One Trillion Lions VS The Sun

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the sun that radiant ball of plasma in the sky that accounts for 99.9 of all the mass in the solar system and makes life on earth possible as we know it it's an incomprehensibly huge fusion reactor that keeps all the other planets in line through invisible immense influence alone what could possibly be more powerful than the sun well what about one trillion lions is this another meme episode it's lol arya omg yes now entering the facility what up fellow kids it's your hair stan kyle hill back at it again with another fresh a.a.a video hey we kids we sure do love memes don't we well i mean i don't like that one but i love memes and i love science and frequently they collide like when too many people start thinking about slapping a chicken too hard and too fast or nuking a pizza today we're gonna evaluate yet another one of these collisions who would win one trillion furry boys or the sun you better believe i'm going gonna be taking this far too seriously you're looking at the guy who signs thanos's butt so why don't we just get right into it how much lion is one trillion lions well the average weight for an african male lion is 420 pounds ooh noise so one trillion of this weight is roughly 200 trillion kilograms this is more than twice the weight of all life on earth combined and this number of lines is roughly 50 million times more than the current world population of lines so uh where are we gonna get all these lions for this fight uh i mean we we could use my cloning lab but i don't i don't go in there anymore there's something really sus going on behind that door is anyone still playing among us i i don't care memes if one trillion lions are going to fight the sun they're going to have to get into space and that's going to cost a lot of money despite the great strides companies like spacex have made in terms of reducing the cost of getting something to space per kilogram based on the lion's mass alone this effort is going to cost something like 500 quadrillion dollars which is 6 000 times all the money in the world the entire planet would have to really want to manifest this meme and like our lion population issue i'm not really sure where we're gonna get all this money uh i could call jeffy b but uh he doesn't return my calls anymore after i after i beat him to the whole drone thing so to space okay so we've spent all the money in the world shooting one trillion cloned lions up into space pretty cool but 15 to 30 seconds later they're all gonna be unconscious and about 90 seconds after that none of them will be able to be revived i know that because of experiments we used to do in dogs and chimps and vacuum chambers and what happened to their butt you know we don't have to talk about it 200 trillion kilograms of slowly freezing dead cat meat will act on itself gravitationally but because this amount of cat mass isn't all that much compared to a planet like earth it's only going to pull itself into a very loosely bound sphere depending on wherever the center of gravity ends up being with a minimum radius of 3.5 kilometers assuming that all the cats are basically just water smooshed together as close as they can get which is pretty gross as a comparison for size this cat planet will be about the same size as the very famous comet 67p which the rosetta mission landed on and it would have a surface gravity so small that if you were stood on the surface of this dead cat planet a simple jump would achieve escape velocity and you would leave the cat planet's influence never to return you know like the popularity of snapchat am i right teens now it's time to tackle the verses part of this meme but again there's a problem in this frame of reference it looks like earth is stationary but from the sun's perspective the earth is absolutely screaming around it in orbit at 30 kilometers per second and unlike what another meme would have you believe it is not easy to just heat stuff into the sun from earth because of this orbital velocity it would in fact be easier to eat yourself outside of the solar system so with our lion ball in orbit we're going to have to cancel out all this momentum and then let the sun take over how could we do that uh i don't know we could slow the cat ball down by i don't know attaching 5 million falcon heavy rockets from spacex based on the available surface area to the cat meats shove it in there and then thrust away for 20 hours until it slows all the way down i mean we could do something like that but again i don't know where we would get all these rockets although it does seem like an idea that elon would be into i mean have you seen his tweets lately we get it dude you like reddit okay we've done all we can for this meme from space the cats are clumped together loosely in a sphere in the void their momentum has stopped and now all we have to do is wait and that's because we can sit back and let the sun's immense gravitational influence facilitate this fight for us but how long will it actually take before a trillion furry boys fight an eternal fusion reactor in the sky well we could use some very fancy mathematics to figure out the exact amount of time we have to wait or we could let my favorite scientifically accurate game do the math for us the term meme doesn't mean what you think it might it's a term that's been hijacked by pepes and spongebobs and some drunk white lady yelling at a cat who's just trying to have dinner the original term meme was coined by legendary evolutionary biologist and chronic twitter foot and mouth user richard dawkins he originally meant meme to be like jeans for ideas and for culture so think about how you think of a meme how does it work well someone comes up with a new spongebob frame that hasn't been used yet slap some white impact font with some clever words on it and then they release it into the culture the culture then remixes and remixes this idea until the best version of it wins out and spreads to the most people if you think about it this is exactly analogous to evolution by natural selection where some random mutation arising in a population is selected for or not via natural pressures this is how we get the ideas that circulate through our population if genes are an engine for evolution then memes as originally intended are an engine for culture and society we are still going to science the rest of this lion meme here i just didn't want the term meme to be lost among among us memes or whatever are people still playing it cause i'm sick of the jelly bean man he only has one bone in his spine that's not how bodies work ooh this book has pictures and we have matter beam with a 5 donation who says kyle why don't you stream universe sandbox 2 and let that physics simulator do the work for you well that's a great idea mb in fact it's almost like i wrote that comment myself universe sandbox 2 is one of the best physics simulators you can buy it uses accurate scientific calculations to model whole solar systems planets what would happen if you threw a black hole into the sun or crashed a teapot on mars you can do basically anything that you want so i'm going to use universe sandbox 2 to create a ball of lion basically water that's at the same distance that earth is from the sun and then i'm going to slow its momentum all the way down to see just how long it takes for this fight to actually happen so you can see i'm playing right here here's my cursor i can zoom into or out of at my leisure it's really robust in terms of a game so that's mercury so let's go a little bit further out we have mars which means earth is right here so what i want to do is i'm going to pause the simulation and then i'm going to add an element to the simulation let's just say a random rocky planet that random rocky planet is going to be about the radius of earth at the orbital radius of earth rather and then i'm going to click on it let's start changing stuff about it so it is no it is no longer called de thir it will now be known as lion ball yes um its mass this is the critical part that we have to change i'm gonna change it kilograms you can see just how much less our kilograms are going to be than something like earth so let's put in the 1.9 e to the 14 kilograms now we're going to change its density and what you'll see is cool is that it will use that density to change the size of it for us instead of calculating ourselves like dum-dums so a thousand kilograms per cubic meter and it gives us the radius that we already calculated from before which is awesome so now we have our line ball at the correct mass the correct density radius and now i'm going to put it let's make sure okay so it's one a you from the sun one astral astronomical unit from the sun that's good and we're gonna now bring the fight to fruition by reducing its orbital speed as you can see from about 30 kilometers per second like we said to zero now that has happened now what we're going to do we're going to close this out and now we are going to focus on lion ball no focus on line ball there we go okay so what you'll notice is that once this gets going lion ball will start heading towards the sun so keep i'm keeping note of the date and time in the simulation and now let's run it oh no lion ball no and fight so there we go we had the fight of lion ball actually we paused a little bit too late so it now gravitationally slingshot itself around the sun which is kind of cool because we didn't set up everything perfectly but i have the date and time here so if we get technical about it as we want to do it looks like our fight with the sun 500 quadrillion dollars later our line ball encounters the sun after being slowed all the way down by all those rockets after 65 days and you know what's the best part about that that 65 day figure is exactly the same answer that we get with all that fancy math that i did anyway just to check our work so now that we have a timeline we need the results of what would actually happen here uh age templar thank you for the 10 says kyle if you're live streaming this game how is that possible if this is a pre-recorded video and band in a fight between a trillion lions and the sun the sun is not going to fight fair see now the earth usually over the course of the year doesn't change all that much in terms of distance how far it is away from the sun so when it is this far away from the sun 1a you it receives a certain amount of solar radiation it's about a thousand watts for every square meter at surface level after it goes through the atmosphere if you were to change that distance if you were to put earth a lot closer to the sun the intensity of the solar radiation must change because the solar radiation is coming from a perfectly spherical source so if you put earth closer to the sun the power it's receiving per square meter is going to increase exponentially for example what if we put the earth 50 percent closer to the sun what would happen well that's something that universe sandbox can help us with so let's try it so i have earth brought up here i'm going to edit earth or it's motion so now instead of being at roughly 1au i'm going to because it varies a little bit i'm going to change this to 0.5 a.u you'll see what happens so earth is now a lot closer to the sun as you can see and the orbit is not going to be nearly circular anymore because i kind of moved it while the simulation was paused and so the orbit is going to be weird but the effect is going to be the same let's keep an eye on earth and let's keep an eye more specifically on earth's surface temperature as we put it closer and closer to the sun so let's look at the maximum temperature on the surface of the earth right now 20 degrees c that's not so bad but let's resume the simulation after having moved earth that much closer so it's starting to move around the sun and its new orbit oh maximum temperature oh okay so that's okay so uh you know 76 degrees celsius that's that's okay um so now all the oceans are boiling and everything's on fire and everything is dead now i made this change to earth's orbit to make this point as our lion ball falls into the sun to try to fight it as the meme states the sun is going to start heating it up drastically as it approaches so even before there is any fight millions and millions of miles away the lion ball is gonna start taking the first punches in this bout oh and oh okay we have a five dollar donation from kevin who says but what is my purpose wow cringe bro as our lion ball moves closer and closer to the sun it will be receiving exponentially more solar radiation well before anything fights anything when the lion ball is still 3 million miles away it will be receiving an equivalent amount of solar radiation that you would get if you were standing at ground zero of a nuclear detonation as our lion ball moves towards the sun for this battle its surface will be flashing away to plasma and if it's not outright destroyed after 65 days this happens wow incredible we just saw a trillion lions become additional fusion fuel i think we can call it here oh hey all the lions in the universe just went extinct huh i'm i'm not i know what it looks i'm not a super villain i know what it looks like i'm not who wins in a fight between a trillion lions in the sun well the the sun it's a it's a star i don't know what you really expected like a trillion is a big number but on a cosmic scale it's minuscule this volume of lion wouldn't even take up 100 trillionth of a volume of the sun and the mass here is just not enough to throw any significant punches i guess that's just another meme to be crushed under the weight of scientific scrutiny that's just how your boy kyle do i thought kyle rides a bmx bike made from recycled monster energy drink cans while listening to some 41. now that's a meme that i wouldn't mind eating into the sun until next time can i get a monster are you drinking here don't tell them now exiting the facility thank you so much to the very nerdy staff at the facility for their direct and substantial support in the creation of this here video today especially i want to recognize research assistant hespera smith and visiting scholar jason folkman if you want to join the facility staff if you want to join us on discord and patreon where you can talk almost every day with me give me episode suggestions see episodes early see members only live streams join d d groups magic groups radio stations all that you can go to kyle hill and get your lab coat today and if you support the facility just enough you get your name on ra here each and every week and as you can see there's literally hundreds of you so i have no idea how i'm going to pass the if you here's a hot take if if you i i do not like how culture online culture bleeds into irl culture maybe i'm just sounding like an old man i know i am a fellow kid but if you do say like lol and cringe bro as part of your irl vocabulary there's nothing that i dislike more but science wise there's just not enough mass here one trillion lines sounds like a lot as we said but in the cosmic scale of things it's relatively nothing you to really influence the sun and what happens to it you need something on an equivalent order of magnitude another large star something to siphon mass away from the sun slowly draining it to death how many lines would that be to make a star a lion star i think that's a that's a different episode hey thanks for watching oh that was kind of cringe wasn't it
Channel: Kyle Hill
Views: 331,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: because science, engineering, kyle hill, learning, math, physics, science, stem, the facility, meme, lions, reddit, space, the sun, who would win, outer space, because science lightsaber
Id: SNfZDT_5Gi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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