1 Billion Lions VS 1 of Every Pokemon

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This video completely overlooks a crucial piece of evidence that makes the most of the argument fall apart as it all hinges upon the idea that pokemons spread moves have infinite range

There is no consistent evidence within the games that shows that pokemon using spread moves have infinite range. While yes, in hoard battles in gen 6, if you use a spread move, it hits all 5 opponents, there is a battle style in the games which contradicts this.

Gen 5 3vs 3 battles. Say Kyogre uses Water Spout while in the bottom left corner of the screen. The opposing Pokemon in the top right is completely unaffected, due to the distance. Because of this, spread moves would at most take out 5 lions at a time, because that is all that has ever shown to be concrete evidence.

Scenario Lions to stall out the pokemon with mat-block escoves, while taking 5 casualties to each spread move per turn. After mat-block, let's round down for the pokemons sake, 900,000,000 attacks in one turn. If we assume each lion attack does 1 damage, that's still 1,000,000 damage per pokemon. Then if any pokemon is able to consistently avoid this damage, they will eventually run out of pp, and struggle themselves to death.

Conclusion I'm sorry, but Wolfeys reasoning assumes that pokemon with spread moves have infinite range, even though it has been disproven in the format that has been selected. If we choose a different format which takes in different media, we have schrodinger's magcargo, which simultaneously is hotter than the surface of the sun while also having a little girl hug it.

Tl:Dr: This video is biased propoganda based on faulty evidence, created to spread the anti-lion idiology to our innocent youth

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/An_Henny 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
real youtubers talk about lions  one billion lions or every pokemon since the beginning of time a question has  plagued humanity a question unsolvable by the   greatest minds over the course of human history  a question that tore at the fabric of society and   was responsible for the collapse of countless  nations a question with no answer until now   who would win one of every pokemon or one  billion lions now i know what you're thinking   a billion lions is a lot of lions and that's  true the other thing you might be thinking is   why are you wolf click professional model  going to succeed in answering this question   when so many before you have failed what do you  have that the entirety of humankind was lacking   the answer may surprise you i unlike socrates  plato ofelios etc am a professional gamer moreover   i am a professional pokemon player and a former  world champion moreover i am named after an animal   i am the ultimate intersection and the only  person alive dead or unborn capable of solving   this mystery before we start tackling this goliath  of a question we have to establish our methodology   one of the reasons that so many before me have  failed to provide a satisfactory answer to this   question is because there's been absolutely no  standardization in the argumentative approach   when you make up the rules you can create  whatever outcome you personally prefer   therefore it's important to begin by deciding  on the absolute best rule set let's address   the elephant in the room one of the first  topics broached in this conversation is always   the pokedex the pokedex makes some fantastical  claims to keep it light my cargo is hotter than   the surface of the sun guard of walk can create  small black holes javelto absorbs all life when   it dies magikarp is a fish i could go on now the  issue with using the pokedex as a basis for your   argument is that the pokedex is absolutely [  __ ] i don't think a single person arguing for   the side of the pokemon honestly believes in  the accuracy of the claims made by the decks   in fact in order for something like the  aforementioned mccargo to actually be a true claim   our entire understanding of the pokemon universe  would end up being so fundamentally flawed that   we wouldn't be able to proceed anyway therefore no  pokedex additionally we won't be using the anime   i don't think i need to tell you that the anime  is an unrealistic representation of pokemon   my primary gripe with the anime is that it doesn't  follow any consistent rules and is absolutely   unbelievable in a general case the lions will  not have the option of aiming for the horn   now on to the lions once again a billion lions is  a lot of lions dude in fact it's a lot of lions   the current estimated global lion population is  roughly 20 000 lions now comparing that number to   a billion lions which may i remind you is a lot of  lions it's practically a zero that's a difference   of 999 million 980 000 lions in other words to  claim that we currently have 1 billion lions   on earth is about as fantastical as claiming  we currently have real-life pokemon on earth   so what do we do well i think the answer  is relatively clear we can't use earth as a   battleground we can't make hypothetical arguments  about time travel black holes or a cocoon that   absorbs all life and unfortunately we can't aim  for the horn what we're left with and what we have   to turn to is the only place we can look for cold  hard facts the actual video game of pokemon itself   to me using the video game as a medium is the only  logical option remaining to us there are not only   one of every pokemon in the games but there are  even pokemon that resemble lions moreover every   creature in the game has mathematical values  that we can observe and analyze and even do   calculations with thanks to the damage formula  we encounter our next roadblock here it should   be obvious that we can model real-life lions as  pokemon making predictions on their base stats   typing and move pool however we do not have a one  billion lions versus one of every pokemon game   mode in my opinion that's a pretty big oversight  game fix your terrible game is this the end of the   road objection thankfully thanks to generation  six the answer is no let me explain normally   most people playing through pokemon participate  primarily in single battles one pokemon versus   one pokemon at the time most people are also  aware that there are some variations in battles   the later games introduce other modes such as  double battles triple battles rotation battles   multi battles and exclusive to generation vi there  was a unique battle mode introduced called horde   battles horde battles differ from the other modes  listed in a few key aspects the way horde battles   work as they feature your one pokemon against five  wild pokemon unlike many of the other game modes   they are only accessible playing against the  computer you can't battle other people in this   format for that reason they're often overlooked  as they were mostly useful only for ev training in   generation six why do we care about horde battles  well they answer a question that otherwise would   have prevented us from advancing a little-known  mechanic in pokemon has to do with spread moves a   spread move only exists in game modes where there  is more than one pokemon that can be hit with a   move such as double and triple battles spread  moves aren't any different from normal moves for   singles players or people who only played through  the main story they function exactly like every   other move however in a double battle these moves  change a bit moves like earthquake and surf hit   multiple pokemon on the field in order to balance  this the game developers put a hidden mechanic in   any move that targets multiple pokemon  will be at 75 percent of its original power   for example earthquake which is a 100 base power  move in a normal single battle is only 75 power   in a double battle why is this relevant well what  happens when there's more than two pokemon does   every successive potential target cause another  75 reduction in power and this is where horde   battles come in in a horde battle a spread move  has a 75 reduction in power this is also the   case in triple battles this answers our question  and we are finally able to proceed regardless of   the number of targets all spread moves have a  reduction of 75 percent of their original power   as long as the number of targets is greater than  one spread moves have one additional fun little   trait which we've already touched on but to make  it explicitly clear a spread move will hit all   available targets without limit in a double battle  it will hit two in a triple battle it will hit   three and in a horde battle it will hit 5. with  this we can infer that if there were a billion   targets the spread move would still hit all of  them we're ready to begin for this experiment   we'll model each individual lion as a normal type  pyro which is the most lion-like pokemon i think   it's pretty obvious that this is quite generous  to the lions but i think it's fair to round up   so to speak since we're estimating here anyway now  let's talk about the pokemon whenever the lions vs   pokemon debate comes up everyone always talks  about how one billion lions is a lot of lions   nobody ever talks about what you could do  if you had one of every pokemon in the field   at the same time i'm here to change that for this  next section i enlisted my good friend and pokemon   researcher to wobble fence help to do some of the  calculations with one of every pokemon available   to us the most optimal strategy is going to be to  take one pokemon with one powerful spread move and   beef it up with as much support as possible  this also makes the calculations easier as   we're modeling all lines as normal type pyroar  for this strategy the best candidate is kyogre   it has access to one of the strongest spread  moves in the game which is waterspout a 150   base power water move and since it's a legendary  pokemon it has rather exceptional stats as well   so we have our damage dealer let's look at the  support the strongest support move that is also   widely distributed is called helping hand  helping hand always moves first and provides   a 1.5 times power boost to whichever pokemon it  targets this means that we'll have a 1.5 to the   x multiplier for our kyogre and how many pokemon  learn helping hand 308 but we'll want to save one   of those pokemon for later in our setup so let's  just call it 307 that's a multiplier of 1.5 raised   to the 307th power which comes out to be 1.1  times 10 to the 54 or 1.7 step 10 decilion times   and before you say this wouldn't work you can only  use one helping hand think again in triple battles   you can easily use more than one helping hand and  you get a boost for each one even today in sword   and shield you can still get multiple helping hand  boosts if you use instruction to the helping hand   pokemon or if you did multiple helping hands in  a max raid battle but we're not done yet there   are some pokemon that power up their partners  with their abilities instead of their moves   these are stone joiner with power spot and charger  bug with battery these are 1.3 times multipliers   on top of our already enormous boost now 1.3 might  not sound like a lot but there's a secret here   there are 58 pokemon that can't learn helping hand  but can learn role play role play is a move that   copies the target's ability and replaces their  own ability with it this means that we can get   that 1.3 multiplier 60 times total counting the  original charger bug in stone joiner 1.3 raised   to the 60th power as another 6.8 million times  on top of our helping hand boosts two of these   roleplay pokemon are too slow to move before  kyogre which are stackataka and sandygast   but we can get around that by having a pokemon  use quash on kyogre to make it move last won't   that make the lions move before kyogre well we can  get around that by having prankster riolu's quick   guard which blocks all priority effects then have  greninja use maplock which blocks all damage and   finally klefki can use craftyshield which blocks  all non-damaging effects the lines have no way of   touching kyogre at all or any of our other pokemon  for that matter there's a few more effects we can   use to make our kyogre even stronger one is to  have araquinin using trainment to give kyogre   its ability water bubble which doubles watertight  moves power another is to make sure it's raining   another 1.5 times boost there's lots of pokemon  that can learn raindance another thing we can do   is to give kyogre plus six special attack that's  easy with something like safeguard followed by six   uses of flatter again we've got plenty of pokemon  to pick from that already aren't doing anything   else this turn so we have our 1.3 to the 60th  and our 1.5 to the 306 boost multiplied for about   1.1 times 10 to the 61st which is a really really  big number then we have our rain stab and water   bubble boosts for another 4.5 times multiplier  we do have to reduce this by 75 because it's   a spread move but i think it's becoming more  and more apparent that that isn't gonna matter   to further cut off any potential the lions might  have let's also throw in magic room and faint for   good measure magic group ensures no items will be  able to help the lions out and nothing we're doing   really relies on items either so it's no loss for  us faint also removes the ability for wide guard   to do anything in case the lion's somehow learned  that something like trappage can use paint for us   lastly to really put the nail in the coffin  there's one pokemon with a rather unique   move this move is called instruct and it tells  the target remember that move you just used yeah   do that again this move is unique to oranguru but  the pokemon smeargle can also learn it since it   learns every move meaning all the damage we just  did we get to do it three times you might say but   kyogre was quashed earlier how are you gonna  use instruct well that's easy all you have to   do is use quash on the instructor pokemon too if  multiple boot might have been quashed it just goes   in the order of who quashed first so as long as  we quash kyogre first then smeargle then or guru   everything will be just fine so when all is said  and done how much damage is each lion taking   well let's take a look at it thanks again to the  wobblefet for helping me with calculating this   for the base power kyogre has access to our 307  helping hands as well as 60 helpings of power   spot and battery from role play water spout  is 150 base power move if we're at full hp   and we're guaranteed to be at full hp because  nothing can pass all the protection we set up with   map block quick guard and crafty shield this comes  out to somewhere around 1.1 times 10 raised to the   63rd power or a little over a vigintilian base  power and no i didn't make this word up that's   really what the number is called when it's  that large for the special attack stat let's   assume kyogre is level 100 and maxed out on  special attack for a starting value of 438   we've got a times 4 multiplier from our plus  6 boost in addition to the 2 times multiplier   from water bubble compared to base power this is  a much more modest 3504 as for the lion's special   defense let's be generous and assume all the lions  are level 100 and have maximum special defense   this gives each of the billion lions 254 special  defense totals since we're basing them off of   pyroar we have enough information to give us our  base damage now when calculating base damage you   multiply a value that corresponds to your level  alongside base power and attack then divide by   defense then divide by 50 and finally add two at  the end a pokemon level 100 will have this level   value be 42. working out the numbers this base  damage comes out to around 1.37 times 10 raised   to the 64th power now there's still a few more  things to be done spread moves get applied next   cutting this down to 75 of what it would otherwise  be rain applies after boosting backup by 50   finally there is the random damage roll let's  assume all of the billion lions are lucky and   take the minimum damage possible from water  spout that's again an 85 reduction in the   damage they could otherwise take finally  you have to account for stab which gives   kyogre another 1.5 times damage boost from using a  water type attack while being a water type pokemon   in the end this gives you a value of 1.96 times 10  to the 64th or this absurdly large number you see   on your screen now to give you an idea of how big  that number is compare it to the number of cells   in your body 10 to the 14. or how about the number  of seconds that have ticked down to the start of   the universe when time began which is about 10  to the 20 or another example the total number   of dna base pairs in every living thing on earth  is about 10 to the 37 or how about the number of   hydrogen atoms in the sun which is approximately  10 to the 57th power but this amount of damage is   bigger than all of those clocking in at around 10  to the 64th power that's a lot of damage of course   that is easily enough to ko all of these lions  so many times over that it's not even funny   even if each of the billion lions had a billion  hp and a billion special defense that literally   wouldn't do anything to help because a billion  is only 10 to the 12th 10 to the 64th is just   way too high for the lions to do anything about  it and even if they survive somehow instruct means   two more of these water spouts are coming there's  just no way out for the lions now all of the setup   also only requires us to use 395 pokemon which  isn't even half of all of the available pokemon   not counting different forms there's 898 pokemon  in the pokedex heck almost anything can do this   because spread moves when combined with 307  helping hands make any spread move enough to   kill all of the 1 billion lions now if you want  to cross your arms and pout and say but spread   moves what keeps the same multiplier then you are  breaking game mechanics and if you want to do that   then we have to deal with the pokedex and anime  powers of pokemon again where dialga and celebi   can time travel with other pokemon to win all the  lions or cubs and destroy them before they can   even become adult lions or whatever ridiculous  situation you can come up with so in conclusion   who would win between one of every pokemon or a  billion lions i think it's pretty clear that it's   going to be the pokemon when you look at it in  the context of the mechanics of the actual games   there's just no way to get around the insane power  of spread moves and sheer number of pokemon that   learn helping hand now before we wrap up here i do  want to debunk some common arguments the pokemon   don't have infinite peepee uh this scenario  ends in one turn so pp doesn't matter celebi   could time travel and kill the lions before they  were born celebi can help again and do something   actually useful instead a billion lions there's  a lot of lions okay that one's pretty fair what   if the lion's held focus ash uh we have instruct  which happens three times and we also have magic   room which turns off all items what about the  lion ladder if the lions were on the ladder they   would be stuck in pokeball tier to summarize this  can't even be called a contest it's a slaughter   even if we delve into hypothetical improbable  arguments like what if the lions have wide guard   there's always an answer in this case faint  after centuries of being plagued by a question   seemingly unanswerable we have found an answer  so overwhelming it can't possibly be refuted   with my life's work finally accomplished i  await my nobel peace prize maybe next time i'll   tackle a question that's actually difficult  who would win 1 billion lions or the sun
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 1,093,096
Rating: 4.9015951 out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, lions, lions vs pokemon, 1 billion lions, 1 of every pokemon, 1 of every pokemon vs 1 billion lions, 1 billion lions ve pokemon, 1 billion lions vs 1 of every pokemon, minecraft, pewdiepie, pokemon lions, pokemon vs lions, wolfeyvgc lions vs pokemon
Id: 5XdOSMo6Svc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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