042114 - Comedy Night with Dennis Gaxiola

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hurry up sit down pastor Joey because I don't like standing next to pastor Joey I love him but he's got muscles I want to hold it in while I'm standing next to him but this doesn't transfer to this you know how's everybody doing one more time for the worship team I'm glad you mentioned I was a comedian because I go to some events and they forget to say I'm a comedian and I started joking around and I see people flipping through their Bible they like I don't see that in my concordance but a job says I will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with rejoicing so if you don't get my jokes you're not hurting my feelings you are disobeying the Word of God no pressure we are blessed to be here tonight in the past you have a beautiful church you don't not every pastor is blessed like this this is beautiful I saw a homeless preacher the other day you know times are bad when you can see a homeless preacher he was sitting in front of 7-eleven can you help a brother out I looked down said sorry man I got no change you know he start quoting scriptures trying to make me feel guilty bird has a nest and the Fox has a den but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head Matthew 8 20 hours impressed with him giving me a Bible quote so I decided to give him a quote of my own I looked at him just sitting there and I said get on up get on up get get get get get get get on up James Brown 1974 when you're down and out you must whip it whip it good this this is what I do I tell jokes this is my gift everybody in here has a gift from God you got a discover your gift this is my gift there there are some pastors and ministers in here they're gifting they're so anointed that when you come to the altar they pray for you you fall out I didn't get that gift I got jokes because God knows us he knew with my personality if he gave me that kind of anointing that I could pray for somebody and they will fall out I would abuse it I went to the movies and there's a big head person in front of me I'd be like who in the name of Jesus I got jokes I go to the DMV there's a long line I'd be like oh we bout to have revival today I'm in front praise the Lord is it jokes I'm a PK I'm a preacher's kid where the PK is any PJ's here okay we need security we need security rather my dad was a cool preacher because he didn't grow up in church you know sometimes churchy churchy people they kind of lose the message my dad grew up on the streets of Oakland he was a thug he went from being the thug to being a boxer for me to box her to being a preacher he was in the boxing ring that he saw the light I'm getting whooped help me Lord that boxing background never have to worry about my dad preaching too long you ever preach too long we would just ring about let's sit down to the corner I recently turned 49 years ago and still adjusting over 40 wave your hands over 40 over 40 you're not 40 bro that's a rough 30 I want to hear your testimony cuz that brother survived he's like wow so he's saying he was worship anything I'm not 40 though you made it bro I tried to write positive jokes about everything there is nothing positive about this midlife thing yeah I mean a couple weeks ago I got hurt sleeping Pastor Joey you don't anything about that yeah you're still he not he's not 40 yet he's strong not not not jumping out of bed funny while I slept I pulled the muscle how do you do that see not 40 you're not even laughing like this can't be true I was limping around my house the next day I didn't even know why I said why what happened my wife reminded me she got that cramp in your calf last night you know that cramp in the character doesn't let go Here I am limping around my house and came time for me to take my nap but I was scared I'm not good enough shape to sleep I come from a whole church family man I got I got both my grandfather's one of my grandmother's five of my uncle's for my cousin's preach my mom led to Sunday school my aunt had acquired my sister with no rhythm played the tambourine my alcoholic uncle drove the Sunday school bus it was I'm not saying we're all going to heaven but we were in church we'd go from church to church my dad my dad was a heroin addict that was saved in prison so he loved going from church to church telling people about what Jesus did this back in the seventies this is beautiful right here this unity right here my dad wanted to do that back in the 70s oh he didn't care about denominations if you never tell you about Jesus he was gonna go I always take one of his kids with him 12 years old this was the day I found out it didn't pay to be funny big church like this I'm sitting in the front row of my dad surprising me mijo stand up and tell the church something about yourself I'm 12 I'm scared but I stood up and I face the congregation said my name is Dennis and I'm an alcoholic oops wrong group there was some laying on her hands when we got home I tell that right now that was not a oh happy day we have another time we went to a very conservative my church church very conservative Presbyterian brothers and sisters my dad was old-school Pentecostal pulpit shaking bible-thumping spirit-filled preacher once his very conservative church no diversity all of our white brothers and sisters very conserved no band like this with the people jumping up and down never have a comedian none of the new songs very old fashioned How Great Thou you know that a sign language lady on the side of the pulpit you know my dad started preaching the Holy Spirit started movie my dad starts speaking in tongues and the sign language lady got carpal tunnel syndrome right it's like timeout brother we don't do that here we I go too far past life let's you fire right there huh that's one thing about comedy you gotta know the line we're blessed in California because the diversity that we're blessed with go to other parts of the country no no diversity still gotta make him laugh but you gotta know the line I come from a diverse family so I have jokes about every culture I think there's good humor in our cultural and ethnic differences so long as there's no malice in the joke if it's malicious it's not funny but to sit there and think over all the same denies God's creation he knew what he did when he was putting us all together so I like to find the humor in that but you still got to respect the line I go to an all-white Church here's the line Elvis Presley lady die Dale Earnhardt that's the line right there right there you do one Dale Earnhardt joke here banjo let's go off did it in doodoo really a shotgun pastor I was on B et Black Entertainment Television had me for nine seasons I was the Mexican on show called comicview I know the line with my black brothers and sisters I go to an all-black Church here's the line Martin Luther King President Obama and hearing our black brothers and sisters very proud of the hearing they let you know I heard that the very proud you can like you can laugh the black people are laughing it's okay can we laugh I don't know I was blessed to be on the Latin Kings that comedy to her Paul Rodriguez he's he's like our Bob Hope he's more like Forrest Gump but he's ours you know him keep Paul in prayer okay keep all in prayer he doesn't know I do this everywhere I go I tell people pray for Paul he was raised in the church and Hollywood got a hold of him and he drifted away but but he talks he told me I have to change my name if I was gonna be a Christian he said you gotta be he gave me some funny name but I tell him everywhere I go you know I have people prayed for him so we're gonna win Paul back and he magic with all the movies and stuff and he gotta say so keep on praying but he took me on tours for two years with Latin Kings of Comedy everywhere I went theatres for Latinos I know the language by people I go to a big Latino Church here's the line the Raiders Selena and Jesus in that order you could talk to the most hardcore gangbanging cholo out there he say something wrong about Jesus he'd be like hey man that's the door they write homes go meet him one of my Catholic brothers and sisters that we've got we're Catholic brothers sisters tonight and no cat yeah there's just celebrating we got a new pope we got we got a new pope cause for Lent the other Pope gave up he was supposed to give up something but he was like I give up we got a lot Fino Pope now man I've been saying for years I mean I was never raised Catholic but I always thought the the Catholic pope should be Latino it's gonna change the game already think they got the popemobile tricked out Virgin Mary airbrushed on the front you know I got your mom special hydraulics so the Pope could give the sign of the Cross with a Latino in charge it's going to change the church because with a Latino in charge you're gonna have choices you go to our Catholic brother and sisters churches you go take communion the priests and be up front and go this is the body corner flower you see sister when you go to a Mexican restaurant the waitress says corn are flour we have anybody with the gift of interpretation I need I need a white interpreter I need I went too far again right there I know I did but I'm saved my jokes are working their way up I'm a Bible school now the Lord opened doors for me to go to Bible School God no matter how old you are if you get a chance to go to Bible School go to Bible School I grew up in a small church church I grew up it was about as big as this section right here east opening 38th Avenue my grandfather didn't even graduate high school much less Bible College and he passed it he did the best he could but sometimes you grew up in a little small family-run church theology is not that deep Church I grew up in had three I love it you got a cross in here we got we had three crosses on the pulpit good big Jesus cross two little crosses for the thieves you seen that look right the big Jesus cross two little crosses and no one explained to me while Jesus had the big cross and the thieves had little crosses twenty years I went to that church after 20 years I was convinced the thieves were midgets I tried to preach that my first sermon Jesus and the little thieves that church connected a love offering he got me a scholarship to Bible schools like you need to go study man plus he's got to know the work if you don't know the word you can get tricked amen devil knows the word you better know the word I met my wife she said she was from the Philippines I said oh she's a Christian that's in the New Testament she was not saved back there man you didn't get that joke you have not opened your Bible in a long time it's in Philippians all right it's right next to the Colosseum my wife from the Philippines any look Phil any Filipino brothers and sisters here tonight hi goose that's internationally a lot of Spanish in Tagalog right you speak Tagalog okay that was Spanish you're confused but that thing that's just a chill out with good eyes right there that's nothing language is beautiful - God lows beautiful it's a mixture of Spanish and chicken it's a beautiful language I listened to my wife when she talks to her family she calls home she calls to the Philippines and I followed the conversation for a few words and I lose her you know I'm a good enough in the peanut you collect I heard you you were now if you have friends neighbors co-workers classmates church members that are Filipino and English is the second language you have to understand that in Tagalog in the alphabet there's no F so when I speak English sometimes the F is automatic and it's the power of the brain it replaces the F with the P that's where the accent comes from okay I'm not making fun I think is cute my wife can English is your second language I think it's cute I always tease her but she had enough of me one day Denis discuss your you learn your support you don't make fun of my book of Larry what's a book a Larry knock it off you're not for Pia your fur picks not perfect okay oh you want to point the finger miss the fur we have little ones little girl to do the boys the MEC Supino's pastors like I had those on my nachos chips cheese MEK Supino's they look like her thing God didn't look like me whole thing looks like me I'm my daughter and my two boys they have my eyebrows thank you for laughing at that every day someone laughs at your face you know no they have my not baby versions they have big eyebrows like me right now I have three Filipino Muppets sitting at home tonight she told my daughter don't worry when you get older I fooled them you'd be perfect I thank God that gave my heart to Jesus I used to need alcohol to perform like I got off track I lost my identity and I started performing in clubs and it takes seven years to find your voice in comedy that's where they say take seven years within one year I was on TV so we got to watch his opening our doors though because that wasn't God opening those doors that was a devil and the further you know all of a sudden I was working with people that were opening more and more doors for me all these celebrities and I forgot who I was and in the clubs they say tequila there's liquid courage I don't need that anymore I got Jesus in my heart just a little bit of water and when I wasn't saved I never smiled because I have crooked teeth I don't come look at me after the service without my teeth is so crooked Jesus asked me to forgive him my bad dog I'm gonna hook him up in heaven some of you were working for a crown I'm working for a grill I want to hold your grill I could deal with it for now cuz this is temporary this is nothing but a test this life isn't and but we get to heaven the Bible says our bodies are healed and we're perfected so when I get to heaven and there's a mirror I'm going to go check and if I don't have straight teeth forever Lord I mean pass them when you get to heaven don't you want to look in the mirror and go god is good you gotta walk it out every day you're look in the mirror you got to walk out your faith together I come for a real life I mentioned diversity I love the diversity here this is a little bit of heaven right here to me seeing all of us come together this is heaven this is a glimpse of what heaven is going to be like we're all gonna be together around the throne of God worshiping speaking in Spanish it's gonna be beautiful I think one of the most incredible things about President Obama's climb to the president presidency was Reverend Wright from Chicago he was controversial he talked about race CNN even did a special they took what his comments were and mixed it with race in America and they said what color is God in America is there a black God in America is there a white God in America had an 800 number I called in and said that's ridiculous he's Mexican come on he named his son hey Zeus that was in the book you can look it up he didn't call him Jeffrey or Jamil he called him hey suits there are a lot of Mexicans in the Bible they don't even teach this most Sundays there's a lot of Mexicans in the Bible got to read between the lines all right Moses Mexican come on who else Nietzsche lead a bunch of people across a river to the promised land it's my people he went up into the mountains and came down with riding on rocks it's a cholo he was tagging King David David and Goliath vein King David Mexican only a five foot Mexican can look at a nine-footer and go I could take him Abraham Mexican he was a hundred he started having kids that's my it's my people Peter Peter with us as Mexican as it gets easton peter is standing next to jesus he's standing next to the Son of God got incarnated and they come to arrest Jesus but Peter pulls out a shank and cuts the dirt my people some people think no what was Mexican no Noah was not Mexican taking care of animals and giving them the love and nutrition that they deserve that's a gift the Lord gave to our white brothers and sisters okay cuz where I grew up the dog ate well we ate all right you know how hard it is for a chihuahua to eat a burrito it's hard cuz they can't get the top off the top a deal Noah had been Mexican that story would end it tragically different rain ends the water recedes with art lands and Noah steps off some leather boots the chickens are fighting in the corner the cows are missing God is like Noah where are the cows would you like a taco it's good there's no there's nothing wrong with being proud of your culture okay everybody should be proud of their culture everybody somebody's parents or somebody's grandparents put some work in to get you where you are today so when I speak to young people I always tell them that make your grandparents proud my grandfather came from Mexico he retired from the federal government he worked at mare island named at the Navy base in Vallejo before it closed down he worked there working on submarines he had top secret clearance he was proud of that I thought he was like the captain or an engineer he was the janitor that's not the point he was in the game you know but he never met the family forget the first 10 years in California he picked fruit every summer he would make my mom and all my uncles and aunts go pick fruit to earn their school clothes not because they were poor but to remind them this is how we work to earn what we need in this country Oh Pete after that all these years later I was blessed I got to go to college I'm sitting back in college now I got to serve my country and I served in the Air Force and any military I loved and now I love technology look I got my iPad with me I got my android phone I got my Mac computer at home I got my laptop I say all that so I can go on Facebook and play farmville just like grandpa anybody else play farmville okay a few of us there's 50 million people signed up but only three of us tonight all right if you've never played farmville don't it's the crack of the Internet and they explained you start off with a little farm and you got 12 plots and you plant your fruit and vegetables you pick them take them to the market you sell them to give you money you could buy a bigger farm you can decorate your farm and depending on what you plant grapes are ready in 15 minutes pineapples for days and each one has different value if you don't pick them on time they go bad you lose your money I had the biggest farm you could get and when you max out that you buy a second farm if you raised enough money so I had two biggest farms you can get and I just planted tomatoes and tomatoes are ready in two hours I put the tomatoes on both farms and my wife came in the ocean let's go to movies I can why I said cuz the farm the tomatoes are just my farm you know they go back you know the economy is bad they are foreclosing on farms and you know my grandpa came from Mexico I'm not losing my farm to go see spider-man or she put me a rehab I get my political views from my grandfather very wise old man like I said when Toto your own man he'd go I went to my grandpa when they say grandpa what do you think about a woman's right to choose he said mijo I think everyone should wear shoes you guys shouldn't saw the looks on that all the passengers in my life Dean wasn't going that was deep I asked where's the military that's lit how many veterans here wait Yan's veterans what branch sir army okay let's do a room check if your army army raise your hands army give the army around of applause thank you Navy anybody from the Navy anybody served in the Navy go are you are you a member here right across three well over you'd in the Navy and there by the lake you should probably join one of these churches over usually Marine Corps Shh easy easy easy Marine Camarines don't know when the war ends watch once a marine see they don't know when it ends airports for the air force at anybody I was in the Air Force for 20 years or ever I was this close to being in the military because your family doesn't realize how unmilitary the Air Force is you know my mom would bring all my meals in the military I didn't realize how tough I wasn't until I got out when you get out all the branches go to the same spot you go to the VA the Veterans Administration everybody takes a physical they got to make sure you're okay to go back into civilian life I'm there and I see an old Marine than by Vietnam took a bullet I see an older Army soldier limb by Gulf War shrap metal I'm there with the wrist brace US Air Force carpal tunnel email oh five I'm better now I love I love laughing I love sharing laughing the fact that I catch Oak about a wife is a miracle my life was changed ten years ago my dad passed and that was my wake-up call sometimes life-changing moments happen my dad was my hero he was a heroin addict they had a one-on-one experience with Jesus in a prison cell no 12-step program no withdrawals from heroin one-on-one he said God changed me and Jesus came changed him like that and I always carry on his testimony I get to go to prisons now I got to go to a prison he was locked up in he was in jail from the age of 11 in and out of jail to his early 20s and I got to go to one of the youth camps that he was a Preston before it closed down I got to go there and share with those young boys that my dad was lost like them but Jesus changed their lives and he know I was lost and I wasn't serving God I would brag about my dad and people were in trouble I would send them to my dad and as a PK when I had a problem I would call dad dad the kids are sick you know dad something's going on but it was six weeks after my dad passed that my son was born my wife was pregnant we knew we had a high-risk pregnancy it said the baby had a hernia well six weeks after my dad died he was born at the induced labor because he was fully exposed he had what they call gastroschisis his intestines were fully exposed so they induced labor some they told me they were going to do Slater I left the hospital and I always had my cell phone with me I had my cell phone in my pocket and as I was coming down the elevator walk into the hospital said I got a call dad and it hit me that that my connection to heaven was gone I didn't have a relationship with Jesus Christ I had religion I had some faith but I would go to dad instead of going to my Heavenly Father you know and as I was walking through the parking lot and I was crying that's when the Holy Spirit showed up and he said time for you to become a man yourself time for you to be the priest of your own family the next morning my son was born and my my faith was weeks I asked Jesus I said Jesus forgive me I need you in my life and so next morning the baby was born and he was rushed from Travis Air Force Base over to Oakland Children's Hospital and my mom met the incubator I met the ambulance there and we had family that works at the hospital they let her on the dock and my mom prayed for that incubator thank God - praying mom's amen so as my wife recovered we you know we faxed over the signatures to do the surgery and we arrived in the afternoon and surgery was just about complete and the surgeon came out and said he would be an incubator for four months and it would be a month before he could eat because of wouldn't handle the human intestine it shuts down so I'm sitting there thinking how am I gonna go back and forth and Traverse to Oakland my wife was very stressed my mom looked at me and said son that's what their medical book says our book says something different our book says God heals one week later my son was eating he was home at a one-month and he's ten years old now and he doesn't even have a scar on his body we serve a living God and then things got worse I had committed my life back to Jesus I started seeking my relationship I've been turned off to religion I grew up in a very legalistic church and I didn't want that I wanted a relationship with Jesus I hadn't been a good husband while I was being an entertainer and that's what Satan used to attack my wife and our marriage fell apart and here I was with now a three-year-old and a one-year-old and I cried out to God she had moved out and I cried out to God I said give me strength to go through this again I'd been through a divorce I had lost children that were raised in Hawaii I've lost my two older boys and I was like here I go again I'm trying to serve you and now the marriage again and sometimes we need to listen to God for his answers because we always want yes I want it strength to go through a divorce he said no hold on I'm gonna fix your family when I want it strength to fail he said I'll give you strength to succeed I'm gonna fix this mess you made y'all to understand my wife we had separated she had now moved on she was living with another man and I didn't understand the gift of faith back then now I going through schooling and understanding gift of faith everybody has faith but when there's a gift of faith is that when you could see something that only God tells you everyone else is saying let it go my mom said son I didn't raise him to be a dummy let it go I said mom don't ever call me a dummy when I'm being obedient to God he said he's gonna fix this we went to court she had her lawyer I had my orders from God and if you ever been to court all the cases before the judge are on the door and Gaxiola versus Gaxiola was not on the docket and I laughed I said I told you guys God said no her lawyer got mad I walked out laughing and I kind of knew there was something miraculous happening and my wife could see the change in me so we reconciled she came home and we owe it all to God we surrendered our marriage today now I'm not telling you it's been easy we still we go with you know marriage is up and down but as long as you have God as a foundation you know we go through our seasons of happiness we go two seasons of struggle but we hold on because got a word from God he said hold on I'm gonna fix this tonight marks one year by the day tomorrow he is by the calendar the 365 days but last year Sunday night / Monday morning my wife my mom was called home to be with the Lord and for two years I had testified that God healed her from cancer we didn't make it up Kaiser said there was no more cancer and we went around for two years everywhere I went I said God not only healed my son he held my marriage and He healed my mom and I still believe God is bigger than cancer have no doubt in my mind that our God is bigger than cancer six weeks prior she got a phone call to come into Kaiser because some results came back and she called me up I was in school and she loved that I was going to Bible School and I see my mom's number on my phone I said this must be important so I took the call and she said me home they said I have cancer Stage four and she had two simple prayers I don't want to suffer so if you're not gonna heal me take me quickly but don't pump me full of drugs she did not want to have be pumped full of out the heavy doses of morphine where she didn't know what was going on the Lord blessed her and honored her with over a thousand visitors and six weeks come to see her and say say goodbye and that out that was a miracle people that she hadn't seen since childhood came to see her and she had so much love my sister my poor sister had to host all these people that were coming day in and day out to come see my mom the night it was on this night that we had the number one hospice care in California taking care of her she was on hospice for three days two weeks before she passed she went and drove herself got a haircut she was an active senior and here they put her on hospice and things turned quickly well the hospice nurse gets to the house and says where are the where are the what they call the comfort pack that's the heavy doses of three different types of morphine they used to take somebody out of their misery and my sister says we don't have it you have it this was at midnight to Maine at midnight three hours of two hours of arguing with the doctors on the phone with the nurses nobody knew where the drugs were I don't want to suffer long don't pump me full of drugs number one hospice care in America or in California couldn't find the drugs two o'clock in the morning the doctor said I approved a new I approved the new order they'll be there in one hour at 3 o'clock my mom was home and I was I was you know in the indistinct of death we're all sitting around the table my mom's laying on the bed and I said and the pharmacy man shows up here's the drugs and we said we don't need them and he left and I said look at that they couldn't even get the drugs here on time and the Holy Spirit said I know I had this all along he answered a dying old lady's prayer I will not pump you for the drugs and I say that story because my mom gave us such a rich heritage she gave us an identity as believers I think right now in America and even within the church we have an identity crisis we see so many people in the middle of struggle and they look beat up they act like they don't know how the end comes we win all right well no matter what you go through we win heritage is defined as something that you inherit from birth right then in America our thinking our superficial Society we've gotten so shallow that we've lost our heritage even as believers our identity is so shallow we'd based it on the color of our skin we based on what city we're from we based on what church we attend we base it on what sports team we cheer for but our identity as believers in Christ is so much deeper than that we have a rich heritage as believers in Christ amen our identity and our heritage our heritage goes all the way back to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob see and I when I went to Bible School I didn't want to hear about the Old Testament just give me Jesus that's all I want to learn I want to learn about Jesus but it's been said aw Tozer a great author said until you know something about your creator you can't know anything about yourself we have to understand who we are serving I know the choir is here tonight and I'm preaching to the choir but sometimes the choir needs to be reminded of the words to the song amen I didn't understand this whole thing but the God to Abraham Isaac and Jacob but you have to remember that Abraham had Isaac Isaac had Jacob Jacob wrestled with God God changed his name to Israel Israel had 12 sons and one of those sons was named Judah and from that tribe of Judah came a man named David from David came the lineage of Mary and Joseph and from Mary came a man named Jesus that is your identity that is your heritage and it's so important to understand that because in Ephesians I used to I used to not like guys that took iPads as Bibles but now I got an iPad for a Christmas present I take it as a bargain Ephesians 1:3 says that all blessings in heaven are ours amen not some of the blessings all blessings but the important part of that is it says in Christ all blessings in heaven are ours blessed diffusions 1:3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ say in Christ with me in Christ amen not some of the blessings all the blessings in Christ your identity is in Christ every blessing in heaven is yours not superficial blessings like a big mansion that can burn down in a fire but every spiritual blessing to win this spiritual warfare is yours in Christ amen we are special people we're not just everyday people we're part of a royal priesthood Amen that is who we are first Peter 2:9 says but you are a Chosen People a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light you are a priesthood you a part of a royal priesthood amen what that priesthood comes a-calling my favorite scripture is Ephesians 4 for one as a prisoner for the Lord then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have been called to you have received the key word to that scripture is worthy it's not talking about a pious religious attitude that I'm a Christian you're not I'm better than you that worthiness Paul is telling the church live a balanced life you're the son you're the daughter of the Living King walk like you are royalty some of you are getting that picture some of you aren't I mean let me draw a chip for you like this remember princess died when she passed away tragically killed in a car accident accident she had two little boys and every time you saw pictures of those little boys the heads were held high and the whole world knew that's royalty those are children to the throne of England that's gonna be the future King those are royalty but if children of a dead princess could walk around like there's something how much more should children of the Living King the creator of the universe walk around like we are royalty and that that doesn't mean that when everything is going good when your job gave you your promotion when your mortgage is paid your car notes paid and you're paying your tithes oh I'm a child of the Living King that means when you lost your job when the house is being foreclosed on well you don't even have a car when the marriage is in trouble I'm a child of the Living Team he's gonna see me through this my mom gave us a great example of heritage and walking worthy because she was disappointed cancer came back two years she testified God healed her well on Saturday evening about 30 hours before she passed away my mom was an old-school Pentecostal woman she sat on the edge of her bed my uncle played the piano my aunt and my cousins held her hands for her because she was very weak but she raised her hands and she spoke in her heavenly language she would praise God in the face of death that's walking worthy but even when life sends you disappointments I'm a child of the Living King I'm gonna worship my kingdom that's walking worthy but why are we walking around like we're not worthy we see people in the church that are defeated are living a defeated life why there's only so much room in your heart the heart when we speak of the heart in the Christian the Christian Lang we were talking about the inner man the inner woman your inner being if you are holding on to every hurt you've experienced in life I have a friend that's in a wheelchair from arthritis but the medical doctor said you hold on to every issue she went through a divorce she was abused as a child it exasperated her arthritis to the point where it put her in a wheelchair in the doctor said you got to get help you let you're holding on to all this anger if all you do is hold on to your hurts that life gave you or like me that I gave to myself how can God pour his blessings in when you're holding on to other garbage he wants to pour all his spiritual blessings from heaven into you it's about surrender this relationship is about surrender I love the cross that's my favorite that's my favorite image to cross but I think we need a paradigm shift pastor this is the image of Christianity we see it on churches we see it on buildings on hillsides on tattoos on clothing but I think that image needs to be two crosses the one he died on and the one he said follow me daily pick up your cross I love that scripture in Luke because it doesn't say if you stumble and you get across pick it up and follow me or if you have some issues pick it up and follow me he said daily this is Jesus speaking he let you know that everybody from the pastor's down to the visitor who doesn't know Jesus everybody has a cross to bear it's what you do with that cross because in my carnal mind I want my god to come off that cross I want Jesus to come off that cross come out of that tomb on the 33rd day and be like MC Hammer boom can't touch this but the Bible says he was scarred first people that saw me said you can't touch me I need to go see my father now he goes to heaven and I'm thinking he's going before the creator he's going to his father when he reappears he's going to be perfect but when he appeared before the disciples he said go ahead there's the holes I got him on my side touching his scars or views for a purpose the scars in your life are used for a purpose when you surrender them to Jesus when you surrender them to your heavenly Father because when he went before the father and my spiritual imagination he surrendered every hurt that I was going to do to myself and do to others every sin I was I was going to commit every sin you're going to commit every hurt that life gave each and every one of us in here he took him before the father and said that we surrender all these to you now he could walk around and say these scars are a witness there's victory when you surrender the disappointments life gives you so you can open up your heart and receive those blessings amen I don't brag on be tonight it's not a good husband I don't brag on losing children I don't brag on being a failure in so many areas of my life I don't brag on a failed marriage I brag on a god that was bigger than every issue I had in my life I never thought I'd be able to stand in front of people and say and my wife was living with another man see but I'm not bragging on the failure I'm bragging on a God that was bigger than uh for me to say I surrendered these hurts God I had a choice I could stay crushed and lose my family or I could say I surrender Jesus give it to him let it heal my heart let him heal my wife's heart and now we go around tell people to tell people that Jesus is bigger than every area of your life that you're disappointed in every head bowed every eye closed Lord
Channel: Stockton Shock
Views: 274,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2013
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