nibbles yes please all this rolling is making me hungry my nipples [Music] elsa don't let that both touch you time for my first wish where's true going i hope she's okay [Music] oh my shadow hey uh i have to go um check on someone something outside the dojo you are free to leave any time but once you go you cannot return the black tabby dojo will disappear the moment you leave it no dojo no no red tabby belt no oh um well um you know i'm i'm sure everything is fine i'm just probably just worrying too much yep that's what i'm probably doing i'm just probably worrying too much let's raise a rainbow cheer for today's racers racer number four the yetis racer number two a rainbow city bus i'm a [Applause] racer number three the forest flower kittens racer number one true and bartleby race at number six princess crescendo [Applause] oh hi griselda your car is so well braziled alike thanks true my griz mobile is the finest luxury automobile around it's built to be first because there's no race without a winner well i think the real winner is the one who has the most fun it sure is huh fuzzy mice oh fuzzy my so fuzzy and fuzzy good luck everybody happy racing thanks true racers starting here you will zip zap zoom all across the kingdom following these special green arrow signs first car to zip zap zoom back here wins so buckle up rainbow races get ready to roll it's great rainbow rally time [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that it is impossible what is it b it's a message mouse a message mouse it must have a secret message for me you've been bartle beat huh [Music] what's the message who is it from only the most secret group ever the kitty natty the kitty woody the kitty natty master bottle b the kitty natty requests your presents please follow this message mouse too the black tabby dojo [Music] let's get a giddy up true slow down bartleby can't lose it now gotta get to the dojo what's a dojo it's a place for kitty cats to train and become stealth ninjas and i tripped you're gonna be a ninja cat yeah well you know i already am well uh a teeny bit i only have my yellow tabby belt that means i'm just a beginner now i can finally go for my red tabby belt no matter how long it takes it takes a long time does that mean you'll be gone for a long time look i'll come back with cool new ninja moves you know like hayah and meow and that yeah okay those moves are pretty cool we have a lot of laundry bartleby and it's extra heavy today oh and now i see why was i supposed to help with that hey you get back here [Music] come on go how did you put the laundry on the line already true i thought you did um i'm not a sweater although i am incredibly soft help the hurdle be hi please don't run off little helper i really want to meet you according to the ancient legend of the rainbow city kitties the little helpers keep the whole rainbow kingdom running sweet thanks little helper i could use three more just like you [Laughter] you guys are the best drew can i keep them can i can i get a candy cane with a little more can i can i get it keep them i know they're really helpful and cute but please please please please love you [Music] okay if you think you can take care of them i can i will i love them yay come on little helpers here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah we're going fuzzy nice fast not as fast as me though see you at the finish line wow we were moving so fast we spun that arrow right around but now the other racers might go the wrong way oh oh well no time to fix it if i want to stay in the lead [Music] affection makes wishes happier and stronger it's good for them you know so much about the wishes i really enjoy studying them i learned something new from the wishes every day everyone knows wishes are cool but these tools are amazing they are amazing like this one and this one and this one and this one's super cool and i know what this is for ninja can't go [Music] careful that zingy zapper has many uses i'm still learning to master them myself still learning got it ow the zingy zapper contains powerful zappy clang energy it makes wishes cling to it like this [Music] was a wimp [Music] i use it when i need to move many wishes at once was a whim cool can i try please yeah okay can i hmm please i'm sorry bartleby but the zingy zapper is far too powerful to be used as a toy oh okay [Music] but there is something you could do to help me a wish named heidi is hiding in my study could you please find it for me and bring it back you betcha wishfinder bartleby is on the job i see i know you're in here somewhere come out come out you adorable little lighter you [Music] ah there you are heidi i know what i can use to find you the coolest wish catcher around hmm what does z say again to make it work um wooly wunga why hmm wally winga whoa wiggle wumbleweed while it was a whim [Music] i'll just leave that zingy zappy thing alone from now on forever true hello how's the setup coming from my super duper dance party great your majesty we're almost done decorating and best of all dj bingo bango will be coming soon to spin some tunes all eyes in the kingdom will be on him all eyes here's my chance true would you mind running down to the transit station and bringing him back here of course your majesty i'd be happy to go she wasn't so busy with all these decorations but don't worry rainbow king i'll go get wingo clango bingo bingo that's what i said tata this is my chance to hear bingo dinko's music before the party it was nice of griselda to go get bingo bango for us it was wasn't it maybe a bit too nice [Music] if she sees five fruities she's gonna freak out okay i'll keep her busy while you fix the frookies there's one [Music] almost [Music] freaky kids no the things i do to help true i am some kind of something okay here it goes woof frikey nailed it i'm invisible can you see me yes be like shadow think like shadow got it how about now where water i'm wet i'm wet everywhere a towel wow [Music] true you saved me thank you thank you thank you how did you know i was in trouble i saw many geysers heading towards the dojo but you can stop them right i mean you brought some wishes right of course well i'm coming with you bartleby we must remind you if you leave this dojo you cannot return i know but i have to help my friend [Music] fly safe cumulo fuki we've talked about this no drooling it's a lot of love far too moist are you here to give me the award for the most dazzling castle nothing could be as sparkly as my new crystal cover tower um no this wasn't a competition how can it not be everyone is doing it so what's the prize a ribbon a trophy wait is it a crown it's a crown isn't it sorry there's no crown a tiara then nope not even a hair clip no oh well but don't you just love it my castle is the most dazzling home ever it is but your new tower is reflecting so much light it's blinding the entire kingdom oh so everyone can see my crystal sparkling if it's too bright for some people they can just wear sunglasses like you um what was that d did your castle just sink uh my castle um don't be silly now if you'll excuse me i have to watch my grismos put on even more gorgeous crystals toodles on behalf of the rainbow king i bid you welcome blingo bongo well thank you huh what no no not you oh how nice freaky stop thanks little doggy oh it's you finally yep the name is bingo bango hello blingo belongo oh it's bingo bango that's what i said and i'm grizzleda we're all excited to have you play your music at the super duper dance party sweet i'm a little nervous but i'm ready for it don't worry when i'm dancing to your music all eyes will be on me oh cool i guess now let's go to my grand hall where i i i mean we can practice i want to hear what you've got [Music] hey oh wonderful wonderful and now for the big finish a pyramid of grismost [Music] would you care for some nibbles yes please all this rolling is making me hungry [Music] time for my first wish zip zap zoo i choose [Music] let's play catch i can see our house from here oh no no bartleby's heading towards the rainbow castle [Music] we stopped we stopped finally things are looking up i spoke too soon [Music] here come the other racers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] smiley faces let's get back to the race this is my lucky day my grizz mobile hit a pothole and nothing went wrong [Music] wow that's interesting a few crystals broke off if someone dries over them they could pop a tire or wipe out well there's always something in the road to look out for let's go freaky my beautiful castle griselda griselda true true my castle is sinking why it's because your crystals are wait wait wait wait wait don't tell me princesses hate bad news okay i won't tell you bartleby well it's because of all the crystals you put on it are you done [Music] okay now i'm done you have to take the crystal tower down it's just too heavy there's sparkles so sparkly i really really love it i know you do but if you don't take the tower down your castle will sink into the grismo's home and crush it no true she's doing it again sorry it's not my fault i never knew where my grismos lived that's okay bartleby and i will try to hold the castle up while you and the grismos take the crystals down good luck i'll try but i can barely see it so bright out here why is it so all right that was me now christmas pretend you're the crowd just watching and i walk out into the stage got it yeah sure music stop stop stop can you please play something that i can dance to but we'll make everyone else want to dance from the top [Music] nobody can dance to that not even a great dancer like me i am supremely annoyed i'm sorry if i can't play for a great dancer like you well then maybe i'm [Music] a terrible dj i'm sure you can do better you certainly don't want to disappoint the rainbow king and all those people at the party okay you can start the music again hit it bingo klingo rude true come to my castle quick the little helpers are out of control be right there zelda let's go [Music] [Music] true it keeps on getting worse look the little helpers will stop walking turkey [Music] and now they're doing the same thing with my christmas oh no first it was great the little helpers did every tour in my castle awesome but this isn't great why are they doing this to be true it's because they're not pets they need to go back to doing what they did before sounds good to me no hurry or anything i'm kidding hurry okay including true and bartleby in the show genius i know hmm that's not exactly how i thought you'd stop him from rolling but it worked thanks alongi wait stop don't touch the bartleby ball or you'll cling to it too [Music] you just couldn't resist could you no you couldn't don't worry now that we've stopped it i have a way to unstick everything [Music] wish come true are you ready glue boo bubbly woop it's time to roll out and get sticky can you guys help pull the barbie ball towards glue boo without touching it [Music] would you do the honors rainbow brilliant blue i'd be happy to okay now one two three [Music] [Music] you're safe if you want to cling to anyone make sure it's me okay [Music] i'm way ahead of the other racers and that's good but they're getting closer and that is bad i need more speed to stay in the lead activate the grismo turbo [Music] now this is fun looks like we're all here except for the bus oh don't worry about me true just stuck in the cactus griselda and bingo bango didn't show up at the colosseum and i don't see them here hi spy with my kitten i something that is huh bingo bango shaped he's leaving stop play bingo bengal [Music] [Applause] well that's just great now we don't have any dj for the super duper dance party hmm what happened why didn't you meet bingo bango i did meet him he came to my castle to practice but he didn't play very well at all really that doesn't sound like him then he said he was a terrible dj and ran off just like that where are we gonna find another dj i don't think we need another dj we just need to help bingo bingo feel better we need some wish help kill me low i'm so happy to have you back my little frookie oh no not the greenhouse again what do you mean again [Music] [Music] how much crazy stuff can one plant do [Music] giant freaky kisses [Music] what happened to my puppy [Music] fruity's gonna break everything if i don't fix this problem fast don't worry true i've got this there no more frookie getting in no more plant problems big hero hog bring it in come on true [Music] how do i touch a giant dog that's too big to catch i make it smaller [Music] wake up [Music] ready to make freaky smaller on your mark get set okay that's small enough [Music] said i have to snap my fingers to get him to stop oh no i can't do it bartleby snap your fingers i don't have any i got this i'm very good at getting attention [Music] my freaky went through the keyhole we have to save my puppy now it's locks i don't know where the key is [Music] true i found one thanks bartleby [Music] [Applause] [Music] found another high paying your highness oh that's great news it means more number berry pies for yeti spring yeti spring yes the yetis will be waking up from their winter sleep they'll be very hungry and they love number berries another pie crust is ready special delivery mammal berries bartleby can you please go get the number berries berries right away your highness right away your highness thank you [Music] and now they're not the basket is empty empty i don't get it the basket was full and then all of a sudden poof it was empty oh look at that oh well at least there's one little berry left hi there little berry oh you smell good delicious um z how many deep dark pits do you think there are in this cave hundreds hundreds thousands thousands millions that sounds like a lot i'm feeling anxious bartleby we don't all have to go in the cave we don't no [Music] i need someone to stay up here me me me me me me me and protect the picnic basket i can protect my fishy poof gackers from [Music] we are kitty naughty we do not giggle while training [Music] we are kitty nutty we do not purr while training right no purring no giggling super [Applause] true again [Music] yeah okay i love your chores did you get huh yeah uh what are you guys making [Applause] a hammock for me [Music] i could get used to this [Music] [Applause] whoa zipline fishy poofs you guys are so healthy [Music] that's way too many fishy poof crackers whoa did i just say that what am i doing you need more stuff to help with but you've already done everything inside and out up and down all around i've got nothing else for you to do nothing they don't make a mess oh now you're cleaning it up wait you're making work for yourselves yes you are um okay thanks but uh you already mowed the lawn no no you don't need to sweep it again you already trimmed the bushes the house doesn't need to be muddied and cleaned and mudded and clean stop you'll never get past bartleby's snap trap see i heard that now to make sure my fishy poof crackers are still fresh great catch hey listen have you seen what is he doing he has been weakened by the power of the feather what news of the forest the girl named true is working to solve a problem involving water true my true isn't she great [Music] oh uh yeah yeah i have no idea how i don't even like feathers uh-huh okay and uh when was the last time you ate a number berry oh you love numbers don't you don't you uh why are you shouting am i sorry okay the buses might be able to answer you if you don't shout [Music] look more berry footprints wow i am great at this detective stuff hi there did you see the passenger who left those berry footprints no i can't see who gets on i keep my eyes on the road but i did hear some big squishy footsteps on my last trip a clue do you remember anything else um oh that passenger kept saying yum yum yum another clue could you please take us where that passenger went sure i'm going that way now hop on [Music] thanks you're welcome good luck baskets i love baskets look i'm in one oh no i mean another one and this one's better oh is this one better or is this one better than this one look a clue a number do you think these baskets were full well they were but then they weren't we were supposed to deliver them but the berries just disappeared so now we have to send them back up to a bunch of muncham island barnaby i wonder if the berry bandit emptied these baskets is this could this be another clue how's it going up there huh not great my girls can't see what they're doing we need something to block the sun yeah and it would need to be hmm huge zeblo gets huge let's block some light [Music] time to get huge [Music] whoa you're humongous that tail where should zeppo be to block the light um little help gotcha come on [Music] it's working bartleby it's wobbling no that's just me so dizzy okay let's hurry and get the rest of those crystals down and back where they we better check on tip top hi sparkly let's make some fireworks so that every little helper in the kingdom goes oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] much better [Applause] so beautiful it really is [Music] faster griezma's fast faster [Music] is in trouble [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh thank goodness my crystal car is about to be a crystal pancake don't worry we'll save you i have one wish left to be cutely jelly wish how can a big jelly cube help us i can have cubically cover for zelda's car and roll it away from the cliff what if it falls well it'll be surrounded by jelly and have a nice cushy landing are you sure this will work true because i'm very delicate yeah delicate like a yetis toenail delicate you bigly we need a lot of jiggle [Music] okay i need you to jiggle griselda to safety [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ready where are you [Applause] going to go [Music] are you okay griselda yes thank you true but i still have a race to win see you're at the finish line come on everyone you're still not ready to play at the party i was ready for that but no i'm not so sure oh hello jingo clango it's bingo bingo that's what i said you came back i guess the super duper dance party has a dj after all i don't know some people think i'm not good enough quizelda when you told bingo bango he couldn't play well he believed you and felt really bad about it he did i didn't mean to make him feel bad but if he doesn't want to play no biggie i brought my own dj to the dance party okay free drop the beat anytime now okay wookie kids i know you can do this please [Music] yay i just wanted all eyes to be on me griselda everyone likes to dance but when we all dance together that's when we have the most fun you're my best friend in the whole world and always will be i promise promise best day ever that's beautiful but we have a puppy to save over here come on bartleby okay sizer shrink us down please [Music] thanks griselda yes yes just hurry up wow it feels weird being small huh how big would a fishy poop cracker be right now you can snack on some just as soon as we rescue rookie we're coming freaky [Music] come on bartleby this'll be fine cats always land on their feet [Music] true this is no time for playing it's not for us it's to help bring the crystals back under the castle okay everyone put the crystals onto slipsie and he'll slide them down fast whoa [Music] [Music] now don't get too excited guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look they're putting the crystals back and rebuilding the pillar thanks for working so hard tip top you can rest now [Music] you're taking all the little helpers i can keep just one right sorry well at least i still have my christmas they help kind of it worked i'm free i'm so glad this is definitely over you can let go now be i'm trying this is that true because it's you i love you huh [Music] no you're still full of zappy clean energy [Music] much better [Music] [Music] this is still not my star just get out [Applause] [Music] can you believe i didn't win did you at least have fun yes i guess i did so winning isn't everything huh who knew congratulations to all our races we had a blast rainbow king splendid now to celebrate with some royal nibbles and sips nibbles and sips everybody wins with those [Music] it's working you saved our super duper dance party thanks true i couldn't have gotten back on stage without your help yep any minute now everybody will be dancing it would help if someone got them started [Music] look you've got fans you were right true dancing with others is fun great dancing now this is what i call a super duper dance party thank you true happy to help your majesty [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] i guess this is goodbye don't get sappy on me now don't feel bad b we can't keep them as pets but they're never far away when we need a little help i'll miss those cute little helpers sounds they made or whatever it was that they did [Music] just like that [Music] [Music] thing's even worse now you mean better how long does stink last in a jar do you think okay we tried giving cinco a sweet smell but that didn't work so let's try getting rid of the stinky smell yeah i'd collect it all if i could that's what wish is gonna do what fishy poop deliciousness hello bartleby no no no rainbow king you're you're back i am hmm uh chew chippies oh i love jewel chippies i thought you wanted to stop the yeti uh yetis from eating our royal picnic hi what happened you know they're not so bad after all so i thought i'd be a nice kitty and share besides i know what it's like to be hungry you don't mind do you rainbow king oh not a tall barbie being kind to others brings kindness in return doesn't it true it sure does rainbow king we did it thanks floto time to go back in the pack spooky buttons turkey snuggles [Music] true how was your day of castle sitting not too difficult i hope well we have a lot of fun socks sliding but we had a few accidents today your highness oh i'll say that's all right accidents happen to the best of us yes everything seems to be in tip-top shape despite the accidents i'm glad to hear it oh i should check on my flowers magnificus it didn't bloom yet did it your flower is the one thing we couldn't fix we're very sorry oh my oh my oh my huh flabbergasting fuchsia [Music] accident i'm not it's pedals fell off early that means it's going to bloom sooner than i thought look it's happening now isn't it spectacular nothing like the flower is magnificus in bloom [Laughter] poor rainbow kings don't worry easily see happens all the time all we had to do was say gazan tight now there was some talk of sock sliding i believe i'm in come on let's go wait for me right behind you [Laughter] i'm floating away true true [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have to pull up like my training i can do this [Applause] all done thanks bubba hi little cuties your homes are all safe and dry again we did it you were awesome i can't believe all your amazing new ninja moves me neither what did i do you don't remember running and jumping and pulling me out of the river with just your tail you mean i was just like the kid in addie masters yes you were we saw everything you did i'm i'm sorry i left my training at the dojo but i had to help true and if that means i can't huh you made the right choice bartleby indeed you did what kitty natty are trained to do you focused your mind and body to help those in need and it is our opinion that you have earned a red tabby belt a red tabby belt meow that's the most amazing thing ever way to go me way to go me way to get i'm [Music] now you are a true kitty natty red belt thank you oh masters of kitty natty your true friend is waiting look true i'm a red tabby kitty no one said that right real good okay come on truth let's go play ninja cat or not you're still the bartley i know and love [Music] perfect true you saved my castle i guess i got a little carried away trying to outdo everyone's dazzling doors a little carried away i know it wasn't a competition but i did want to win yeah but you also wanted to help your grizmos that's what counts [Music] if you still want to add a little dazzle to your door we have a surprise for you oh it's perfect thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a cake for me it's so beautiful now let's get this party griselda grooving [Music] you
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 7,795,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True and The Rainbow Kingdom, Rainbow, Guru Studio, Kids Tv, Animation, Entertainment, Kids
Id: PQltH5GOskk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 32sec (3872 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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