EVERY Pokemon I could Beat in a Fight (Kanto)

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real YouTube is have weird topics I don't know why this is today's way do you know I thought I thought I was gonna like the pink very much but I actually think I like how it turned out okay so there I was thinking about which would deal I wanted to post today and I had an idea now the idea is kind of strange if you couldn't read the title then you probably know we're gonna be talking about which of the original 151 Pokemon I could beat in a fight I don't know why this is today's but you know but I thought it was funny so we're gonna do it is that's cool with everybody up there are no objection speak now or forever watch the video I guess um you might be wondering wolf why do I care which is the original 151 Pokemon you could beat in a fight and to that I say no more questions thank you anyway with that being said here's a brush my hair is as usual not cooperating I need a haircut so badly we're gonna Jenna close to the grab the scissors and the razor and just see what happens it pays but yeah that's not gonna stay I don't my hair off um okay cool so here's the chillest obviously in a spectrum which is why we're doing a cheerless out of this so you can see at the top higher tier is more likely to win lower tier is I'm not winning maybe you should have flipped it by that's okay is what we're doing okay cool so first up we have Bulbasaur the first Pokemon here's the thing about Bulbasaur it definitely gets things like sleep powder and poison powder um and yeah like like the thing is it's small and like relatively frail but it also survives I don't think I don't think I have a very good chance against Bulbasaur personally yeah like her I mean of course it's like a Bobbie Pokemon however I think it's still relatively strong compared to a human like I definitely remember both those other dudes and stuff in the anime so yeah I don't think I'd beat Bulbasaur and you know Ivy's or for the similar reasons falls into that same category except like Ivy's are just Bulbasaur bit stronger I'm not gonna say it's impossible like I like I guess it depends on the starting conditions of the fight let's assume that we start in like a ring I don't know like I guess it depends on how they opened because I feel like if I get hit with like a vine whip for something right early on maybe maybe I have a chance like if I can like I don't know if you can get them close I think if you have a chance especially its Bulbasaur however yeah like I think that if they're smart and use things that are actually like scary or you know get a good vine whip off I don't think I can win um Venus or I don't think there's any world in which I beat a Venus or it can do pretty much nothing and I'd probably still lose that thing it's tanky yeah I don't think I beat Venus or ever personally Charmander is next so term ender is very small and has fire type attacks however I really animate like Charmander and Sherman actually was loosely Charmeleon like they were always always like burning ash and he was still fine so I feel like the flame isn't that powerful I'm gonna put Charmander in neutral I think I think it's I think it's somewhat neutral like he's definitely not very bulky you know I feel like I'm liking getting close and at the tail of the fire in his tail goes out he dies which I feel like should mean that I shouldn't put it out because I'm definitely not trying to kill anything but I mean a wins a win you know so that's a joke but please don't please no burger um yeah so um Charmander I feel like I can take nonetheless like he's he's definitely not very bulky he's not that strong I don't know I think I could take him Charmeleon is definitely scarier because he's bulkier he's not that bulky overall though but he's definitely stronger I feel like the real weakness is Charmeleon is that it's not discipline in general like actions for a million for example is like very stubborn and I feel like maybe I could use that to my advantage so we're gonna put our million in neutral as well I know it seems strange to put Charmeleon higher or like easier to beat them like Ivysaur but that feels right to me and I don't think I've ever being Charizard ever I think there's no world in which I can actually take Charizard in a fight like it can fly I think I can fly it's gonna put me in a big disadvantage because contrary to popular belief I cannot fly so yeah um next we have squirtle unlike Charmander and Bulbasaur I feel like squirtle is actually a decent matchup I'm good squirtle improbable the reason is that like Charmander and sort of good options so they keep you away like with fire or like poison or sleep or whatever or vines where squirt only has water and like yeah water probably heard that it's you know launched like with enough force however I much like of the three I'd much rather deal with support along the others Wartortle like the signal Wartortle is like it's a turtle I mean start with you but worse it was just like he looks so much more solid I would have really neutral I think he's probably neutral like I think there's a chance it depends a lot in the terrain I think cuz then I can pick him up maybe there's something I could do or if you get some his back maybe he's thinking almost like I don't know I think that's hard for Turtles to deal with however like he definitely shoots water stronger and yeah I don't think I don't think it goes it's just super well for me but it's not impossible either like I'd rather than I'd reality with Wartortle then I think either of the other two mid stage starters I don't have a blast was in unlikely I think it's unlikely I think it's impossible I don't see any world in which I can be a blaster isn't a fight those who that is two cannons like and not like the Pokemon but like two cannons and I just don't see a world in which I can actually deal with that personally yeah I don't I don't think I gonna beat that at all caterpie's does next um this is a height your mashup I'm putting it in probable you know what no I'm putting it in guaranteed if I this - Caterpie I don't I don't know what I'm doing yeah I don't I don't think I can lose - Caterpie me I mean string so it's kind of annoying isn't that most sticky it is maybe it's probable I guess I got like super caught in this string shot webs like it could be bad but yeah I think it's fine Metapod that's that's gotta be guaranteed if I can't be metabolic it definitely can't beat anything else Metapod stinks although I guess it's hardly actually damage but yeah there's no way of those two Metapod yeah Butterfree I think is unlikely again if it can fly its gonna put me in a big disadvantage and like Butterfree is like really annoying moves like sleep powder and poison powder and even just like regular moves like fun buzz and hurricane like I'm sure I don't take hurricane well I'm sure I don't know the council met but I'm sure it's not good um Weedle next I think I could probably be tweedle I don't gonna be super easy but I do think it's probable the thing is that there's poison point so I might need to get lucky and not get poisoned or like finish the fight before I like the poison wears off so that way I can like go to the Pokemon Center and get my little pokeball and heal up but yeah I think I could probably be tweedle I think I actually close to guaranteed to beat communal actually could cooter gets poison sting and so even though doesn't have poison point I'm not positive I could beat it because if I get poisoned at the gates like it could be kind of hard and Beedrill I hate bees I think it's there's a world if I had like a big fly swatter that maybe I could beat Beedrill but I think it's extremely unlikely like in terms of Pokemon design like Pokemon I would want to fight in a fight definitely not Beedrill Beedrill is actually terrifying yeah next we have Pidgey Pidgey and Pidgeotto and Pidgeot I'm gonna put Pidgey in neutral it's flying which makes it like definitely neutral that best however yeah I don't know it's not super strong and the thing about Pidgey is most time you'd expected to get in close to be able to like to have to attack and so maybe like maybe using that I could do something but I don't think it's in my favor like I think this is neutral leaning unlikely personally um Pidgeotto I think is unlikely Pidgeot as well these are very similar to me they're just big birds like small bird maybe but like I definitely couldn't beat a big bird no way in real life worm Pokemon like yeah also PG awk normally is or like is often a special attacker and so like yeah but special attacker and doesn't need to get you close there's no way I could beat it right tatata is next I think that's probable I think I could probably beat retucked up attack yeah I mean it's just a little rat and like I don't know for sure if I could beat it because I think I miss big teeth but I think there's a chance I'm not gonna I'm not gonna ever just write it off personally like I think I think I think it's a decent chance Radek eight is much bigger rat and like I've I saw this big of a rat in real life I don't think I could deal with it so yeah we're pretty graddic a neutral eye to the Greta Cates unlikely they weren't have a big grown up it to your gap I don't I don't think I can beat your etiquette and only it's neutral maybe maybe it's possible but yeah I don't think it's likely um zero Sims PG are spirits name is PG like just a bird fear I think is also unlikely because it's big bird same logic as PG line so yeah there's that um Ekans I think this isn't an unlikely Pokemon I don't think I could beat a snake in real life and a fight like especially a poison snake that does n a rattlesnake I don't think I could beat that at all in fact yeah I'm pretty sure that this is extremely unlikely and actually I think arbok a controversial pick here I think our amok is actually impossible like I see no like I see no world in which I could be I see no world which I feel comfortable approaching that thing there's no way I could beat nerve walk in real life there's no way absolutely not Pikachu's next I think you can just probably neutral I guess it depends on like pictures is not bulky at all so you can get a couple hits in that on it it might faint however um yeah like it has electricity and range and so like if it just stays like far away and you do a thug like electric-type moves in probably problem is so I think it's neutral because it's kind of just like who hits each other first Raja's bulkier could hold the assault vest and most of my attacks are physical so yeah like this all this doesn't help too much but yeah faster much faster stronger probably smarter as well I don't think a gonna be right you and the bulk of the real thing like I feel like if I'm gonna beat a Pokemon it has to be pretty frail because I'm not gonna get many attacks in I just have to make them count you know I think Sandra is a neutral personally it's not spiky which gives me an advantage - I could smack it around however like it's very bulky and like I don't see myself doing much damage to it and like if I like I don't know I might hurt myself more than I heard it cuz it's like a really cool thing um but it's not super strong either so I feel like I could that leads to prolong the fight enough to maybe figure something out so we'll put it in neutral stance / I think is extremely unlikely this boys spiky which is not good for me I think I also I don't think there's like almost no way I could beaten in Durance maybe maybe these are neutral like the baddie for me or net are neutral I don't think I can beat NIT arena I think there's no way I eat you know clean at all say these are all the same to me but yeah it goes no way like maybe these two like maybe maybe but unlikely I definitely beat the heck out of Clefairy there's no way a booster Clefairy right there's no way I'd lose the Clefairy ray chat why doesn't chat I'm alone I'm alone in my apartment well I have a right but you know I'm saying umm Clefairy is not good at doing damage yeah it's good I look tanking damage but yeah I could definitely beat the heck out of Clefairy cliff a below the other hand I think is neutral like that thing is bulkier and actually is relatively strong when it comes to offenses I actually think I think it's unlikely abiko fable I'm gonna say this is a huge discrepancy between the bad before me in the Evolve for me yeah I think I can taking full pics on it's like Charmander but weaker yeah nyjah's overview touched the tail you get turn it into a pokemon I think it's I think it's impossible I don't see any Waldo which I to be the ninetails like there's no world in which I beat nine tails um Jigglypuff I think is probable it will put you to sleep which is a drag but um other than that I think I'd be fine like it's not strong at all and eventually I will wake up so yeah I think I could probably beat Jigglypuff I think Wigglytuff is neutral like it's not that strong and it's not that bulky base types overall are pretty like need something to be desired leave something to be desired excuse me and although it has competitive like I don't have any way of dropping at the stats so that shouldn't be a big problem here so they I don't worry about the offenses zoom out I think is probable not guaranteed for sure because it has like supersonic and stuff however is it goes you got mono comics like it I think it's problem welding it's not it's really weak it's a gas super super we get a couple of good hits on it should probably knock it out so yeah I think it's probable go about stanker and more annoying I think it's unlikely actually I don't think I can be cool that um faster stronger more annoying yeah I think I could probably beat oddish there's not guaranteed because it's like the grass types is they if they hit you at the right powder move like you might just be like in trouble but yeah like it's not bulky at all and it's offenses aren't super strong so yeah I might be able to do it Who am I think is probably neutral um like I think glue is like only slightly stronger than oddish but it's enough of a buff I feel like I would have a much harder time with it and then vileplume I think is very unlikely I'm not gonna print it impossible like because unlike venusaur it doesn't use vines however yeah I already shocked if I could be a gloom uh Paris is slow as heck and really frail I'm gonna say I could guarantee beat Paris maybe not yeah that might be too much I think it's problem on deterrence yeah I do I could probably be parents doesn't have guaranteed Paris is really frail and slow like I mentioned however if I don't one shot it I'm definitely worried about like effects poor a regular score and yeah that could be problematic and I don't like bugs either actually now that I think about it so yeah um parents everything is somewhat neutral it's a lots Hank here but still super slow I don't think I can one-shot it I think this is unlikely because I don't want shot it and if the para cept is smart it would just use Spore and put me to sleep and then I'd be in trouble like I said I don't like bugs so I think that a net is probably a neutral like this thing is scary honestly in terms of its design like it's creepy as heck it's a giant bug yeah yeah I don't think I could be been a gnat in the fight um and then venomoth can fly I think isn't likely not impossible but I do think it's unlikely Diglett I think is actually probable there's only one event instead of three contrary to popular belief and it's just like playing whack-a-mole I feel like I just need one good hit and then it's I could probably I need a hammer or something I don't think I'm allowed to bring weapon to this but yeah it's just like playing whack-a-mole what you don't think I'm great at but like yeah also I don't feel like Diglett is that strong on its own like whenever they talk about giggle or they talk about how like Diglett will be get build a tunnel will take a bunch of Diglett and stuff however like this is just one thing what we're talking about well we're not talking about one Diglett it's three Diglett which is Dugtrio there's three of them you have to hit and it's a lot stronger I think it's not like we had to beat Dugtrio me up as a cat I like cats I think it's impossible I could I could I just can't bring myself to fight cats I really like cats um so I don't I think is super strong but also super weak I guess it depends on the day I think I could probably take side up on personally I think you could probably do it Golduck I think is unlikely though has a big power jump from side up to Golduck um yeah Maggie and primate to me are both unlikely like maybe Maggie is neutral can I be monkey maybe I think I think manky might be neutral it's very frail and not that strong um but I definitely wouldn't want to fight against Nike um prime ava is much stronger though it has like boxing gloves or something there's no ID primate or not no way like it's very frail which is why it's unlikely not impossible um but yeah um growls next I don't think I can be growlithe and I think I definitely couldn't be darker 9 um like I don't think I could beat a regular dog in a fight let alone a fire dog and definitely not a legendary fire dog that's like big and hasn't timid up deep so yeah there's no way poliwag maybe I could be probable I could probably be probably wag I think poliwag it's like so frail and so weak and like it's a water-type so like it's a secondary effects aren't super scary that as it knows this would be the scariest thing but if I could just dodge that I should be fine Poliwhirl is tankier so like the thing is I can't get rid of it as quickly which means that it's gonna stay on the field longer and therefore it'll be more problematic to deal with um and Poliwrath has again boxing gloves which just puts me at a big disadvantage because I definitely do not have box and gloves her hands I think there's almost no way to be Poliwrath like maybe there's a chance but I think it's unlikely um a bra it's kind of weird I think I could be the arbor cuz all it does is teleport I just had to hit it although I don't think I can hit it I'm gonna get in neutral I think this is a stamina battle on I'd have to stall out the PP um Kadabra I think is unlikely and then I'll exam is big impossible there's no way I'd beat Alakazam I'm gonna fight right I see no world in which I can successfully beat Alakazam in a fight like Yad no way Machop I think is probably neutral it's so small it's babby with choke isn't likely and there is no world in which I can beat a champ yeah this is like this is just like an easy going down the line in my opinion Bellsprout is probable I think we probably beat bellsprout it's not guaranteed of course but like it's so weak we did all the other hand I think is unlikely and Viktor Bout almost impossible I think the victreebel is it's terrifying and it's like carnivorous I think I would die if I fought victory doll honestly yeah time to cool I'm gonna say neutral nothing scary poison types in general freaked me out I would not want to find a poison type of real life like it's no super strong but just it's got some annoying things you can do and if I got poison nobody mad um yeah tend to cruel on the other hand I think is unlike I don't think I could ever beat Tentacruel I don't see any world in which I can deal with that ever um Geodude unpause impossible gravel are impossible coulomb impossible what am i doing is a rock like I'm not strong enough to smash rocks or to make my bare hands or anything there's no way I could there's no way a pony taller right but actually think you're also actually impossible because like you can't touch them without burning yourself which seems like a problem for someone who does not want to burn themselves and like it like yeah I just couldn't deal with it slowpoke I think it's probable Slowbro I think is unlikely smokers club book is pretty frail when it gets down to it and like very slow so maybe I could get some hits in before it like retaliates slow Grove unit is so tanky and like relatively strong it I feel like I just need to Wow excuse me um was I saying oh yeah Slowbro like I feel like it doesn't need to who doesn't need to like hit many times just to get one or two good hits in so I think there's no way I can deal with that Magnemite I think is unlikely like I don't it's it's fast enough floats and it has electricity and steel type which means like I don't think I could smack it around as easily magneton is similar like my mat reverses Megatron is definitely way worse because it's just three Magnemite I'm others it's impossible because maybe like maybe if I was super smart I could deal with it but yeah Farfetch'd there's no way ever one of the strongest Pokemon there's no way I could deal with that um doduo or everything doduo I think you probably beat doduo and I think dodrio isn't likely this one's tough like dodo who doesn't have really much going for it and it can't be even though it's a bird it's flightless so I feel like that gives me an advantage but Dozier is so fast and has three heads to peck at you I like I would accept doin in neutral from C in neutral like I don't think it's very likely I'd be doduo but I don't think it I think it's possible for sure um seal I'm gonna say probably I could beat a seal it's like just a regular seal which I don't like I could be in real life actually maybe do going over super tanky like and stronger - there's no way um I don't look a bit Grimer amok like I don't think like the thing is that you don't consider is like these things smell bad and like I don't think I could like approach to talk to the pile of waste so yeah I think there's no way shelter um I think it's neutral I think it's possible I beat shelter but also like I don't know what's inside the shell so I don't I'm not positive of course sir I think isn't likely this looks scary as heck ghastly any ghost type of I feel like it's impossible what do you want me to do there's nothing I can do it's a ghost type already the ghost types and this is this yeah yeah we can't be ghosts types there's no way onyx is also impossible like that's like being impossible like there's no way ID even onyx ever right like what do you want me to do I don't know Josie is creepy but I think I could beat it I think I could beat it I'm not positive I think I need it um hypno I think is unlikely like the bulk is significant enough that like you can definitely hit me a couple times before I had the chance to like get rid of it and yeah um Crabbie's just a crab so I think unlikely king was just a big crab so I think impossible like I don't think I can take a crab on oh you guys um Voltorb I think I could probably take faltered the thing is like it's not very bulky and if it explodes like all I have to do is survive the explosion actually by the rules of explosion if it explodes then I then I wouldn't the fight so I'm gonna put electrode in neutral if they go kaboom then like I'll win by default so yeah execute I eat scrambled eggs a lot so I think I could probably take execute executor on the other hand is it possible yeah that's unlikely maybe because we have our strong bond to it forfeit but yeah other than that I don't think it's very good cubone hard-headed like guy he lost his mom it's so sad I'm a pretty neutral actually he's kind of strong but he meant unlikely and I think marijuana is even more unlikely than cubone for sure uh Hitmonlee is like a fighter who's trained I think that's impossible same with hitmonchan like I am NOT a trained fighter I've never actually been in a fight so this is very conjecture ish but I'm pretty sure I couldn't beat things that were trained specifically to fight at all clicky tongue this thing is gross I'm gonna put an unlikely i only gonna be clicky tongue in a fight like maybe but the thing is the tongue is so creepy I would not want to deal with it um coughing and wheezing like I am not immune to poison I don't think I could beat these things at all like you can't get close without getting like dealing with the gas um bulky rock types there's no way that gig don't have anything for rock types Chanda no I would smack the heck out if Chauncey does not serve does not win here tangle I think is neutral it depends what's behind the vines truthfully I think the man who's behind the vines um but I I like the thing is that single is not very bulky and it depends on how it uses the vines but are they gotten close I think I could do some damage Kangaskhan is a mother so I don't think I could beat her like she is she doesn't babby with her it's like I kinda like like I feel like I couldn't bring myself to like fight against the babby like what do you do at that you might if you're trying to hit Angus when you might fight the babby - oh my goodness it's impossible because like if it doesn't make of all this not super strong but yeah um horse is actually relatively weak I think I could probably beat horsey seed wrong the other hand I think is um so there's like spiny boys how this isn't likely like not impossible but unlikely I would beat the heck out of Goldeen there's no way of those - Goldeen seeking on the other hand I think is probably neutral it's just a big fish with the horn it's like definitely scary star you I think it's probable really frail not very offensive like I think I could definitely take it start me on the other hand I think is unlikely um fastest way stronger great coverage moves better bulk I couldn't 1 or 2 shots are me most likely I think I probably 40% at most yeah Scyther guys don't ever let me fight inside there I would die like I think which sliced me in half jinx I think is unlikely it's really frail physically on my types like I mentioned are mostly physical attacks which should help however like yeah it's still pretty strong and has a bunch of annoying support moves I might need to get lucky but I think I could do it magmar I think isn't likely it's always magmar um yeah I like to think it's actually you know what anything with flame buddy I think is gonna be very difficult for me because like I can't touch it without burning myself yeah I don't think I could beat it I'll like two bows however I think is unlikely but possible I think there's a world in which I can fight electabuzz but I don't think I want to live in that world pincer just like sight there were taught me in half Taurus is a big cow I don't think I beat that if I don't be Magikarp what am i doing honestly like honestly what am i doing Oh Garrity's impossible no way they poori on I mean it's pond I think it's cuz I'm actually pave poor in a neutral there's gonna be a hot take I think I might be able to take the Quran Jolteon I feel less confident about in flareon as well less confident the thing is that like in terms of types they want to fight against probably water and normal are the top ones times that deftly don't want to fight against are like poison rock and ghost yeah poor England's very weird I think I could probably take it though it's just two-dimensional Kabuto is a rock type I think it's extremely unlikely I beat Kabuto but like maybe if I pick him up and turn him on his back like he can't do anything I'm not sure so maybe I could beat him Kabutops absolutely not uh-oh my knight has a hard shell I think it's unlikely I mean oh my night but possible almost nah there's no way it could be actually maybe I could maybe be Don the star maybe a very unlikely Aerodactyl no way astrology I would never be able to do damage to but I think I have more stamina than in it so I'm gonna put it in unlikely like I think the good just run away from Snorlax forever or maybe time them out I don't know and Articuno no way none of the legendaries I can beat there's no way like what do you want me to do there's nothing I can do dratini I think I could probably beat and Dragonair I think is probable I think I can actually probably because dragon here as well dragon I on the other hand I think it's gonna be impossible I think there's no world which I beat Dragonite personally yeah I think that's fair and then I'm you - no way and last but not leave some you there's no way I ever beat me you want to fight I think we can all agree on that so oh that's it that's the finals your list I hope you guys enjoyed I'm sure that this was a video that nobody requested but I thought was funny so if you want to see more content like this just let me know in the comments down below thanks so much for watching please subscribe and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 462,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, pokemon tier list, pokemon competitive, pokemon competitive tier list, wolfey tier list, wolfeyvgc tier list, ranking pokemon, pokemon fight, pokemon battle, pokemon fight tier list, pokemon battle music, pokemon battle royal, pokemon battle tier list, kanto, kanto pokemon
Id: hjjKg8Ip9Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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