1 Trillion Lions VS Sun: Who Would Win? (Solved With Science)

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What If takes a serious look at the absurd. This is just magical realism gone wrong!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/maxwellsearcy 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mole of moles

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theallspice 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
in early 2015 a parody of the who would win image Macker circled the internet pitting one trillion lines against the Sun many responses came none of them serious eventually though a few people began to apply math and science to this question I've read over these answers and I feel that there are a few things that can still be expanded upon all while diving into how we talk about large numbers unanswered physics thought experiments and obliterating our solar system through piles of animals so who would win one trillion lions or the Sun let's find out first we need to assess our competitors in the right corner we have the Sun the Sun is a miasma of incandescent plasma it's not on fire the sheer amount of heat and energy from the Sun can strip electrons the nuclei of atoms creating a soup of fast-moving high-energy plasma particles these then can collide with each other to create heavier elements release even more energy creating a massive self-sustaining fusion bomb that constantly spews out high-energy electromagnetic radiation like visible light UV x-rays and gamma rays and then there are the Lions they antelopes and stuff hey I never said this would be a fair fight but the Lions have a numerical advantage right he instead been from the new States been calculated that one trillion lions would weigh one point eight seven five times ten to the 14th kilograms B 290 cubic kilometers in volume and have a diameter eight kilometers that means that this lion sphere is about twice as wide as Central Park and nowhere near as pretty the Sun on the other hand is 51 kilometers across and wait hold on huh seems I'm using a non credible source hold on okay much better the Sun is about 1.4 million kilometers across and has a mass of about 2 times 10 to the 30th kilograms which is 10 quadrillion times as massive as the lion ball at this point it seems obvious who's going to win the ball of lines being plunked into space won't have any sort of momentum relative to the Sun so it'll slowly begin to fall towards it since it won't be hindered by any type of air resistance by the time the ball reaches the corona the outermost layer of the Sun it'll be traveling at over 400 kilometres per second then the ball will plummet through a thin but very hot soup of radiation and particles small bits of line will sloth off in a process called sputtering as it smashes through thicker and thicker atmosphere through the corona and the chromosphere until it's about the photosphere there's not too much data about chucking things into the Sun but as the particle density increases the sphere of lions should slowly break up and become balls of plasma that integrated the Sun like thing ever happened if you want to destroy the Sun we're gonna need more lions first we can bend the rules a bit remember that hole wasn't trillion thing well it turns out that a trillion means different things to different people in english-speaking countries we count our magnitudes by the thousands 1000 thousand civilian a thousand millions is a billion etc this is called the short scale in French and Spanish speaking countries however they count by the millions a millions of thousand thousands the same as in the short scale but a thousand millions is a mill yard a billion to them is a million millions this is the long scale and a long scale trillion then is equivalent to a million million millions or a short scale quintillion that's a lot larger than before but it's only a massive 1.8 eight times ten to the twentieth kilograms still way less than that of the Sun though now we have a ball that's about 821 kilometers across about half the size of the moon still not big enough to beat the Sun but at least now we can start talking about something interesting when these lines enter the Sun they'll be so utterly destroyed that we can stop thinking of them as hair and claws and internal organs and instead think of them as collections of elements to my knowledge nobody's right a line through an icp-ms before but if you have let's get in touch nevertheless we can approximate their elemental composition with another mammal we have data on humans which for our purposes might as well be smaller less hairy lions so let's just use that by weight these lines would be 65 percent oxygen 18 percent carbon 10 percent hydrogen 3 percent nitrogen one-and-a-half percent calcium and 1 percent phosphorous with fractions of a percent in potassium sulfur sodium and chlorine and trace amounts of minerals like iron copper and magnesium that means that our lion ball a similar composition to a comet which we know partly because we literally smashed into one in 2005 during the Deep Impact mission when this comet falls into the Sun it may be able to cause a solar flare but more than likely it'll just burn up and the component elements will integrate with the rest of the Sun just as before even worse the Sun could use these elements for fusion giving it more fuel and making it shine for even longer Kimi's poor lions ever win one potential method could be to compress these lines into a black hole if we want our one trillion lions to become a black hole we would need to compress them down to their schwartz shield radius schwartz shield radius is a property of anything with mass basically giving a lower limit for how small something can be crushed before it's so dense that light would be unable to escape from it for our ball of lions the radius is point zero is the seven nine extras take a deep breath the length of bonded an oxygen molecule that you just inhaled is 43,000 times longer than the line black hole is wide I have neither the knowledge the credentials nor the computational power to work out whether or not this line micro black hole would even be detectable let alone be able to engulf the Sun so I'll leave this point as an exercise for the viewer but could lines ever beat out the Sun without having to rely on a quirk of physics here's what I posit a thought experiment if you will can there ever be an amount of lines that can start nuclear fusion on their own the logic here being that if there are conditions for which lines can become a star and maybe it's impossible for lines to ever be able to put out the Sun otherwise you can just take an arbitrarily large pool of lines and throw it into the Sun to extinguish it if the arbitrarily large pool of lines can trigger nuclear fusion in its own core before it gets so large that it collapses into a black hole then maybe there will never be a way for lines to stop nuclear fusion in order to get the line ball to begin to using it needs to reach a temperature of 100 million Kelvin in stars this temperature comes from the collapse of large clouds of hydrogen gas which can then sustain the process of nuclear fusion in piles of lions the only force that we would get would be the lion's pressing against each other which would lead to reasonably high temperatures and pressures but it's lacking that oomph that we need to bring it to 100 million Kelvin well since lions shouldn't be able to spontaneously undergo nuclear fusion how big of a lion ball can we get before it becomes a black hole by size and mass alone by comparing the change in the Swart shield radius to be changing the actual radius of a glowing sphere of lions we can see that pile of lions would spontaneously become a black hole when it reaches a radius of five point zero 1 times 10 to the 11th meters this would require 1.8 times 10 to the 36th Lions and have a mass of 3.4 times 10 to the 38th kilograms now we're talking if we threw together 3 times 10 to the 35th kilograms of lions going a couple orders of magnitude below that upper limit we might now be able to snuff out the Sun as this line ball pops into existence the whole solar system shifts its orbits the Sun begins to stretch as it falls toward the enormous planet of lions this stretching and subsequent collision pulls the gases away from each other decreasing the temperature and the number of plasma particle collisions eventually the fusion will cease and the gases will permeate into the Lions sphere and the entire solar system will be destroyed and for what why create this cruel cruel challenge surely lions were never meant to snuff out our only source of life and it's cold unforgiving universe as our green earth continues to stew sent into its lyonie grave I hope that the person who created this challenge is able to realize the magnitude of the problems that they have created of course this is all pretty speculative after all as at 2018 the field of leo astronomy is at its infancy so surely we can expect more promising results in the future hey if you're hearing this that means you either enjoy this kind of content or you're a bot if you like this kind of content I have a whole series worth of this stuff you can check out here and if you're a bot I should have the next video in the series beyond autoplay so give that other want to watch too not like you have much of a choice
Channel: Eklectic
Views: 6,657,302
Rating: 4.9318762 out of 5
Keywords: Lions vs Sun, who would win, www, lions, sun, versus, funny, absurd, math, Eklectic, strange, science, weird, interesting, entertaining, informative, educational, animation, curiosity, discovery, education, entertainment, fun facts, learning, Knowledge, physics, lions vs sun meme, meme, explained, lions versus sun, 1 trillion lions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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