▶ How to build | Dome & Basics | Planet Zoo Tutorial | Tips & Tricks |

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[Music] hey guys and thank you so much for tuning in to my channel my name is delay designer and in this video I'm going to teach you the basics of how to create a dome in Planet Zoo now dome you can use for a variety of reasons you can use it for a simple viewing gallery you can also use it for a big inside area with several inside habitats for different animals you can also use it for just one animal to have like a big shelter whatever you want to do you can do it pretty simple and I'm here to show you guys the basics of how to create a dome but there are so many different ways to do so and I will give you guys some tips and hopefully you can create your own beautiful domes in your own sue so let's get started what you need to do to make some kind of base to work with for your dome so what you can do what I did in male in zoo I've created this dome and this is like a very I think a little bit more advanced roof but I'm going to show you guys the more simple version of it and I'm going to show you how I did that and basically I'm going to tell you to what keys I would use to decorate it to give you guys an idea if you're not familiar with the keys so you start with building a wall now that's pretty simple isn't it now the next one you have to decide how high you want your dome to be now for my dome I chose to have just one 4 meter wall and then I'm going to have a 2 meter wall upon it and then I want something with glass you can pick whatever you want you can pick a small one you can big the 4 meter 1 to 2 meter one whatever you want just decide it of yourself so I will pick this one in this case and then I'm going to tip it off with a 1 meter wall but obviously you can do it whatever you want it to be so there we have a base and now you can decorate it of course with some beams and stuff like the bass is very important because you will copy/paste is to get a complete dome so this section is basically the only thing you need to do but for example what you could do you can just pick a beam use the align to surface which is very useful if you want to build and you just snap it onto the wall and then press X and then you got into the advanced move tool now if I do this right now you will notice that this is very smooth and that's not really handy if I want to decorate a wall this can be very useful if you're gonna do some other advanced building but for now we don't want that so I press escape to get out of it or just press your right mouse button and get back to it again so it will snap but what you want to do is have the angle snap on in this case so I will click it which basically means if I press X onto the wall it will snap at 15 degrees and I will now be able to move the arrows and then put it at the spot I want it to be so for example I want to have a border for my window in wood and maybe also on the top you can use different pieces for that whatever you want it to look like and then let's do also one underneath it like that so basically the keys you're gonna use is X to get in the advanced move too and another time X to get into the rotation tool press X again and you get to the arrows press X again and you get into the rotation tool so now we have a wall now there are a lot of different roofs you can pick so I'm now out of the building to get back into the building you click the building and press R and now we're back into the building and you get out of it by pressing escape now I did make a few ideas to for you guys to show what you can use as a rooftop you can have a flat roof like this with glass you can also have a flat roof with few glass pieces and then closed ones to get a different idea of the shadows inside because the shadows can be very annoying but that is just what you prefer to do you can also have like a very closed roof you can have it fly you can have it angled and you can even do this with the brown shapes now this is a very interesting one so let's use that one just to give you guys an idea of how that would look so we go back into the building press R and then you're back into your grid and you basically go to the wall area and pick the glass modern roof curved now this one you should not really build a very big dome in my opinion but obviously that's taste so when you put it down and then shift you can go higher and down so put another one in and put another one in now obviously what we have to do by for building a dome you're going to select everything in your building and you're gonna press control D and then you will have this whole section completely duplicated and we're gonna rotate it with pressing two times Z there you go so now we're gonna close it off on this side like that so now we have our base shape to build our dome now what is important is you go out of this building so you go out of this building and then you're going to click the whole building and you're not going to press all in this case you're going to press control X and with control X you duplicate it but right on that same spot so you can see you can't see the duplicated building because it's exactly on the same spot but you can see those arrows your 3d gizmo so now what you want to do is press X again so you got into the rotation section and then you're going to make sure because right now we have an snap-on so what will happen is that it will only rotate in 15 degrees but we don't want to do that because we want to make a smooth dome so what we're gonna do we're gonna put this room back we're gonna close angle snaps so there won't be any snapping right now so we can now freely rotate this whole section so we're gonna put this one right next to it and we put it down we're gonna click this one again press control X press X again and we're going to complete the whole dome by doing this so control X and then another time X and then you're able to rotate it now it sometimes may happen that when you get to the last pod you cannot avoid the fact that it will overlap a little bit that just happens you can either choose to just put it down and just hide it away a little bit maybe put down some trees or whatsoever or you just start rotating this so when you do this then you make sure that this overlaps a little bit so you won't notice it that much and then you can make sure that this section will fit more nicely so you just keep doing that X X and then you make sure that all the pieces overlap a little bit more so now you won't really notice that it didn't fit at first so now you have a really nice roof and you can do a lot of things but what you can also do with some buildings not everything works but for some buildings you can just say like I only 1/2 a dome so then you just make sure that you have this particular section you keep that one in place now obviously when I click this one you will have this section and you have this section so if you go into the building pressing R you can select half of that building so you have to check obviously if you select everything of the building and then if you have that one selected you'd press the lead and you can do the same with the next build and so click the building and delete that half section so once you deleted half of the buildings you now have half a dome so you can use this to put at a square or rectangular building and you can put it right against it so there are a variety of ways how to use dome you don't have to keep it round you can use it just like this you can also select the whole building because these are all different buildings you have to keep that in mind so it's not like oh yeah I can just click one and I have the whole building that's not the case so you go to this section so the multi select tool and then when you select everything if it's not too many pieces if it's above 5,000 pieces you won't be able to move it so you have to do it separately but I think you're good because right now we don't have that many pieces so you can just move this around put it against a building for example and just have some fun with that now you can make domes as big or as small as you want it to be like this is just an example but you can just create the size yourself so if you want it to be like a very very big dome you can just duplicate this and just say like okay how big do I want it to be you can make it as big as you want there is total freedom of it as long as you make sure that this first building and then you just duplicate those guys with ctrl D as long as you make sure that your first section of the building this is your base and if your base is big enough or small enough however you want it to be you can use this to rotate it yourself and create your own beautiful domes but the bigger they got the harder it is to use this tool to make it round but that is just practice I guess but it works for every size you want it to be but if there are more pieces in there make sure that is already on the right spot because it can be hard to you move it around so that's something to really keep in mind but you can go really crazy with this and you are not really forced to use walls you can also use beams just to make like a very big wooden structure or anything you want it to be you can do that now one more question that I got was how do you create a doorway for animals to use as a shelter so for example when you have like a very big area right over here for an animal and you want it to have a inside or indoor section in this dome you just click the building press R and then you just delete whatever you want up the lead by clicking the buildings like that make sure to check the animal and the traversable area if they're able to get in or out and then you can decorate this all by yourself by just using the angle snap just create some poles or whatever you want to do with some wooden beams and you can create a very beautiful entrance for your animals to use and then create beautiful indoor and outdoor habitats I really hope this was very useful for you guys do let me know in the comments section and leave a like at the video if you enjoyed don't forget to subscribe of course if you already haven't and I really hope to see you guys in the next one bye guys you
Channel: DeLadysigner
Views: 85,376
Rating: 4.9713364 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo dome tutorial, planet zoo how to build a dome, planet zoo dome, planet zoo roof tutorial, planet zoo basics, planet zoo tutorial how to build, planet zoo tutorial keys, planet zoo keys tutorial, planet zoo building tutorial, planet zoo tutorial building, planet zoo how to build tutorial, planet zoo how to build, planet zoo building tips and tricks, planet zoo building tips, planet zoo tutorial, planet zoo building guide, planet zoo, planet zoo controls tutorial
Id: a7MX8mUXBd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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